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                                                                                                                     License #: ____________

                             City of Peoria Business License Application
                                                              8401 W. Monroe St. 
                                                              Peoria, AZ 85345                                       Application Fee: $20 
                                                                    (623) 773-7160                                   License Fee:      $25 
                                                                                                                     Total                   $45
Check all that        New Business                            Former Owner (if applicable)              Previous City License #
                      New Owner of Existing Business    
                      Name Change Only                        Current City License #                    Date of Change
                      Location Change
Do you sell, store or handle any hazardous materials?               No     Yes,please contact the Fire Department at (623) 773-7275        .
Are there any improvements planned to the business property?        No     Yes, please contact Economic Development at (623) 773-7225 or 
*NOTE: A building permit would be required for any electrical, mechanical, plumbing, structural, or fire related additions or changes to a 
commercial address.

Business Name (Individual, Company or "DBA", first name first)

Business Address.

City                                                          State        ZIP Code + 4                      Business Telephone #

Start Date in Peoria  E-mail address                                       AZ Dept of Revenue TPT#           FEIN

Enter Name if Different from Section I (above) or Enter 'In-Care-Of' Name

Mailing Address

City                                       State      ZIP Code + 4                                           Telephone #
SECTION III. BUSINESS TYPE: Check all that apply
Business Type:        Amusement                   Commercial Rental        Hotel/Motel            Manufacturer             Publishing
                      Retail Food                 Group Home               Use Tax                Wholesaler               Telecommunications
                      Retail Sales                Residential Rental       Internet Sales         Transporting
                      Construction Contracting    Realtor/Property Manager Restaurant/Bar         Job Printing
                      Registrar of Contractors #: Personal Property Rental Advertising            Other:
                                                  Professional Services:

Describe Nature of  

Check method you will use in submitting reports:      Cash Receipts      Accrual     # of Employees

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Do you own your business location?           Yes       No             If yes, Is this your residence?   Yes          No
If no, complete Landlord/Property Manager information
Landlord/Property Manager Name                                 Address                                    Rent Amount: Phone #     

Do you rent a portion of the business premises to another entity?    Yes       No
Alarm       Does the business have a security alarm?   No            Yes, Name of the Alarm Company:
                                                                     Alarm Company Phone #:

            Type of Alarm:        Silent     Audible Firearms on Premises      No        Yes, What Type:

Ownership Type:        Individual        LLC Corporation             General Partnership   LLP          Other:
                       1) Name                                                           Title                         Social Security #
Owners, Partners, LLC 
Members or Officers  
(For Additional Names,    Home Address                                                   Date of Birth                 Phone No.   
Please Attach List)

                          City                         State           ZIP Code          Driver License #              State Issued

                       2) Name                                                           Title                         Social Security #

                          Home Address                                                   Date of Birth                 Phone No.   

                          City                         State           ZIP Code          Driver License #              State License

Corporate or LLC       Name                                                                           Phone No.   
Statutory Agent

Location Where         Name                                                                           Phone No.    
Business Records
Are Kept
                       Address                                                                        City, state,zip

I certify that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I have read and  complied with all statutes,  
ordinances, and other requirements affecting public peace, health, and safety. I understand license and application fees are non-refundable and  
incomplete forms will delay processing. 
Print Name                                           Signature                             Title                       Date

