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                                                  LEXINGTON-FAYETTE URBAN COUNTY GOVERNMENT
                                                  2017 RECONCILIATION OF LICENSE FEE WITHHELD

  Account Number                                                                                During year ended December 31, 2017
                                                                                                          To be filed by February 28, 2018
  Federal ID or SSN
                                                                                                HOW TO RECONCILE YOUR PAYROLL AND WITHHOLDINGS
         PLEASE NOTIFY THIS OFFICE OF ANY CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP                             Enter under TOTAL PAYROLL the quarterly (quarterly filers) or monthly totals 
                OR NAME AND ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW                                           (monthly filers) of all compensation paid all employees.  Deduct any payments 
                                                                                          for services performed outside Fayette County and enter balances in SUBJECT 
                                                                                          PAYROLL column.  SUBJECT PAYROLL includes all compensation, i.e.  vacation 
                                                                                          and holiday pay, tips and gratuities. 

                                                                                          Enter on reverse side for each subject employee the Social Security no., name, 
                                                                                          address and zip code, total compensation paid (before the deduction of any 
                                                                                          pre-taxed items) and amount of Fayette County license fee withheld.  Attach 
                                                                                          additional sheets of this size if space requirements are inadequate.  Employers 
                                                                                          may opt to submit copies of W2 forms or other type of listings which provide 
                                                                                          the required information.

                                                   TOTAL PAYROLL            SUBJECT PAYROLL                                                   LICENSE FEE DUE
1.  January                                 1.                   1.                                       X   2.25% =           1.
2.  February                                2.                   2.                                       X   2.25% =           2.
3.  March or 1st Qtr.                       3.                   3.                                       X   2.25% =           3.
4.  April                                   4.                   4.                                       X   2.25% =           4.
5.  May                                     5.                   5.                                       X   2.25% =           5.
6.  June or 2nd Qtr.                        6.                   6.                                       X   2.25% =           6.
7.  July                                    7.                   7.                                       X   2.25% =           7.
8.  August                                  8.                   8.                                       X   2.25% =           8.
9.  September or 3rd Qtr.                   9.                   9.                                       X   2.25% =           9.
10. October                                 10.                  10.                                      X   2.25% =           10.
11. November                                11.                  11.                                      X   2.25% =           11.
12. December or 4th Qtr.                    12.                  12.                                      X   2.25% =           12.
13. Total Year                              13. $                13. $                                    X   2.25% =           13. $

14. Actual License fee withheld per W-2s                                                                                        14. $
15. Enter the larger of line 13 or line 14.                                                                                     15. $
16. Actual License Fee remitted for the year on Form 220/221                                                                    16. $
17. Difference between lines 15 and 16 (if any, check applicable box below)                                                     17. $
        Minor difference attributable to fractional variations only (no adjustment due)
        Difference indicates insufficient total remittance for year.  Check in payment attached                                 Make Checks Payable to:
        Difference indicates overpayment not attributable to fractional variations.  Full explanation and                       L.F.U.C.G
        claim for refund is attached.                                                                                           Division of Revenue
                                                                                                                                Lex-Fay Urban Co Govt
                                                                                                                                P.O. Box 14058
                                                                                                                                Lexington  KY  40512

18 For each of the following benefits..                          Did your employees                       Was the license fee 
                                                                 participate in?                            withheld?
                                                                 Yes                   No                 Yes        No
          a) Deferred compensation
          b) Cafeteria plan
          c) Group-term life insurance over $50,000
          d) Other?
          e) Other?
          f) Other?

Number of Employees:
                                                                            Signature                                Title                             Date

Form 222/ 17RCF       Revised 1/2018

                                                   USE REVERSE SIDE FOR EMPLOYEE LISTING

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                                                                              Total Earnings for the 
NAME, ADDRESS, & SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OF EMPLOYEE                                                     License Fee Withheld

                                If Report is completed on this page total here
Form 222/ 17RCB - Revised 1/2018

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