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                                                         Massachusetts Department of Revenue
                                                                          Form 355SC

                                            Security Corporation Excise Return                                                                                      2020

For calendar year 2020 or taxable period beginning                                                        2020 and ending
An exact copy of U.S. Forms 1120 or 1120-RIC, including all applicable schedules and forms required to substantiate the Massachusetts
excise, must be made available to the Department of Revenue upon request. Any changes or amendments to any U.S. amount must be
explained in detail.
Name of corporation                                                       U.S. Principal Business Code                         Federal Identification number 
3	                                                                        		                                                   3
Principal address

City/Town                                                                 State             Zip                                Phone number

Principal business address in Massachusetts

City/Town                                                                 State             Zip                                Phone number

Fill in if 
●  Amended return (see “Amended Return” in instructions)             ●  Federal amendment   ●  Federal audit   ●  Final return
1  Fill in if corporation is incorporated within Massachusetts            2  Date of charter (mm/dd/yyyy) 
3	 	                                                                    3
3a  Fill in if Class 1 security corporation                               3b  Fill in if Class 2 security corporation 
3	 	                                                                    3	
4  Date corporation first classified as security corporation (mm/dd/yyyy) 5  Date business began in Mass. (mm/dd/yyyy)         6  State or country of incorporation 
7  Average number of employees in Massachusetts                           8  Fill in if taxpayer disclosure statement included 
3	                                                                        3	
9a  Most recent year audited by IRS (mm/dd/yyyy)                          9b  Fill in if adjustments have been reported to Massachusetts
3	                                                                        3	
10  Corporation’s books are in the care of                                10b  Title 

11  Corporation (fill in one only)
3	●  New   ●  Terminated          ●  Has predecessor           ●  Has successor
12  Fill in if entity continues to qualify as a security corporation. If Yes, enclose statement explaining changes in corporate activity since last qualified.
13a  Fill in if corporation is participating in the filing of a U.S.      13b  Federal Identification number of parent
consolidated return 3	
14  U.S. form(s) and schedule(s) filed for this tax year 
3	●  1120  ●  1120-RIC            ●  851    ●  5471            ●  1120S   ●  1120-REIT

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this return and enclosures are true, correct and complete.
Signature of appropriate officer (see instructions)                     Date                Social Security number              Title

Signature of paid preparer                                              Date                Employer Identification number      Address

If you are signing as an authorized delegate of the appropriate corporate officer, check here and enclose Massachusetts Form M-2848, Power of
Attorney. The Privacy Act Notice is available upon request. Mail to Massachusetts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7067, Boston, MA 02204.

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                                                                                             2020 FORM 355SC, PAGE 2

Name of corporation                            U.S. Principal Business Code                   Federal Identification number 
3	                                             		                                             3

Computation of excise. Use whole dollar method.
1  Total U.S. income (from U.S. Form 1120 or appropriate form) .............................................. 31                
2  State and municipal bond interest not included in line 1 ................................................... 32 
3  Adjustments to income (enclose schedule; see instructions) ............................................... 33 
4  Massachusetts gross income. Add lines 1 through 3 ...................................................... 4                   
5  Class 1 excise, if applicable (line 4).................................                    × .0033                 5  
6  Class 2 excise, if applicable (line 4).................................                    × .0132                 6  
7  Excise before credits (line 5 or 6, whichever is applicable) .................................................. 7            
8  Total Credits (From Schedule CMS).  ................................................................. 38 
9  Excise after credits. Subtract line 8 from line 7 ........................................................... 9 
10  Minimum excise (cannot be prorated) ................................................................. 10                456
11  Excise due before voluntary contribution (line 9 or 10, whichever is larger) .................................... 11        
12  Voluntary contribution for endangered wildlife conservation ............................................... 312 
13  Excise due plus voluntary contribution. Add lines 11 and 12 .............................................. 313 
14  2019 overpayment applied to 2020 estimated tax  ...................................................... 314 
15  2020 estimated tax payments (do not include amount in line 14) ........................................... 315 
16  Payments made with extension. .................................................................... 316 
17  Payment with original return (use only if amending a return) ............................................... 17 
18  Amount overpaid. Subtract line 13 from total of lines 14 through 17  ......................................... 18 
19  Amount of line 18 to be credited to 2021 estimated tax .................................................. 319 
20  Amount of line 18 to be refunded. Subtract line 19 from line 18 ............................................ 320 
21  Balance due. Subtract total of lines 14 through 17 from line 13 ............................................. 21 
  a  M-2220 penalty ............................................................................... 21a 
  b  Other penalties ............................................................................... 21b 
22  Total penalty. Add lines 21a and 21b  ................................................................. 22 
23  Interest on unpaid balance ........................................................................ 323 
24  Total payment due at time of filing. Add lines 21 through 23. Make remittance payable to Commonwealth of 
  Massachusetts  ................................................................................ 324 

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                                                                                       2020 FORM 355SC, PAGE 3

Name of corporation                                      U.S. Principal Business Code                                  Federal Identification number 
3	                                                       		                                                            3

Schedule A
                                                                                                                          — Balance sheet as of —
Assets                                                                                                                 a. Start of tax year    b. End of tax year
 1  Cash ...................................................................... 1 
 2  Federal and state government obligations ......................................... 2 
 3  Other current assets (enclose schedule) .......................................... 3 
 4  Other investments (enclose schedule) ............................................ 4 
 5  Buildings and other fixed depreciable assets (enclose schedule)  ....................... 5 
 6  Accumulated depreciation of fixed depreciable asssets ............................... 6 
 7  Net value of depreciable assets. Subtract line 6 from line 5 ............................ 7 
 8  Land (net of any amortization) .................................................. 8 
 9  Intangible assets (amortizable only) .............................................. 9 
10  Accumulated amortization of intangible assets ..................................... 10 
11  Net value of intangible assets. Subtract line 10 from line 9  ........................... 11 
12  Other assets (enclose schedule)  ............................................... 12 
13  Total assets. Add lines 1 through 4, 7, 8, 11 and 12 ................................. 13 

Liabilities and capital                                                                                                a. Start of tax year    b. End of tax year
14  Accounts payable ........................................................... 14 
15  Mortgages, notes, bonds payable in less than one year .............................. 15 
16  Other current liabilities (enclose schedule) ........................................ 16 
17  TMortgages, notes, bonds payable in one year or more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 
18  Other liabilities (enclose schedule) .............................................. 18 
19  Preferred capital stock  ....................................................... 19 
20  Common capital stock. ....................................................... 20 
21  Paid-in or capital surplus  ..................................................... 21 
22  Appropriated retained earnings (enclose schedule) ................................. 22 
23  Unappropriated retained earnings .............................................. 23 
24  Total liabilities and capital before treasury stock deduction. Add lines 14 through 23  ....... 24 
25  Cost of treasury stock ........................................................ 25 
26  Total liabilities and capital. Subtract line 25 from line 24 .............................. 26 

Ownership information 
 1  Fill in if at any time during taxable year more than 50% of the voting stock was:)
  a  Of another corporation owned by your corporation ●  If Yes, enclose an ownership schedule (see instructions).
  b  Of your corporation owned by any single entity   ●  If Yes, enclose an ownership schedule (see instructions).
  Note: For rules of attribution, see Section 267(c) of Internal Revenue Code. 
 2  Fill in if at any time during taxable year:
  a  Any amount was owed by your corporation          ●  If Yes, enter amount.  .............................  2a 
  b  Any amount was owed to your corporation          ●  If Yes, enter amount.  .............................  2b 
  Note: Include loans, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

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