                                                                                                                           Revised 11/2014

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                                PEORIA FIRE DEPARTMENT  
                                8 3 5 1   W e s t   C i n n a b a r   A v e n u e  
                                                 P e o r i a ,   A r i z o n a   8 5 3 4 5  
Date:             December 24, 2012 
To:               Business License Applicants within Peoria’s City Limits 
From:             Peoria Fire Department – Fire Prevention 
Subject:          Required Operational Permits 
Effective January 1, 2013, part of the business license application process will be the verification 
of the need for an annual operational permit from the Fire Department. In order to not delay your 
application, please review the following list of either business types or processes that typically  
require a permit. If you are one of these types of businesses or perform one or more of the 
operations, you will need to contact the Peoria Fire Department – Fire Prevention Division to 
apply for the necessary permit. 
In order for the Fire Department to approve the business license application the business must 
have a current year Operational Permit or have started the application process. The Fire 
Department permit application can be found on our website (www.peoriaaz.gov/fire) along with 
guides for certain permit types. Certain homebased businesses cannot be approved if they 
involve dangerous or hazardous materials. Check the appropriate box on both pages and sign 
the last page to confirm you have reviewed the lists. 
The following are types of business operations that may require an annual operational permit. 
For specific questions contact Fire Prevention at (623) 773-7279. 
Amusement Building                                                     HPM Facility 
Indoor special amusement buildings or portions thereof.                Hazardous Production Material within a semiconductor plant 
Aviation Faclities                                                     Lumber Yard and Wood Working Plant 
Aircraft serving or repair and aircraft fuel servicing equipment       Storage or processing over 100,000 board feet 
Carnivals/Fairs                                                        Places of Assembly 
Outdoor carnivals or fairs with or without rides                       Restaurants, night clubs and bars 
Covered Mall Buildings                                                 Repair Garage and Fuel Dispensing 
Indoor or outdoor                                                      Vehicle repair facilities and fuel dispensing 
Dry Cleaning Plants                                                    Tents, Canopies & Memebrane Structures 
Includes buildings or portions of buildings where process is conducted Tent 200 sq. ft. and/or canopy/membrane structure 400 sq. ft. 
Exhibits and Trade Shows                                               Tire Rebuilding Plant 
Indoor exhibits and trade shows                                        Operation or maintaneance of a tire plant 
        This business license application                       does   involve one of the above business types. 
        This business license application                       does not involve one of the above business types. 
                                Serving with:  Strength  -  Honor  -  Compassion  

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The following are types of operations that may require an annual operational permit. For specific 
questions contact Fire Prevention at (623) 773-7279. 
Aerosol Products                                                      LP Gas 
Manufactuer, store or handle 500 lbs of Level 2 or 3 aerosol product  Storage or use above 125 gallons 
Cellulose Nitrate Film                                                Magnesium 
Store, handle or use in a Group A occupancy                           Melt, cast, heat treat or grind more than 10 lbs. 
Combustible Dust Producing Operation                                  Miscellanious Combustible Storage 
Plant, storage or operation that produces dust at 420 microns or less Store more than 2,500 cu. ft. on property (inside or outside) 
Combustible Fibers                                                    Open Burning 
Storage or handling greater than 100 cu. ft.                          Bonfires for educational or religious. Burning for reconized silviculture 
Compressed Gases                                                      Open Flames and Torches 
Amount varies per Table 105.6.8, Contact the Fire Department          Use a torch to remote paint or to use in a hazardous area 
Cyrogenic Fluids                                                      Open Flames and Candles 
Amount varies per Table 105.6.10, Contact the Fire Department         Use open flames or candles in assembly areas in bars or restaurants 
Cutting and Welding                                                   Organic Coatings 
On site processess                                                    Manufacture more than 1 gallon per day 
Explosives                                                            Private Fire Hydrants 
Any amount including consumer fireworks                               To remove a fire hydrant from service 
Fire Hydrants and Valves                                              Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials 
To use or operate except by water company employees                   Any amount 
Flammable and Combustible Liquids                                     Pyroxylin Plastics 
Class 1 greater than 10 gallons, Class II greater than 60 gallons     Store or handle more than 25 lbs. 
Floor Finishing                                                       Refrigeration Equipment 
Exceed 350 sq. ft. with Class I or II liquid                          More than 220 lbs of Group A1 or more than 30 lbs or any refrigerant 
Fruit and Crop Ripening                                               Rooftop Heliport 
When using ethylene gas                                               Any rooftop heliport 
Fumigation & Thermal Insecticidal Fogging                             Spraying or Dipping 
To operate a business or store toxic or flammable fumigant            Spray or dipping using flammable or combustible liquids or powders 
Hazardous Materials                                                   Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts 
Amount varies per Table 105.6.20, Contact the Fire Department         Establish, conduct or maintain more than 2,500 cu. ft. of tires 
High Piled Storage                                                    Waste Handling 
Storage greater than 12 feet and exceeds 500 sq. ft. of area          Wrecking  yards, junk yards and waste material handling facilities 
Hot Work Operations                                                   Wood Products 
On site processes                                                     Store chip or hogged material greater than 200 cu. ft. 
Industrial Ovens                                                      Fire Protection Contractor 
Class A, B, C and D furnaces                                          Service or install any fire protection equipment 
Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles in Assembly                              
Display, operate or demonstrate inside an assembly occupancy 
  This business license application                              does involve one of the above operations. 
  This business license application                              does not involve one of the above operations. 
Signature: _______________________________________                                         Date: ____________________ 
                             Serving with:  Strength  -  Honor  -  Compassion  

