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                           Massachusetts Department of Revenue
                           Early Election Schedule LIHC
                           Low-Income Housing Credit Notification                                                                                                                                    2020

For calendar year 2020 or taxable year beginning                                                                          and ending
Name of project owner                                                                                     Federal Identification number                             Social Security number

Street address

City/Town                                                                                                         State              Zip                                                 Phone number

Name of project                                                                                                Building Identification number

Street address

City/Town                                                                                                         State              Zip                                                 Phone number

The undersigned is electing to make an early credit election of the Massachusetts low-income housing credit and is notifying the Department
of Revenue of this election pursuant to 760 CMR 54.09(3); 54.09(4).
Signature of project owner Date

Name of contact person     Phone number

Mail completed form to Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Audit Division, 200 Arlington Street, Chelsea, MA 02150; attn. Credit Unit.

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