GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Transaction Privilege, Use, and Severance Tax Return (TPT‑EZ) ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Online Filing For further detailed instructions, please refer to the TPT-2 Go to instructions. If you have more than one Online Filing: location, you are required to file The Arizona Department of Revenue’s online taxpayer service center website is electronically. It provides taxpayers with the ability to file their TPT tax returns, pay taxes, conduct other transactions, and review tax account information. Enroll your business at For taxpayers who file and pay taxes Mailing Address electronically, the Department must receive the tax return and payment on or before the last business day of the month; therefore, this transaction must be completed Arizona Department of Revenue before 5:00 p.m. MST (Mountain Standard Time) on the preceding business day. If PO Box 29010 you have more than one location, you are required to file electronically. Phoenix, AZ 85038‑9010 Who Must File: If you are mailing your Transaction Form TPT-EZ is for filing periods beginning on or after June 1, 2016. Businesses Privilege Tax Return, it must be received with income subject to transaction privilege tax, county excise tax, use or severance by the second to the last business day of tax must file a transaction privilege tax return even if there is no tax liability due for the month. the tax period. City tax for all cities is also reported on Form TPT‑EZ. Table II of the TRANSACTION PRIVILEGE AND OTHER TAX RATE TABLES lists the tax rates Customer Service which are available on the Department’s website ( Center Locations Due Date for TPT-EZ: 8:00 a.m. ‑ 5:00 p.m. Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 42‑5014 states that Form TPT‑EZ is due on Monday through Friday the 20 thday of the month following the month (or other reporting period) in which the (except Arizona holidays) tax is collected or accrued. However, for taxpayers that file by mail or in person, the return and payment will be considered to be filed timely if received by the Department Phoenix Office on or before the second to the last business day of the month. A business day is any 1600 W Monroe day except Saturday, Sunday, or a legal Arizona state holiday. For electronically filed Phoenix, AZ 85007 returns, see “Online Filing” above. Penalties: Tucson Office Any return that is not filed timely is subject to a late filing penalty. The late file 400 W Congress penalty, imposed by A.R.S. § 42‑1125(A), as qualified by A.R.S. § 42‑5014(E), is four Tucson, AZ 85701 and one‑half percent. A late payment penalty, imposed by A.R.S. § 42‑1125(D), is assessed when the tax due for the return is not paid by the due date. The late payment penalty is one‑half of one percent. Other penalties may apply as provided 7:00 a.m. ‑ 6:00 p.m. in A.R.S. § 42‑1125. Penalties and interest are assessed based on the statutory due Monday through Thursday date of the 20 thday of the month. 8:00 a.m. ‑ 12:00 p.m. Friday Amended Returns: (except Arizona holidays) Form TPT‑EZ must also be used to amend original returns that were previously filed for any reporting periods. To amend a previously filed Form TPT‑EZ, check the Mesa Office “AMENDED RETURN” box under TAXPAYER INFORMATION section. Complete 55 N Center the return with the corrected numbers only. Do not use negative numbers and do Mesa, AZ 85201 not submit a return with negative numbers to amend a prior period. Include all (This office does not handle billing or account disputes.) lines that were present on the original return, even if there are no changes to some lines. Amended Return Due Date: Customer Service An amended return that results in a refund or credit, must be filed within four years of Telephone Numbers the due date of the original return or four years from the date the original return was filed, whichever date is later. A taxpayer may not use an amended return to change 8:00 a.m. ‑ 5:00 p.m. a payment of estimated tax or to change the application of a claimed estimated tax Monday through Friday payment. (Except legal Arizona state holidays) NOTE: If the Transaction Privilege Tax liability is increased, the accounting credit Phoenix Area is limited to the previous amount claimed on the original return. In addition, if an (602) 255‑3381 estimated tax payment was claimed on the original return, do not restate the payment. Within Arizona 1 (800) 352‑4090 Tax Rate Tables and Deduction Codes can be found at ADOR 11263 (4/19) Page 1 |
