PDF document
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                                                                BUSINESS ACCOUNT UPDATE
                                       INSTRUCTIONS: Please check boxes to indicate the change you                         You can now make 
  Customer Care and Outreach           are requesting and complete the section.  Asterisk (*) changes to                   updates/edits to your 
 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE         Transaction Privilege Tax Licenses are subject to a fee of $12 per 
        PO BOX 29032                                                                                                       Business Account at 
     Phoenix, AZ   85038-9032          location for the state fee and any applicable city fees (see page 3).               www.AZTaxes.gov. It is 
        (602) 255- 3381                There are no fees for changes to Corporate Account, Use Tax                           fast and secure.
       1 (800) 352-4090                or Withholding Registrations.
 BONDING REQUIREMENT: A taxpayer in the contracting business MUST maintain a bond for a minimum of 2 years. When requesting change(s) to the Physical Location, 
 Legal Name and/or Business Name, “Doing Business As”,  within the first 2 years, a Bond Rider to match the change(s) requested MUST be obtained prior to the request and 
 submitted with this Business Account Update Form.
SECTION A:  Business Information
Legal Business Name

License Number                                     Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number, required if sole proprietor with no employees

CORRECTION TO:  Federal Employer Identification Number              Social Security Number

    *Reprint License          *Reinstate License Effective Date:    M M D D Y Y Y Y              Cancel License Effective Date: 
                             (Date required for Withholding Only)                                         M M D D Y Y Y Y
2. LICENSE TYPE – Check all that apply:
   Transaction Privilege Tax License  Use Tax       TPT for Cities ONLY       Withholding/Unemployment Tax Registration (if hiring employees)
3. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION/OWNERSHIP   Use this section to correct organization/owner type. If the ownership changes require a new Employer Identification
   Number (EIN), a Joint Tax Application is required. DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO CHANGE THE EIN. Acceptable organization/ownership types:
   Individual/Sole Proprietorship                 Subchapter S Corporation            Government                    Joint Venture
   Corporation                                    Association                         Estate                        Receivership
   Partnership                                    Limited Liability Company           Trust                         Limited Liability Partnership
   Individual/Sole Proprietorship                 Subchapter S Corporation            Government                    Joint Venture
   Corporation                                    Association                         Estate                        Receivership
   Partnership                                    Limited Liability Company           Trust                         Limited Liability Partnership
4. AZTAXES PRIMARY USER:  You must enroll to file and pay on www.AZTaxes.gov. DO NOT use this form to change delegates/additional users.
   Primary User: Maintains the entire online account and provides access to delegate users. There can only be one Primary User for each account. 
   The Arizona Department of Revenue recommends that this be an officer/owner of the business. 
    Remove Username:                                                  Effective date: 
   Delegate User: Is given specific authority for business account functions by the Primary User. This type of user can be a CPA, Paid Preparer, 
   office managers, additional officer/owner of the company, etc. Please contact primary user for changes to delegate access. 
Name of Primary User                                                       Email Address - Your email will become your AZTaxes username

5. OLD Business Name, “Doing Business As” or Trade Name at this           NEW Business Name, “Doing Business As” or Trade Name at this Physical 
   Physical Location                                                            Location

6. NEW Mailing Address – number and street                                                 City                           State  ZIP Code 

County/Region                                                               Country

Business Phone Number (with area code)               Email Address                                                    Fax Number (with area code)

7.*LOCATION             Add:                                           Close Loc Code:                                   Edit Loc Code:  
                        First Day of Business: MMDDY Y Y Y              Last Day of Business: MMDDY Y Y Y
NEW Physical Location of Business or Commercial/Residential Rental                       City                              State  ZIP Code
Number and street (Do not use PO Box, PMB or route numbers)

County/Region                                        Residential Rental Only – Number of Units Reporting City -  See “TPT Rate Look Up” on AZTaxes.gov

Additional County/Region Indian Reservation:  See “TPT Rate Look Up” on AZTaxes.gov   Additional City Region(s):  See “TPT Rate Look Up” on AZTaxes.gov

