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61A200(P) (9-16)

Property Tax Forms and Instructions


                Public Service Companies





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                              Kentucky Department of Revenue
                              Office of Property Valuation
                              Public Service Branch, Station 32, Fourth Floor
                              501 High Street
                              Frankfort, KY 40601-2103
                              (502) 564-8175
                              (502) 564-8192 (fax)
                              www.revenue.ky.gov (Internet)
                              krcwebresponsepublicservice@ky.gov. (e-mail)
 The following property tax returns and schedules are included in this packet and are available from 
 www.revenue.ky.gov or upon request.

 Revenue Form 61A200          Public Service Company Property Tax Return
               Schedule A     Report of Total Unit System and Kentucky Operations
               Schedule B     Report of Kentucky Vehicles, Carlines and Watercraft
               Schedule C     Report of Operations—Balance Sheet
               Schedule D     Report of Operations—Income Statement
               Schedule E     Filing Extension Application
               Schedule I     Business Summary by Taxing District 
               Schedule J     Property Summary by Taxing District
               Schedule K     Operating Property Listing by Taxing District
               Schedule K2    Nonoperating Property Listing by Taxing District
               Schedule L     Report of Allocation Factors
               Schedule M     Report of Property and Business Factors for
                              Interstate Railroad and Sleeping Car Companies
               Schedule N1–N3 Report of Leased Real and Personal Property
               Schedule O     Railroad Private Car Mileage Report
               Schedule R     Report of Property Subject to the Pollution Control Tax Exemption
               Schedule U     Industrial Revenue Bond Property
 Revenue Form 61A209          Public Service Company Sales
 Revenue Form 41A720-CI       Application for Coal Incentive Tax Credit
                                (available on Web site or upon request)

                              The Kentucky Department of Revenue
                                                       Mission Statement

               As part of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, the mission of the Kentucky Department of Revenue is to 
               administer tax laws, collect revenue, and provide services in a fair, courteous, and efficient manner for the 
               benefit of the Commonwealth and its citizens.

                              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

               The Kentucky Department of Revenue does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, 
               age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, genetic information or ancestry in 
               employment or the provision of services.

(Revised 9-16)                                                                    Printing costs paid from state funds.

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The Kentucky Department of Revenue has made all returns and schedules available on the newly created web site —
www.revenue.ky.gov . 

All public service companies should download the general PSC packet (Form 61A200(P)). Taxpayers who take advantage 
of this service can save the Commonwealth of Kentucky significant budget resources, resources that can then be spent on 
other taxpayer needs.

Below are the required forms for your industry:

               Type of Company                                       Property Tax Return and Schedule Required 

 Electric Utilities, Electric Power Companies, RECC &
  Marketing/Resellers, Solar, Wind & Hydro Energy Companies 61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, L, N1–N3, R, U, CI
 Railroad Companies                                         61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, M, N1–N3, O, O2, R, U

 Sewer & Water Companies                                    61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, L, N1–N3, R, U
 Gas Utilities, Transmissions & Marketing/Resellers 
   Gas Companies, Gas Pipeline                              61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, L, N1–N3, R, U
 Oil Transmission Companies                                 61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, L, N1–N3, R, U
 Toll Bridges                                               61A200 & Schedules A, B, C, D, D1, I, J, K, K2, L, N1–N3, R, U

 Communication Service & Multichannel Video Providers       61A500 & Schedules 
 Commercial Watercraft                                      61A207 & Schedules 
 Commercial Passenger & Freight Airlines                    61A206 & Schedules

Public service property tax returns are due April 30of      each tax year. Extensions may be granted for 30 days if the extension 
is requested in writing before April 30 and includes a report detailing any increases or decreases in property of $50,000 
or more in any taxing jurisdiction (KRS 136.130). Incomplete extension requests will be denied and a penalty may apply. 
No extension will be granted beyond May 30. Schedule E, Filing Extension Application, Form 61A200(E), is available 
separately online.
Detailed information regarding filing, penalties, the assessment process, etc., are included in the instructions. Returns and 
extension applications should be mailed to: Kentucky Department of Revenue, Division of State Valuation, Public 
Service Branch, 501 High Street, Fourth Floor, Station 32, Frankfort, KY 40601-2103, telephone (502) 564-8175, fax 
(502) 564-8192.
A copy of the return will be mailed if requested at the above address or via e-mail at KRCWEBResponsePublicService@
ky.gov. Copies may also be requested by phone at (502) 564-8175. Returns are now available on the Department of Revenue’s 
Web site. Copies of the returns requested by mail will be available no earlier than January 2, 2017.

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The Department of Revenue prescribes the following classification of property to be used by the 
public service companies.

 Type of Property                          Classification

 Unmined Coal                              Real Estate
 Leasehold                                 Real Estate
 Oil & Gas Wells                           Real Estate
 Pipelines (Transmission Oil, Gas & Water) Real  Estate
 Conduits                                  Real Estate
 Stored Gas, Oil & Coal (Noncurrent)       Real Estate
 Stored Gas (Current)                      Tangible Personal
 Gas Compressors                           Tangible Personal
 Oil Lifting Units                         Tangible Personal
 Oil Storage Tanks                         Tangible Personal
 Television Cable                          Tangible Personal
 Gathering Lines                           Tangible Personal
 Electric Transmission Lines               Tangible Personal
 Electric Distribution Lines               Tangible Personal
 Meters & Regulators                       Tangible Personal
 Underground Cables                        Tangible Personal
 Telephone Lines                           Tangible Personal
 Wire in Underground Conduits              Tangible Personal
 Towers, Structures & Supports             Tangible Personal
 Electric Substations/Transformers         Manufacturing Machinery
 Machinery & Equipment Used in             Manufacturing Machinery
  the Manufacture of Gas
 Solar Energy Panels                       Manufacturing Machinery
 Wind Energy Turbines                      Manufacturing Machinery
 Inverters, Converters, Transformers       Manufacturing Machinery
   for Solar & Wind Energy Systems 
 Water Treatment Equipment                 Manufacturing Machinery
 Personal Property Certified Under         Pollution Control
  KRS 224.01-300 by Sales
  & Use Tax

For other types of property please see KRS 132.020 and KRS 132.200.

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61A200(I) (9-16)                                      INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING
                                                      PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                                                      PROPERTY TAX RETURN
                                                                                Type of Company       Supplementary Reports Required, 
This packet has been designed for a select group of public service                                    continued
companies who are required by KRS 136.120 through KRS 136.180 to 
file Kentucky property tax returns. It contains the necessary returns,          Privately owned sewer KY Public Service Commission 
schedules and instructions for this purpose.                                                          annual report
WHO MUST FILE (KRS 136.120)                                                     Water                 KY Public Service Commission 
In accordance with state law, every railway company, sleeping car                                     annual report and stockholders 
company, chair car company, dining car company, gas company, water                                    annual report
company, bridge company, street railway company, interurban electric 
railroad company, express company, electric light company, electric power      WHEN TO FILE
company, commercial air carrier, air freight carrier, pipeline company, 
privately owned regulated sewer company, railroad car line company             All public service companies as specified in KRS 136.120(1) shall make, 
and every other like company, business or association performing any           file and deliver to the Office of Property Valuation on or before April 30 of 
public service shall file property tax returns, schedules, regulatory reports  each year the required tax returns, schedules, regulatory reports and other 
and other such facts as the Department of Revenue, Office of Property          such facts covering the preceding calendar year.
Valuation may require.
                                                                               WHERE TO FILE
The Department of Revenue, Office of Property Valuation shall have 
the sole responsibility to value and assess all of the property of every       All tax returns, schedules and regulatory reports must be mailed to the 
corporation, company, association, partnership, or person performing any       following address: 
public service, including those mentioned above and all others to whom 
this section may apply.                                                               Kentucky Department of Revenue
                                                                                      Office of Property Valuation
WHAT TO FILE (KRS 136.130–KRS 136.140)                                                Public Service Branch, Station 32, Fourth Floor
All specified public service companies, with the exception of                         501 High Street
Commercial Passenger and Freight Airlines, Commercial Watercraft                      Frankfort, KY 40601-2103
and Telecommunication Service Providers are required to file Revenue 
Form 61A200, Public Service Company Property Tax Return, and all               FILING EXTENSIONS (KRS 136.130)
accompanying schedules (A through U). In addition to these returns, any        A taxpayer may be granted a 30-day extension for filing the public service 
public service company that is regulated in any capacity by a federal or       company property tax return if it requests the extension before the due date 
Kentucky authority must submit a copy of the annual report filed with that     of the return and includes with the extension request a report of any increases 
authority. Also, all companies must submit a copy of their annual report       or decreases in property of $50,000 or more in any taxing jurisdiction. 
to stockholders and/or parent company annual report. Companies 
who have bought or sold any operating property must include detailed           Upon written application, the Office of Property Valuation may grant an 
information regarding the transaction.                                         extension when in its judgment an extension is deemed necessary and 
All returns, reports and schedules shall cover a period of 12 months ending    proper.
December 31. Taxpayers may substitute individual schedules on taxpayer         No extension will be granted beyond May 30. See Schedule E.
form as long as all information requested is supplied.
Type of Company           Supplementary Reports Required                       LATE FILING PENALTY (KRS 132.290)
Electric utility          KY Public Service Commission                         Any public service company that fails to timely complete, file and deliver 
Gas utility & pipeline    annual report and FERC annual                        the required tax return, schedules and regulatory reports on or before the due 
Gas transmission          report and stockholders report                       date, shall pay a minimum penalty of 10 percent of the total taxes due.

