Rebate Application Period Has Closed – Application Review Period Has Started More Info logo
Division of

Approval Process


Software Developers (SDs):


The information contained on this page is for those re-creating Delaware tax forms.


Please Note: To include a Delaware tax return in your software package, each form must receive OCR Approval by the Delaware Division of Revenue. 2D Barcode forms will require additional testing and approval.

Step 1

Per new FTA guidelines, SDs are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) at the start of the design year. The first step to be included in the LOI approval process is to send an email to You will receive instructions on obtaining and completing your LOI. Once your LOI has been accepted, you may begin the forms approval process.


Step 2:

Design forms as they have been provided on the FTA State Exchange Server. Three versions are provided to assist development.

  • GL – A Gray Line version displays all lines in a font that will drop out when printed. Alternate option from the No Line for vendors to use to create their version.
  • NL – A No Line version shows the form with text layout and not having lines included. For vendors to use to create their version if their software darkens the gray lines from the Gray Line.
  • OL / BLOL – An Overlay version (legacy form design) or Blackline/Overlay (modernized form) is to be used to insert as a layer to ensure the form created is an exact match to Delaware’s form and data fields are in the correct areas of the form. This is critical to ensure OCR success. No text shall touch any of the red lines displayed on the overlay.
  • All forms require OCR Approval unless otherwise noted. 2D barcode forms require additional testing and approval. (More info below)
  • All forms – even 2D Barcode forms – require a 1D barcode (legacy forms) or QR code (modernized forms): see the General Form Specifications document.


Step 3:

Determine if your form requires OCR or 2D Barcode Approval – do not mix OCR and 2D submissions.

All submissions must mimic what your users will submit using your software package. All PDF files should be saved at actual size.

There is no separate scanline testing for coupon forms. Scanlines (if applicable) will be tested during the OCR Approval process.


Approval Process

  • Field borders should be 1-point thickness, in black with 8% opacity. If you can’t do 8% opacity, then remove field borders completely.
  • Alpha characters should be in all caps.
  • No commas in numeric fields; no dashes in TPID.
  • No dashes in zip codes; please provide 9 digit zip codes in your test data samples.
  • Save forms as actual size: provide 1 full-fill sample and 2 test data samples via email; do not mail samples.
  • Each form should be saved as a separate file; do not combine multiple forms into one PDF.
  • Include your NACTP number in the PDF file names.
  • Email your PDF samples to, and include your NACTP number in the title of your email.


2D Barcode Testing:

  • Available for Forms: PIT-RES, PIT-NON, 1100, and 1100S
  • Whenever possible, provide 2D barcodes on these forms.
  • Specs and approval process – email for more information.


Please Note:

  • Whenever possible, forms will be approved/tested within 7 business days.
  • Forms will be marked “DRAFT” until finalized.
  • You can only receive approval on forms marked “FINAL.”
  • Once you receive approval on a FINAL form, your form will be marked certified. If scanning issues arise as the tax season progresses, we will work with you on making changes.


For E-mail Updates

Email updates will go through the NACTP listserv. If you need to receive email updates outside of this listserv, contact Add “Software Developer” in the subject line, and please include your name, contact information and company name in the body of your e-mail.


As always, we look forward to working with you this year!

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