8. *BUSINESS CODE:       Include all State and City that apply - See “TPT Rate Look Up” on AZTaxes.gov.  If you need more space, attach Additional  
                        Business Location(s) Addendum Available at www.azdor.gov

ADOR 10193 (11/19)                                                                                                           Continued on page 2  

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 Name  (as shown on page 1)                                                                                   License, EIN or SSN (as shown on page 1)

 9. NAICS CODE:  North American Industries Classification System. Only use if adding/deleting/changing codes. Available at www.azdor.gov
  NAICS Code:  Add:                    Delete:                      Change: 
 10. FILING FREQUENCY CHANGE(S):): Your request to change your filing frequency will be completed in the next available filing period.  If your 
      annual transaction privilege tax liability is:
       Less than $2,000, you may file and pay annually
       Between $2,000 and $8,000, you may file and pay quarterly.
       Otherwise, your transaction privilege taxes are due monthly.
       Seasonal – 8 months or less (Select no more than 8 months below)
         JAN       FEB        MAR            APR  MAY     JUN       JUL     AUG     SEP               OCT  NOV  DEC
  If there are delinquencies on your business account, the filing frequency cannot be changed.
 11.TAX   RECORDS PHYSICAL LOCATION                 number and street     City                                   State      ZIP Code
      (Do not use PO Box, PMB or route numbers)

 County                                                                      Country

 Name of Contact                                                             Phone Number (with area code)          Extension

  For Transaction Privilege Tax License and Withholding Registration:  If the ownership changes require a new Employer Identification 
                    Number (EIN), a Joint Tax Application is required.  DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO CHANGE THE EIN.

SECTION B: Identification of Owner Change, Partners, Corporate Officers, Members/Managing 
  Members or Officials of this Employing Unit
If you need more space, attach Additional Owner, Partner, Corporate Officer(s) form available at www.azdor.gov.  If the owner, partners, corporate officers or combination of 
partners or corporate officers, members and/or managing members own more than 50% of or control another business in Arizona, attach a list of the businesses, percentages 
  owned and unemployment insurance account numbers or provide a Power of Attorney (Form 285) which must be filled out and signed by an authorized corporate officer.
           Social Security No. Title                                         Last Name                        First Name                              Middle Intl.
 Owner 1                                                                       | |
           Street Address                                                    City                                        State % Owned
Delete    ZIP Code            County                                        Phone Number (with area code)     Country

           Social Security No. Title                                         Last Name                        First Name                              Middle Intl.
 Owner 2                                                                       | |
           Street Address                                                    City                                        State % Owned
Delete    ZIP Code            County                                        Phone Number (with area code)     Country

           Social Security No. Title                                         Last Name                        First Name                              Middle Intl.
 Owner 3                                                                       | |
           Street Address                                                    City                                        State % Owned
Delete    ZIP Code            County                                        Phone Number (with area code)     Country

SECTION C:  Required Signatures
REQUIRED SIGNATURE(S):  This document must be signed by an officer legally responsible for the business. I am authorized to complete this 
update request. Under penalty of perjury I declare that the information provided on this document is true and correct.
1 Print or Type Name                                                        2 Print or Type Name

Title                                                                       Title

Date                                                                        Date

Signature                                                                   Signature 
                                                              Print              Reset form

                   This form must be completed, signed, and returned as provided by A.R.S. § 23-722.
                                                       Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
ADOR 10193 (11/19)                                            Business Account Update                                                                 Page 2

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 Name  (as shown on page 1)                                                             License, EIN or SSN (as shown on page 1)

 SECTION D:  State/County & City License Fee Worksheet
 ALL FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  Check for updates at www.azdor.gov.

