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              The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
F                                     William Francis Galvin
                                      Secretary of the Commonwealth
                            One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512

     FORM MUST BE TYPED               Certificate of Amendment                       FORM MUST BE TYPED
                            (General Laws Chapter 156D, Section 15.04; 950 CMR 113.49)

     (1)  Exact name of corporation: ___________________________________________________________________________
     	                                (as	contained	in	the	Division’s	records)

     (2)  Registered office address: ________________________________________ _____________________________________
     	                                (number,	street,	city	or	town,	state,	zip	code)

     (3)  This amendment shall change:

       	  (check	appropriate	box(es))

       ®  the corporation’s name to*: _______________________________________________________________________

       ®  the period of the corporation’s duration to: ___________________________________________________________

       ®  the state or country of its incorporation to*:  __________________________________________________________

       ®  the street address of its principal office to: ____________________________________________________________

       ®  the fiscal year end to: ____________________________________________________________________________

       ®	the activities conducted by the foreign corporation in the commonwealth:  ___________________________________ 

       ®	its officers and directors:__________________________________________________________________________




       ®  other ________________________________________________________________________________________

      	The	name	must	satisfy	the	requirements	of	G.L.	Chapter	156D,	Section	15.06.	
     *	If	the	amendment	includes	a	change	of	its	corporate	name,	or	the	state	or	country	of	its	incorporation,	attach	a	certificate	evidencing	the	
     changes	duly	authenticated	by	the	secretary	of	state	or	other	official	having	custody	of	the	corporate	records	in	the	state	or	country	under	
     whose	law	it	is	incorporated.		If	the	certificate	is	in	a	foreign	language,	a	translation	thereof	under	oath	of	the	translator	shall	be	attached.
P.C.                                                                                  c156ds1504950c11349 01/13/05

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This certificate is effective at the time and on the date approved by the Division, unless a later effective date not more than 90 days 
from the date of filing is specified: _________________________________________________________________________

Signed by:  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ,
	                                       (signature	of	authorized	individual)
  ®  Chairman of the board of directors,
  ®  President,
  ®  Other officer,
  ®  Court-appointed fiduciary,

on this _________________________day of_________________________________________ ,  _____________________ .

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                William Francis Galvin
                Secretary of the Commonwealth
                One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512

                Certificate of Amendment
                (General Laws Chapter 156D, Section 15.04; 950 CMR 113.49)

              I hereby certify that upon examination of this foreign certificate of amendment, duly 
              submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative thereto have 
              been complied with, and I hereby approve said certificate; and the filing fee in the amount 
              of $______ having been paid, said certificate is deemed to have been filed with me this 
              _____________ day of  _____________, 20______ , at _______a.m./p.m.

              Effective date: _____________________________________________________
              	 (must	be	within	90	days	of	date	submitted)

                Secretary	of	the	Commonwealth

                                                 Filing fee: $100

                Contact Information:
Name approval 


              Telephone: ___________________________________________________

              Email:  ______________________________________________________

              Upon filing, a copy of this filing will be available at www.sec.state.ma.us/cor. 
              If the document is rejected, a copy of the rejection sheet and rejected document will 
              be available in the rejected queue.

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