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                  Arizona Department of Revenue • Field Collections
                  P O Box 29021  •  Phoenix, AZ  85038-9021  •  (602) 716-7787
                  Email: oicprocessing@azdor.gov                            www.azdor.gov


                  This booklet contains:

                  • Requirements for submitting an Offer-in-Compromise

                  • Instructions for completing an Offer-in-Compromise

                  • Statement of Offer form

                  • Other important information

                  • Checklist for additional information

                  OTHER LOCATION
                  Tucson Government Mall • 400 West Congress • Tucson

ADOR 11005 (8/18) Offer-in-Compromise                                                    Page 1 of 6

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What we can compromise                                      State your reason for making the offer.
All offers must meet the criteria as set forth in 
                                                            Indicate  any  liability  you  have  with  the  Internal 
Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §42‑1004.B.  The 
                                                            Revenue Service (IRS) and the current status of the 
liability must be determined to be uncollectible or 
the administrative costs of collection must exceed the 
amount of the liability.                                    Make sure that all responsible parties sign the Statement 
                                                            of Offer.  These may include your spouse, partner, or 
Requirements for submitting an offer                        other corporate officer(s).

You must be in full reporting compliance for any offer      Complete required financial statements.  You may be 
to be considered.  All income tax returns for the last      required to complete both a business and personal 
three (3) years must be filed.  If you are operating a      financial statement.
business, all business tax filings and licenses must 
also be current.                                            Provide any additional information listed on the 
                                                            checklist which pertains to your offer.  Failure to 
When you sign and submit an offer, you agree to the         provide any of the information on the checklist may 
waiver and suspension of any statutory periods of           cause a delay in the processing of your offer.
limitations for assessment and collections of the tax 
liability while the offer‑in‑compromise is pending,         You may also submit any other information that you 
during the time the offered amount remains unpaid and       feel may pertain to your offer.
for one (1) year after the satisfaction of the terms of the 
offer‑in‑compromise.  This includes, but is not limited 
to, the provision provided for in ARS §42‑1105.D.

Instructions for completing an 
Before completing the Statement of Offer form, 
review all information in the Offer-in-Compromise 
booklet along with the financial statement(s).  Missing 
or incomplete information may cause a delay in 
processing your offer.

Complete each item on the Statement of Offer  form.  
Verify that all names, addresses, and identifying 
numbers are complete and accurate.

Enter the balance due.  If you need to obtain your 
balance(s), you may call (602) 716‑7787 and ask 
to speak to the Officer of the Day or your assigned 
Revenue Officer.

Enter the amount of your offer.  An offer made with 
no specified dollar amount will not be considered.  
Indicate how the amount offered will be paid and the 
source of funds for your offer.

ADOR 11005 (8/18)                             Offer-in-Compromise                                           Page 2 of 6