Transaction Privilege, Use, and Severance Tax Return (TPT‑EZ) INSTRUCTIONS Page 1 TRANSACTION PRIVILEGE, USE, AND SEVERANCE TAX RETURN - (TPT-EZ) Summary Totals Arizona Department of Revenue ForPO Boxassistance29010out- Phoenix,of stateAZ or in85038-9010the Phoenix area: (602) 255-3381 or periodsForm TPT-EZbeginningis foronfilingor TPT-EZthe monthreturnin whichis duethethetransactions20th day ofwerethe monthconductedfollowing Statewide, toll free area codes 520 and 928: (800) 352-4090 after June 1, 2016. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SSN EIN 5 Line AA: Net AZ/County Tax 2 LICENSE NUMBER Enter the amount from Page 2, line 7, column M of this form. 3 M M D D Y Y Y Y M M D D Y Y Y Y TAXPAYER AMENDED RETURNINFORMATION FINAL RETURN CHECK HERE AND SIGN BELOW IF YOU 4 PERIOD BEGINNING PERIOD ENDING BUSINESS NAME 1 (Cancel License) HAVE NO GROSS RECEIPTS TO REPORT REVENUE USE ONLY. DO NOT MARK IN THIS AREA Line A1: State Excess Tax Collect C/O By law, if you collected more tax than is calculated as due, the MAILING ADDRESS combined excess tax must be reported and paid to the Department of CITY STATE ZIP CODE POSTMARK DATE RECEIVED DATE Revenue. Enter State excess tax collected on this line. ADDRESS CHANGED (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER 5 If you are eligible to take an Accounting Credit, you may take an Accounting Credit for Excess Tax Collected. The Accounting Credit applies only to taxes paid for the state and not the counties. Line A3: Subtotal Add lines AA and A1, subtract line A2, enter the results on this line. 6 complete. UnderDDCCBBAAEEFFNETB1 TPTNETB2 TOTALTAXA2 A3 NETA1 penaltiesAZ/COUNTYSUBTOTALCITYEXCESSSTATESUBTOTALESTIMATEDDUETAXCITYDeclarationAMOUNTEXCESSDUENETTAXEXCESSofTAXOFON(PAGEperjury,(LINE(LINETAXPAYMENTSREMITTEDACCOUNTINGTPTTHISTAXofTAX(PAGEBBAA2,ESTIMATEDpreparerCOLLECTEDRETURNLINEICOLLECT++declareB1A12,WITHTO14,LINE=– A2NETCREDIT (LINEBE(otherCOLUMNTHISthatPAYMENTS=...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7,USED.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CITYNET/AZCOLUMNA3RETURN........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ithanhave.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................+TAX)ON(M))LINECOUNTYtaxpayer)THIS(LINE...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................examined(M))..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................B2RETURN................................................................................................................................................................................................................=CCLINETAX)-isLINEthisCC)based.....................................................................................................................................................................................................(JUNEDD..............................................................................................................................................................................................return,=onRETURNLINEallincludingEE)informationONLY,......................................................................................................................................................................accompanyingDUEofINwhichJULY) Thethis....................................................................................................................................preparerschedulesreturntaxpayerandhasdesignatesandauthorizesanystatements,knowledge.thetheindividualdisclosureand tolistedtheof confidentialbestbelowofasmytheinformationknowledgeperson totoandcontactthis$belief, scheduleit is true,ancorrectaudit ofand Line A2: Excess Tax Accounting Credit TAXPAYER PRINTED NAME PAID PREPARER’S PRINTED NAME (OTHER THAN