PDF document
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 Commonwealth of Kentucky 

 Kentucky Department of Revenue 



 Tax Year 2019 
 Processing Year 2020 
 Version 1.2 
 August 14, 2019 

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 Tax Year 2019 
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5 
 Definition of a Substitute Tax Form .............................................................................................................. 5 
APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE INCOME TAX FORMS ............................................................................... 5 
GUIDELINES FOR PROGRAMMING SUBSTITUTE TAX FORMS ............................................................... 6 
 Margins and Layout ....................................................................................................................................... 6 
 Text on Substitute Forms and Schedules ....................................................................................................... 6 
 Printing Amounts in Data Fields .................................................................................................................... 6 
 Boxes Designating an Option ........................................................................................................................ 7 
 Company Identification Code ........................................................................................................................ 7 
 Internal Control Numbers .............................................................................................................................. 7 
GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMER USE ............................................................................................................ 8 
 Paper Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 8 
 Printing Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8 
SUBSTITUTE TAX FORM APPROVAL PROCESS ...................................................................................... 8 
 What the Company Must Do ......................................................................................................................... 8 
 What KDOR Will Do ..................................................................................................................................... 9 
GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING RECORD LAYOUT ................................................................. 9 
 Starting Positions ........................................................................................................................................... 9 
 Reference Marks ............................................................................................................................................ 9 
 Income Tax Forms and Schedules without a Form ID ................................................................................... 9 
 Company ID Code ........................................................................................................................................10 
 Scanned Income Tax Forms and Schedules ..................................................................................................10 
 1D Barcode ...................................................................................................................................................10 
 Additional Individual Income Tax Form Layout Changes…………………………………………………11 
 Barcode Placement......................................................................................................................................111 
 Forms without a 1D Barcode ........................................................................................................................11 
 Vouchers without a 1D Barcode – Not Scannable ........................................................................................12 
SCANNABLE FORMS ....................................................................................................................................15 
 Kentucky Individual Income Tax Estimated Voucher - 42A740-ES ............................................................15 
 Kentucky Electronic Payment Voucher - 42A740-V ....................................................................................16 
 Kentucky Extension Payment Voucher – 740EXT/40A102 .........................................................................17 
 Corporation Income/Limited Liability Entity Tax Estimated Tax Voucher - Form 41A720-ES ..................18 
 Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return - Form 41A720SL ....................................19 
 720-V Electronic Filing Payment Voucher - Form 41A720-S12 ..................................................................20 
 741-V - Kentucky Fiduciary Electronic Payment Voucher - Form 42A741-V.............................................21 
 42A805 (K-5) – Kentucky Employer’s Report of Withholding Tax Statements ..........................................22 

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  Tax Year 2019 
MODULUS 10 CHECK DIGIT ROUTINE .....................................................................................................23 
CONTACT INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................24 
 Alcohol Tax ..................................................................................................................................................24 
 Bank Franchise Tax ......................................................................................................................................24 
 Business (Corporate/Partnership) Income Tax (Non Scannable) ..................................................................25 
 Collections ....................................................................................................................................................25 
 Individual Income Tax & Fiduciary Tax  (Non Scannable) ..........................................................................25 
 Inheritance Tax .............................................................................................................................................26 
 Insurance Premium Tax & Premium Surcharge ...........................................................................................26 
 Miscellaneous Tax ........................................................................................................................................26 
 Motor  Fuels Tax ...........................................................................................................................................27 
 Property Tax .................................................................................................................................................27 
 Sales Tax (Non Scannable) ...........................................................................................................................27 
 Scannable Documents - including Sales Tax, Withholding Tax, Individual & Business Income Tax .........28 
 School Tax ....................................................................................................................................................28 
 Taxpayer Registration ...................................................................................................................................28 
 Tobacco Tax .................................................................................................................................................29 
 Withholding Tax (Non Scannable) ...............................................................................................................29 
 Withholding Tax (Scannable) .......................................................................................................................29 
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                   Tax Year 2019 
 Version Date                         Nature of Change 
 1.0     07/07/2019  Added 1D/2D submission requirement when submitting 1D and 
                 2D at the same time. 
 1.1     7/15/2019  Updated new IIT 1D Barcode layout 
 1.1     8/14/2019  Updated to include Additional Individual Income Tax Form 
                 Layout Changes 
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                                     Tax Year 2019 
The 2019 Kentucky tax forms and schedules, including individual, partnership, fiduciary, 
employer payroll withholding, and corporation income tax returns and all appropriate 
schedules for these returns, must be submitted in an approved format as prescribed by the 
Kentucky Department of Revenue (KDOR).  Individual (resident) income tax returns and 
employer  payroll  withholding  form  K-5  must  be  designed  in  2D-barcode  format  as 
prescribed by KDOR even if a vendor does not support the barcode for Kentucky.  The 
approval process ensures that substitute tax forms: 
  Are compatible with  the KDOR's automated processing system or 2D barcode 
   system; and 
  Present information in a uniform pattern. 

