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                                                      Massachusetts Department of Revenue
                                                              Form 63 FI
                                            Financial Institution Excise Return                                                                              2020

For calendar year 2020 or taxable year beginning                                                   2020 and ending
Name of corporation                                                 Federal Identification number                    State or country of incorporation

Principal address

City/Town                                                           State        Zip

Principal address in Massachusetts

City/Town                                                           State        Zip

Federal business code                                               Name of treasurer                                Date of incorporation or charter (mm/dd/yyyy)

First date of business in Massachusetts (mm/dd/yyyy)                Name of common parent corporation                Federal Identification number of parent corporation 

Most recent year audited by IRS                                     Fill in if adjustments have been reported to Massachusetts 

U.S. return filed                                                   Fill in if corporation is participating in the filing of a U.S. consolidated return 
1120     1120-REIT         1120S          Other
Fill in if taxpayer is an S corporation                             Fill in if corporation is participating in the filing of a Massachusetts combined report 
Corporation (check one only) 
New      Terminated        Has predecessor      Has successor
Fill in if alternative apportionment is requested                   Fill in if this return is being filed by FDIC 
If predecessor or successor, name of corporation                    Federal Identification number                    State or country of incorporation

Principal address

City/Town                                                           State        Zip                                 Phone number

Fill in if: 
Amended return (see “Amended Return” in instructions)   Federal amendment  Federal audit                 Enclosing Schedule TDS
Final return    Initial return     Name change  Address change Enclosing Schedule FCI              Terminated S corporation status during taxable year

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this return and enclosures are true, correct and complete.
Signature of appropriate officer                              Date               Social Security number              Phone number

Signature of paid preparer                                    Date               Employer Identification number      Address

If you are signing as an authorized delegate of the appropriate corporate officer, fill in oval  and enclose Massachusetts Form M-2848, Power of 
Attorney. The Privacy Act Notice is available upon request. Mail to Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7052, Boston, MA 02204.

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                                                                                              2020 FORM 63 FI, PAGE 2

Name of corporation    Federal Identification number                                          State or country of incorporation

Excise tax calculation. See instructions if part of a Massachusetts unitary group. Use whole dollar method.
1  Income taxable in Massachusetts (from Schedule A, line 18)  ............................................... 1                                               
2  Financial institutions that are not S corporations, multiply line 1 by 9% (.09). S corporations, see instructions .......... 2 
3  S corporations, enter total receipts (from Schedule S, line 17)  .............................................. 3 
4  If taxpayer is an S corporation and line 3 is $6 million or more but less than $9 million, multiply line 1 by 2.67% (.0267) .. 4                            
5  If taxpayer is an S corporation and line 3 is $9 million or more, multiply line 1 by 4% (.04) ......................... 5 
6  Credit recapture (enclose Credit Recapture Schedule) and/or additional tax on installment sales. See instructions ...... 6 
7  Excise due before credits. Add line 2, 4 or 5, whichever applies, to line 6 ...................................... 7                                        
8  Credits (from Credit Manager Schedule) ............................................................... 8 
9  Excise after credits. Subtract line 8 from line 7 ........................................................... 9 
10  Minimum excise (cannot be prorated; combined reporting filers, see instructions)  .............................. 10 
11  Excise due before voluntary contribution (line 9 or 10, whichever is greater) ................................... 11                                       
12  Voluntary contribution for endangered wildlife conservation ................................................ 12 
13  Excise due plus voluntary contribution. Add lines 11 and 12 ............................................... 13 

Refund or tax due
14  2019 overpayment applied to 2020 estimated tax  ....................................................... 14                                                 
15  2020 estimated tax payments (do not include amount in line 14) ............................................ 15 
16  Payments made with extension  ..................................................................... 16 
17  Payment with original return. Use only if amending return ................................................. 17                                             
18  Pass-through entity withholding. ........................ Payer Identification number   3                                                             18  
19  Refundable credit (from Credit Manager Schedule) ...................................................... 19 
20  Total payments. Add lines 14 through 19 .............................................................. 20                                                  
21  Amount overpaid. If line 13 is smaller than line 20, subtract line 13 from line 20 ................................ 21 
22  Amount overpaid to be credited to 2021 estimated tax  ................................................... 22 
23  Amount overpaid to be refunded. Subtract line 22 from line 21 ............................................. 23 
24  Balance due. If line 20 is smaller than line 13, subtract line 20 from line 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24   
25a  M-2220 penalty  ............................................................................... 25a 
25b  Other penalties ................................................................................ 25b 
25  Total penalties. Add lines 25a and 25b ................................................................ 25 
26  Interest on unpaid balance ......................................................................... 26                                                    
27  Total payment due at time of filing. Add lines 24, 25 and 26 ................................................ 27 

