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               Iowa Workers’ Compensation – FIRST REPORT OF INJURY OR ILLNESS                                                                       Jurisdiction Code______________                                       Jurisdiction Claim Number_______________ 
                                 Claim Administrator Name:                                                                                                  Claim Representative Business                       Insurer Name (if different than claim administrator): 
                                                                                                                                                            Phone Number:                                        
                                 Mailing Address, City, State, & Postal Code:                                                                               Claim Administrator Claim Number:                   Insurer FEIN: 
                CLAIM  ADMIN                                                                                                                                Claim Administrator FEIN:                           Claim Type Code: 
                                 Employer Name:                                                                                                             Employer FEIN:                                      Insured Report Number:               Employer Type Code: 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           __ Employer (E) 
                                 Physical Address, City, State, & Postal Code:                                                                               Mailing Address, City, State, & Postal Code:       Industry Code:                             __ Lessor (L) 

                EMPLOYER                                                                                                                                                                                        Insured Location Number:             Employer UI Number: 
                                 Nature of Business:                                                                                                        Employer Contact Name and Business Phone Number: 
                                 Insured Name (parent company if different than employer): Insured FEIN: Insured Postal Code:                               Policy/Contract Number:                 Coverage Effective Date:                         Self Insurance License/ 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Certificate Number: 
                POLICY                                                                                                                                                                              Coverage Expiration Date: 
                                 Employee Name (First, Middle, Last, & Suffix):                                                   Date of Birth:                          Gender:                                                   Tax Filing Status (check one): 
                                                                                                                                                                          __ Male (M)                ____ Single (A)                      ____ Married/Filing Joint (C) 
                                 Mailing Address, City, State, & Postal Code:                                                     Date of Hire:                           __ Female (F)              ____ Single/Head of Household (B)   ____ Married/Filing Separate(D) 
                                                                                                                                                                          Educational Level (grade completed): _______   [GED = 12]                  Marital Status:    (check one) 
                                                                                                                                  Employment Status    (check one):                            Employee ID Number    (check one):                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ___ Unmarried (U) 
                                 Phone Number (include area code):                                                      ____ Piece Worker                                                      ID # ______________________                
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ___ Married (M) 
                                                                                                                        ____ Volunteer                                               ____  Social Security Number                         
                EMPLOYEE         Occupation Description:                                                               ____       Seasonal                                                                                                                     ___ Separated (S) 
                                                                                                                       ____       Apprenticeship/Full-Time                          ____  Employment VISA Number                                     Employee’s Authorization to  
                                 Manual Classification Code:                                                           ____       Apprenticeship/Part-Time                                                                                           Release the Following: 
                                                                                                                       ____ Regular Employee/Full-Time                              ____  Passport Number 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Medical Records __ yes                       __ 
                                 Department Where Regularly Worked:                                                    ____       Part-Time                                         ____  Green Card                                                                                  no 
                                                                                                                       ____ Other                                                                                                                                                     __ 
                                                                                                                                                                                    ____  Employee ID Assigned by Jurisdiction           Social Security Number                __ yes no 
                                                       Average Wage $ ___________   (check one):                       Salary Continued In Lieu of Compensation:                         ___ yes      ___ no                        Employee Number of Dependents:    __________ 
                                 ___ hourly              ___ daily               ___ semi-monthly          ___ monthly              Full Wages Paid for Date of Injury:                  ___ yes      ___ no                        Employee Number of Exemptions:    ___________   (check 
                WAGE             ___ bi-weekly            ___ annual             ___ weekly                                                                                                                                         one) 
                                               Number of Days Regularly Worked Per Week:   _______                                              Discontinued Fringe Benefits:    $_____________                                      ___ Entitled  ___ Withholding 
                                 _____________________         Date of Injury                                          Describe the nature of the injury.  (ex. amputation, burn, cut, fracture): 
                                 _____________________         Date Employer Had Knowledge of the Injury 
                                 _____________________         Date Claim Administrator Had Knowledge of the Injury 
                                 _____________________         Initial Date Last Day Worked 
                                 _____________________         Initial Return to Work Date (if applicable)             Part(s) of body directly affected by the injury or illness.  (ex. hand, arm, circulatory system): 
                                 _____________________ Employee Date of Death (if applicable) 
                                 _____________________ Time of Injury 
                                 _____________________ Time Employee Began Work 
                                 Pre-Existing Disability Code: 
                                                                       ___ Yes                                         Describe the events that caused the injury.  (ex. fell, operating machinery, chemical exposure): 
                                                                       ___ No 
                                                                       ___ Unknown 
                                 Accident Premises Code: 
                                   ___ Employer (E) 
                ACCIDENT/INJURY    ___ Lessee (L)                                                                      Name the object or substance that directly injured the employee.  (ex. knife, floor, acid, oil): 
                                   ___ Other (X) 
                                 Accident Site Organization Name: 

                                 Accident Site Street, City, State, & Postal Code: 
                                                                                                                       Specify activity the employee was engaged in when the event occurred.  (ex. cutting metal plate for flooring)  Indicate if activity was part of normal duties: 

                                 Accident Location Narrative (if no street address): 
                                 Accident Site County/Parish:                                                          Witness Name & Business Phone Number: 
                                 Initial Treatment Code        (check one):                                            Initial Medical Provider Name:                                                                                   Managed Care Organization Name or ID Number: 
                                 ___ no medical treatment (0) 
                                 ___ minor/on-site treatment (1) 
                                 ___ clinic/hospital visit (2)                                                         Initial Medical Provider Physical Address, City, State, & Postal Code: 
                MEDICAL          ___ emergency care (3)                                                                                                                                                                                 ICD Primary Diagnostic Code (if known): 
                                 ___ hospitalization > 24 hours (4) 
                                 ___ future medical treatment/lost time anticipated (5) 
                                 Preparer’s Name & Title:                                                              Preparer's Company Name:                                                                           Phone Number:                               Date: 

©     IAIABC FORM 1.2   (12/98) 

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