Definition of a Substitute Tax Form  

A substitute tax form is any form other than the official form printed by KDOR, which is 
commercially typeset and printed, or computer produced or computer programmed. 
Any company that designs and/or markets substitute tax forms which are submitted for 
processing by KDOR must receive prior approval from KDOR. Approval is required each 
year before releasing or distributing substitute tax forms as paper copy or as part of a software 
product to its customers or clients. 
Prior to or included with the first transmission of forms for approval, the company is required 
to include a list of all forms they expect to submit for approval.  A Kentucky Letter of Intent 
(LOI), including the LOI Attachment A, must be completed documenting this information.  
The blank LOI is posted in the KYST folder on the FTA secure State Exchange System 
(SES) on or prior to August 1  each year.   
Completion of this list will enable KDOR to determine when a vendor has submitted all 
supported forms.  Upon approval the company will be added to the Substitute Forms 
Approval List published on SES.  If the company does not submit the list of forms that will 
need approval, the status on the list will remain pending until KDOR is notified by the 
company that no other forms will be submitted.  It will be the company’s responsibility to 
notify KDOR when all of the forms have been submitted and approved.  
If a company uses another company’s substitute forms in their software package, they should 
submit data-filled forms for data placement approval.  Please notify KDOR of which forms 
are in this category.  
If submitting both 1D and 2D barcodes at the same time specify in the submission email.  
Once a company has received approval, their customers or clients do not need to request 
additional approval to use the approved substitute tax forms. Companies are encouraged to 
include approval information in their release.                        

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                                    Tax Year 2019 
Reproduced tax forms that deviate from the official forms, including those produced by tax 
software, are considered substitute tax forms and must be approved before use. 
Substitute tax forms, including business income tax returns and all appropriate schedules for 
these returns, must be compatible with KDOR’s automated processing system and KDOR 
must be able to process the forms in the same manner as the official form.  KDOR reserves 
the right to reject any substitute tax form that does not meet the guidelines mentioned in this 
document or that would cause processing problems.  
Refer to the formatting requirements for each form. The formatting may not be exactly the 
same as the official forms but should be grouped in the same manner.  

Margins and Layout 

Substitute tax forms must have margins on all sides at least as large as the margins on the 
official forms. One-sided reproduced tax forms are acceptable even if the official form is 
Some official forms are designed with dropout ink boxes to guide a taxpayer through manual 
preparation.  For  computer  generated  forms,  these  boxes  are  not  needed  or  desired. 
Eliminating these boxes allows the vertical placement on the page to be adjusted to allow for 
easier programming.  

Text on Substitute Forms and Schedules 

The order of a substitute schedule must follow the official schedule, including title, space for 
taxpayer name and identification number, year, captions, line numbers and line descriptions. 
To avoid having text in the areas to be read, omit the text that designates placement of name 
and address and the text at the tops of the columns that say "DOLLARS" and "CENTS".  
Captions and line descriptions from the official schedules may be shortened to one print line 
on substitute forms. To do this, it is acceptable to use abbreviations and contractions and 
omit articles and prepositions. However, key words that make identification of the caption 
or line description clear must be retained. Instructional text may be omitted.  
Substitute tax forms must closely resemble the style and size of type used on the official 
The Taxpayer/Preparer signature area may not be rearranged, relocated or reworded. The 
perjury statement and signature line areas must be retained and worded exactly as on the 
official form. The signature area format on substitute forms must conform to that of the 
official form. 