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                                                                                2020 FORM 63 FI, PAGE 3

Name of corporation       Federal Identification number                         State or country of incorporation

Disclosure schedule
 1  Amount claimed as a deduction for contributions to bad debt reserve from the corporation’s federal return for the 
  taxable year  ..................................................................................... 1                                                                  
 2  Amount of bad debts that actually went bad during the taxable year .......................................... 2 
 3  Amount of capital loss claimed federally that was treated as an ordinary loss (per IRC sec. 582(c)). ................. 3 
 4  Total amount of capital gains claimed on U.S. Form 1120 or 1120S  .......................................... 4                                                       
 5  Amount of total income as reported on U.S. Form 1120, line 11 or 1120S, line 6 ................................ 5 

Schedule A. Taxable income
 1  Gross receipts or sales (from U.S. Form 1120, line 1c)  .................................................... 1                                                       
 2  Net income (from U.S. Form 1120, line 28)  ............................................................. 2 
 3  State and municipal bond interest not included in federal net income (total from Schedule B, col. d) ................. 3 
 4  Foreign, state or local income, franchise, excise or capital stock taxes deduction from federal net income. . . . . . . . . . . . .                               4  
 5  Portion of net capital loss carryover used to reduce capital gain on U.S. Schedule D ............................. 5 
 6  Section 168(k) “bonus” depreciation adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 
 7  Other income not included in line 2  ................................................................... 7                                                           
 8  Section 31I and 31J intangible and interest expense add back .............................................. 8 
 9  Reserved for future use  ............................................................................ 9 
10  Other adjustments (enclose schedule) ................................................................ 10 
11  Adjusted income. Add lines 2 through 10. If loss, enter 0 .................................................. 11                                                      
12  Abandoned Building Renovation deduction.........................Total cost    × .10 =                             12  
13  Dividends deduction (from Schedule D, line 5) .......................................................... 13 
14  Exception(s) to the add back of interest and/or intangible expenses (enclose schedule(s))  ....................... 14                                                
15  Total deductions. Add lines 12 through 14  ............................................................. 15 
16  Income subject to apportionment. Subtract line 15 from line 11. If loss, enter 0 ................................. 16 
17  Income apportionment percentage (from Schedule E, line 5 or 1.0, whichever applies) .......................... 17 
18  Income taxable in Massachusetts. Multiply line 16 by line 17. If loss, enter 0. Enter result here and in line 1 of return ... 18                                     

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                                                                                      2020 FORM 63 FI, PAGE 4

Name of corporation                                 Federal Identification number                  State or country of incorporation

Schedule B. Wholly tax-exempt interest
   a. Security       b. Rate                        c. Maturity                       d. Interest received  e. Amortization  f. Net interest

Total. Add column d, and enter in Schedule A, line 3. ...........................

Schedule C. Business locations outside Massachusetts
Complete this schedule only if the corporation has income from business activities which is taxable both in Massachusetts and in any other state(s).
   Location                                         Business activity                 Number of    Fill in if registered to  Fill in if files        
   city and state                                   conducted at location              locations   do business in state   returns in state

Schedule D. Dividends deduction 
Beginning January 1, 1999, 95% of dividends received from or on account of the ownership of any class of stock, if the financial institution owns 15% or 
more of the voting stock of the institution paying the dividend, will be allowed as a deduction to net income. Enclose schedule showing payers, amounts 
and percent of voting stock owned by class of stock.
 1  Total dividends (from U.S. Form 1120, Schedule C, line 23)  ................................................ 1                                   
 2  Dividends, if less than 15% of voting stock owned. Do not make an entry in line 2.
 2a  On common stock ............................................................................... 2a 
 2b  On preferred stock .............................................................................. 2b                                            
 3  Total taxable dividends. Add lines 2a and 2b ............................................................ 3 
 4  Dividends eligible for the deduction. Subtract line 3 from line 1 .............................................. 4 
 5  Dividends deduction. Multiply line 4 by .95. Enter here and in Schedule A, line 13 ............................... 5 