Gas & electric utility                                                         PENALTY FOR NONCOMPLIANCE
Electric & gas marketing/                                                      (KRS 136.150, KRS 136.990, KRS 132.290)
                                                                               If any public service company fails to report as required by KRS 136.130 
Oil transmission          FERC annual report and stockholders                  and KRS 136.140 on or before April 30 of each year, the Office of Property 
                          report                                               Valuation shall ascertain the required facts and determine the assessment 
                                                                               values in such a manner and by such means as it deems proper, at the cost 
Railroads                 ICC annual report and stockholders                   of the company failing to comply with state law.
                                                                               The penalty for failure to file is 20 percent of the total taxes due.
Rural electric co-ops     REA annual report and stockholders 
                          report                                               Furthermore, any public service company, or officer thereof, that will-
                                                                               fully fails or refuses to make, file and deliver reports as required by KRS 
Solar, Wind & Hydro Audited Financial Statements                               136.130 and KRS 136.140 shall be fined $1,000, and $50 for each day 
Electric                                                                       the reports are not made after April 30 of each tax year. In addition, civil 
                                                                               action may be brought to compel the company or officer thereof to make 
                                                                               the required reports.

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Each year the Office of Property Valuation shall determine the fair cash       All protests must be mailed to the following address:
value of the operating property (real estate, tangible and franchise) of a 
public service company as a unit. This unit value shall then be appor-
                                                                                      Finance and Administration Cabinet
tioned to Kentucky based on the average of the property factor and the 
                                                                                      Department of Revenue
business factor.
                                                                                      Office of Property Valuation
                                                                                      Public Service Branch, Station 32, 4th Floor
The property factor shall fairly reflect the amount of operating property             501 High Street
owned and/or leased in Kentucky compared to the total amount of operat-               Frankfort KY 40601-2103
ing property owned and/or leased everywhere. The business factor shall 
fairly reflect the utilization of the operating property owned and/or leased 
in Kentucky compared to the utilization of operating property owned and/       PROTESTING YOUR ASSESSMENT
or leased everywhere. These factors may be a single factor or an average       (KRS 131.110, KRS 136.180(2), KRS 134.590 and
of several factors.                                                            103 KAR 1:010)

The nonoperating tangible and nonoperating intangible property of              The Department of Revenue is required to mail to the taxpayer a notice 
public service companies shall be valued separately using the same fair        of any property assessed. The assessment shall be final if not protested 
cash value standard as utilized by the county assessor. The value is not       in writing to the Department of Revenue, within 45 days from the date 
apportioned.                                                                   of the notice of assessment or the assessment will become final and the 
                                                                               state taxes will be due. Such protest shall be accompanied by a supporting 
                                                                               written statement setting forth the grounds upon which the protest is made. 
Public service companies that own mineral resources that are reported          The supporting statement must set forth whether the protest is based on 
on Revenue Forms 62A384-O, Oil Property Tax Return; and 62A384-G,              a factual disagreement and/or disagreement in the interpretation of the 
Natural Gas Property Tax Return, must include copies of these reports          applicable statutes. If there are disputed factual issues, the taxpayer must 
with the public service company tax return. The assessment for mineral         provide financial statements, records, assessments or other documents 
property is considered nonoperating real estate and will be in addition to     which will allow the Department of Revenue some basis for reconsidera-
the assessment for a company’s operating property. The mineral property        tion. Further, the statement must clearly identify the specific portion(s) 
must be itemized on Schedule K in order to situs such property.                of the assessment to which the protest relates. 

ALLOCATION OF THE ASSESSMENT (KRS 136.170)                                     Effective July 15, 1998, no appeal shall delay the collection or payment 
                                                                               of taxes based upon the assessment in controversy. The taxpayer shall pay 
                                                                               all state, county and other local jurisdictional taxes due on the valuation 
Once the operating property is valued as a unit, the department shall al-      which the taxpayer claims as the true value as stated in the protest filed 
locate the assessed value in this state among the county, school, city and/    under KRS 131.110. Once the appeal is finalized and the valuation finally 
or other special taxing jurisdictions.                                         determined, the taxpayer shall be billed for any additional tax and interest 
                                                                               (at the rate as defined in KRS 131.010(6)) from the date the tax would have 
Nonoperating tangible property shall be allocated to the county, school, city  become due if no appeal had been taken. The provisions of KRS 134.015 
and/or other special taxing jurisdictions where the property is located.       shall apply to the tax bill.

Nonoperating intangible property is taxable for state purposes only at the     Any nonprotested portion (your claimed value) of the assessment becomes 
same rate as the intangible property of other taxpayers not performing         final at the end of the 45-day protest period. If you protest your assess-
public services.                                                               ment, payment of your state and local tax on the claimed value is due with 
                                                                               your protest letter. Your protest letter must clearly and logically identify 
                                                                               how your claimed valuation was determined and must specify the value 
NOTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT (KRS 136.180)                                       which you claim to be the true value of property. The Kentucky claimed 
                                                                               value must be (1) classified into the various state property tax classifica-
Each year the Office of Property Valuation shall determine the assessed        tions, (2) the state tax must be calculated on the classified claimed value 
value of the operating property and other property of a public service         and (3) the claimed value must be properly allocated to the affected local 
company and notify the company by mail of the assessment amount and            taxing jurisdictions.
the state tax liability.
                                                                               After a timely protest has been filed, the taxpayer may request a confer-
                                                                               ence with the Office of Processing & Enforcement, Protest Resolution 
Once the valuation has been finalized, the Office of Property Valuation 
shall immediately certify the assessment to the county clerk of each county 
in which any of the operating property or nonoperating tangible property is 
                                                                               The Protest Resolution Branch is responsible for resolving tax controversies 
liable to local taxation. The county clerk shall then certify the assessment 
                                                                               (protests) on a fair and equitable basis. 
to the proper collecting officer of the county, school, city and/or special 
taxing jurisdiction for collection.
                                                                                      Finance and Administration Cabinet
Effective January 1, 2006, the Department of Revenue shall bill, collect              Department of Revenue
and distribute all state and local property taxes for all commercial                  Office of Processing and Enforcement
water transportation companies. Any fees owed to the Department                       Division of Collections
of Revenue by any local taxing district shall be deducted before any                  Protest Resolution Branch, Station 7, 10th Floor
distribution is made to any local taxing district under the provisions                P O Box 3
of this subsection.                                                                   Frankfort KY 40602-0003

