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City of Hillview, 283 Crestwood Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40229
Office: (502) 957-5280 Fax: (502) 955-5673
1. Must enter total number of employees
2. Total salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation paid
3. Less compensation paid for services outside of the City of Hillview
4. Taxable earnings (Item 2 minus Item 3)
5. Actual tax due in Quarter at 1.8%
6. Adjustments (Prior Quarters)
7. Interest (1/2 of 1% per month)
8. Penalty (10%)
9. Total taxes due including penalty and interest
*If no wages were paid this quarter mark “None” and return this form with explanation
If you employed less than 10 employees, use the space provided below OR furnish copies of each employee.
Larger concerns may file their own listing (same format as below) or furnish W-2 copies.
Occupational Tax
Name of Employee SSN Gross Wages Taxable Wages Withheld
I hearby certify that all of the information and statements contained herein are true and accurate.
____________________________________ _________________________ __________________
Signature Title Date