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                                                                              License #: ___________
            __________________________________Home Occupation Statement
                                                                                  Not Applicable
 Please complete this from if you rbusiness is based out of your home. Answer the questions listed below 
 to provide staff with the information necessary to evaluate the conformance of your proposed business
 to the Home Occupation requirements listed in the attached affidavit. 
 1.  Business Name: ________________________________________________________________ 
 2. Business Address:________________________________________________________________ 
                      Phone Number: ___________________Day       ___________________Night 
 3.  Fully describe the proposed home occupation:___________________________________________ 
 4.   Identify the hours of operation:________________________________________________________ 

 5.   List the general activities which will occur at the above listed address:________________________ 
 6.   List any items related to the proposed business which will be stored at the listed address including 
      equipment, vehicles and material(s):___________________________________________________ 

 7.   Identify any machinery to be operated from the premise in conjunction with proposed business: 

 8.  Will you receive customers, clients or commercial deliveries at the above listed address?  If yes, 

      explain the number of deliveries and the number of clients per hour:_________________________ 

 9.  Identify the number of employees (excluding household members) to be employed in your business: 

   Will any employees report directly to the listed address?  If yes, explain:______________________ 

 10. Are there any existing or planned building alterations or building additions associated with the Home       
 Occupation?  If yes, explain: ____________________________________________________________ 

 I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct. 
 Signature Required ___________________________             Date:________________________ 

   Please carefully read the following Home Occupation requirements before signing. 
                                                                                                   Rev. 11/02

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                                                Home Occupation Requirements Affidavit
               Section 14-3 Home Occupations                                               Not Applicable
 A home occupation is an accessory use of the primary dwelling unit permitted either by-right or by 
 conditional use permit.   Home occupations are generally conducted and located such that the average 
 neighbor, under normal circumstances, would not be aware of their existence.  The standards set forth in 
 this section of the City of Peoria Zoning Ordinance are intended to ensure compatibility of the home 
 occupation use with the residential character of the neighborhood.   The proposed use shall be clearly 
 accessory or incidental to the residential use of the main building to qualify as a home occupation use under 
 this section. 
 (Please initial at each statement indicating that you have read and understand each of the 
 above requirements.) 
 A.  A Home Occupation where permitted, except for Day Care Group Homes, shall be considered a 
     permitted accessory use when it complies with the following regulations. 
               1.  No changes shall be made which alter the residential appearance of the building.  This 
               shall include alterations or additions to the existing building(s) and construction of parking 
               areas or garages in excess of what is common to the surrounding area. 
               2.  No signs shall be allowed advertising a Home Occupation. 
               3.   Home Occupations shall not have exterior display, exterior storage of materials or 
               equipment or other exterior indication of the Home Occupation. 
               4.    The Home Occupation shall not be discernable from beyond the premises, particularly 
               emissions of noise, light, dust, gas, vibration, odor or smoke. 
               5.    The Home Occupation shall not involve more than one (1) business caller or visitor at a 
               time and not more than two visitors per hour, nor commercial deliveries or outside services 
               beyond those normal and incidental to the residential uses in the district. 
               6.    The Home Occupation shall be conducted by a resident or residents of the dwelling unit 
               only.  No outside employees shall be employed at the site, and not more than one employee 
               may report to the site for off-site employment. 
               7.    No unusual load shall be placed on power, sewer, water or other utilities as a result of the 
               Home Occupation use. 
               8.  External activity resulting from the Home Occupation shall be limited to the hours 
               between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. 
               9.    No more than two (2) commercial vehicles may be parked on the Home Occupation site 
               for personal use, except as provided by the City Code and no storage of commercial vehicles 
               shall be allowed. 
               10.  All Home Occupations shall be subject to the standards contained herein and shall be 
               approved by the City prior to the initiation of any business activity. 
               11.  A valid sales tax and/or business license shall be obtained for the Home Occupation use. 
 I  hereby  certify  that  I  have  read  and  understood  the  above  regulations  concerning  Home 
 Occupations. I agree to comply with them.  Further, it is my understanding that failure to comply 
 with the above regulations or complaints received from local residents may cause my license to 
 be revoked. 
 Signature of Applicant                                        Date 

