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Iowa Department of Revenue                                                               IA 1120F ES
                                                                                 Franchise Estimate Tax Payment Voucher 
                                                                                         INSTALLMENT 1
                                                                Due Date: Last day of the 4  month of the calendar or fiscal year

Financial                                                       FEIN: 
Institution Name: 

                                                                Period Ending: 

City, State ,ZIP:                                               Payment Amount: 

                           Make checks payable to: 
Mail to:                   Treasurer, State of Iowa When-  you pay by             
Iowa Department of Revenue check, you authorize the Department of 
PO Box 10413               Revenue to convert your check to a one-time 
Des Moines IA  50306-0413  electronic banking transaction. 43-006 (06 15 8/ /1 )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cut here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iowa Department of Revenue
                                                                                         IA 1120F ES
                                                                                     Franchise Estimate Tax Payment Voucher
                                                                                         INSTALLMENT 2
                                                                   Due Date: Last day of the 6th month of the calendar or fiscal year

Institution Name:                                               FEIN: 

Address:                                                        Period Ending:         

City, State ,ZIP:
                                                                Payment Amount: 
                                Make checks payable to: 
      Mail to:                  Treasurer, State of Iowa -When you pay by             
      Iowa Department of Revenue check, you authorize the Department of 
      PO Box 10413              Revenue to convert your check to a one-time 
      Des Moines IA  50306-0413 electronic banking transaction. 43-006 (0 /6 15 8/1 )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cut here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iowa Department of Revenue                                                               IA 1120F ES
                                                                                     Franchise Estimate Tax Payment Voucher 
                                                                                         INSTALLMENT 3
                                                                Due Date: Last day of the 9th month of the calendar or fiscal year

Institution Name: 

Address:                                                        Period Ending: 

City, State ,ZIP:
                                                                Payment Amount: 
                                Make checks payable to: 
Mail to:                        Treasurer, State of Iowa -When you pay by         
Iowa Department of Revenue      check, you authorize the Department of 
PO Box 10413                    Revenue to convert your check to a one-time 
Des Moines IA  50306-0413       electronic banking transaction. 43-006 (0 /6 15 8/1 )

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Iowa Department of Revenue                                                         IA 1120F ES
                                                                            Franchise Estimate Tax Payment Voucher 

                                                                                th INSTALLMENT 4
                                                           Due Date: Last day of the 12  month of the calendar or fiscal year

Financial                                                  FEIN: 
Institution Name: 

Address:                                                   Period Ending: 

City, State ,ZIP:                                          Payment Amount: 

                           Make checks payable to: 
Mail to:                   Treasurer, State of Iowa -When you pay by         
Iowa Department of Revenue check, you authorize the Department of 
PO Box 10413               Revenue to convert your check to a one-time 
Des Moines IA  50306-0413  electronic banking transaction. 43-006 (0 /6 15 8/1 )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  cut here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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