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                                                                                                  2020 FORM 63 FI, PAGE 5

Name of corporation                                                Federal Identification number  State or country of incorporation

Schedule E. Income apportionment
Apportionment factors
 1 Receipts                                                                a. Massachusetts       b. Worldwide           c. Percentage

   a  Receipts from lease, sublease or rental of real property ......   1a 
   b  Receipts from lease, sublease or rental of tangible property
     (other than transportation property) ......................        1b 
   c  Receipts from lease, sublease or rental of transportation
     property ...........................................               1c 
   d  Interest (including fees and penalties) received on loans
     secured by real property ..............................            1d 
   e  Interest (including fees and penalties) received on loans not
     secured by real property ..............................            1e 
   f  Net gain on sale of loans secured by real property ........... 1f 
   g  Net gain on sale of loans not secured by real property .......    1g 
   h  Interest (including fees and penalties) on credit card
     receivables .........................................              1h 
   i  Net gains on sales of credit card receivables (but not less
     than 0) ............................................. 1i 
   j  Credit card issuer’s reimbursement fees ................... 1j 
   k  Receipts from merchant discount  .......................          1k 
   l  Loan servicing fees from loans secured by real property  ...... 1l 
   m Loan servicing fees from loans not secured by real property  ..1m 
   n  Receipts from performance of other services ..............        1n 
   o  Interest, dividends and net gains (but not less than 0) from
     investment and/or trading assets and activities .............      1o 
     Method used for this item    3 Average value  Gross income

   p  Any other “receipts” included in factor but not listed above .... 1p 

   q Totals. Add lines 1a through 1p for each column. ...........       1q 
 1  Receipts apportionment percentage. Divide Massachusetts total (line 1q, column a) by Worldwide total (line 1q,
   column b). Enter as decimal ......................................................................... 1 

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                                                                                                   2020 FORM 63 FI, PAGE 6

Name of corporation                                                 Federal Identification number  State or country of incorporation

Schedule E. Income apportionment (cont’d.)
Apportionment factors
 2 Property                                                                     a. Massachusetts   b. Worldwide                c. Percentage
   a  Average value of real property rented from another (capitalized
    at eight times gross rents during taxable year) .............    2a 
   b  Average value of tangible property (other than transportation
    property) (capitalized at eight times gross rents during taxable
    year) ..............................................             2b 
   c  Average value of transportation property (capitalized at eight
    times gross rents during taxable year) ....................      2c 
   d  Fill in if alternative valuation method has been used for rented property 
		Note: Prior written approval from the Commissioner of Revenue is required for use of an alternative method.
   e  Average value of real property owned (including capital
    leases) ............................................             2e 
   f  Tangible property (other than transportation property)  ........ 2f 
   g  Transportation property ...............................        2g 
   h  Average value of loans (see statute) .....................     2h 
   i  Average value of credit card receivables (see statute)  ........ 2i 
   j  Number of times per year averaging used for determining value of all property owned. .........................2j 
   k  Totals. Add lines 2a through 2i for each column  ............  2k 
 2  Property apportionment percentage. Divide Massachusetts total (line 2k, column a) by Worldwide total (line 2k,
   column b). Enter as decimal ......................................................................... 2 
 3 Payroll
   a  Total ..............................................           3a 
 3  Payroll apportionment percentage. Divide Massachusetts total (line 3a, column a) by Worldwide total (line 3a,
   column b). Enter as decimal ......................................................................... 3 
 4  Apportionment percentage. Add total of Percentage columns, (line 1, column c; line 2, column c; and line 3, column c) .. 4 
 5  Massachusetts apportionment percentage. Divide line 4 by 3. Enter here and in Schedule A, line 17  ................ 5 
An exact copy of all pages of U.S. Form 1120, 1120S, 1120-REIT or other federal return along with any supporting schedules and/or forms substantiating
the Massachusetts excise must be enclosed with this return. If filing U.S. Form 1120S, complete and enclose a pro forma U.S. Form 1120. Any changes
or amendments to any U.S. amount must be explained in detail. Any return filed without the copy of such U.S. information enclosed is an incomplete
return and is subject to assessment penalties.

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