2020 IA 100B Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Real Property Used in a Farm Business tax.iowa.gov Name(s) ___________________________________________ SSN ___________________________ Part I: Sale of Real Property Used in a Farm Business 1. Farmland address or legal description (include county and a general description of the location) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Total number of acres sold _______________________________________________________ 3. Ownership period a. Date acquired ........................................... 3a. ______________ b. Date sold ................................................... 3b. ______________ 4. Length of holding period ................................... Years 4a. _______ Months 4b. ___________ 5. If the taxpayer did not own the property for at least 10 years, explain how the taxpayer held the property for at least 10 years under IRC section 1223. ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is the taxpayer receiving Old-Age Social Security benefits? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 8. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 7. 7. Provide the date taxpayer started receiving Old-Age Social Security benefits .. 7. ____________ 8. Is the taxpayer a disabled farmer? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 10. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 9. 9. Provide the date the taxpayer’s disability began ............................................... 9. ____________ 10. Is the taxpayer the surviving spouse of a farmer? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 14. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 11 11. Provide the date of the spouse’s death ............................................................. 11. ___________ 12. Was the spouse receiving Old-Age Social Security benefits at the time of death? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 14. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 13. 13. Provide the date the spouse started receiving Old-Age Social Security benefits ............................................................................................................. 13. ___________ 41-156a (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B, page 2 14. Report the following for the 10 years prior to the sale, or if the taxpayer was receiving Old-Age Social Security benefits, report the following for the 8 years prior to the first year the benefits were received. See instructions if taxpayer answered yes to Part I, lines 6, 8, or 10. Federal form or Acres the Paid? schedule where taxpayer Cash Crop- Calendar Name of land Yes taxpayer personally rent share CRP Other Year manager or No reported income farmed acres acres acres acres 15. Cash Rent/Lease Arrangement 15a. Was the property rented on a cash rent/lease basis? No ☐ .. Continue to Part I, line 16. Yes ☐.. Continue to Part I, line 15b 15b. Did you materially participate in the farming activity? No ☐ .. This gain is not eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. Yes ☐.. Continue to Part I, line 19 to explain material participation in the farming activity. 16. Crop-Share Arrangement 16a. Was the property involved in a crop-share arrangement? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 17. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 16b. 16b. Are you subject to self-employment tax on your crop-share income? No ☐ ... This gain may not be eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. See instructions. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 19. 17. Check the box for each applicable material participation test for which the taxpayer has documentation. Check all that apply. If none of these apply, stop, the sale is not eligible for the Iowa capital gain deduction. 41-156b (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B, page 3 17a. Test 1: The landlord does any three of the following: • Pays or is obligated to pay for at least half the direct costs of producing the crop....................................................................................... ☐ • Furnishes at least half the tools, equipment, and livestock used in producing the crop. ....................................................................................... ☐ • Consults with the tenant. ........................................................................................... ☐ • Inspects the production activities periodically. ........................................................... ☐ 17b. Test 2: The landlord regularly and frequently makes, or takes part in making, management decisions substantially contributing to or affecting the success of the enterprise. ................................................ ☐ 17c. Test 3: The landlord worked 100 hours or more spread over a period of five weeks or more in activities connected with crop production .................................. ☐ 17d. Test 4: The landlord has done tasks or performed duties which, considered in their total effect, show that the landlord was materially and significantly involved in the production of the farm commodities .............................. ☐ 18. Conservation Reserve Payments (CRP) 18a. Was the property enrolled in the CRP program? No ☐ ... Continue to Part I, line 19. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 18b. 18b. Are you subject to self-employment tax on your CRP income? No ☐ ... This gain may not be eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. See instructions. Yes ☐... Continue to Part I, line 19. 19. Describe in detail by activity (Acres personally farmed, Cash rent/lease, Crop share, CRP, or Other) the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual duties of the taxpayer associated with the acres sold during the period covered in line 14. Include the years the taxpayer performed each duty. If the taxpayer was married during this period, include duties performed by either spouse ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Part II: Details of Property Sold 1. Is the capital gain from a C Corporation? No ☐ ... Continue to Part II, line 3. Yes ☐... Continue to Part II, line 2. 2. Was the capital gain recognized under IRC 331 or IRC 338? No ☐ ... Sale is not eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. Stop. Yes ☐... Continue to Part II, line 3. 3. Are you the sole owner of this property? Married filers, see instructions. No ☐ ... Continue to Part II, line 4. Yes ☐... Enter 100% on Part II, line 4. 