Printing Amounts in Data Fields 

  Characters in data fields must be printed at a minimum of 10 characters per inch.  For 
   data entry in areas that have handprint boxes on the official form, data should be printed 
   without lines beneath the data.  

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                              Tax Year 2019 
  Amounts should be right justified. Spaces should not be placed between characters but 
   commas may be used.   
  Amounts must be rounded to whole dollars; cents should be shown with zeros.  
   Individual and business forms have been designed with 00 populated in the cents fields. 
   NOTE: Form 42A805 (K-5) is excluded from this. 00 is not automatically populated 
   in the cents field for form 42A805.  
  If a monetary amount is negative, place a leading minus sign in the first field to the left 
   of the first number. NOTE: Monetary amounts may never be negative for form 
  All numeric fields should be left blank if there is no entry. 
Boxes Designating an Option 

  On the official form there are boxes to be checked. These all may be marked with an 
   "X" without the box but in the area designated on the layout for that form. Although 
   the boxes may be (and some should be) omitted, the text for the boxes must be printed. 

Company Identification Code 

Substitute tax forms must include a company identification code if the form does not contain 
a 1D barcode in the header section of the page.  The company identification code is a four 
character numeric code assigned by the NACTP.  Beginning with 2006 tax returns, a 1D 
barcode was placed on the majority of tax forms containing the tax year, the four (4) digit 
company identification code and a four (4) digit form number.  A complete listing of the 
forms containing the 1D barcode is posted to SES. 
In some cases, the design of the form, and the design of the software to perform the tax 
calculations are created by two separate organizations. The four digit company identification 
code refers to the developer who creates the form design only, and not to the developer who 
designs the software to perform the tax calculations.  
The company identification code must be printed on each substitute tax form where specified 
in  the  specifications  for  that  form.  Substitute  forms  that  do  not  have  the  company 
identification code will not be approved. 
Vendors that produce a 2D barcode but who do not produce their own forms should 
place their company identification code in the lower right hand corner of the return.  
The lower left-hand corner of the return is reserved for the form developer. 

Internal Control Numbers 

Internal control numbers and symbols used by computerized processors to identify the 
taxpayer and tax practitioner may be shown on substitute forms. If these numbers or symbols 
are used, print them in the upper right margin of the substitute tax form. 
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                                   Tax Year 2019 
Vendors  are  requested  to  inform  their  customers  and  clients  of  paper  and  printing 
requirements for substitute forms. 

Paper Requirements 

Use white paper of equal or better quality than the 20-lb. paper used for the official form.  
Use the same size paper as the official form.  

Printing Requirements 

All forms must have a high standard of legibility for printing and for data entry. KDOR 
reserves the right to reject forms with poor legibility. The ink and printing method used must 
ensure that no part of a form (including text, graphics and data entries) develops smears or 
other quality deterioration during preparation or processing. Black ink must be used. 

What the Company Must Do 

  Submit your substitute tax forms to KDOR for review before distribution or release to 
   customers or clients. KDOR requires a minimum of 2 samples for testing purposes.  
   Samples must be produced in accordance with the specifications outlined within this 
   document.  One sample should be blank and the other should be data-filled.  The data-
   filled return can consist of X’s and 9’s.    X’s for alpha; 9’s for numeric values or a 
  It is acceptable to send form submissions, with the exception of scannable forms, in 
   pdf format via e-mail to the contact person for that particular tax type.  If there is an 
   issue with the electronic copy, a hard copy will be requested.  Contact information is 
   found at the end of this document.   
  A hard copy of the scanned forms below must be mailed to the scannable forms 
   contact for approval. This will allow the document to be scanned in its true form and 
   any issues identified and addressed prior to distribution.  See the contact section at the 
   end of this document for the appropriate mailing address. 
    Form 720-ES (41A720ES) 
    Form 720EXT (41A720SL) 
    Form 720-V(41A720-S12)  
    Form 740-ES (42A740ES) 
    Form 740EXT (40A102) 
    Form 740-V (42A740V)  
    Form 741-V (42A741V) 
    Form K-5 (42A805) 
  Make corrections and revisions to substitute tax forms upon notification by KDOR and 
   resubmit for approval.   
  Provide customers or clients with the instructions for correctly producing approved 
   substitute tax forms. These instructions must include information on the printer fonts 
   required to produce approved substitute tax forms. 