 To calculate CITY FEE: Multiply No. of Locations by the License Fee and enter sum in License Subtotal.
                       No. of License  License                         No. of License  License                     No. of License  License 
 City/Town         Code Loc’s    Fee   Subtotal   City/Town      Code Loc’s      Fee  Subtotal    City/Town     Code Loc’s                                                     Fee  Subtotal
Apache Junction    AJ            $2.00           Goodyear           GY          $5.00             Sahuarita     SA                                                            $5.00
Avondale           AV            $0.00           Guadalupe          GU          $2.00             San Luis      SU                                                            $2.00
Benson             BS            $5.00           Hayden             HY          $5.00             Scottsdale    SC                                                            $50.00
Bisbee             BB            $1.00           Holbrook           HB          $1.00             Sedona        SE                                                            $2.00
Buckeye            BE            $2.00           Huachuca City      HC          $2.00             Show Low      SL                                                            $2.00
Bullhead City      BH            $2.00           Jerome             JO          $2.00             Sierra Vista  SR                                                            $1.00
Camp Verde         CE            $2.00           Kearny             KN          $2.00             Snowflake     SN                                                            $2.00
Carefree           CA         $10.00             Kingman            KM          $2.00             Somerton      SO                                                            $2.00
Casa Grande        CG            $2.00           Lake Havasu        LH          $5.00             South Tucson  ST                                                            $2.00
Cave Creek         CK         $20.00             Litchfield Park    LP          $2.00             Springerville SV                                                            $5.00
Chandler           CH            $2.00           Mammoth            MH          $2.00             St. Johns     SJ                                                            $2.00
Chino Valley       CV            $2.00           Marana             MA          $5.00             Star Valley   SY                                                            $2.00
Clarkdale          CD            $2.00           Maricopa           MP          $2.00             Superior      SI                                                            $2.00
Clifton            CF            $2.00           Mesa               ME         $20.00             Surprise      SP                                                            $10.00
Colorado City      CC            $2.00           Miami           MM             $2.00             Taylor        TL                                                            $2.00
Coolidge           CL            $2.00           Nogales            NO          $0.00             Tempe         TE                                                            $50.00
Cottonwood         CW            $2.00           Oro Valley         OR         $12.00             Thatcher      TC                                                            $2.00
Dewey/Humboldt DH                $2.00           Page               PG          $2.00             Tolleson      TN                                                            $2.00
Douglas            DL            $5.00           Paradise Valley    PV          $2.00             Tombstone     TS                                                            $1.00
Duncan             DC            $2.00           Parker             PK          $2.00             Tucson        TU                                                            $20.00
Eagar              EG         $10.00             Patagonia          PA          $0.00             Tusayan       TY                                                            $2.00
El Mirage          EM         $15.00             Payson             PS          $2.00             Wellton       WT                                                            $2.00
Eloy               EL         $10.00             Peoria             PE         $50.00             Wickenburg    WB                                                            $2.00
Flagstaff          FS         $20.00             Phoenix**          PX         $50.00             Willcox       WC                                                            $1.00
Florence           FL            $2.00           Pima               PM          $2.00             Williams      WL                                                            $2.00
Fountain Hills     FH            $2.00           Pinetop/Lakeside PP            $2.00             Winkelman     WM                                                            $2.00
Fredonia           FD         $10.00             Prescott           PR          $5.00             Winslow       WS                                                            $10.00
Gila Bend          GI            $2.00           Prescott Valley    PL          $2.00             Youngtown     YT                                                            $10.00
Gilbert            GB            $2.00           Quartzsite         QZ          $2.00             Yuma          YM                                                            $2.00
Glendale           GE         $35.00             Queen Creek        QC          $2.00
Globe              GL            $2.00           Safford            SF          $2.00
 Subtotal City License Fees                       Subtotal City License Fees                      Subtotal City License Fees 
                   (column 1) $                                     (column 2) $                                (column 3)                                                    $
 AA   TOTAL City License Fee(s) (column 1 + 2 + 3) .......................................................................................................................... $
                                                                                                                Fee per 
                                                                                                  No. of Loc’s  Location                                                       TOTAL
 BB TOTAL State License Fee(s):  Calculate by multiplying number of business locations by $12.00                $12.00                                                        $