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The taxpayer may appear in person or by representative. All taxpayers           rate per annum on the 61st day after the KCC acknowledges receipt of the 
represented by attorney or tax agent must file a power of attorney with the     protest, but in no event shall interest begin to accrue prior to January 1 
Protest Resolution Branch. Further conferences may be held by mutual            following April 30 of the year in which the returns, schedules and regula-
agreement. Consideration is given to additional information presented by        tory reports are due.
the taxpayer at the conference.
                                                                                Any party aggrieved by a final order of the KCC may, within 30 days after 
If the taxpayer’s protest of an assessment or refund denial cannot be re-       such order becomes final, file an appeal with the Franklin Circuit Court 
solved through correspondence and/or conferences, the Protest Resolution        or the circuit court of the county in which the aggrieved party resides or 
Branch shall issue a written final ruling on any matter still in controversy    conducts his place of business.
to be mailed to the taxpayer. The ruling shall state that it is a final ruling 
of the department, the issues of controversy, the taxpayer’s position, the      PAYMENT OF TAX (KRS 131.110 and KRS 136.050)
department’s position and the procedure for prosecuting an appeal to the 
Kentucky Claims Commission (KCC).                                               All state taxes assessed against any public service company under the 
                                                                                provisions of KRS 136.120 to KRS 136.200 shall be due and payable 45 
The taxpayer may request a final ruling from the Protest Resolution             days from the date of the notice of assessment, unless otherwise protested. 
Branch at any time after filing a timely protest. When it is requested,         State taxes are payable to the “Kentucky State Treasurer.”
the department shall issue such ruling within 30 days from the date the 
request is received.                                                            If you intend to pay your state taxes assessed against a public service com-
                                                                                pany by use of the Coal Incentive Tax Credit granted under KRS 141.110, 
After  the  final  ruling  has  been  issued,  the  taxpayer  may  appeal  to   you must file the Coal Incentive Tax Credit Certificate with this return.
the  KCC.
                                                                                All county, school, city and other special taxes shall be due and payable 
KENTUCKY CLAIMS COMMISSION (KCC)                                                30 days after a notice of tax due is issued by the designated collecting 
(KRS 131.340—KRS 131.370, KRS 136.050,                                          officer, unless otherwise protested.
103 KAR 1:010, 802 KAR 1:010)
                                                                                FAILURE TO PAY TAX (KRS 136.050, KRS 136.990)
If a taxpayer desires to appeal a final ruling of the Protest Resolution 
Branch, the taxpayer must apply for a hearing before the KCC within 30          Every public service company that fails to pay its state, county, school, city 
days from the date of issuance of the final ruling.                             and other special taxes when due shall be deemed delinquent, subject to a 
                                                                                10 percent penalty on the tax due and thereafter subject to interest at the 
The appeal must be filed in quintuplicate; contain a brief statement of the     appropriate rate as defined in KRS 131.010(6). In addition, a 20 percent 
law and the facts in issue; contain the petitioner’s or appellant's position    cost of collection fee will be added to liabilities that have become final, 
regarding the law, facts or both; and must contain the petitioner’s posi-       due and owing.
tion regarding the protest and include a copy of the final ruling with each 
copy of the petition of appeal. The petition of appeal must be in writing       Furthermore, any public service company that willfully fails to pay its 
and signed by the petitioner or appellant. Filings by facsimile or other        taxes, penalty and interest, shall be fined $1,000 and $50 for each day 
electronic means shall not be accepted. The commission will set a date          the same remains unpaid to be recovered by indictment or civil action, of 
for a formal hearing and notify the taxpayer.                                   which the Franklin Circuit Court shall have jurisdiction.
                                                                                AMENDED RETURNS
On the basis of the hearing, briefs and other documents, the commission  
will issue a written order which will affirm, reverse, modify or remand the     Adjustments to assessments will only be considered if amended data is 
final ruling, and will forward a copy of the order to the taxpayer, Protest     supplied before the protest period expires or as part of the supporting 
Resolution Branch and the Office of Property Valuation.                         documentation included with a protest.
Assessments upheld by the commission shall be due and payable 30 days           To amend any portion of the return, submit a new schedule with 
after the date of the commission's order. All taxes (state, county, school,     "AMENDED," the date submitted and a signature and title of the person 
city and other special taxing jurisdictions) found to be due on any protested   filing the amendment written on each page of the amended schedule or 
assessment or portion thereof shall begin to bear interest at the appropriate   on a cover page.

                                              Forms may be obtained from:

                                                    www.revenue.ky.gov (Internet)

                                                        Other  Reports Required

                     All companies are required to submit a complete copy of their Public Service Commission Annual Report, FERC 
                     Report, ICC Report, and REA annual report.

                     Also, a copy of stockholder's annual report, parent company's annual report, organization's financial statements, 
                     organizational chart and informational reports, copy of all sales/merger/exchange agreements and completion 
                     of the appropriate sales form (Revenue Form 61A209) are required as well as the other reports requested on 
                     page 1.
                     (KRS 136.130 and KRS 136.140)


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Code  County       Phone Number   Address                                         City           ZIP Code 
  001 Adair        (270) 384-3673 424 Public Square, Courthouse, Suite 2          Columbia       42728
  002 Allen        (270) 237-3711 P.O. Box 397                                    Scottsville    42164
  003 Anderson     (502) 839-4061 101 Ollie Bowen Court                           Lawrenceburg   40342
  004 Ballard      (270) 335-3400 P.O. Box 267                                    Wickliffe      42087
  005 Barren       (270) 651-2026 P.O. Box 1836                                   Glasgow        42142
  006 Bath         (606) 674-6382 P.O. Box 688                                    Owingsville    40360
  007 Bell         (606) 337-2720 P.O. Box 255                                    Pineville      40977
  008 Boone        (859) 334-2181 P.O. Box 388                                    Burlington     41005
  009 Bourbon      (859) 987-2152 Courthouse, Room 15, 301 Main Street            Paris          40361
  010 Boyd         (606) 739-5173 P.O. Box 434                                    Catlettsburg   41129
  011 Boyle        (859) 238-1104 Courthouse, 321 West Main Street                Danville       40422
  012 Bracken      (606) 735-2228 P.O. Box 310                                    Brooksville    41004
  013 Breathitt    (606) 666-7973 1137 Main Street, Courthouse, Suite 302         Jackson        41339
  014 Breckinridge (270) 756-5154 P.O. Box 516                                    Hardinsburg    40143
  015 Bullitt      (502) 543-7480 P.O. Box 681                                    Shepherdsville 40165
  016 Butler       (270) 526-3455 P.O. Box 538                                    Morgantown     42261
  017 Caldwell     (270) 365-7227 100 E. Market St., Courthouse, Room 28          Princeton      42445
  018 Calloway     (270) 753-3482 P.O. Box 547                                    Murray         42071
  019 Campbell     (859) 292-3871 1098 Monmouth Street, Room 329                  Newport        41071
  020 Carlisle     (270) 628-5498 P.O. Box 206                                    Bardwell       42023
  021 Carroll      (502) 732-5448 Courthouse, 440 Main Street                     Carrollton     41008
  022 Carter       (606) 474-5663 Courthouse, Room 214, 300 W. Main St.           Grayson        41143
  023 Casey        (606) 787-7621 P.O. Box 38                                     Liberty        42539
  024 Christian    (270) 887-4115 P.O. Box 96                                     Hopkinsville   42241
  025 Clark        (859) 745-0250 Courthouse, 34 South Main Street                Winchester     40391
  026 Clay         (606) 598-3832 102 Richmond Road, Suite 200                    Manchester     40962
  027 Clinton      (606) 387-5938 100 Cross St., Courthouse, Room 217             Albany         42602
  028 Crittenden   (270) 965-4598 Courthouse, 107 South Main Street, Suite 108    Marion         42064
  029 Cumberland   (270) 864-5161 P.O. Box 431                                    Burkesville    42717
  030 Daviess      (270) 685-8474 Courthouse, Room 102, 212 St. Ann Street        Owensboro      42303
  031 Edmonson     (270) 597-2381 P.O. Box 37                                     Brownsville    42210-0037
  032 Elliott      (606) 738-5090 P.O. Box 690                                    Sandy Hook     41171
  033 Estill       (606) 723-4569 Courthouse,  130 Main Street                    Irvine         40336
  034 Fayette      (859) 246-2722 101 E. Vine St., Suite 600, Phoenix Bldg.       Lexington      40507
  035 Fleming      (606) 845-1401 100 Court Square, Room B110                     Flemingsburg   41041
  036 Floyd        (606) 886-9622 149 South Central Avenue, Room 5                Prestonsburg   41653
  037 Franklin     (502) 875-8780 313 W. Main Street, Courthouse Annex, Room 209  Frankfort      40601
  038 Fulton       (270) 236-2548 2216 Myron Cory Drive, Suite 2                  Hickman        42050
  039 Gallatin     (859) 567-5621 P.O. Box 470                                    Warsaw         41095
  040 Garrard      (859) 792-3291 Courthouse, 7 Public Square, Suite 2            Lancaster      40444
  041 Grant        (859) 824-6511 Courthouse, 101 North Main St., Room 2          Williamstown   41097
  042 Graves       (270) 247-3301 101 E. South Street,  Courthouse Annex, Suite 5 Mayfield       42066
  043 Grayson      (270) 259-4838 10 Public Square                                Leitchfield    42754
  044 Green        (270) 932-7518 103 South First Street                          Greensburg     42743
  045 Greenup      (606) 473-9984 Courthouse, Room 209, 301 Main St., Box 4       Greenup        41144
  046 Hancock      (270) 927-6846 P.O. Box 523                                    Hawesville     42348
  047 Hardin       (270) 765-2129 P.O. Box 70                                     Elizabethtown  42702
  048 Harlan       (606) 573-1990 P.O. Box 209                                    Harlan         40831
  049 Harrison     (859) 234-7133 111 South Main Street, Suite 101                Cynthiana      41031
  050 Hart         (270) 524-2321 P.O. Box 566                                    Munfordville   42765
  051 Henderson    (270) 827-6024 P.O. Box 2003                                   Henderson      42419-2003
  052 Henry        (502) 845-5740 P.O. Box 11                                     New Castle     40050
  053 Hickman      (270) 653-5521 110 E Clay, Courthouse, Suite F                 Clinton        42031
  054 Hopkins      (270) 821-3092 25 E Center Street                              Madisonville   42431-2077
  055 Jackson      (606) 287-7634 P.O. Box 249                                    McKee          40447
  056 Jefferson    (502) 574-6380 Glassworks Building, 815 West Market Street     Louisville     40202-2654
  057 Jessamine    (859) 885-4931 P.O. Box 530                                    Nicholasville  40340
  058 Johnson      (606) 789-2564 230 Court Street, Courthouse, Suite 229         Paintsville    41240
  059 Kenton       (859) 392-1750 303 Court Street, Room 210                      Covington      41011
  060 Knott        (606) 785-5569 P.O. Box 1021                                   Hindman        41822
  061 Knox         (606) 546-4113 P.O. Box 1509                                   Barbourville   40906
  062 Larue        (270) 358-4202 209 West High Street, Courthouse, Suite 1       Hodgenville    42748
  063 Laurel       (606) 864-2889 Courthouse, Room 127, 101 South Main Street     London         40741


