Required Information
All new hire reports require the following mandatory information:
- Employer’s name (please use corporate name)
- Employer’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), the same FEIN used for Quarterly
Wage Reports
- Employer’s address
In addition, you must provide key information about your newly hired employees, including:
- Employee’s full name (please identify first, middle and last name)
- Employee’s Social Security Number
- Employee’s current address
- Employee’s date of hire
- Employee’s state of hire (only if reporting as a multistate employer)
Additional information that is optional but very helpful to our new hire office includes the name
of the person (or team) at your company responsible for reporting new hires and your company’s
phone, fax and e-mail address. It is also helpful to have your employee’s date of birth, gender and
whether employee left during reporting period.