41-156c (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B, page 4 4. Enter taxpayer’s ownership percentage of the total property sold to three decimal places (for example 65.2%) ................................................................. 4. __________ % 5. Provide all other owner name(s) ____________________________________________________ 6. How did the taxpayer acquire the property? (check all that apply) Inheritance ☐ Like-kind (IRC 1031) Exchange ☐ Purchase ☐ Involuntary Conversion ☐ Gift ☐ Other ☐(Explain: _________________________ ) 7a. Provide all purchaser name(s) 7b. Purchaser’s relation to taxpayer (If unrelated enter “None”) _________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________________ 8. Is the capital gain from an installment sale? No ☐...... Continue to Part II, line 9. Yes ☐ .... Enter the property installment sale information. a. Start date ........................................................ 8a. _____________ b. End date ......................................................... 8b. _____________ c. Total capital gain to be received by taxpayer over the life of the installment sale ................. 8c. $ ____________ d. Capital gain received by the taxpayer in tax year 2020 .................. 8d. $ _____________ 9. Iowa capital gain deduction. If the taxpayer meets the holding period qualifications and material participation qualifications, enter the taxpayer’s amount of capital gain deduction here and include on IA 1040 line 23 ....... 9. $ _____________ 41-156c (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B, page 5 Instructions for 2020 IA 100B – Iowa Capital Gain Deduction for Sales of Real Property Used in a Farm Business The Iowa capital gain deduction is subject to Revenue Code (IRC) section 1223, for at least review by the Iowa Department of Revenue. 10 years to qualify for the Iowa capital gain The Department will use this form to verify that deduction. For example, the farmland sold may the taxpayer(s) qualifies for the deduction. The have been acquired in a like-kind exchange or Department may request additional information an involuntary conversion, and the holding if needed. period of the farmland sold plus the previously- held property may be at least 10 years. This completed form must be included with the IA 1040 to support the Iowa capital gain Line 14. Complete the table for each of the 10 deduction claimed for sales of real property years prior to the sale. However, the taxpayer used in a farm business. Complete a separate may instead elect to complete the table for IA 100B for each sale of farmland. Complete each of the eight years prior to the date the entire form each year of a qualifying entered in Part I, line 7, 9, 11, or 13. installment sale, including all parts. Example 1: The taxpayer sold farmland on an For taxpayers filing separately on the same installment basis on February 1, 2020. The return, each spouse must complete an IA 100B taxpayer must complete the table for years for the Iowa capital gain deduction claimed 2010 to 2019, unless the taxpayer checked based on the spouse’s ownership percentage “Yes” on Part I, line 6, 8, or 10. in the property. Example 2: The taxpayer checked Yes on Part Flowcharts to assist in determining if a gain I, line 6 and began receiving Old-Age qualifies are also available in the expanded (retirement) benefits under Social Security on instructions online. For more information on the February 8, 2016. The taxpayer may elect to Iowa capital gain deduction, see the complete the table for years 2008 to 2015 even instructions below and Iowa Administrative if the taxpayer sold the farmland in 2020. Code rule 701—40.38. Calendar year: Enter one calendar year on Part I: Sale of Real Property Used in a Farm each line. Business Name of land manager: Enter the name(s) of Line 1. Enter the address of the farmland, or the person(s) who managed the land in the enter the legal description of the farmland if no year. Enter “Self” if the taxpayer managed the address is available. If providing a legal land. description, also provide a general description Paid? Enter “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether of the property location in relation to a major the reported land manager received any road or town and the county. compensation for managing the land in the Line 2. Enter the total number of acres of year. If there were multiple land managers only farmland sold. enter “Yes” if any person other than the taxpayer was compensated. Line 3. Enter the acquisition date and sale date for the farmland, as indicated in Federal form or schedule where taxpayer supporting documentation. reported income: Other than the Federal 1040, enter the specific federal form or Line 4. Enter the length of the holding period in schedule number or letter on which the years and months. taxpayer reported income from the land in the Line 5. If the ownership period indicated in respective calendar year. Income from Part I, line 3 is less than 10 years, explain why farmland is typically reported on federal the ownership period differs from the holding Schedule E, Schedule F, or Form 4835. period entered in Part I, line 4. The farmland must be held, as defined using Internal 41-155d (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B, page 6 Acres the taxpayer personally farmed: Enter Line 15b. Check the box to indicate if the the number of acres of the farmland sold that taxpayer materially participated in the farming the taxpayer personally farmed in the activity. respective calendar year. If the taxpayer was Line 16. Crop-Share Arrangement married during the calendar year, include the Line 16a. Check the box to indicate if the acres of the farmland sold that were personally property was involved in a crop-share farmed by either spouse. arrangement. Cash rent acres: Enter the number of acres of Line 16b. Check the box to indicate if you are the farmland sold that the taxpayer leased for subject to self-employment tax on the crop- cash rent in the respective calendar year. If the share income. If income from crop-share taxpayer was married during the calendar year, arrangement was reported on federal form include the acres of the farmland sold that 4835, the income was not subject to self- were leased for cash rent by either spouse. employment tax and therefore may not be Crop share acres: Enter the number of acres eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction unless of the farmland sold that the taxpayer had the taxpayer