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Code  County     Phone Number         Address                                       City           ZIP Code 
  064 Lawrence   (606) 638-4743       Courthouse,  122 S. Main Cross Street         Louisa         41230
  065 Lee        (606) 464-4105       P.O. Box 1008                                 Beattyville    41311
  066 Leslie     (606) 672-2456       P.O. Box 1891                                 Hyden          41749
  067 Letcher    (606) 633-2182       156 Main Street, Suite 105                    Whitesburg     41858
  068 Lewis      (606) 796-2622       112 Second Street, Suite 101                  Vanceburg      41179
  069 Lincoln    (606) 365-4550       201 East Main Street, Suite 2                 Stanford       40484
  070 Livingston (270) 928-2524       P.O. Box 77                                   Smithland      42081
  071 Logan      (270) 726-8334       P.O. Box 307                                  Russellville   42276
  072 Lyon       (270) 388-7271       P.O. Box 148                                  Eddyville      42038
  073 McCracken  (270) 444-4712       Courthouse Annex, 621 Washington Street       Paducah        42003
  074 McCreary   (606) 376-2514       P.O. Box 609                                  Whitley City   42653
  075 McLean     (270) 273-3291       P.O. Box 246                                  Calhoun        42327
  076 Madison    (859) 623-5410       135 W. Irvine Street, Suite 103               Richmond       40475-1436
  077 Magoffin   (606) 349-6198       P.O. Box 107                                  Salyersville   41465
  078 Marion     (270) 692-3401       223 N. Spalding Avenue, Suite 202             Lebanon        40033
  079 Marshall   (270) 527-4728       1101 Main Street                              Benton         42025
  080 Martin     (606) 298-2807       P.O. Box 341                                  Inez           41224
  081 Mason      (606) 564-3700       220 1/2 Sutton Street                         Maysville      41056
  082 Meade      (270) 422-2178       516 Hillcrest Drive, Suite 3                  Brandenburg    40108
  083 Menifee    (606) 768-3514       P.O. Box 36                                   Frenchburg     40322
  084 Mercer     (859) 734-6330       P.O. Box 244                                  Harrodsburg    40330
  085 Metcalfe   (270) 432-3162       P.O. Box 939                                  Edmonton       42129
  086 Monroe     (270) 487-6401       200 N. Main St., Suite A                      Tompkinsville  42167-1548
  087 Montgomery (859) 498-8710       44 W. Main Street,  Courthouse Annex, Suite E Mt. Sterling   40353 
  088 Morgan     (606) 743-3349       P.O. Box 57                                   West Liberty   41472
  089 Muhlenberg (270) 338-4664       P.O. Box 546                                  Greenville     42345
  090 Nelson     (502) 348-1810       113 East Stephen Foster Avenue                Bardstown      40004
  091 Nicholas   (859) 289-3735       P.O. Box 2                                    Carlisle       40311
  092 Ohio       (270) 298-4433       P.O. Box 187                                  Hartford       42347
  093 Oldham     (502) 222-9320       110 W. Jefferson St.                          LaGrange       40031
  094 Owen       (502) 484-5172       Courthouse, 100 N. Thomas St., Room 6         Owenton        40359
  095 Owsley     (606) 593-6265       P.O. Box 337                                  Booneville     41314
  096 Pendleton  (859) 654-6055       233 Main Street, Courthouse Room  2           Falmouth       41040
  097 Perry      (606) 436-4914       481 Main Street, Suite 210                    Hazard         41701
  098 Pike       (606) 432-6201       146 Main Street, Suite 303                    Pikeville      41501
  099 Powell     (606) 663-4184       P.O. Box 277                                  Stanton        40380
  100 Pulaski    (606) 679-1812       P.O. Box 110                                  Somerset       42502
  101 Robertson  (606) 724-5213       P.O. Box 216                                  Mt. Olivet     41064
  102 Rockcastle (606) 256-4194       P.O. Box 977                                  Mt. Vernon     40456
  103 Rowan      (606) 784-5512       Courthouse, 600 W. Main                       Morehead       40351
  104 Russell    (270) 343-4395       410 Monument Square, Ste. 106                 Jamestown      42629
  105 Scott      (502) 863-7885       101 East Main Street, Courthouse, Ste. 206    Georgetown     40324
  106 Shelby     (502) 633-4403       501 Washington Street                         Shelbyville    40065
  107 Simpson    (270) 586-4261       P.O. Box 424                                  Franklin       42135
  108 Spencer    (502) 477-3207       P.O. Box 425                                  Taylorsville   40071
  109 Taylor     (270) 465-5811       203 N. Court St., Courthouse, Ste. 6          Campbellsville 42718
  110 Todd       (270) 265-9966       P.O. Box 593                                  Elkton         42220
  111 Trigg      (270) 522-3271       P.O. Box 1776                                 Cadiz          42211
  112 Trimble    (502) 255-3592       P.O. Box 131                                  Bedford        40006
  113 Union      (270) 389-1933       P.O. Box 177                                  Morganfield    42437
  114 Warren     (270) 843-3268       P.O. Box 1269                                 Bowling Green  42102-1269
  115 Washington (859) 336-5420       Courthouse, 120 E. Main                       Springfield    40069
  116 Wayne      (606) 348-6621       55 N. Main St., Ste. 107                      Monticello     42633
  117 Webster    (270) 639-7016       P.O. Box 88                                   Dixon          42409
  118 Whitley    (606) 549-6008       P.O. Box 462                                  Williamsburg   40769
  119 Wolfe      (606) 668-6923       P.O. Box 155                                  Campton        41301
  120 Woodford   (859) 873-4101       Courthouse, Room 108, 103 Main Street         Versailles     40383

                 DIVISION OF STATE VALUATION, FRANKFORT 40601-2103: (502) 564-8175
                                Go to www.revenue.ky.gov to download forms.


- 11 -
61A200 (9-16)                         PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PROPERTY TAX RETURN                                 This return must be filed with the 
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                         Office of Property Valuation between 
DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                 For Year Ending December 31, 2016                          January 1 and April 30, 2017.
Office of Property Valuation
Public Service Branch                                        ➤ See Instructions
501 High Street, Fourth Floor, Sta. 32
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-2103                                                                                      DUE DATE:
(502) 564-8175
                                                                                                                    April 30, 2017

                                                                           Type of Public Service Company

                                                                           Type of Ownership
                                                                            Foreign
                                                                            Corporation           Partnership  Individual
                                                                            S Corporation          LLC      Other

  Taxpayer Name 1                                                                                                           LEAVE BLANK
      Name 2
      Address 1
      Address 2

      City                                            State  ZIP Code                     FEIN

      Contact Person
      Phone                                     Fax                        E-Mail
      (   )                                     (   )
   Tax Agent Name 1
                                                                                                                    Taxpayers completing 
      Name 2                                                                                                        this return must complete 
                                                                                                                    the agency portion in 
      Address 1                                                                                                     order to maintain an 
                                                                                                                    agent status.
      Address 2
                                                                                                                    Agents completing this 
      City                                            State  ZIP Code                     FEIN                      return must have a 
                                                                                                                    current power of attorney 
      Contact Person                                                                                                on file with the Kentucky 
                                                                                                                    Department of Revenue  
                                                                                                                    or include one.
      Phone                                     Fax                        E-Mail
      (   )                                     (   )
  Which address above is to be used for mailing the assessment notice, tax bills and certifications?
   Taxpayer Address                                   Other
   Tax Agent Address
  Is your company affiliated with any other companies? (Parent/Subs)  Yes    No
  If yes, submit organizational chart and informational reports. (KRS 136.130 and 136.140)
  Has an independent authority or agency valued your property?  Yes    No
  If yes, submit a copy of the appraisal report. (KRS 136.130 and 136.140)
  Has the company or a fraction thereof sold, been purchased or mergedwithin        the last year?Yes No    
  If yes, complete the appropriate informational report, Revenue Form 61A209, included in this packet.
  Has your company filed bankruptcy within the last three years?  Yes    No
  If yes, provide the district in which the case was filed, the petition date and the case number.
  Do you intend to claim the Clean Coal Incentive Credit?  Yes    No
  If yes, provide a copy of the Coal Incentive Tax Credit Certificate. (KRS 141.428)
   I declare under penalties of perjury that this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge 
   and belief is a true, correct and complete return.                                                                         

                                      Signature                                                   Title                     Date  

- 12 -
No text to extract.