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                                Tax Year 2019 
  Upon request, provide customers or clients with copies of a substitute tax form approval 

What KDOR Will Do 

  Disseminate information regarding substitute tax forms design and development; 
  Review substitute tax forms; 
  Send a list via e-mail indicating which forms are approved and which forms are not 
   approved.  If forms are not approved, errors will be noted and returned with a request 
   for the forms to be corrected and resubmitted.  If the vendor requires a letter of approval 
   be mailed, they should contact the person approving the forms and one will be 
   provided.  Otherwise, approval notification will be via e-mail for efficiency in the 
   approval process. 
  Accept forms for tentative approval based on draft postings once they are posted to 
   SES.    If a tentative approval is granted and the form changes, the vendor will be 
   required to make all appropriate changes.    
Note:  KDOR does not review or approve the logic of specific software programs or confirm 
the calculations entered on substitute tax forms output from software programs. KDOR does 
not accept responsibility for proofreading the forms for spelling and grammatical errors. The 
accuracy of software programs is the responsibility of the tax software developer, distributor 
or user. 
If you experience problems with approvals for any type of form, please send inquiries to the 
appropriate primary or secondary contact at the end of this document. 


Starting Positions 

Vertical and horizontal starting positions are the top and left edges of the paper. Vertical 
print spacing is 6 lines per inch and horizontal measurement is 12 characters per inch.  The 
positions shown in the tables are the range of positions that must be used.  

Reference Marks  

The reference mark is the first item scanned; all other data is measured in relationship to the 
reference mark. It must be identical in size, thickness and position as the official form 
produced by KDOR. The reference mark (line is 2 point) is printed on lines in the designated 
positions unless otherwise noted. There should be at least three-sixteenth inch white space 
surrounding the reference mark. 

Income Tax Forms and Schedules without a Form ID 

Non-scannable forms do not have a Form ID or reference mark. These forms must have the 
company name or 4 digit vendor identification code printed on the form in the lower left 
hand corner. 

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                           Tax Year 2019 
Company ID Code 

This number can be printed with a courier font.  The Company ID is printed on line 
62 starting in position 8 unless otherwise noted.  

Scanned Income Tax Forms and Schedules  

A hard copy of the scanned forms must be mailed to the Scannable documents contact for 
approval. Contact information can be found at the end of this document. This will allow us 
to scan the document in its true form and determine if there are any issues.  
The list of scannable forms is listed below.  Contact us if a hardcopy of a form is needed 
for development. 
  Form 720-ES (41A720ES) 
  Form 720EXT (41A720SL) 
  Form 720-V(41A720-S12)  
  Form 740-ES (42A740ES) 
  Form 740EXT (40A102) 
  Form 740-V (42A740V)  
  Form 741-V (42A741V) 
The scannable forms should have 0002 at the end of the form id to identify that they are 
substitute forms generated from software. See the samples below.  
If the bar code scanner is unable to read the Form ID number, the entire document will be 
rejected. This number must be printed with an OCR-A font. The Form ID is printed on 
line 15 starting in position 69 unless otherwise noted.   