TAXPAYER) PAID PREPARER’S TIN TAXPAYER SIGNATURE DATE Line BB: Net City Tax TAXPAYER PHONE NO. TITLE PAID PREPARER’S SIGNATURE (OTHER THAN TAXPAYER) PAID PREPARER’S PHONE Enter the amount from Page 2, line 14, column M of this form. If there PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE is only city tax reported, complete the city detail and Schedule A City ADOR 11263 (4/16) The following numbered instructions correspond to the numbers on section only. the sample Form TPT‑EZ. Line B1: City Excess Tax Collect By law, if you collected more tax than is calculated as due, the If the return is an amended return, if you are canceling your license combined excess must be reported and paid to the Department of and this is your final return, or if you have no gross receipts (zero Revenue. Enter city excess tax collected on this line. sales income) to report, please check the appropriate box. Line B2: Subtotal NOTE: The “Check here and sign below if you have no gross Add lines BB and B1, enter the results on this line. receipts to report” check box is ONLY used if you are filing a return to report that you have zero sales income or no gross Line CC: Net Tax Due receipts to report. Do not check this box if there is tax due and Add lines A3 and B2, enter the results on this line. no payment is submitted with this return. Line DD: TPT Estimated Payments to be Used on Taxpayer Information this Return Enter the amount previously paid as an estimated tax payment. This only applies to the June TPT-EZ return due in July. If you are not 1 Business Name and Address required to pay an annual estimated tax payment or did not make an Make corrections on the form as required. If you make changes to the estimated tax payment, then leave this blank. address, check the “Address Changed” box. Line EE: Tax Due Net of TPT Estimated Payment 2 Taxpayer Identification Number Subtract line DD from line CC and enter the result on this line. A Taxpayer Identification Number is required when filing any return; enter either your federal employer identification number (EIN) or Line FF: Total Amount Remitted with this Return social security number (SSN). Enter the total amount remitted with this return. 3 License Number 6 Taxpayer’s Signature This number should include all eight numerical digits. The license Enter your first and last name, and sign and date this form. Please number must also be entered in the top right hand corner of Page 2. include a daytime phone number. NOTE: There are two different sections for transaction detail; 4 Reporting Period one is for State (AZ)/County transactions and the other is for Check the accuracy of the PERIOD BEGINNING and the PERIOD City transactions. ENDING boxes, and make corrections as required. If this information is missing, enter the correct periods in as (MMDDYYYY) format 7 [Column A] - Leave blank Page 2 State (AZ)/County Transaction Detail NOTE: A TRANSACTION DETAIL IS REQUIRED OR THE RETURN WILL NOT PROCESS CORRECTLY AND PENALTIES MAY APPLY. STATE (AZ) /COUNTY TRANSACTION DETAIL (See Table 1 on the Tax Rate Table, (H) AZ(I)/ (J) ACCTNG(K) (H) X(L)(K) = (L) (J) - (L)(M)= (M) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) DEDUCTIONS SCHEDULEFROM(G) A NET(F) -TAXABLE(G) = (H) TAXCOUNTYRATE (H)TOTALX (I) =TAX(J) CREDIT RATE ACCOUNTINGCREDIT AZ/COUNTY TAX DUE CODEREG. NAMEREGIONOF CODEBUS. BUS.DESC.ACTIVITYOF RECEIPTSGROSS 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 20 7 AZ/COUNTY SUBTOTAL (AMOUNT IN COLUMN M, MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, LINE AA) .................................... 8 Region Code [Column B] 48 TOTAL10MUSTBusinessEQUAL TOTAL ON PAGECode2, LINE 14, COLUMN[ColumnG D] 13 CITY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ................. $ 41 12 $ 6 AZ/COUNTY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ (D) (E) (F) 11 business(H) activity,CITY(I) $ which(J) can(K) be(L) found(J) - (L)(M)in= (M)TAX RATE TABLES. 