- 13 -
Schedule A

“Report of Total Unit System and Kentucky Operations”

This form is available in an Excel format

at the Department of Revenue Web site:


You are required to complete and submit this schedule.

Failure to properly complete and submit all required schedules, including 

Schedule A, the Department of Revenue shall impose a minimum penalty of 10 

percent upon the total state taxes due.

- 14 -
No text to extract.

- 15 -
61A200(B) (9-16)               REPORT OF KENTUCKY VEHICLES,
Commonwealth of Kentucky                    CAR LINES AND WATERCRAFT                                                    B

                                            As of December 31, 2016


Effective January 1, 2007, KRS 136.188 requires the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to collect an annual registration fee on all trucks, 
tractor and buses operating on route or as part of a system that is partly within and partly outside Kentucky. Such payment shall be made 
to the Transportation Cabinet either directly, in the case of a vehicle based in Kentucky, or indirectly, through the International Registration 
Plan, in the case of a vehicle based outside of Kentucky. The fee replaces the state and local ad valorem (property tax) the Department 
of Revenue previously imposed on these motor carriers. Pick-up and delivery vehicles shall not pay the fee, but shall be subject to the ad 
valorem tax under KRS 132.487.

If applicable, the company's KYU number will identify the total apportioned vehicle value assessed by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, 
Division of Motor Carriers for property taxes, and will be added to its total regular vehicle registration value for credit toward the public 
service company assessment in Kentucky for tax year 2016.

Did you file a 2016 Kentucky IRP Apportioned Registration Supplemental Application (TC 95-303C) with the Kentucky Department of 
Transportation?  Yes     No

If yes, 

what is your KYU number?

what is your Federal ID number?

what is your 2016 Kentucky percentage?

what is the total 2016 Kentucky tax paid? $

Please submit a copy of your DOT payment receipt with this return.


Do you report, register and license any regular vehicles (nonapportioned) in the Commonwealth of Kentucky?  Yes    No

If yes, what was the total assessed value of these regular Kentucky vehicles? $

Provide the breakdown of the assessed value into the following categories:

Owned Vehicles  $

Leased Vehicles $                                        Total Annual Lease Payment Paid $

Total $


Did you file a 2017 Public Service Company Property Tax Return for Railroad Car Lines, Revenue Form 61A202?  Yes      No

If yes, what was the Kentucky taxable value from page 1?

Did you file a 2017 Kentucky Commercial Watercraft Property Tax Return, Revenue Form 61A207?  Yes      No

If yes, what was the Kentucky taxable value?

- 16 -
61A200(C) (9-16)                  REPORT OF TOTAL UNIT OPERATIONS
Commonwealth of Kentucky                    BALANCE SHEET                                              C
                                            As of December 31, 2016

Please submit internal financial statement (preferably audited) if available. Otherwise, prepare this schedule. Financial 
statements required should represent the entire unit, not just Kentucky portion.

Line                                                                            Amount for Current Year
No.  Item                                                                       (Omit Cents)
     Current Assets:
 1.  Cash
 2.  Temporary Investments
 3.  Accounts Receivable (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)
 4.  Intercompany Accounts Receivable (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)
 5.  Inventory
  6. Other Current Assets (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)
 7.  Total Current Assets
     Fixed Assets:
 8.  Land
 9.  Building
10.  Plant Equipment
11.  Unallocated Items
12.  Materials and Supplies
13.  Construction Work in Progress
14.  Other Fixed Assets
15.  Plant Adjustment
16.  Less: Accumulated Depreciation
17.  Total Fixed Assets
     Other Assets:
18.  Other Assets (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)
19.  Less: Accumulated Amortization
20.  Goodwill Less: Accumulated Amortization
21.  Total Other Assets
22.  Total Assets
     Current Liabilities:
23.  Loans Payable
24.  Accounts Payable
25.  Other Current Liabilities
26.  Total Current Liabilities
     Deferred Credits:
27.  Total Deferred Credits 
     Long-Term Debt:
28.  Total Long-Term Debt
     Owner's Equity:
29.  Total Stock Issued
30.  Proprietor's Equity
31.  Retained Earnings
32.  Other Owner's Equity
33.  Total Owner's Equity
34.  Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity

- 17 -
61A200(D) (9-16)                  REPORT OF TOTAL UNIT OPERATIONS
Commonwealth of Kentucky                     INCOME STATEMENT                                          D
                                   12 Months Ending December 31, 2016

Please submit internal financial statement (preferably audited) if available. Otherwise, prepare this schedule. Financial 
statements required should represent the entire unit, not just Kentucky portion.

Line                                                                            Amount for Current Year
No.  Item                                                                       (Omit Cents)

     Operating Income:
  1. Operating Revenue 

  2. Cost of Goods Sold (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)

 3.  Operating Gross Profit

 4.  Owner's Compensation

 5   Employees' Wages and Benefits

 6.  Operating Lease Payments–Real (Must Complete Schedule N1)

 7.  Operating Lease Payments—Personal (Must Complete Schedule N2)

 8.  Operating Lease Payments–Motor Vehicles (Must Complete Schedule B)

 9.  Depreciation

10. Amortization

11.  Taxes, Other Than Income

12.  All Other Deductions (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)

13.  Total Deductions (Add Lines 4 Through 12)

14.  Operating Net Income
     Other Income and Expenses:
15.  Other Income, Net (Attach Separate Schedule Showing Detail)

16.  Net Income Before Interest and Taxes

17.  Interest Income

18.  Interest Expense

19.  Net Income Before Taxes

20.  Income Taxes

21.  Deferred Income Taxes

22.  Net Income

Total Number of Employees: Full-time ____________    Part-time ____________    Total _______________

- 18 -
61A200(D) (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                        D1

Please complete the following section. In the event your organization was merged, sold or purchased within the last five years, you are 
required to complete and file Revenue Form 61A206 Public Service Company Sales with this return.

Date of Organization:  ____________________________________________________________

Date Service Began:  _____________________________________________________________

Subscribers / Customers as of Dec. 31, 2016:  __________________________________________

Average Regular Subscriber / Customer Monthly Fee: $ __________________________________ 


Year Ending December 31,             2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

 (1) Gross Revenue $ $ $ $ $

 (2) Operating Expenses $ $ $ $ $

 (3)  Operating Lease
 Payments                     $ $ $ $ $

 (4) Depreciation $ $ $ $ $

 (5) Amortization $ $ $ $ $

 (6)  Taxes Other
 Than Income $ $ $ $ $

 (7) Operating Income = $ $ $ $ $
    (Line 1 Minus Lines 2 Through 6)

 (8) Other Income Net $ $ $ $ $

 (9) Interest Income $ $ $ $ $

(10) Interest Expense $ $ $ $ $

(11)  Federal and
  State Income Taxes $ $ $ $ $

(12)  NET INCOME         =    $ $ $ $ $
    (Line 7 Minus Lines 8 Through 11)

- 19 -
61A200(E) (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky          FILING EXTENSION APPLICATION                                                           E
                                  For Public Service Company Property Tax Return

                                                                                        GNC No.

➤ File Before April 30, 2017

 In accordance with KRS 136.130(5)(6), the Kentucky Department of Revenue may grant a 30-day extension for filing 
 the public service company property tax return when, in its judgment good cause exists and the request for extension is 
 postmarked before the due date of the return and includes a report of any increases or decreases in property of $50,000 
 or more in any taxing jurisdiction. No extension will be granted beyond May 30 or the next succeeding business day. 
 Extensions for tax year 2017 are due April 30, 2017.