1D Barcode 

For Tax Year 2019, for Corporate and Fiduciary income tax forms, the 1D barcode 
contains the two (2) digit tax year, the four (4) digit Vendor Identification Code and a four 
(4) digit form number.  These forms must have the 4-digit Vendor Identification Code 
contained in the 1D Barcode in positions 3 through 6.  
The format for Individual income tax forms for tax year 2019, has, however changed for 
the 1D barcode.  The 1D barcode contains the two (2) digit tax year, the four (4) digit form 
number and the four (4) digit Vendor Identification Code.  The 4-digit form number is now 
contained in the 1D Barcode in positions 3 through 6; the 4-digit Vendor Identification 
Code is contained in the 1D Barcode in positions 7 through 10.  Human readable data 
should be provided for the 2019 individual income tax forms.  Using the WASP tool will 
automatically format the human readable text to code39 mc font below the barcode.  If the 
WASP tool is unavailable, Microsoft San Serif, Calibri or Courier font are also acceptable. 
The human readable data should be scaled to fit underneath the barcode and should not 
touch the barcode data.  The font size of the human readable data should make it the same 
width as the barcode.  The 1D barcode change is only for individual income tax forms 
and doesn’t apply to business income tax or fiduciary income tax forms. 
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                           Tax Year 2019 
Employer payroll withholding form 42A805 (K-5) differs from this standard layout. Please 
refer to the layout specified for form 42A805. 

Additional Individual Income Tax Form Layout Changes 

Slug marks are to be placed in the four corners of the individual income tax forms to aid in 
alignment and scanning of information provided on substitute forms.  The slugs are to be a 
measurement of 0.257 inches wide and 0.174 inches tall and color 100% black.  The 
placement coordinates are the top left corner of the box.  The first number is X from the 
left and the second is Y from the top.  All measurements are in inches. 
        Upper Left              0.5”            0.4” 
        Upper right            7.75”           0.4” 
        Bottom left             0.5”           10.4” 
        Bottom right          7.75”          10.4” 
If the 1D barcode cannot be read, the scanner will attempt to identify the tax year, form and  
page number using the OCR-A “Form ID” located at the bottom of the form.   This 
additional form identifier should be provided to the right of the bottom left slug mark.  This 
form identifier should be printed in OCR-A font at 12pt. font size.  This will print to paper 
at 10 characters per inch.  The form identifier, provided at the bottom of the page should 
include a six-digit number, including 2 digits for the tax year and four digits for the form 
ID.  The technical form name and draft date should follow the OCR-A Form ID.  An 
example is provided below for Page 1 of Form 740. 

Barcode Placement 

A list of individual, employer payroll withholding and corporate tax forms with 1D 
barcodes can be found in the KYST folder on SES. 
Location on PageThe 1D barcode should be printed on the top left of center portion of 
the return with ¼ inch of surrounding white space.   
Size and Type30 point, 3 of 9 barcode font.  
Any vendor that supports the 2D barcode for KY should have the default set to ON for the 
There are some corporate forms and employer payroll withholding forms that differ from 
this 1D placement.  Please refer to the placement on the form for the Form 851-K, Schedule 
AN, Schedule CR, Schedule CR-C, Schedule KCR and Schedule KCR-C. 

Forms without a 1D Barcode 

The following forms do not have a 1D barcode.  The Vendor Identification Code is required 
in the lower left hand corner of the form for identification unless specified differently in the 
layouts below. 