9 Name of Region3CODELOC. CITYCODE[Column$C] GROSS RECEIPTS 10 $ 2 $ Enter the three letterCITY35TOTAL(A) TRANSACTION36MUST(B)region37EQUALNAMETOTALcodeDETAIL(C)38OF ONCITY (SeePAGEforTable2,whichLINECODEBUS.239on7,BUS.COLUMNtheDESC.youACTIVITYTaxGRateOF areTable, tax. DEDUCTIONS SCHEDULEFROM(G) A9 42 NET43(F)This-TAXABLE(G)44= (H)column45RATE TAXidentifies$ (H)TOTALX (I)46=TAX(J)the threeCREDITCITY digit47 TAXCITYnumberDUEcorresponding to your Enter the name18of the county or special$ region for which you are 8 11 Description$ of Business Activity [Column E] remitting tax. 921REGION CODE22 CODEBUS. DEDUCTION23CODE DEDUCTION24 AMOUNT25 DEDUCTIONDESCRIPTION26CODEOF 27 CODELOC. CODECITYThis28CODEBUS. columnDEDUCTIONCODE29willDEDUCTIONidentify30 AMOUNT31your32DEDUCTIONtypeDESCRIPTIONofCODE33business,OF or business activity. 10 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 14STATECITY SUBTOTAL (AZ) /COUNTY(AMOUNTDEDUCTIONSIN COLUMN M,DETAILMUST EQUAL PAGE 1, CITY DEDUCTIONS DETAIL ADOR 11263 (4/19) 34 SCHEDULE A - DEDUCTION DETAIL INFORMATIONLINE BB) ................................................................................................. SCHEDULE A - DEDUCTION DETAIL INFORMATION Page 2 |
Transaction Privilege, Use, and Severance Tax Return (TPT‑EZ) INSTRUCTIONS 12 Gross Receipts [Column F] Accounting Credit For each line item (reported business activity by county or region), The State of Arizona provides a credit for accounting and reporting enter the gross amount collected. expenses. The accounting credit is applicable only to Transaction Privilege Tax or Severance Tax; it does not apply to city, county or 13 Deductions from Schedule A [Column G] other taxes. The credit is equal to 1% of the amount of state tax Enter the amount from Schedule A. due, but cannot exceed $10,000 per business entity for a calendar year. NOTE: Taxpayers who file this return electronically during a 14 Net Taxable Amount [Column H] calendar year and continue to file electronically, are now able to claim Subtract column G from column F. This is the net income subject to tax. an increased accounting credit from 1 percent to 1.2 percent; this increases the total calendar year credit limit from $10,000 to $12,000. 15 AZ/County Tax Rate [Column I] Please go to to register to file and pay online to get Find the combined state/county tax rates in the TAX RATE TABLES. Enter the percentage in decimal form . Do not include the percent sign the increased credit. (See A.R.S. § 42‑5017 for more information.) (%) with the amount. For example, 6.5% should be entered as .065. 18 Accounting Credit [Column L] Multiply column H by column K. Enter the result in column L. This is 16 Total TaxSTATEAmount(AZ) /COUNTY TRANSACTION[ColumnDETAILJ] (See Table 1 on the Tax Rate Table, your accounting credit. Multiply column(A) (B) H by(C)column(D)I. Enter(E) the result in (F)column J.DEDUCTIONS (G) (H) AZ(I)/ (J) ACCTNG(K) (L) (M) COUNTY CREDIT ACCOUNTING (H) X (K) = (L) (J) - (L) = (M)AZ/COUNTY 17 AccountingREG.CreditNAME OF RateBUS. [ColumnDESC. OF K]GROSS FROM 19NET(F) -TAXABLE(G)AZ/County= (H)TAX RATE Tax(H)TOTALXDue(I) =TAX(J)[ColumnRATE CREDITM] TAX DUE The accounting CODEcredit REGIONrate CODEfor BUS.your ACTIVITYbusiness RECEIPTSactivity should SCHEDULEbeA Subtract column L from column J. This is the tax due for this line item. 1 preprinted2 7on the8 form. 9 You10can find11the combined12state and county13 14 15 16 17 18 19 tax rates by checking the TAX RATE TABLES. Enter the percentage 20 AZ/County Subtotal Line 7 3 Total amounts in each of the columns F, G, H, J, L and M. Enter the in decimal20 7 AZ/COUNTYform .SUBTOTAL Do not(AMOUNTincludeIN COLUMNthe percentM, sign (%) with the amount. result on this line for each column. Enter result on this line and on For example,MUST EQUAL6.5%PAGEshould1, LINE AA)be....................................entered as .065. Page 1, line AA. City Transaction Detail CITY TRANSACTION DETAIL (See Table 2 on the Tax Rate Table, (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) DEDUCTIONS (G) (H) CITY(I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (J) -CITY(L) = (M) CITY LOC. CITY BUS. DESC. OF TAX (H) X (I) = (J)TOTAL TAX CREDIT TAX DUE CODE CODE NAME OF CITY CODE BUS. ACTIVITY GROSS RECEIPTS FROM NET TAXABLE(F) - (G) = (H) RATE SCHEDULE A 8 9 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 10 14 CITY SUBTOTAL (AMOUNT IN COLUMN M, MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, 34 LINE BB) ................................................................................................. If only city tax is reported on Form TPT‑EZ, complete the city detail and Schedule A City only. NOTE: A TRANSACTION DETAIL IS REQUIRED OR THE RETURN WILL NOT PROCESS CORRECTLY AND PENALTIES MAY APPLY. 