City of Apache Junction 300 East Superstition Blvd, Building C Apache Junction, AZ 85119 (480) 474-5050 busi ne sslicense@apachejunct onaz.govi BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION / ZONING REVIEW FOR M $50.00 license fee This application must be approved and a license must be issued before you may lawfully engage in business in the City of Apache Junction. A separate license is necessary for each business location and each type of business. See City of Apache Junction City Code, Volume I, Chapter 8: Business, Article 8-2: Specific Licensing and Registration Provisions, § 8-2-3 General Rules for specific information. There is no city application or fee for single family residential rentals. Complete this application and return with the $50.00 fee per business activity to the City Clerk’s Office for review and approval. Business licenses are to be renewed annually. TYPE OF LICENSE Type: 1. Business / Nonprofit 2. New business to AJ / New owner of existing business / Update or renewal / Location change BUSINESS INFORMATION Legal Business Name: Doing Business As (DBA): Business Physical Address: _ Business Phone No.: Ext: Bus Fax No.: Applicant Email: Federal Tax ID No.: AZ TPT License No.: Start Date of Business in Apache Junction: Business Mailing Address: PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION Primary Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Ext: for city use only: Business License: Paid: $ Date: Cash CC Check (circle one) Batch No.: Accepted by: Date to Zoning: Business License No.: 1 B:\Applications\BL and Zoning Review Form 2021 12.27.21.docx |
City of Apache Junction 300 East Superstition Blvd, Building C Apache Junction, AZ 85119 (480) 474-5050 busi ne sslicen se@apachejunct onaz.govi BUSINESS OWNERSHIP AND TAX RECORD LOCATION Type of Ownership: Corporation - Govt - LLC - LP - Nonprofit - Partnership - Individual/Sole Proprietorship - Trust Legal Owner 1 Name: Title: Legal Owner 1 Phone Number: Ext: Legal Owner 1 Address: Legal Owner 1 Social Security #: Percent Owned: Legal Owner 2 Name: Title: Legal Owner 2 Phone Number: Ext: Legal Owner 2 Address: Legal Owner 2 Social Security #: Percent Owned: *for additional owners, please attach a list with the above information Location of Tax Records: Name: Address: Phone No.: Ext: BUSINESS TYPE Describe Nature of Business: AZ ROC License No.: AJ Business Code: NAICS Code: Search at Do you sell, store or handle any hazardous materials? Yes No If yes, attach itemized list showing quantity & MDS sheets for each. BUSINESS PREMISE INFORMATION Do you own your business location? Yes No Is this your residence? Yes No Approximate square footage of business: _ Property Owner(s): Property Owner Address: Property Owner Phone No: Do you rent a portion of the premises to another entity? Yes No 2 B:\Applications\BL and Zoning Review Form 2021 12.27.21.docx |
City of Apache Junction 300 East Superstition Blvd, Building C Apache Junction, AZ 85119 (480) 474-5050 busi ne sslicense@apachejunct onaz.govi ONLY FOR BUSINESSES LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF APACHE JUNCTION Are you a home based business? Yes No If yes, also complete a Home Based Business Form. Development Services must review & approve applications for home based businesses. Business Physical Address: Zoning District: Parcel #: Brief description of the proposed use and business activities which will be conducted at the location: Days of Operation: Hours of Operation: Will there be outside storage? Yes No If yes, describe where it will be on the property and what will be stored in it: Describe any planned signage including sign dimensions and location. Refer to City Code, Volume II Chapter 1 Zoning for regulations as some signs require a permit. Will there be alcohol sales or distributions? Yes No Will there be any detectable odors generated by the business? Yes No If yes, please describe: Provide information on the frequency of deliveries: Describe any outdoor business activities: AZ DLLC No.: List any remodeling or expansion for this use, include electric & plumbing (permits are required from Development Services for most improvements): Project Manager Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Project Manager Address: For zoning use only: Approved by: Date:__________ 3 B:\Applications\BL and Zoning Review Form 2021 12.27.21.docx |
City of Apache Junction 300 East Superstition Blvd, Building C Apache Junction, AZ 85119 (480) 474-5050 busi ne sslicense@apachejunct onaz.govi SIGNATURE & ACK OWN EDGL EMENT I certify that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I accept the license authorized and issued in response to this application with the condition that I will meet any and all legal requirements applicable to the operation of this business as found in federal, state and local laws and ro dinances. All businesses located in the city must comply with all ordinances/regulations and requirements affecting public peace, health and safety. The city of Apache Junction has adopted building codes and a zoning ordinance which regulate construction standards within the city limits. The 2018 IBC, as adopted, requires that if a change of occupancy classification as it relates to the uniform building code is intended, a permit and a certificate of occupan cy must be obtained from the building division. Should you intend to do any work in e th buildin ,g such as any remodeling or work creating a change in the floor plan or any workrequiring a construction permit, including the erection of signs or site improvements, perm itsare required. As the business license holder, it is your responsibility to determine these requirements and comply with them. If you have any questions regarding permitting requirements, please contact the Building Division at (480) 474-5156. The granting of zoning clearance shall not be const u d r e to be approval of any violation of the provisions of any applicable city codes. I understand that the approval of this certificate does not relieve me from complying with the provisions of any applicable city code. Print Name: Title: Signature: Date: 4 B:\Applications\BL and Zoning Review Form 2021 12.27.21.docx |