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General Disclosure/Representation                                          Arizona Form 
Authorization Form                                                                             285C 
                                                                supplemental sheet, as applicable, containing the names of 
Phone Numbers 
                                                                each member of the consolidated/combined  group  for  which 
For information or help, call one of the numbers listed:        the signator of Form  285C is a principal corporate officer and 
Phoenix                                (602) 255-3381           to which this Form 285C applies. 
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free (800) 352-4090           Foreign Address - 
Tax forms, instructions, and other tax information              If the Taxpayer has a foreign address, enter the information in 
                                                                the  following order:  city,  province or state, and country.  
If you need tax forms, instructions, and other tax information, 
                                                                Follow the country’s practice for entering the postal code.  Do 
go to the department’s website at www.azdor.gov. 
                                                                not abbreviate the country name. 
Purpose of Form                                                 For income tax purposes: 
Form 285C enables an individual to certify to the Department    •  Each individual signing this  form  must enter  his or  her 
that  he or  she is authorized, pursuant to  Arizona  Revised      Social Security Number  (SSN)  or Individual Tax 
Statute  (A.R.S.) § 42-2003(A) to receive and discuss the          Identification Number (ITIN). 
confidential information of the corporation, group  of          •  A  corporation,  partnership,  LLC,  trust or estate  must 
consolidated or combined corporations, partnership,  LLC,          enter its employer identification number (EIN).   
estate, trust, or other organization, association, or  group 
                                                                For withholding tax purposes: 
thereof (“Taxpayer”).   
                                                                An individual, corporation, partnership, LLC, trust, or estate 
For  more information or  guidance for completing this  form,   must enter the EIN.   
see General Tax Procedure (GTP) 18-1,  Procedure for 
Submitting an Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential      For transaction privilege tax (TPT) purposes: 
Information and Powers of Attorney.                             If the Taxpayer has only one license that is covered by this 
Important Tips -                                                Form 285C, enter that specific TPT license number.   
•   Review the instructions and GTP 18-1 before completing      If the Taxpayer has more than one license number, include a 
    the form.                                                   separate sheet identifying the license number and location for 
•   Inspect the  form and verify  you  have entered all of  the each license that is covered by this Form 285C.   
    required information.                                       NOTE:   If a Taxpayer wants     all of its business locations 
•   Retain a copy for your files.                               covered by this Form 285C, include the EIN of the business 
                                                                (or the  SSN  or ITIN  associated with the business if the 
How to File                                                     business does not have an EIN). 
If an  Arizona Department  of Revenue (ADOR) employee 
                                                                Section 2 - Signator Information 
requests that you submit this form, please send the completed 
form directly to the address that the employee provides, with   For an Identification Number, please provide a SSN or ITIN, 
attention to the employee.                                      Certified Public Accountant (CPA) number, State Bar number, 
                                                                Alternative  Preparer  Tax  Identification  Number,  or  other 
Otherwise, ADOR offers three convenient options to submit 
                                                                government issued ID number that is unique to the Appointee  
your form. 
                                                                (for example:  a passport or driver’s license number). 
1.  Email the completed form to:  POA@azdor.gov. 
                                                                Section 3 - Tax Periods 
2.  Fax the completed form to:  (602) 716-6008. 
3.  Mail an original or photocopy of the completed form to:     Please specify the tax year(s) or tax period(s) during which the 
                                                                Signator is/was authorized, pursuant to A.R.S. § 42-2003(A), 
    Arizona Department of Revenue 
                                                                to receive and discuss Taxpayer’s confidential information.  
    ATTN:  Power of Attorney   
    PO Box 29086                                                Section 4 - Certification 
    Phoenix, AZ  85038-9086                                     The   Signator   is   required   to:   
Line-by-Line Instructions                                       1. Indicate,     by     checking     box A,  that he  or  she is 
                                                                   authorized,  pursuant  to  A.R.S.  §  42-2003(A), to receive 
Section 1 - Taxpayer Information                                   and discuss confidential information  in  Section 1. 
Enter Taxpayer’s name,  current  address, and daytime           2. Indicate, by checking box B, that he or she is an officer of 
telephone  number on the lines provided.  If  more space is        the company and  he or she is also a principal  officer, 
needed, attach an additional page.                                 pursuant to  A.R.S. § 42-2003(A)(2),  who has the 
If Taxpayer is a consolidated or combined group  of                authority to bind the  taxpayer on  matters related to the 
corporations, Taxpayer  must  attach a  federal Form 851 or a      state taxes. 

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                                                                                           Arizona Form 285C 
Section 5 – Signature of or for Taxpayer                         

 Type of Entity           Who may sign authorization            NOTE  FOR  CORPORATIONS:   An  Officer  holding  a 
                                                                corporate title other than one of those listed, should check the 
Corporations              • A principal corporate officer 
                                                                box B above the signature line in Section 4 to certify that they 
                            (chief executive officer, 
                                                                are a principal  officer of the corporation.  For example; a 
SEE NOTE FOR                president, secretary, treasurer, 
                                                                Vice President of Finance or an Assistant Treasurer  is not 
CORPORATIONS                vice president of tax, chief 
                                                                listed and therefore  would  be required to  certify  that the 
LOCATED AT THE              financial officer, chief 
                                                                officer is a principal officer by checking the box in Section 4. 
TOP OF NEXT                 operating officer or chief tax 
COLUMN                      officer or any other corporate      For  more  information,  see  the  department’s  General  Tax 
                            officer who has the authority       Procedure, GTP 18-1, Procedure for Submitting an 
                            to bind the taxpayer on matters     Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential Information and 
                            related to state taxes).            Powers of Attorney. 
Partnerships (general or  • Any general partner of the           
limited partnerships)       partnership; designee of             
                            general partner. 
Limited Liability         • Member in a member-
Company (LLC) (if           managed LLC 
taxation is at the entity • Manager in a manager-
level)                      managed LLC 
See Individual if LLC     • Designee of member or 
elected to be treated as    manager. 
a disregarded entity or 
where tax relates to 
flow through items on 
individual return 
Estates                   • Personal representative 
                          • Any heir, next of kin, or 
                            beneficiary, only if he has a 
                            material interest that will be 
                            affected by the confidential 
Trusts                    • Any trustee 
                          • A beneficiary or grantor only 
                            if the beneficiary or grantor 
                            has a material interest that will 
                            be affected by the confidential 
Government Entity         • Head of the entity or a member 
                            of the governing board of the 
                            entity, or any employee of the 
                            entity who has been delegated 
                            the authorization in writing by 
                            the head of the entity or the 
                            governing board of the entity. 
Bankruptcy                • Refer to court document 
estate/receivership         appointing bankruptcy trustee 
                            to ensure disclosure is 


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