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Arizona Form Employer’s Election to
A1-E Not Withhold Arizona Taxes in December 2021
Name Employer Identification Number
Address – number and street or rural route
City or Town State ZIP Code
Number of Arizona employees:
Election is hereby made to not withhold Arizona taxes from compensation paid to employees during the month
of December 2021, and certification is made that all employees have been notified of this and given the option of
completing a new Arizona Form A-4 to change the withholding election for the rest of the year.
I certify that I am authorized to make and have made the election marked above.
General Instructions
Purpose of Form A1-E Deadline
Form A1-E is to be used by Arizona employers Form A1-E must be filed and all employees notified by
to elect to not withhold Arizona taxes from compensation July 1, 2021.
paid to employees during December. If you make this
Where to Mail Form A1-E
election, it applies to all employees.
Mail Form A1-E to:
Action Required
• Notify all your employees in writing, informing them of OFFICE OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS
your election to not withhold Arizona taxes from their ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
December 2021 wages and informing them that they PO BOX 29099
can, if they wish, complete Arizona Form A-4 to adjust PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9099
their Arizona withholding election to compensate for the
change in their annual withholding amount. Duration of this Election
• Complete Form A1-E and mail it by July 1, 2021. You This election is valid for December 2021 only.
only need to submit one Form A1-E for all employees.
ADOR 10682 (20)