 Name 1                                                 Federal Identification No.

 Name 2                                                 Telephone No.                   (   ) 

 Address 1                                              Fax No.                         (   )

 Address 2                                              E-Mail

 City                       State ZIP Code

 Contact Person

           IMPORTANT—Complete the following form. Indicate any increases or decreases in property of $50,000 or more in any taxing jurisdiction as of December 31, 2016. If no qualifying changes occurred, check here. 

      County Name                 Tax Jurisdiction Name                                 Real Estate Tangible Personalty
                                                        ____________                                ____________

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $

                                                        $ $
                                  (continued on reverse)

 I declare under penalties of perjury that this application, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined 
 by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete return

                  Signature                             Title Date

- 20 -

County Name Tax Jurisdiction Name Real Estate  Tangible Personalty
                                  ____________ ____________

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

                                  $ $

- 21 -
61A200(I) (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky                 BUSINESS SUMMARY BY TAXING JURISDICTION                                                             I

                                                  As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer


                         (1)             (2)      (3)       (4)                                    (5)      (6)         (7)   (8)       (9)
     Name of Taxing Jurisdiction         Gross    Customers Electric                               Pipeline Underground Track Yard      Side
     (County, School, City, Fire, Other) Revenues           Line Mileage                           Mileage  Conduit     Miles Track     Track

 GRAND TOTALS NOTE: The totals for each column must balance to the total Kentucky values indicated on Schedule L.

- 22 -
Branch, for instructions. formatted in a manner specified by the Office of Property Valuation. Contact the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service  is submitted, attach a summary sheet. Furthermore, taxpayers may also file this required information on a compact disk, I size). Print on the upper right corner the letter If the space provided on this form is not sufficient, attach a separate schedule. This schedule must be 8½ x 11" (commercial (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) line mileage, pipeline miles, underground conduit, track miles, yard track and side track. This form must contain a summary of the business activity within each taxing jurisdiction measured by gross revenues, customers, electric 

Under the column “Side Track Miles,” indicate the miles of side trackage located in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Yard Track Miles,” indicate the miles of yard trackage located in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Track Miles,” indicate the miles of main trackage located in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Underground Conduit,” indicate the miles of main trackage located in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Pipeline Mileage,” indicate the actual miles of pipeline in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Electric Line Mileage,” indicate the actual miles of electric line in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Customers,” indicate the number of customers in each taxing jurisdiction. operation in each taxing jurisdiction. Under the column “Gross Revenues,” indicate the gross operating revenues generated from your public service of Revenue’s Web site at district and all other special taxing jurisdictions. A list of possible taxing jurisdictions is available from the Department independent), then the cities, fire districts, watershed districts, soil conservation districts, garbage district, ambulance Under “Name of Taxing Jurisdiction,” list the county name first, next the school district(s) (county common or 



I. Computer-generated schedules are also acceptable. If a multiple county 
andfrom the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service Branch.

- 23 -
Schedule J

“Property Summary By Taxing Jurisdiction”

This form is available in an Excel format

at the Department of Revenue Web site:


You are required to complete and submit this form for each county

in which you have operating and non-operating property located.

- 24 -
No text to extract.

- 25 -
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                                  K
                                                    As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer ______________________________________________________________________________ 

List of Property in ________________________________________________  County ________________  


                            (A)                                                                (B) (C) (D)
                         Description of Property (Including Address)                           Taxpayer's Taxpayer's Taxpayer's
                         Separate Property by Class                                            Original Cost Net Book Value Reported Value


- 26 -
                                                       the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service Branch, for instructions.                                                                                                             information on a compact disk, formatted in a manner specified by the Office of Property Valuation. Contact If a multiple county                                                               (commercial size). Print on the upper right corner the letter                                                                                                                  If the space provided on this form is not sufficient, attach a separate schedule. This schedule must be 8½ x 11"                                                                                                                                                           NOTE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (4)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (1)                                                                                                            in this state for each county, city and special taxing jurisdiction.                                                               This form must contain an inventory of the amount and kind of 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            market value of the item described.                                                                                                          In Column (D), “Taxpayer’s Reported Value,” indicate, in the opinion of the taxpayer, the January 1 fair of each property.                                                                                                             In Column (C), “Taxpayer’s Net Book Value,” report the net book value (gross less accumulated depreciation) cost to improve this item subsequent to purchase.                                                                                                                In Column (B), “Taxpayer’s Original Cost,” report the total cost of the item described. This is to include any                                                                                                                                                                 NOTE:                                                                                            same categories as required by regulatory commission accounting.                                                                                                            classified rate structure from KRS 136.020. Tangible personalty should also be listed broken down into the                                                                                                        age and dimensions of improvements, etc.) and the year acquired. Property should be reported using the                                                                                                       description—number of acres, map number, lot and block number, dimensions of lots, type construction,                                                                                                               This listing must be specific and detailed. Real estate should be listed as to location (i.e., address, legal                                                                                                               In Column (A), “Description of Property,” report all real estate and tangible personalty owned and/or leased. the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service Branch.                                                                                taxing jurisdictions is available from the Department of Revenue’s Web site at                                                                                                                Taxpayers must file Revenue Form 61A200(K) for each taxing jurisdiction within each county. A list of possible 

SUBMIT ONE ORIGINAL COPY—DO NOT SEND ADDITIONAL COPIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       found on Schedule A, Schedule N1, and Schedule N2.                                                                                                       The grand total for all Schedules K (counties only) must equal the total operating hard assets values                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 reported, including property which has been fully depreciated.                                                                                                  All tangible property utilized by the company regardless of age, condition or book value must be 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           K                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                OPERATING PROPERTY LISTING BY TAXING JURISDICTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is submitted, attach a summary sheet. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SCHEDULE K


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Furthermore, taxpayers may also file this required                                 K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . Computer-generated schedules are also acceptable. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              operating property

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             www.revenue.ky.gov                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               , owned and/or leased, located 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and from 

- 27 -
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                                  K2
                            As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer ______________________________________________________________________________ 

List of Property in ________________________________________________  County ________________  


                            (A)                                                                (B) (C) (D)
                         Description of Property (Including Address)                           Taxpayer's Taxpayer's Taxpayer's
        Separate Property by Class—Real Estate, Tangible Personalty and Intangible Property    Original Cost Net Book Value Reported Value


- 28 -
                                                       the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service Branch, for instructions.                                                                                                             information on a compact disk, formatted in a manner specified by the Office of Property Valuation. Contact If a multiple county                                                                                   (commercial size). Print on the upper right corner the letter                                                                                                                  If the space provided on this form is not sufficient, attach a separate schedule. This schedule must be 8½ x 11"                                                                                                                                                            NOTE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (4)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (1)                                                                                                             located in this state for each county, city and special taxing jurisdiction.                                                               This form must contain an inventory of the amount and kind of 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           market value of the item described.                                                                                                          In Column (D), “Taxpayer’s Reported Value,” indicate, in the opinion of the taxpayer, the January 1 fair                   of each property.                                                                                                             In Column (C), “Taxpayer’s Net Book Value,” report the net book value (gross less accumulated depreciation)                                                   cost to improve this item subsequent to purchase.                                                                                                                In Column (B), “Taxpayer’s Original Cost,” report the total cost of the item described. This is to include any                                                                                                                                                                 NOTE:                                                                                            broken down into the same categories as required by regulatory commission accounting.                                                                                                          reported using the classified rate structure from KRS 136.020. Tangible personalty should also be listed                                                                                                        type construction, age and dimensions of improvements, etc.) and the year acquired. Property should be                                                                                                          (i.e., address, legal description—number of acres, map number, lot and block number, dimensions of lots,                                                                                                              owned and/or leased. This listing must be specific and detailed. Real estate should be listed as to location                                                                                                                In Column (A), “Description of Property,” report all real estate, tangible personalty and intangible property, the Office of Property Valuation, Public Service Branch.                                                                                taxing jurisdictions is available from the Department of Revenue’s Web site at                                                                                                                 Taxpayers must file Revenue Form 61A200(K2) for each taxing jurisdiction within each county. A list of possible 

SUBMIT ONE ORIGINAL COPY—DO NOT SEND ADDITIONAL COPIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           values found on Schedule A, Schedule N1, and Schedule N2.                                                                                                 The grand total for all Schedules K2 (counties only) must equal the total nonoperating property                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     reported, including property which has been fully depreciated.                                                                                                  All tangible property utilized by the company regardless of age, condition or book value must be 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NONOPERATING PROPERTY LISTING BY TAXING JURISDICTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is submitted, attach a summary sheet. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SCHEDULE K2             INSTRUCTIONS


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Furthermore, taxpayers may also file this required                                                     . Computer-generated schedules are also acceptable. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nonoperating property


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , owned and/or leased, 


- 29 -
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                      L
                                                             For All Interstate Companies
                                                             As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer


  Taxpayers are required, as indicated below, to report the following allocation factors:

  Electric Utilities and Electric Power Companies—Lines 1 through 6        Oil Transmission Companies—Lines 1 through 4 and 7 and 8

  Gas Utility Companies—Lines 1 through 5 and 7                            Railroad Companies—Use Schedule M

  Gas Pipeline, Gas Marketers/Resellers & Gas Companies—Lines 1 through 5  Rural Electric Cooperatives—Lines 1 through 5 and 6

  Gas Transmission Companies—Lines 1 through 4 and 7 and 8

  Solar, Wind & Hydro Electric Companies—Lines 1 through 4

                                                             ALLOCATION FACTORS

                                                             Total Unit   Total in Kentucky                 Kentucky
                                                             Amount Amount Percent

   (1) Gross Operating Property ....................