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                                                                         License #: ___________ 
                         Legal Arizona Workers Act Compliance Guidelines 
                                                     House Bill 2745 
                                                                                 Not Applicable
                                                          Chapter 152 
City of Peoria Licensing Eligibility: Required onlyfor sole proprietorships/individually owned businesses           
Effective October 1, 2008, before issuing a license to an individual, the individual must present one of 
the following documents to the City of Peoria indicating that the individual's presence in the United 
States is authorized under federal law:  
Check the box next to the document indicating lawful presence and provide a copy of the 
document with your business license application.  
               An Arizona driver license issued after 1996 or an Arizona non-operating 
               identification license.  
               A driver license issued by a state that verifies lawful presence in the United 
               States. (See Overview of States’ Driver’s License Requirements)  
               A birth certificate or delayed birth certificate issued in any state, territory or 
               possession of the United States.  
               A United States certificate of birth abroad.  
               A United States passport.  
               A foreign passport with a United States visa.  
               An I-94 form with a photograph.  
               A United States citizenship and immigration services employment authorization 
               document or refugee travel document.  
               A United States certificate of naturalization.  
               A United States certificate of citizenship.  
               A tribal certificate of Indian blood.  
               A tribal or bureau of Indian affairs affidavit of birth.  
This provision does not apply to an individual, if either:  
  1.    BOTH of the following apply: 
        a.     The individual is a citizen of a foreign country or, if at the time of application, the individual 
               resides in a foreign country. 
        b.     The benefits that are related to the license do not require the individual to be present in the 
               United States in order to receive those benefits. 
  2.     ALL of the following apply: 
        a.     The individual is a resident of another state. 
        b.     The individual holds an equivalent license in that other state and the equivalent license is of the 
               same type being sought in this state. 
        c.     The individual seeks the Arizona license to comply with this state’s licensing laws and not to 
               establish residency in this state. 
______________________________                        ________________________ 
Signature of applicant                                        Date 
________________________________                         __________________________ 
Signature of City of Peoria employee                          Date  

                                                                                Updated 9/4/2012 

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                                                        License #: ___________ 
Overview of States’ Driver’s License Requirements 
States that require a Social Security    
number (SSN) for a driver's license     SD. 
with no exceptions (1).                  
States that require an SSN for a        AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, 
driver's                                FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, 
license, but have exceptions to that    MD, ME, MA, MN, MI, MS, MO, MT, NE, 
rule                                    NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, 
(50).                                   OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, 
                                        WA, WV, WI, and WY. 
States that have lawful presence        AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, 
requirements in the law (29).           KS, KY, LA (grants temporary licenses to 
                                        those in the agricultural industry, 
                                        regardless of immigration status), MN, 
                                        MS, MO, MT, NH, NJ, OH, OK, PA, SC, 
                                        SD, TN, VA, VT, WI, and WY.
States that have lawful presence         
requirements that are created by        AK, DE, DC, IL, IA, MA, NE, NV, NY, NC, 
agency policy or the combination of     ND, OR, RI, TX, and WV. 
documents required of driver’s license   
applicants (15). 
States that don't have lawful presence  HI, ME, MD, MI, NM, UT, and WA. 
requirements (7). 
States that accept the ITIN as an       IL (in the case of religious objections) KY, 
alternative to the SSN (5).             NM, UT, and WV 
States that accept the matrícula        IN, MI (accepted on case-by-case basis), 
consular or other foreign ID card as a  NE, NM, TX, UT, and WA. 
form of ID (7).                          
States that require that the driver’s   AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, GA, FL, IA, IN, KY, 
license expire with an immigrant’s      LA, MN, MO, MT, NJ, NV, NY, NC, ND, 
visa (31).                              OH, OK, 
                                        PA, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WV, WI, 
                                                                Updated 9/4/2012 

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