21 Location Code [Column A] 28 Net Taxable Amount [Column H] This isSTATEa three(AZ)digit/COUNTYnumericTRANSACTIONcodeDETAILthat (SeeidentifiesTable 1 oneachthe TaxlocationRate Table, Subtract column G from column F. This is the net income subject to tax. you are (A)doingSCHEDULE(B) business. A(C)- DEDUCTIONThis(D) codeDETAIL(E)canINFORMATIONbe found (F) on your printed(G) SCHEDULE(H) A - DEDUCTION(I) DETAIL(J) INFORMATION(K) (L) (M) STATE (AZ) /COUNTY DEDUCTIONS DETAIL DEDUCTIONS CITY DEDUCTIONSAZDETAIL/ ACCTNG (H) X (K) = (L) (J) - (L) = (M) license. (A)REG. (B) NAME(C)OF BUS.(D) DESC. OF (E) GROSS (F) FROM 29(F) - (G)(A)City= (H)(B)TaxCOUNTY(C) Rate(D)(H)[ColumnX (I) = (J) (E)CREDIT I] ACCOUNTING (F) AZ/COUNTY CODE REGION CODE BUS. ACTIVITY RECEIPTS SCHEDULE A NET TAXABLEYou canTAXfindRATEthe taxTOTALratesTAX byRATEcheckingCREDITtheTAX RATETAX DUE TABLES. Enter 22 City1CodeREGION [ColumnBUS. DEDUCTIONB] DESCRIPTION OF LOC. the percentageCITY BUS. DEDUCTIONin decimal form . Do notDESCRIPTIONinclude theOF percent sign (%) CODE CODE CODE DEDUCTION AMOUNT DEDUCTION CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE DEDUCTION AMOUNT DEDUCTION CODE Enter2the71two8 letter9city code10for$ which11 you are12remitting tax. 13 814with the amount.15 For16$example,176.5% should18 be entered19 as .065. 23 Name20 7 AZ/COUNTYof335City36SUBTOTAL 37[Column(AMOUNT38IN COLUMNC]$ M,39 40 309 42Total43Tax44 Amount45 $ [Column46 J] 47 3 2 $ MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, LINE AA) .................................... 10 $ Enter the6 AZ/COUNTYname ofTOTALtheDEDUCTIONScity for which$ you are remitting tax. 11 Multiply column H by$ column I. Enter the result in column J. 41 TOTAL MUST EQUAL TOTAL ON PAGE 2, LINE 7, COLUMN G 12 $ 13 CITY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ................. $ 24 Business Code [Column D] 4831TOTAL[ColumnMUST EQUAL TOTALK]ON- LeavePAGE 2, LINE 14,blankCOLUMN G This column identifies the three digit number corresponding to your business CITYactivity,TRANSACTIONwhichDETAILcan (SeebeTablefound2 on theinTaxTAXRateRATETable, 32 City Credit [Column L] (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) FOR USE(H) BY OWNER-BUILDERS(I) (J) (K)OR(L)SPECULATIVE(M) BUILDERS DEDUCTIONS CITY (J) - (L) = (M) 25 DescriptionLOC. CITY of Business BUS.ActivityDESC. OF [Column E] FROM ONLY.(F) - (G) = (H)This tax TAXcredit(H)cannotX (I) = (J) be takenCITY by aCITYconstruction In this columnCODE CODEprovideNAMEaOFbriefCITY explanationCODE BUS. ACTIVITYof yourGROSSbusinessRECEIPTSactivity.SCHEDULE A contractorNET TAXABLE as anRATEoffsetTOTALto theTAX tax dueCREDITon construction TAX DUE contracting 8 receipts or draws. 26 Gross9 21Receipts22 [Column23 24F] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 For each10 line item (reported business activity by city or town), enter 33 City Tax Due [Column M] the gross amount collected. 14 CITY SUBTOTAL (AMOUNT IN COLUMN M, MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, Subtract column L from column J. This is the tax due for this line item. LINE BB) ................................................................................................. 27 Deductions34 from Schedule A [Column G] Enter the amount from Schedule A. 34 City Subtotal Line 14 Total amounts in each of the columns F, G, H, J, L and M. Enter the result on this line for each column and enter this result on Page 1, line BB. SCHEDULE A DEDUCTIONS: STATE (AZ)/COUNTY SCHEDULE A - DEDUCTION DETAIL INFORMATION 35SCHEDULE[ColumnA - DEDUCTIONA] - LeaveDETAIL INFORMATIONblank STATE (AZ) /COUNTY DEDUCTIONS DETAIL CITY DEDUCTIONS DETAIL (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) REGION BUS. DEDUCTION DESCRIPTION OF 36LOC. RegionCITY BUS. CodeDEDUCTION[Column B] DESCRIPTION OF CODE CODE CODE DEDUCTION AMOUNT DEDUCTION CODE CODEEnterCODEtheCODEthreeCODEletterDEDUCTIONregion codeAMOUNTfor whichDEDUCTIONyouCODEare remitting tax. 1 $ 8 $ 235 36 37 38 $ 39 40 379 42Business43 44 Code45 $[Column46 C] 47 3 $ 10 This column identifies$ the three digit number corresponding to your 6 AZ/COUNTY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ 11 business activity, which$ can be found inTAX RATE TABLES. 