    (2) Net Operating Property ........................

   (3) Gross Operating Revenue ....................

   (4) Net Operating Revenue (EBIT) ...........

   (5) Customers ............................................

   (6) Wire Miles ...........................................

   (7) Diameter Inch Pipe Miles .......................

   (8) Through Put Pipe Miles .......................

   (9) Other

  * Schedule A must be completed by all taxpayers without exception. Filing penalties will apply if the taxpayer fails to complete Schedule A.

- 30 -
                                               SCHEDULE L

                                               DEFINITION OF FACTORS

 (1) Gross Operating Property: The gross plant investment of hard operating assets. See Schedule A, Schedule N1, and Schedule 

 (2) Net Operating Property: Gross operating property less depreciation. See Schedule A, Schedule N1, and Schedule N2.

 (3) Gross Operating Revenue: All revenue related to public service operations. For telecommunications, Kentucky revenues are all 
     receipts billed to Kentucky customers, including intrastate and interstate revenues.

 (4) Net Operating Profit: Operating revenues (factor 3) less operating expenses, income taxes and interest expense.

 (5) Customers: Total number of customers.

 (6) Wire Miles: Number of wire miles owned and leased.

 (7) Diameter Inch Pipe Miles: The total of all nominal pipe diameters (in inches) for all pipeline systems operated, multiplied by 
     the corresponding length of pipe in miles.

 (8) Through Put Pipe Miles: For each movement operated by the pipeline, multiply the number of units delivered out of the system 
     by the distance in miles the units were moved. Units may be barrels, Mcfs or other measurements.

 (9) Other Property and Business Factors: Taxpayers may use, with the consent of the Department of Revenue, factors which would 
     more fairly reflect the operating property operated, owned or leased in Kentucky compared to the utilization everywhere. Enter 
     the factors here.

- 31 -
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                                          M
                                To Accompany Public Service Company Property Tax Return

               ➤ Print or Type Your Answers                             ➤ Instructions on Reverse

  Name of                                                                                                     Return for year ending
  Taxpayer                                                                                                    December 31, 2016

                                                    PART I—PROPERTY FACTORS
 M 1  Distribution of Property:
                            (A)            Original Cost           (B)                       Changes in property since computation
                                to December 31, 20_____                                      subsequent to December 31, 20_____
                            (1)                 (2)                (1)      Additions         (2) Retirements        (3) Net additions of
                                Total Property      Total Road              to Road               from Road              Equip. and Gen. Exp.
      Total Everywhere
      In Kentucky
      Percent in Kentucky

 M 2  Distribution of Mileage:
                                                                            Total Everywhere      Total in Kentucky      Percent in Kentucky
      (A)                        Main track
       Mileage owned, operated,  All track excluding
         leased and controlled   trackage rights
      (B)                        Main track
       Total mileage operated    All track excluding
                                 trackage rights
      (C)                        Main track
       Mileage not operated      All track excluding
                                 trackage rights

 M 3                                                     PART II—BUSINESS FACTORS
 (A)                                                              (B)       Car and
     Traffic Units       Total in Kentucky      Total Everywhere            Locomotive Miles      Total in Kentucky               Total Everywhere
 Ton Miles*                                                       (1) Car miles*
                                                                  (2) Locomotive miles
    Total                                                             Total
   Percent                                          100%             Percent                                                      100%
 Tons Loaded                                                      (C) Gross Receipts*
 Tons Unloaded                                                       Percent                                                      100%

  * Exclude amounts applicable to private cars which are individually taxed.

- 32 -
                                       INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE M

If the space provided on this form is not sufficient, attach a separate schedule. This schedule must be 8½ x 11" (commercial 
size). Print on the upper right corner the letter M. If another party uses your car mark and is responsible for payment of taxes 
for their railcars, provide name of responsible party.


Taxpayer is required to give:

(A)  The original cost to beginning of calendar year of:
 (1) All property
 (2) All property classified as road

(B)  The changes in property during the calendar year:
 (1) Additions to road
 (2) Retirements from road
 (3) Net additions or net retirements to equipment and general expenditures


Taxpayer is required to give main track mileage and all track mileage excluding trackage rights as of the close of the year 
for which the report is made for items (A), (B) and (C). The amounts on line (A) minus the amounts on line (B) should be 
equal to the amounts on line (C).

(B)  In this item, taxpayer’s proportion of operated road held by it as a joint or common owner, or under a joint lease, or 
 under any joint arrangement, must be included.


(C)  Gross receipts: Give amount of railway operating revenues assignable to Kentucky and total railway operating
 revenues. Give percent in Kentucky of this total railway operating revenues.

- 33 -
61A200(N1) (9-16)                    REPORT OF OPERATING LEASED 
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                   N1
                                                    BY TAXING DISTRICT
                                                                                                       Page _______
                                                    As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer ______________________________________________________________________________

If you lease any real property on an operating lease basis and that property is located within the Commonwealth of Kentucky, this form must 
be completed for each separate lease. The Kentucky reported values are to be reported on Schedules K and K2. Remember, operating leased 
property is not recorded on the Balance Sheet. Capital leased real property is recorded on the Balance Sheet. Do not report capital leased 
personal property on this form.

                                              Kentucky County:
                               Kentucky Airport (If Applicable):

 Examples of Leased Real Property:                  Land                Right of Ways 
                                                    Improvements        Pipelines & Transmission Lines 
                                                    Buildings           Storage Space 
                                              Office                    Kiosk
                                                    Warehouses          Railroad Trackage 

 Description & Type of Leased Real Property:

                  Name of Owner/Lessor:
                  Monthly Lease Payment:  $
                  Annual Lease Payment:  $
                  Beginning Date of Lease:
                         Ending Date of Lease:

 Do you Sublease the Property to Others?                 YES         NO
                         Name of Sub-Lessee:

 Has the Local Kentucky Assessor Taxed this
 Property in the Name of the Actual Owner?               YES         NO UNKNOWN

 Is this Property Located in a Foreign Trade Zone?       YES         NO UNKNOWN

                         Reported Market Value  $

- 34 -
No text to extract.

- 35 -
61A200(N2) (9-16)                     REPORT OF OPERATING LEASED
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                   N2
                                                    BY TAXING DISTRICT
                                                                                                      Page _______
                                                    As of December 31, 2016

Name of Taxpayer ______________________________________________________________________________

If you lease any personal property on an operating lease basis and that property is located within the Commonwealth of Kentucky, this form 
must be completed for each separate lease. The Kentucky reported values are to be reported on Schedules K and K2. Remember, operating 
leased property is not recorded on the Balance Sheet. Capital leased real property is recorded on the Balance Sheet. Do not report capital 
leased personal property on this form.

                                                Kentucky County:
                          Kentucky Airport (If Applicable):

 Examples of Leased       Industrial Equipment             Drilling Equipment                         Tools & Shop Equipment
 Personal Property:       Materials & Supplies             General Equipment                          Mail Boxes/Bins/Drop Boxes
                          Computers & Software             Business Machines                          Aircraft & Watercraft
                          Furniture&                Office                                            CommunicationEquipment
                          Tools & Machinery                Licensed Motor Vehicles, Trucks & Trailers 

                                      DO NOT REPORT AIRCRAFT ON THIS FORM!