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                  Statement of Offer                                    within 30 days of receiving notice, this agreement may be 
                                                                        considered in default.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                    I/We agree to the waiver and suspension of any statutory period(s) of 
                                                                        limitations for assessment and/or collection of the aforementioned 
The amount offered on the front of this form is offered in lieu of 
                                                                        liability while the offer‑in‑compromise is pending and until 
the aforementioned liability.  I/We acknowledge the liability is 
                                                                        the offered amount is paid in full.  The offer‑in‑compromise is 
due and owed to the Arizona Department of Revenue (hereinafter 
                                                                        pending from the date the statement of offer form is received by 
called “department”).  I/We request that the department abate 
                                                                        the department and until an authorized official of the department 
the remaining balance due pursuant to ARS §42‑1004.B.  By 
                                                                        formally, in writing, accepts or rejects the offer‑in‑compromise 
submitting this offer‑in‑compromise, I/we have read, understand 
and agree to the following terms and conditions.  I/We voluntarily 
submit all payments on this offer.  The department will apply           I/We represent that all information relating to my/our financial 
payments made under this offer at its discretion.                       condition has been fully disclosed.  If at any time the department 
                                                                        becomes aware that I/we did not provide full disclosure, the 
This offer is not an admission by the State of Arizona (hereinafter 
                                                                        department retains the right to void this offer‑in‑compromise 
called “the state”) and/or the department as to any fact.  Neither 
                                                                        without further notice, taking actions necessary to collect the 
does this offer‑in‑compromise imply any department policy with 
                                                                        entire balance due on the liability.  Debtor(s) authorize(s) the 
respect to the taxability or nontaxability of any activity under any 
                                                                        State of Arizona to obtain relevant credit bureau report(s) as 
tax type.
                                                                        needed for any purpose in connection with my(our) account(s) 
Once the department accepts or rejects the offer in writing, I/we       with the state.  The state is authorized to pull the taxpayer’s credit 
have no right to contest, in court or otherwise, the amount of the      bureau report anytime during the life of the offer‑in‑compromise.  
tax liability.  This offer‑in‑compromise shall not be admissible in     The department’s obtaining a credit bureau report is not to be 
any proceeding for any other period or with respect to any other        interpreted as its agreement to accept the offer‑in‑compromise.
                                                                        While your offer‑in‑compromise is under consideration, the 
This offer‑in‑compromise applies only to the tax liabilities that       department may withhold collection activities unless the 
exist at the time of the receipt of the proposed offer‑in‑compromise.   department finds that collection may be jeopardized by a delay.  
In the event that an additional tax liability for the same or different The decision to resume collection activities may be appealed to 
period(s) or type(s) is ascertained by the department in any manner     the Problem Resolution Officer.  The decision of the Problem 
including audits, amended returns, etc., this offer shall neither       Resolution Officer is final as to both the department and the 
serve as a waiver or admission by the department nor preclude           taxpayer.  The offer‑in‑compromise process is defined as the 
the department from taking any actions necessary to collect that        period which commences upon receipt of the offer‑in‑compromise 
liability.                                                              and continues through the conclusion of receipt, posting of the 
                                                                        final payment and issuance of a release of lien.  The statute of 
Taxpayer agrees that the department shall retain any/all amounts 
                                                                        limitations with respect to collections is tolled during the duration 
to which the taxpayer may be entitled pursuant to the Arizona tax 
                                                                        of the offer‑in‑compromise process and all amounts included in 
laws as a result of overpayments of any tax, including, transaction 
                                                                        the accepted offer‑in‑compromise will be automatically tolled as 
privilege, withholding, income tax, plus any interest thereon, for 
                                                                        defined in ARS §42‑2066.
any tax periods ending before this offer‑in‑compromise is fully 
satisfied.  Any amounts the department retains pursuant to this         I/We understand that I/we remain responsible for the full amount 
provision are in addition to the amount the taxpayer agrees to pay      of the tax liability unless and until the department accepts the 
in this offer‑in‑compromise.                                            offer in writing and I/we have met all the terms and conditions of 
                                                                        the offer.  The department will not remove the original amount of 
The department will keep all payments and credits made, received 
                                                                        the tax liability from its records until I/we have met all the terms 
or applied to the total of the original tax liability before receipt of 
                                                                        and conditions of this offer.  I/We understand that noncompliance 
this offer.  The department may keep any proceeds from a levy 
                                                                        with any of the terms stated in this offer‑in‑compromise would be 
served prior to the receipt of the offer but not received at the time 
                                                                        considered default of this agreement.  The department may void 
the offer is submitted.  If I/we have an installment agreement prior 
                                                                        the offer‑in‑compromise and, without further notice, take any 
to submitting the offer, I/we must continue to make the payments 
                                                                        action necessary to collect the remaining liability due under this 
as agreed until receipt of written notification that the department 
                                                                        agreement plus accrued interest.
has accepted the offer.  Neither installment agreement payments 
nor any offset, overpayments and/or credits will be applied against     I/We understand that department employees may contact third 
the amount offered.                                                     parties in order to respond to this request, and I/we authorize the 
                                                                        department to make such contacts.  By this authorization, I/we 
I/We agree to comply with all the provisions of Arizona law relating 
                                                                        may not receive notice of such contacts.
to the filing of returns and payment of any tax due for a period of 
three (3) years following acceptance of this offer‑in‑compromise.  
If I/we fail to comply with the filing and payment requirement 

                    Print two copies.  Submit one copy with your offer.  Keep one copy for yourself.

ADOR 11005 (8/18)                                 Offer-in-Compromise                                           Page 3 of 6

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                                          Arizona Department Of Revenue
 TAXPAYER NAME(S), DBA, OR CORPORATE NAME                   Offer
                                                            I/We offer to pay $________________ in lieu of the 
                                                            above-mentioned liability.  I/We acknowledge that the 
                                                            above liability is due and owing to the Arizona Department 
                                                            of Revenue and request that the department abate the 
                                                            remaining balance due pursuant to ARS §42-1004.B.  By 
 STREET ADDRESS                                             submitting this Offer-in-Compromise, I/we understand and 
                                                            agree to the terms and conditions on the reverse side of 
 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE                                      this form.

 MAIL ADDRESS (if different from above)                     Payment Terms
                                                             Payment in full enclosed with this offer.
                                                             Payment in full within: 
                                                               30,      60, or      90 days  
                                                              from the date of acceptance of this offer.
                                                            What is the source of funds for your offer?