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                             Tax Year 2019 
  Form 12A200 – Installment Agreement 
  Form 40A200 – Form PTE-WH – Kentucky Nonresident Income Tax Withholding on 
   Distributive Share Income 
  Form 41A720-S8 – Form 8879(C)-K - Kentucky Corporation or Pass-through Entity 
   Tax Return Declaration For Electronic Filing 
  Form 41A720-S80 – Form 8874(K) – Application For Certification Of Qualified 
   Equity Investments Eligible For Kentucky New Markets Development Program Tax 
  41A720-S83 – Form 8874(K)-C – Kentucky New Markets Development Program 
   Tax Credit Request For Refund Of Performance Fee 
  41A720-S85 – ENDOW Application - Application for Preliminary Authorization of 
   the ENDOW Kentucky Tax Credit 
  Form 41A720SL – Form 720EXT – Extension of Time To File Kentucky 
   Corporation/LLET Return  
  Form 41A800 – Form 800 - Corporation and Pass-Through Entity Nexus 
  Form 40A727 – Forms Requisition 
  Form 41A720ES – Form 720-ES - Kentucky Estimated Tax Voucher-Corporation 
   Income/Limited Liability Entity Tax 
  Form 720-S12 – Form 720-V- Electronic Filing Payment Voucher 
  Form 42A740-EPAY – Kentucky Electronic Payment Request Form 
  Form 42A740ES – 740-ES – Kentucky Estimated Tax Payment Voucher 
  Form 42A740-S22 – Form 8879-K - Kentucky Individual Income Tax Declaration 
   For Electronic Filing 
  Form 42A740-S23 – Form 740-V - Kentucky Electronic Payment Voucher – 
  Form 42A740-S26 – Form 8879-F - Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Declaration For 
   Electronic Filing 
Vouchers without a 1D Barcode – Not Scannable 

The following are vouchers that do not have a 1D barcode and are not scannable.  The drop 
out ink on these vouchers should be removed for the software generated versions.  The 
form id is followed by 0002 for the software generated version. 
  Form 740NP-WH-ES (40A201ES) – Pass-Through Entity Nonresident Distributive 
   Share Withholding Report and Composite Income Tax Estimated Voucher 

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  Tax Year 2019 
Sample of version 0002 – Software Generated Version 

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                   Tax Year 2019 
  Form 40A201NP-WH-SL – Application for Six Month Extension of Time to File 
   Form 740-NP-WH 

Sample of version 0002 – Software Generated Version 
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                                  Tax Year 2019 

Kentucky Individual Income Tax Estimated Voucher - 42A740-ES 

The Form Id in the 740-ES for the substitute form should be 42A740ES0002.Voucher      Size   
 1      1
8  / 2x 3  / 2inches. 
The version 42A740ES0003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the 
placement of the data.  Please note that the Social Security numbers and names are above 
the caption. 
Installment due dates are as follows:               Installment 1   April 15, 2020 
                                                    Installment 2   June 15, 2020 
                                                    Installment 3   September 15, 2020 
                                                    Installment 4   January 15, 2021 
Name of Field                                       Line number from top     Position 
                                                    of voucher 
Primary social security number (text is on line )   9                        9-19 
Check digit on primary social security number (see  9                        22 
check digit information below) 
Secondary social security number (text is on line ) 9                        27-37 
Check digit on secondary social security number     9                        40 
Year ending (text is on line )                      9                        47-56 
Amount paid (text is on line )                      10                       61-81 
Name (Primary taxpayer’s last name, first name,     15                       11-35 
secondary taxpayer’s first name)   No punctuation. 
Street address                                      16                       11-35 
City                                                17                       11-27 
State                                               17                       29-30 
Zip                                                 17                       33-42 
Form ID (42A740ES0002)                              15                       70-81 
Reference Mark                                      Top of line 17 to bottom 73-77 
                                                    of line 19 
Company Code                                        18                       61-65 

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                           Tax Year 2019 
Kentucky Electronic Payment Voucher - 42A740-V 

The Form Id in the 740-V for the substitute form should be 42A740V0002.   
The 42A740V0003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the placement of the 
data.  Please note that the Social Security numbers and names are above the caption. 
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                           Tax Year 2019 
Kentucky Extension Payment Voucher – 740EXT/40A102 

The Form Id for the substitute form should be 40A1020002.   
The version 40A1020003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the placement 
of the data.  Please note that the Social Security numbers and names are above the caption. 
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             Tax Year 2019 
Corporation Income/Limited Liability Entity Tax Estimated Tax Voucher - Form 41A720-ES 

The Form Id for the substitute form should be 41A720ES0002.  The company code should 
be placed on line 21 (left hand corner) on the Form 720-ES.   
Form 41A720ES0003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the placement of 
the data.   

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              Tax Year 2019 
Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return - Form 41A720SL 

The Form Id for the substitute form should be 41A720SL0002.  
The Form 41A720SL0003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the placement 
of the data. 