 Description & Type of Leased Personal Property:

                  Name of Owner/Lessor:
                  Monthly Lease Payment:  $
                  Annual Lease Payment:  $
                  Beginning Date of Lease:
                         Ending Date of Lease:

 Do you Sublease the Property to Others?                   YES    NO
                         Name of Sub-Lessee:

 Has the Local Kentucky Assessor Taxed this
 Property in the Name of the Actual Owner?                 YES    NO          UNKNOWN

 Is this Property Located in a Foreign Trade Zone?         YES    NO          UNKNOWN

                         Reported Market Value  $

- 36 -
No text to extract.

- 37 -
61A200(N3) (9-16)         SUMMARY REPORT OF SYSTEM AND 
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                           N3
                          As of December 31, 2016
                                                                                               Page _______
Name of Taxpayer ______________________________________________________________________________

Complete the following chart. Indicate the System and Kentucky annual operating lease payments (rents) paid during the calendar year 
of 2016 for the categories of property indicated below. The “real property” category shall include all land, buildings, improvements, 
facilities, right of ways, office space, kiosk space, pipeline, storage space and any other real property. The “personal property” category 
shall include industrial equipment, motor vehicles, office equipment, computers & software, drilling equipment, communication equipment, 
furniture & fixtures and any other personal property.


REAL PROPERTY                                          SYSTEM                    KENTUCKY
                                                       LEASE RENTAL PAYMENTS   LEASE RENTAL PAYMENTS

                          Land $                                             $ 
                          General Buildings          $                       $
                          Office Buildings           $                       $ 
                          Storage Buildings          $                       $ 
                          Warehouses $                                       $ 
                          Improvements $                                     $ 
                          Right of Ways              $                       $ 
                  Pipelines & Transmission Lines     $                       $ 
                          Storage Space              $                       $ 
                          Kiosk Space                $                       $
                          Railroad Trackage          $                       $
                          Other Real Property        $ $


PERSONAL PROPERTY                                      SYSTEM                    KENTUCKY
                                                       LEASE RENTAL PAYMENTS   LEASE RENTAL PAYMENTS

                          Furniture & Fixtures       $                       $
                          General Equipment          $                       $
  Machinery & Industrial Equipment                   $                       $
                Motor Vehicles, Trucks & Trailers    $                       $
                          Computers & Software       $                       $
  Business Machines & Office Equipment               $                       $
                         Communication Equipment     $                       $
                         Tools and Shop Equipment    $                       $
                          Drilling Equipment         $                       $
                         Other Personal Property     $ $

                  GRAND TOTAL OPERATING 
                  LEASE RENTAL PAYMENTS              $ $

- 38 -
No text to extract.

- 39 -
61A200(O) (9-16)                                           RAILROAD PRIVATE CAR MILEAGE REPORT
Commonwealth of Kentucky                                                                                                                                             O
DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                      To Accompany Public Service Company Property Tax Return

 Name and Address
  of Railroad

  Company Official
  Making This Report

NOTE: The Department of Revenue requires that this information be reported on compact disk in ASCII delimited or Excel spreadsheet format for more than 100 rows of data. Remove 
      all summary rows except overall total for balancing. No floppy diskettes. Electronic Reports can be e-mailed to michaela.baker@ky.gov

                                                                                                          Car        Kind of Car           Mileage Made Total Mileage
      Name of Private Car Line Company                     Address                                        Mark*      Hauled                in Kentucky  Everywhere**

  *  Reported car mark initial identified at interchanges.
 **  List total miles traveled by the marks for the previous twelve months. The total miles shall include            TOTAL
   miles traveled in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

- 40 -
No text to extract.

- 41 -
61A200(R) (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky    REPORT OF PROPERTY                                          R

                            CONTROL TAX EXEMPTION

In accordance with KRS 132.020, tangible personal property certified as a pollution control facility as defined in KRS 
224.01-300 is subject to an annual ad valorem tax for state purposes only of 15 cents per $100 of assessment value. This 
exemption is extended to tangible personal property only that was approved and certificated as pollution control equipment 
by the Kentucky Department of Revenue, Sales and Use Tax Branch.

                Property    Certificate Certificate                Original   Net
                Description Number Effective Date                  Cost       Book Value

  (1)                                                            $           $

   (2)                                                           $           $

   (3)                                                           $           $

   (4)                                                           $           $

   (5)                                                           $           $

   (6)                                                           $           $

   (7)                                                           $           $

   (8)                                                           $           $

   (9)                                                           $           $

 (10)                                                            $           $

 (11)                                                            $           $

 (12)                                                            $           $

 (13)                                                            $           $

 (14)                                                            $           $

 (15)                                                            $           $

 (16)                                                            $           $

 (17)                                                            $           $

 (18)                                                            $           $

 (19)                                                            $           $

 (20)                                                            $           $

 (21)                                                            $           $

 (22)                                                            $           $

 (23)                                                            $           $

- 42 -
61A200(U) (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky    INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND PROPERTY                                                                   U

Real and tangible personal property purchased with an industrial revenue bond (IRB) is subject to taxation at a state rate only, 
except that the rate shall not apply to the proportion of value of the leasehold interest created through any private 
financing. This includes all privately held leasehold interests in real or tangible personal property owned and financed by a 
tax-exempt governmental unit or a tax-exempt statutory authority. Property used to replace retired property and not purchased 
directly with IRB money should not be included in the property listed.

Enter the following data to provide the information necessary to value the IRB property. If you have property purchased with 
multiple IRBs, use a separate form for each separate IRB.

Name of Tax-Exempt Entity Issuing Bond

Recipient of the Property Upon Full Amortization of the Bond

Face Amount of the Bond    $

Amount of the Bond Spent   $

Date of Bond Issuance

Life of the Bond (in years)

                                                                                                           Cost  Net Book Value

Cost/Net Book Value of IRB Real Property Assessment ............................ $                              $

Cost/Net Book Value of IRB Tangible Property Assessment ..................... $                                 $

Cost/Net Book Value of IRB Manufacturing Machinery ............................ $                               $

Cost/Net Book Value of IRB Pollution Control Equipment ....................... $                                $

Cost and Net Book Value of Other (specify)                    $                                                 $

   TOTAL      .......................................................................................... $      $

The valuation of industrial revenue bond (IRB) property contemplates ownership upon full amortization of the bond issue. 
As such, if the property converts to the private entity upon full amortization, the property is assessed higher as the bonds ages 
and as the private enterprise assumes a greater leasehold interest. Conversely, if the tax-exempt statutory authority ultimately 
receives the property, the assessed valuation for taxation purposes begins at 100 percent and is fully amortized over the life 
of the bond.

Note: All real and tangible personal property purchased with an IRB must be listed on Schedules J, K and K2. Be sure to 
     identify and segregate this IRB property from all other non-IRB property by taxing jurisdiction.

Contact the Public Service Branch at (502) 564-8175 with questions or for additional information and instructions.

- 43 -
61A209 (9-16)
Commonwealth of Kentucky

Kentucky Revised Statutes 136.130 and 136.140 require public service companies to report information to the Department 
of Revenue when they buy or sell any assets used in a public service company. Complete this form for the sale, purchase 
or merger referred to in the cover letter and return to Public Service Branch, Office of Property Valuation, Kentucky 
Department of Revenue, 501 High Street, Station 32, Frankfort, KY 40601-2103. Refer questions to (502) 564-8175.

Name and Address of Buyer 

Name and Address of Seller 

Date of Sale

Sale Price (Attach independent valuations and a copy of the final sales agreement.)

 Cash ....................................................................................................................

 Debt Assumed ....................................................................................................

 Stock Transaction:
          Share Price ...................................................................................................

          Number of Shares ........................................................................................

 Other (list)

 Total Sale Price ...................................................................................................

What portion of the sale is attributable to Kentucky?

If not 100 percent, how is the Kentucky portion allocated?

- 44 -
61A209 (9-16)                                                                                                               Page 2

Assets Purchased

                                                                                         In Kentucky            Out-of-State

Number of Access Lines ........................................................

Real Estate .............................................................................

Nonoperating Property ...........................................................

Other Tangible Personal Property ..........................................

Accounts Receivable ..............................................................

Goodwill ................................................................................


Was the sale or merger accounted for as a purchase or a pooling of interests?

Attach a sheet listing the amount and types of property involved in any assumed operating leases.

Attach a sheet describing any new operating agreements with the seller.

I declare under the penalties of perjury that the information given on this form (and any accompanying statements) has been examined by me and to the 
best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete.

                Print Name of Representative                                                         Title of Representative

                Signature of Representative                                                          Date Signed

     Mail to:   Public Service Branch                                                     (   )
                                                                                        
                Office of Property Valuation
                                                                                                     Telephone Number
                Kentucky Department of Revenue
                501 High Street, Station 32
                Frankfort, KY 40601-2103

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