     Residential Rental License Fees - Only Chandler, Phoenix, and Scottsdale                     No. of Units No. of Loc’s                                                    City Fee
                                                            Residential Rental License-Chandler                                                                               $
 DO NOT use the fee chart above to calculate license fees  
 for CHANDLER, PHOENIX, and SCOTTSDALE ONLY.                 Residential Rental License-Phoenix                                                                               $
     The amount for each city CANNOT EXCEED $50.00
                                                            Residential Rental License-Scottsdale                                                                             $
 CC TOTAL City Residential Rental License Fees (Add Chandler, Phoenix, & Scottsdale) ............................................................. $
 DD TOTAL DUE (Add lines AA + BB + CC) ...................................................................................................................................... $
         Make check payable to Arizona Department of                           Do not send cash.
          Revenue.                                                              License will not be issued without full payment of 
         Include FEIN or SSN on payment.                                        fee(s).
                   **If your only business is under Class 213, Commercial Lease, there is no license fee due. 

ADOR 10193 (11/19)                                         Business Account Update                                                                                                  Page 3
                                       Print Worksheet                 Reset Worksheet

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                                                          ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE

                  Online Form                                               
                                                          USE THIS FORM TO:
                                                             Report your business changes that affect your 
Save time and make your changes 
                                                             Transaction Privilege Tax license or Withholding Tax 
 online at www.AZTaxes.gov. 
 Cancel your license                                        Changes in location or business location do not 
 Change your mailing address                                require a new transaction privilege license number. 
 Edit location information – add,                           When locations are added or there are changes in the 
 close or change your information                            business name (or DBA) the license number does not 
                                                             change; however, a new license is printed showing 
                                                             the updated information. License fees are required 
 Mailing Address                                             whenever these changes are made and the business 
Arizona Department of Revenue                                receives a new print of the license.
                  PO Box 29032                               Other business changes that should be reported to the 
 Phoenix, AZ  85038-9032                                     Department of Revenue include changes in the mailing 
                                                             address or location of audit records, addition or removal 
 Customer Service                                            of owner/officer information, requests to cancel your 
                                                             license when the business plans to cease operations, 
 Center Locations
                                                             and requests to change filing frequency. These changes 
 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                             do not require a license fee.
 Monday through Friday
 (except Arizona holidays)
                                                          Note: Changes in ownership require a new license 
 Phoenix Office                                           because licenses are not transferable. Use the Arizona Joint 
                                                          Tax Application to apply for a new license if your business 
 1600 W Monroe
                                                          changes from a sole proprietorship to a partnership or 
 Phoenix, AZ  85007
                                                          corporation, or undergoes a similar change in organization. 
                                                          Also, if the business is a partnership and partners are added 
 Tucson Office                                            or removed, a new license is required.
 400 W Congress
 Tucson, AZ  85701                                        IMPORTANT:  To avoid delays in processing of your form, 
                                                          we recommend you read these instructions and refer to 
 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.                                    them as needed to ensure you have accurately entered all 
 Monday through Thursday                                  the required information.  This form must be completed, 
 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                                   signed, and returned as provided by A.R.S. § 23-722.
 (except Arizona holidays)                                   Please read form instructions while completing the form.  
                                                             Additional information and forms are available at www.
                  Mesa Office                                azdor.gov.
                  55 N Center                                Required information is designated with an asterisk (*).
 Mesa, AZ 85201                                              Please complete Section D:  State/County & City 
(This office does not handle billing or account disputes.)
                                                             License Fee Worksheet to calculate and remit Total 
                                                             Amount Due with this form.
 Customer Service 

 Telephone Numbers                                        When completing this form, please print or type in black 
Licensing questions on Transaction                        .  Legible forms are required for accurate processing.  
Privilege, Withholding or Use Tax                         The following numbered instructions correspond to the 
(Arizona Department of Revenue)                           numbers on the Business Update Account.  
                  (602) 255-3381
 1 (800) 352-4090
ADOR 10193 (4/19)                                                                                  Instructions Page 1