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                        Tax Year 2019 
720-V Electronic Filing Payment Voucher - Form 41A720-S12 

The Form Id for the substitute form should be 41A720S120002.  
The Form 41A720S120003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the 
placement of the data. 

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                           Tax Year 2019 
741-V - Kentucky Fiduciary Electronic Payment Voucher - Form 42A741-V 

The Form Id in the Form 741-V for the substitute form should be 42A741V0002. 
The version 40A1020003 is being provided so that you have a reference for the placement 
of the data.  Please note that the FEIN and name are above the caption. 
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                   Tax Year 2019 
42A805 (K-5) – Kentucky Employer’s Report of Withholding Tax Statements 

The substitute form ID should be 42A805182PP, where the first six (6) digits are the form 
number, the next two (2) digits are the tax year of the form version, the next one (1) digit is 
the vendor identification number, and the last two (2) digits are the page number of the 
form. Therefore, the 1D barcode for page 2 of a K-5 form would be 42A80518202. The 1D 
barcode is placed in the blank space provided to the left of the tax year and page number.  
                  2D Barcode Coordinates (Inches) 
        Left Right Width         Bottom           Top                   Height 
 Page 1 0.49 8.01  7.52          0.59             1.27                  0.68 
 Page 2 0.59 8.1   7.52          1.69             2.38                  0.68 
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                                  Tax Year 2019 
In this example, "C" will hold the place of the check digit to be calculated. The string of 
characters for which the check digit is to be calculated is weighted from right to left by 2 
then 1. Working from right to left, the digit from the string is multiplied by the assigned 
weight. That figure is then divided by 10 and the whole number equivalent of the integer 
and modulus results are added together to form a single digit. This single digit value is 
accumulated for each digit in the string. The total is divided by 10 again. This calculation 
differs from the calculations of the individual digits as the integer portion of the result is 
discarded and the whole number representation of the modulus portion is subtracted from 
10 resulting in the check digit for the string. If the check digit calculates to be 10, then the 
check digit will be 0. 
Weights:  212121212     2*3=06 
String:   106860723C    06/10=0.6 
                        0 + 6 = 6 
                                    Total = Total + 6 = 6 
Weights:  212121212     1*2 = 02 
String:   106860723C    02/10 = 0.2 
                        0 + 2 = 2 
                                    Total = Total + 2 = 8 
Weights:  212121212     2* 7 = 14 
String:   106860723C    14/10 = 1.4 
                        1 + 4 = 5 
                                    Total = Total + 5 = 13 
Weights:  212121212     1*0 = 00 
String:   106860723C    00/10 = 0.0 
                        0 + 0 = 0 
                                    Total = Total + 0 = 13 
Weights:  212121212     2 * 6 = 12 
String:   106860723C    12/10 = 1.2 
                        1 + 2 = 3 
                                    Total = Total + 3 = 16 
Weights:  212121212     1*8 = 08 
String:   106860723C    08/10 = 0.8 
                        0 + 8 = 8 
                                    Total = Total + 8 = 24 
Weights:  212121212     2 * 6 = 12 
String:   106860723C    12/10 = 1.2 
                        1 + 2 = 3 
                                    Total = Total + 3 = 27 
Weights:  212121212     1*0 = 00 
String:   106860723C    00/10 = 0.0 
                        0 + 0 = 0 
                                    Total = Total + 0 = 27 
Weights:  212121212     2 * 1 = 02 
String:   106860723C    02/10 = 0.2 
                        0 + 2 = 2 
                                    Total = Total + 2 = 29 
                                    Total/10 = 2.9 
                                    Check digit = 10 - 9 = 1 
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                                           Tax Year 2019 
Below is the primary and secondary contact information listed by the tax type.  Please send 
forms to the appropriate contact(s) for approval.  Forms sent to the incorrect contact will 
cause a delay in the approval of the form as they must be rerouted to appropriate personnel.   
Requests for forms may be made by calling 502-564-3658 or by submission of the Form 
Requisition (Form 40A727) to KDOR at the address listed on the form.    
Alcohol Tax 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 62 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-3393 
Primary Contact:  Elizabeth Gonzalez 
(502) 564-9250 
Secondary Contact: Hunter Sellers 
Bank Franchise Tax                         

