- 2 -
Arizona Form
Request for Copies of Fraudulent Returns 470
Phone Numbers
4 and 5 -Current or Mailing Address
For more information or help, call one of the numbers listed Fill in your current address. If different from your current
below. address, enter the address to which the department should
mail the copies. (If the same as current address, leave
Phoenix (602) 255-3381
mailing address blank.)
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free (800) 352-4090
6 -Signature
Instructions Sign and date your request. We will not process your request
if you do not sign the form.
A victim of identity theft may use this form to request a 7 - Fees
redacted copy (one with some information blacked out) of a
fraudulent return that was filed using the identity theft There is a fee of $2.00 per tax period for copies of fraudulent
victim’s name and social security number. Although some tax returns. Full payment must be included with your
information will be redacted, the remaining information will request before the request can be completed. You may pay
allow you to determine what information the identity thief by check or money order made payable to the Arizona
may have about you. Department of Revenue. Your cancelled check is your
1 - Name(s)
Fill in the identity theft victim’s full name. If married, put How to File
the spouse’s name on line B.
Mail your completed form to:
2 - Social Security Number(s) Arizona Department of Revenue
Fill in the identity theft victim’s Social Security Number Copy Desk
(SSN). If married, put the spouse’s SSN on line B. P O Box 29216
3 - Tax Period(s) Phoenix, AZ 85038-9216
Fill in the year(s) needed. You can request returns for the
current tax year and the two previous tax years.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to get a copy of the fraudulent return?
The time required to fulfill a request depends on a number of factors. One factor is whether there are any unresolved issues concerning
the return. The department will need to resolve any identity theft issues before providing the return. The department may also need to
hold off providing a return if disclosure of the return may compromise a pending investigation.
The department will acknowledge your request within 30 days and within 90 days you should receive the returns or follow-up
What information will be redacted?
Return Information Redaction
Names of the primary taxpayer, secondary taxpayer and Each name except the first four letters of the last name. (If the
dependents last name has four or fewer letters, the last name will remain
Address of the primary and secondary taxpayer Entire address except the street name
Name and address of all other persons or entities on Entire name and address
Taxpayer identification number such as SSN Entire number except for last four digits
Personally identifiable numbers such as designee’s Entire number
Personal Identification Number or preparer’s Tax
Identification Number
Telephone numbers Entire number except for last four digits
Bank routing and account numbers Entire number except for last four digits
Signature Entire signature
Print Instructions