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General - In accordance with the provisions of KRS 131.081(11), KRS Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number - If you use an invalid Kentucky
131.170, KRS 141.170 and Regulation 103 KAR 15:050, a six-month Corporation/LLET account number, the processing of your payment will result in
extension of time to file a Kentucky corporation income tax and LLET the wrong account being credited. To obtain your valid Kentucky
return or limited liability pass-through entity and LLET return may be Corporation/LLET account number, please contact the Department of Revenue at
obtained by either: (502) 564-3306.
1. Requesting an extension pursuant to KRS 141.170 before the Mandatory Nexus Consolidated Returns - A six-month extension of time for
date prescribed by KRS 141.160 for filing the return, i.e., the filing a mandatory nexus consolidated Kentucky corporation income tax and LLET
15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxable return also constitutes an extension of time for filing for each member of the
year; or affiliated group.
Payment of Tax - A six-month extension of time to file a return does not
2. Submitting with the tax return a copy of federal Form 7004, extend the date prescribed for payment of tax. Therefore, a check made
Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer for the amount of any unpaid tax should
Business IncomeTax, Information, and Other Returns. be submitted to the Department of Revenue along with Form 41A720SL on or
Federal Extension - A corporation or limited liability pass-through before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxable year.
entity granted an extension of time for filing a federal income tax return Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - The Department of Revenue is accepting
will be granted the same extension of time for filing a Kentucky income electronically filed Corporation Income Tax/LLET extension payments for
and LLET return for the same taxable year provided a copy of the corporation income tax and limited liability entity tax. Before filing by EFT, the
federal Form 7004 is attached to the Kentucky income and LLET corporation must have a valid six-digit Kentucky Corporation/LLET account number
return when it is filed. A copy of the federal Form 7004 shall not be and have registered with the Department of Revenue to file EFT. Using an incorrect
mailed to the Department of Revenue before filing the return. account number, such as an account number for withholding tax or sales and use
tax or a Secretary of State Organization Number, will result in the payment being
Note: If submitting payment with extension, use Kentucky Form credited to another corporation's account. For more information or for online
41A720SL. For Kentucky purposes, do not file federal Form 7004 if registration, contact the Department of Revenue at (800) 839-4137 or (502)
filing Kentucky Form 41A720SL. 564-6020.
To submit payment online, visit https://secure.kentucky.gov/DOR/payment/web.
Kentucky Extension - A six-month extension of time to file a
corporation or limited liability pass-through entity income and LLET File Extension Electronically and Pay By Mail - To file an extension
return may be obtained by either making a specific request to the electronically and submit payment by mail, send check or money order to Kentucky
Department of Revenue or attaching a copy of the federal extension to Department of Revenue, Frankfort, KY 40620-0021. Reference "Corporation
the return when filed. A copy of the federal extension (Form 7004) Income/LLET Extension - 2016" and Kentucky Corporation/LLET account number
submitted after the return is filed does not constitute a valid on the check or money order. Do not send a copy of the electronically filed
extension, and late filing penalties will be assessed. If a extension with the payment. This may result in duplicate extensions applied to the
corporation or limited liability pass-through entity is making a account.
payment with its extension, Kentucky Form 41A720SL must be
used. Penalty - A penalty of 2 percent of the tax due for each 30 days or fraction thereof
may apply to any tax not paid by the 15th day of the fourth month following the
Filing Tip: A copy of either federal Form 7004 or Kentucky Form close of the taxable year. KRS 131.180(1)
41A720SL must be attached to the return when filed, and a copy
should be retained for the corporation's or limited liability pass-through Interest - Interest at the tax interest rate plus 2 percent applies to any tax paid
kkkkdasdfjaskdfjlskfjkjskdjfksdfksdkjfsdR720SL2.FRMdasdf entity's records. after the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxable year.
When requesting an extension prior to filing a Kentucky return, this form must be used.
+ Mail extension with payment to Kentucky Department of Revenue, Frankfort, KY 40620-0021 Make check(s) payable to: Kentucky State Treasurer
" ¬ DO NOT include Check Stubs Enclose Check and Extension Unattached ¬ ¬ ¬
Department of Revenue 24
KY Corporation / LLET Account No. Taxable Year Ending (MMYY)
Federal Identification Number
Income Tax . 0 0
State and Date of Organization Limited Liability
Entity Tax . 0 0
Total . 0 0
Name of President, Partner or Member Telephone No. of Entity
Form Type (Check the box ): Form 720 Form 720S Form 725 Form 765 Mail to:
KY Department of Revenue
Frankfort, KY 40620-0021
? Signature of Principle Officer or Chief Accounting Officer OR Date
Preparer Other Than Taxpayer