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ARIZONA BUSINESS UPDATE APPLICATION                                                                       INSTRUCTIONS

Section A:  BUSINESS INFORMATION                                5.  Provide the OLD Business Name, “Doing Business 
  Provide your Legal Business Name,              License            As” (DBA).  DBA is the name of a business other than 
   Number and Federal Employer Identification No.                   the owner’s name or, in the case of a corporation, a 
   (FEIN) or Social Security No. (SSN) if you are a sole            name that is different from the legal or true corporate 
   proprietor without employees.  Taxpayers are required            name.
   to provide their taxpayer identification number (TIN)            Provide the NEW Business Name, “Doing Business 
   on all returns and documents.  A TIN is defined as the           As” (DBA).  If it is the same as the Legal Business 
   federal employer identification number (EIN) or social           Name enter “same” 
   security number (SSN), depending upon how income             6.  Provide the NEW Mailing Address (number and 
   tax is reported.  The EIN is required for all employers.         street) where all correspondence is to be sent. You 
   A penalty of $5 will be assessed by the Department of            may use your home address, corporate headquarters, 
   Revenue for each document filed without a TIN.                   or accounting firm’s address, etc.  If mailing address 
1. Check what changes you are making to your license.               differs for licenses (for instance withholding and 
   Reprinting or reinstating your license is subject to a fee       unemployment insurance), please send a cover letter 
   of $12 per location for the state and any applicable city        with completed form to explain.
                                                                    Provide the Business Phone Number including the 
2.  License Type (Check all that apply):                            area code.
   Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT):  Anyone engaged in              Provide the Email Address for the business or contact 
   a business taxable under the TPT statutes must apply             person.
   for a TPT License before engaging in business.  For 
                                                                    Provide the Business Fax Number including the area 
   TPT, you are required to obtain and display a separate 
   license certificate for each business or rental location.  
   This may be accomplished in one of the following ways:       7. If you are updating a Location (Use this section 
   Each location may be licensed as a separate business             to update, change, close or add a location to an 
   with a separate license number for purposes of reporting         existing license.)
   transaction privilege and use taxes individually.             If adding, provide the NEW Physical Location of the 
   Therefore, a separate form is needed for each location.          business. This address cannot be a PO Box or Route 
   Multiple locations may be licensed under a consolidated          Number. Provide NEW:
   license number, provided the ownership is the same, to           First Date of Business in Arizona 
   allow filing of a single tax return.  If applying for a new      County/Region
   license, list the various business locations as instructed       Phone Number
   below.                                                           Residential Rentals ONLY  - Number of Units
   Withholding & Unemployment Taxes:  Employers                     Reporting City, if different from the Physical Location 
   paying wages or salaries to employees for services               city.  For example, if the location for the listed address 
   performed in the State must apply for a Withholding              is listed in an adjacent city, such as Scottsdale, 
   number & Unemployment number.                                    but the location of the business is actually within 
                                                                    the city of Phoenix.  See “TPT Rate Look Up” on  
   Use Tax: Out-of-state vendors (that is, vendors with             www.AZTaxes.gov.
   no Arizona location) making direct sales into Arizona           If closing, provide the closed location code and last day 
   must obtain a Use Tax Registration Certificate.  In-state        of business date.
   business not required to be licensed in Arizona for TPT         If editing, provide the location code and additional 
   purposes, making out-of state purchases for their own            information.
   use (and not for resale) must also obtain the Use Tax 
   registration.                                                    Provide the Additional County/Region Indian 
   TPT for cities only:  This type of license is needed if          Reservation Code(s).  A current listing is available at 
   your business activity is subject to city TPT which is           www.AZTaxes.gov. 
   collected by the state, but the activity is not taxed at the     Provide the Additional City Region Codes(s).  A 
   state level.                                                     current listing is available at www.AZTaxes.gov.
3. Type of Organization/Ownership:    If you are changing       8.  Provide the Business Code(s) including all State and 
   your organization type, check as applicable.                     City Business Code(s) that apply; based on your major 
                                                                    business activity, principle product you manufacture, 
4.  DO NOT use this form to change delegates/additional 
                                                                    commodity sold, or services performed.  You must 
   users. Request for delegate access must be completed 
                                                                    indicate at least one business code.
   on AZTaxes.gov. Provide the full name and email 
   address of the Primary AZTaxes User login you are            9.  Provide the NAICS Codes you are adding, deleting, or 
   changing.                                                        changing.