Individual Income Tax
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER             AMOUNT OWED         Reason for Offer
                                        $                   Briefly state your reason for making this offer.  Include any 
SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                             information that you feel is pertinent to this offer:

Transaction Privilege Tax
LICENSE NUMBER                          AMOUNT OWED
                                        $                   Federal Tax Information
Withholding Tax                                              TAX LIABILITY OWED TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS)
LICENSE NUMBER                          AMOUNT OWED
                                        $                    HAVE YOU SUBMITTED AN OFFER TO THE IRS?
Corporate Income Tax                                          Yes      No
                                        $                     Yes      No
                                                             IF YES, AMOUNT OF MONTHLY PAYMENT
Waste Tire Tax
LICENSE NUMBER                          AMOUNT OWED          $
                                                            I/We agree with the terms and conditions set forth in this 
If you are submitting an Offer-in-Compromise for a business form.  I/We have fully examined this offer and to the best 
liability, please indicate the type of your organization:   of my/our knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and 
 Sole Proprietorship
                                                            SIGNATURE OF TAXPAYER                   DATE
 Limited Partnership
                                                            SIGNATURE OF TAXPAYER                   DATE
 Is charter still active?   Yes     No
 Other:  ________________________
 Print 2 copies of this Completed Statement Offer. Send one signed copy and retain one for your records.
                                          Email: oicprocessing@azdor.gov
ADOR 11005 (8/18)                                   Offer-in-Compromise                                 Page 4 of 6
                                          Print Offer         Clear Form

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Statement of Offer Form                                    Other Important Information
This booklet contains two (2) Statement of Offer           Once you have submitted your offer, please allow 90 
forms.  Submit one (1) form with your request.  Keep       days for processing.  If you choose to withdraw your 
the other form for your records.                           offer, please call (602) 716‑7787 and ask to speak 
                                                           to the Officer of the Day or your assigned Revenue 
It  is  important  that  you  read  and  understand  the 
terms and conditions provided on page 3.  By signing 
the Statement of Offer, you agree to the terms and         While your offer‑in‑compromise is under  
conditions stated on page 3.                               consideration, the department may withhold collection 
                                                           activities unless the department finds that collection 
A signed Statement of Offer and supporting 
                                                           otherwise may be jeopardized by a delay.  The decision 
documentation is not an admission by the department 
                                                           to resume collection activities may be appealed to the 
that the liability is uncollectible or that any offer will 
                                                           Problem Resolution Officer.
be accepted.
                                                           The department may contact you to provide additional 

Where to submit your offer                                 The department will notify you by mail to inform 
                                                           you of acceptance or denial of your offer.  The 
You may hand deliver your offer to any Arizona 
                                                           department may also determine that your offer is not 
Department of Revenue office.  See the front cover 
                                                           processable.  You must comply with all of the terms 
page for office locations.  You may also give your 
                                                           and conditions.
offer to any field representative, mail, or email your 
offer to:                                                  Default of the offer‑in‑compromise terms and 
    Arizona Department of Revenue                          conditions may result in the account balance becoming 
    Attention:  Field Collections                          due in full.  Failure to make satisfactory arrangements 
    PO Box 29070                                           to satisfy your liability may subject you to enforcement 
    Phoenix, AZ  85038-9070                                actions to secure payment of the balance without 
    Tel:  (602) 716-7787
                                                           further notice to you.


ADOR 11005 (8/18)                 Offer-in-Compromise                                 Page 5 of 6

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Checklist for required information
Please include with your Statement of Offer and financial statements any of the following which apply.  The 
department will review all information.


 Signed Statement of Offer.

 Completed Collection Information Statements (financial statement business - Form 10847) and attachments.

 A copy of your last federal tax return.

 A copy of your IRS Offer-in-Compromise agreement.

 All bank statements 90 days prior to close of operations for all bank accounts held.

 Copies of credit card statements for last 90 days for all credit cards held.


 Signed Statement of Offer.

 Completed Collection Information Statements (financial statement personal - Form 10896) and attachments.

 Social Security statement of benefits or disability income for all submitting parties.

 Copies of your last federal tax return for all submitting parties.

 A copy of your IRS Offer-in-Compromise agreement.

 Last three consecutive paystubs.  Include paystubs for all parties submitting this offer.

 All bank statements for the last 90 days (most recent) for all bank accounts held by all submitting parties.

 Copies of medical bills not covered by insurance, court-ordered restitution, fines, child support, alimony, 
 and student loan statements.

 Statement of prognosis from your doctor if applicable to your offer

 Copies of credit card statements for last 90 days for all credit cards held by all submitting parties.

 List of accounts receivable

 Copy or rental/lease agreements on property you own and lease.  Copy of lease agreement if your rent is 
 over $1,000.00.

 All copies or statement(s) of dividend, trust income, 401K, or other retirement accounts for all submitting 
                             Print List          Clear Form
ADOR 11005 (8/18)                          Offer-in-Compromise                                          Page 6 of 6

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