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03 03
04 04
05 What is a Payment Voucher and Why Should I Use It? How Do I Make My Payment? 05
06 A payment voucher is a statement you send with your payment when - Make yo r u check r o money d r o r e paya e l b o t h t e “D a l e w e r a 06
07 you have a balance due on your electronically ledfi tax return. It is like Division of Revenue”. Don’t send cash. 07
08 thepartofotherbills–utilities,creditcards,etc.–thatyousendbackwith 08
09 your payment. - Make s e r u yo r u name a nd ad e r d ss appe r a on yo r u ch eck r o 09
money order.
10 Thispaymentvoucherisintendedforuseonlywhenyouhave ledyourfi 10
11 D a l e w e r a n r u t e r e l e o r t c c i n y l l a and have a b a l a nce due o t h t e e t a t S f o - Write your SSN, daytime telephone number, and “2016 Form 11
12 D a l e w . e r a By subm n i t t i g a vouch r e h t i w h t e payme h t , t n e D a l e w e r a 200-01” or “2016 Form 200-02” on your check or money order. 12
o i s i v i D n f o Revenue s i b r e t t e a e l b o t m c t a h up yo r u payme t n h t i w yo r u - Detach the payment voucher at the perforation.
13 previously received return. 13
14 - Mail your payment and payment voucher to the address below. 14
15 If you have a balance due on your 2016 Form 200-01 or 200-02, 15
please send the payment voucher with your payment. By sending it, MailTo:
16 you will help save tax dollars since we will be able to process your Delaware Division of Revenue 16
17 payment more accurately and efficiently. We strongly encourage you P.O. Box 830 17
18 to use Form DE-200V, but it is not required. Wilmington, DE 19899-0830 18
19 19
20 How Do I Fill in the PaymentVoucher? NOTE:DONOTattachyourreturnorDE8453toyourpaymentorthe 20
21 Box 1. Enter your Social Security Number. Enter in box 1 the SSN paymentvoucher. BysendingacopyofyourreturnortheDE8453 21
22 shown rstfi on your return and the second SSN in box 4. withyourpaymentorpaymentvoucher,youwillbeduplicatingyour 22
previouslyfiled electronic return and/or its paper representation.
23 Box 2. Enter the rstfi four letters of your last name. See examples 23
24 below: 24
25 Name Enter When is My Payment Due? 25
26 John Brown BROW 26
27 JoanA. Lee LEE PaymentofIndividualIncomeTaxesisdue onorbefore May 1, 2017, 27
John O’Neill ONEI foralltaxpayers lingonacalendaryearbasis.fi Allothersmustpaytheir
28 Juan DeJesus DEJE taxesbythelastdayofthefourthmonthfollowing thec sol e h t f o a t r i e x 28
29 Jean McCarthy MCCA year. Non-calendar year filers may not file electronically and therefore 29
30 PedroTorres-Lopez TORR will not have use for this form. 30
31 Box 3. Enter the amount of your payment. Although extensions are sometimes granted to lfi e n i come a t x n r u t e r s 31
32 past the due date, there is no extension of time for payment of tax. 32
33 Box 4. If you are lingfi a joint or married lingfi separate return, enter 33
the spouse’s SSN. e l P ase e r e i v w yo r u n I d i v i d u n I l a come Tax R n r u t e n I u r t s o i t c ns r o f
34 additionalinformationonsubstantialpenaltiesandinterestforfailureto 34
35 Box 5. Enter your name(s) and address. pay (in whole or in part) the tax liability due by the due date. 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
45 DELAWARE Electronic 45
46 FORM 46
47 47
48 2016 Payment 48
DE 200-V
49 Voucher 49
50 50
51 1. Enter your social security number 2. Enter the rstfi four letters of your last 3. Enter the amount of the payment you are making. 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 4. If a joint return, enter your spouse’s social 5. Name(s) 55
56 security number 56
57 Address 57
58 58
59 City State ZIP Code 59
60 60
61 61
62 62
63 (Rev. 07/2016) 63
64 DF21416019999 64
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