ADOR 10193 (4/19)                                                                                         Instructions Page 2

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ARIZONA BUSINESS UPDATE APPLICATION                                                            INSTRUCTIONS

10. Provide the filing frequency that you are changing to.    Section D:  STATE/COUNTY & CITY LICENSE FEE  
   If your total estimated annual combined Arizona, county     WORKSHEET
   and municipal TPT liability is: 
                                                              There are no fees for Withholding/Unemployment 
    • Less than $2,000, you may file and pay annually.        Insurance, or Use Tax registrations.  State license fees 
    • Between $2,000 and $8,000, you may file and pay         are calculated per business location.  To calculate the city 
    quarterly.                                                license fees, use the listing of cities on page 3, Section D 
    • Otherwise, your transaction privilege taxes are due     of this form.  City fees are subject to change.  Check for 
    monthly.                                                  updates at www.azdor.gov.
   If your business is Seasonal or you are a transient 
   vendor, indicate the months in which you intend to do      AA:  TOTAL City License Fees – To calculate the city 
   business in Arizona. (Select no more than 8 months         fees, multiply No. of Locations in the city by the license 
   below).                                                    fee and enter sum in Subtotal City License Fees.  Then 
   If there are delinquencies on your business account,       calculate and enter the sum of columns 1 + 2 + 3. If 
   the filing frequency cannot be changed.                    you have a location in Phoenix and the business is 
11. Tax Records Physical Location   indicate the physical     only under Class 213, Commercial Lease, there is no 
   address where your tax records are located. Include the    license fee due.
   contact person’s name and phone number. 
                                                              BB:  TOTAL State License Fees – To calculate the state 
                                                              fees, multiply the No. of locations in the state by $12.
           PARTNERS, CORPORATE OFFICERS,                      CC:  TOTAL City Residential Rental License Fee – USE 
           OFFICIALS OF THIS EMPLOYING UNIT                   SCOTTSDALE ONLY. These cities WILL NOT use the 
   Provide the full name, social security number and title    larger fee chart. To calculate Residential Rental license 
   of all Owners, Partners, Corporate Officers, Members/      fee, multiple the No. of units by the No. of locations by 
   Managing Members or Officials of the Employing Unit.       $2.00 ($50.00 Annual Cap per license).  The amount for 
   If you need additional space, attach Additional Owners,    each city CANNOT EXCEED $50.00. 
   Partners, Corporate Officer(s) Addendum available at 
   www.azdor.gov.  If the owner, partners, corporate 
   officers or combination of partners or corporate officers, DD:  TOTAL DUE – Add lines AA + BB + CC. 
   members and/or managing members own more than 
   50% of, or control another business in Arizona, attach     Please send your payment for this amount.  Failure to 
   a list of the businesses, percentages owned and            include your payment with this form will result in a delay in 
   unemployment insurance account numbers or provide          processing your license.  Licenses are not issued until all 
   a General Disclosure/ Power of Attorney (Form 285)         fees have been paid. 
   which must be filled out and signed by an authorized 
   corporate officer.                                         Make checks payable to the Arizona Department of 
                                                              Revenue.  Be sure to return all pages of the form with your 
Section C:  REQUIRED SIGNATURES                               payment.  Retain a copy of the form for your records. 
                                                              DO NOT SEND CASH
This form must be signed only by either a sole owner, at 
                                                              Include your FEIN or SSN on payment 
least two partners, managing member or corporate officer 
legally responsible for the business.  This form CANNOT 
be signed by agents or representatives. 

ADOR 10193 (4/19)                                                                                 Instructions Page 3

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