41 TOTAL MUST EQUAL TOTAL ON PAGE 2, LINE 7, COLUMN G 12 $ 3813 CITYDeductionTOTAL DEDUCTIONS .................Code$ [Column D] Schedule A must be completed for deductions to be 48 TOTAL MUST EQUAL TOTAL ON PAGE 2, LINE 14, COLUMN GChoose the appropriate deduction code from the Deduction Code list. allowed. ADOR 11263 (4/19) Page 3 |
STATE (AZ) /COUNTY TRANSACTION DETAIL (See Table 1 on the Tax Rate Table, (F) (G) (E) (D) (H) (C) (I)(B) (A) (J) (K) (L) (M) DEDUCTIONS AZ / ACCTNG (H) X (K) = (L) (J) - (L) = (M) GROSS FROMDESC. OF BUS.(F) - (G) =NAME(H)OF COUNTYREG. (H) X (I) = (J) CREDIT ACCOUNTING AZ/COUNTY RECEIPTS SCHEDULE ACODE BUS. ACTIVITYNET TAXABLEREGION TAX RATECODE TOTAL TAX RATE CREDIT TAX DUE 1 12 13 11 10 14 9 158 7 2 16 17 18 19 3 7 AZ/COUNTY SUBTOTAL (AMOUNT IN COLUMN M, 20 MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, LINE AA) .................................... CITY TRANSACTION DETAIL (See Table 2 on the Tax Rate Table, (F) (E) (D) (G) (C) (H) (B) (A) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) DEDUCTIONS CITY (J) - (L) = (M) DESC. OF BUS. FROM (F) - (G) = (H)LOC. CITY TAX (H) X (I) = (J) CITY CITY GROSS RECEIPTSCODE BUS. ACTIVITYSCHEDULE ANAME OF CITYNET TAXABLECODE CODERATE TOTAL TAX CREDIT TAX DUE Transaction Privilege, Use, and Severance Tax Return (TPT‑EZ) INSTRUCTIONS 8 26 25 2427 23 2822 21299 30 31 32 33 39 Deduction Amount10[Column E] 40 Description of Deduction Code [Column F] 14 CITY SUBTOTAL (AMOUNT IN COLUMN M, MUST EQUAL PAGE 1, List the specific amount of each deduction. The total itemized Enter a brief description of the deduction you are taking on this line. LINE BB) ................................................................................................. deduction amount in Schedule34A – State (AZ)/County must equal the total deduction amount in column G on the Transaction Detail – State 41 AZ/County Subtotal Line 6 (AZ)/County section. Total column E. Enter the result on this line. This total must be equal to the total on Page 2, line 7, column G. SCHEDULE A DEDUCTIONS: CITY SCHEDULE A - DEDUCTION SCHEDULEDETAILAINFORMATION- DEDUCTION DETAIL INFORMATION STATE (AZ) /COUNTYCITY DEDUCTIONSDEDUCTIONSDETAILDETAIL 44 Business Code [Column C] (F) (E) (D) (A) (B) (C) (C) (B) (A)(D) (E) (F) This column identifies the three digit number corresponding to your DESCRIPTION OF REGION LOC. BUS. CITYDEDUCTIONBUS. DEDUCTION DESCRIPTION OF business activity, which can be found inTAX RATE TABLES. DEDUCTION CODE DEDUCTION AMOUNT CODECODE CODECODECODECODE CODE DEDUCTION AMOUNT DEDUCTION CODE $ 8 1 $ 40 39 $ 9 4238 43 4435 36 37452 $ 46 47 45 Deduction Code [Column D] $10 3 $ Choose the appropriate deduction code from the Deduction Code list. $11 6 AZ/COUNTY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ TOTAL MUST EQUAL TOTAL12 ON PAGE 2, LINE 7, COLUMN G 41$ 46 Deduction Amount [Column E] 13 CITY TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ................. $ 48 TOTAL MUST EQUAL TOTAL ON PAGE 2, LINE 14, COLUMN G List the specific amount of each deduction. The total itemized deduction amount in Schedule A – City must equal the total deduction amount in column G on the Transaction Detail – City section. 42 Location Code [Column A] Enter the same location code as appears on the applicable City Transaction Detail. 47 Description of Deduction Code [Column F] Enter a brief description of the deduction you are taking on this line. 43 City Code [Column B] 48 Subtotals Line 13 This column identifies the city or town in which you conduct business. Total column E. Enter the result on this line. This total must be equal The city code is two letters. Please refer to the TAX RATE TABLES. to the total on Page 2, line 14, column G. ADOR 11263 (4/19) Page 4 |