qualifies as a retired or disabled under a crop share lease arrangement in the farmer as described in Iowa Administrative respective calendar year. If the taxpayer was Code rule 701–40.38(1)“f”(1),. married during the calendar year, include the Line 17. The taxpayer must satisfy at least one acres of the farmland sold that were under a of the four tests for material participation for crop share lease agreement by either spouse. each of the 10 years prior to the sale. Check CRP acres: Enter the number of acres of the the box for each test claimed. More than one farmland sold that the taxpayer had enrolled in test may be claimed. For more information on the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in the tests for material participation, see the the respective calendar year. If the taxpayer instructions below and Iowa Administrative was married during the calendar year, include Code rule 701–40.38(1)“f”(5). the acres of the farmland enrolled in CRP by • TEST 1. The landlord does any three of either spouse. the following: (1) Pays or is obligated to Other acres: Enter the number of acres of the pay for at least half the direct costs of farmland sold that the taxpayer used for other producing the crop; (2) Furnishes at least purposes in the respective calendar year, such half the tools, equipment, and livestock as non-tillable acres. If the taxpayer was used in producing the crop; (3) Consults married during the calendar year, include the with the tenant; and (4) Inspects the acres of the farmland sold that were used for production activities periodically. other purposes by either spouse. • TEST 2. The landlord regularly and Note: The sum of the acres the taxpayer frequently makes, or takes part in making, personally farmed, the cash rent acres, the management decisions substantially crop share acres, the CRP acres, and the other contributing to or affecting the success of acres must equal the total number of acres the enterprise. sold as entered in Part I, line 2. • TEST 3. The landlord worked 100 hours or more spread over a period of five Line 15. Cash Rent/Lease Arrangement weeks or more in activities connected with Line 15a. Check the box to indicate if the crop production. property was rented on a cash rent/lease • TEST 4. The landlord has done tasks or basis. A farmer who rents farmland on a cash performed duties which, considered in basis will not generally be considered to be their total effect, show that the landlord materially participating in the farming activity. was materially and significantly involved in The burden is on the landlord to show there the production of the farm commodities. was material participation in the cash rent/lease farm activity. 41-155d (08/31/2020) |
2020 IA 100B Instructions, page 7 Line 18. Conservation Reserve Payments Line 3. If married filing jointly and both spouses (CRP) are the only owners, check yes. If married filing separately and both spouses are owners, check Line 18a. Check the box to indicate if the no; each spouse must complete an IA 100B and property was enrolled in a CRP program. indicate on line 3 the separate ownership Line 18b. Check the box to indicate if the percentage of that spouse. income from the CRP program was subject to Line 4. Enter the taxpayer’s ownership self-employment tax. If an individual is percentage of the property sold at the time of receiving CRP payments and is not considered the sale to three decimal places (for example: to be retired from farming or disabled as 50.0%; 33.3%). If not the sole owner, the described in Iowa Administrative Code rule taxpayer’s ownership percentage must be less 701–40.38(1)“f”(1), the CRP payments are than 100% and greater than 0%. subject to self-employment tax. If individuals actively manage farmland placed in the CRP Line 5. Enter the names of all persons and program by directly participating in seeding, entities that owned the property at the time of mowing, and planting the farmland or by sale. If the capital gain flowed through to the overseeing these activities and the individual is taxpayer from a partnership, S corporation, paying self-employment tax, the owner will be limited liability company (LLC), estate, or trust, considered to have had material participation in all owners of the entity must be reported. the farming activity. Annual CRP payments Line 6. Check all boxes that indicate how the paid to taxpayers receiving Social Security or taxpayer acquired the property. If “Other”, disability payments are generally not subject to explain how the taxpayer acquired the self-employment tax and therefore are not property. eligible for the Iowa capital gain deduction Line 7. Enter the names of all persons and unless the taxpayer qualifies as a retired or entities that purchased the property. disabled farmer. For more information on the requirements for material participation with Line 8. Check the box to indicate whether the regard to CRP, see Iowa Administrative Code capital gain comes from an installment sale. If rule 701–40.38(1)“f”(6). “Yes,” enter the date of the first installment, the expected date of the final installment, the total Line 19. Enter the taxpayer’s daily, weekly, capital gain generated by the sale, and the monthly, and yearly farming activities on the capital gain the taxpayer received during tax farmland sold during the period identified in year 2020. Do not include any interest Part I, line 14. Describe the activities in detail, received. and include the year(s) the taxpayer performed the activities. Do not include activities Line 9 Enter the amount of the taxpayer’s performed by any person other than the capital gain deduction claimed. Note that the taxpayer, such as tenants and farm hands. The deduction applies to the net capital gain from a taxpayer’s activities must be supported by sale. Any nonrecaptured losses are treated as records. Records prepared long after the ordinary income and are not eligible for the activity generally are not acceptable. Iowa capital gain deduction. The eligibility of the Iowa capital gain deduction reported here Part II: Details of Property Sold may be subject to further examination by the Line 1. Check the box to indicate whether the Department. capital gain is from a C corporation. Line 2. Indicate whether the C corporation capital gain was from the liquidation of assets which are recognized as a sale of assets under IRC section 331 or from certain stock sales which are treated as an acquisition of assets under IRC section 338. 41-155d (08/31/2020) |