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 62 
Frankfort, KY  40601 
Fax: (502) 564-3393 
Primary Contact:  Judy Stephenson 
(502) 564-9280 
Secondary Contact:  Mike Lovell  
(502) 564-9701 
                                           Page 24 of 29 

- 25 -
                                    Tax Year 2019 
Business (Corporate/Partnership) Income Tax (Non Scannable) 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street - Mail Station 22 
Frankfort, KY 40601-2103 
Fax: (502) 564-1609 
Primary Contact:  Chris Rains 
(502) 564-7926 
Secondary Contact:  Sikitia Snow 
(502) 564 -8808 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 41 
Frankfort, KY  40620 
Fax: (502) 564-9200 
Primary Contact:  Brian Redmon 
(502) 564-4921 Extension 4521 
Secondary Contact:  Allison Crume   
(502) 564-4921 Extension 4449 
Individual Income Tax & Fiduciary Tax  (Non Scannable) 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 22 
Frankfort, KY 40601-2103 
Fax: (502) 564-0230 
Primary Contact:  Sikitia Snow                        
(502) 564-8808 
Secondary Contact:  Jeremy Sapp 
(502) 564 -8902 
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- 26 -
                                   Tax Year 2019 
Inheritance Tax 

Department of Revenue  
501 High Street, Station 61 
Frankfort, KY  40601 
Fax: (502) 564-2695 
Primary Contact:  Jim Orr 
(502) 564-9306 
Secondary Contact:  Joshua Hays 
(502) 564-9306 
Insurance Premium Tax & Premium Surcharge 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 61 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-2695 
Primary Contact:  Cheryl Hunt 
(502) 564-9305 
Miscellaneous Tax 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 62 
Frankfort, KY 40601           
Fax: (502) 564-3393 
Primary Contact:   Judy Stephenson 
(502) 564-6823 
Secondary Contact:   Jim Orr 
(502) 564-9306 
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- 27 -
                                    Tax Year 2019 
Motor  Fuels Tax 

Department of Revenue        
501 High Street, Station 63 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-2906 
Primary Contact (Road Fund Taxes):  Toni Fields 
(502) 564-2087 
Secondary Contact:   Linda Benton   
(502) 564-9300 
Property Tax 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 32 
Frankfort, KY  40601-2103 
Fax:  (502) 564-8192 
Primary Contact:  Andy R. Boblitt 
(502) 564-7138 
Sales Tax (Non Scannable)                         

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 66 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-2041 
Primary Contact:  Julie Peach 
(502) 564-0146 
Secondary Contact:  Danna Ware  
(502) 564-8965 
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- 28 -
                                  Tax Year 2019 
Scannable Documents - including Sales Tax, Withholding Tax (except 42A805, K-5), 
Individual & Business Income Tax                 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 22 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax:  (502) 564-0230 
Primary Contact:  Anna Gray 
(502) 564-8777 
Secondary Contact:  Judy Tipton   
(502) 564-7815 
School Tax 
Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 61 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-2695 
Primary Contact:  Jim Orr 
(502) 564-9306 
Taxpayer Registration 
Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street,  
PO Box 299, Station 20A 
Frankfort, KY  40602-1074 
Fax: (502) 564-0796 
Primary Contact:  Beth Hertweck 
Phone:  (502) 782-9440 
Secondary Contact: Autumn Wilson 
Phone:  (502) 564-2730  
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                                    Tax Year 2019 
Tobacco Tax 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 62 
Frankfort, KY 40601 
Fax: (502) 564-3393 
Primary Contact:  Debbie Licato 
(502) 564-9734 
Withholding Tax (Non Scannable) 
Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 57 
Frankfort, KY 40601                                         
Fax: (502) 564-3685 
Primary Contact:  Melissa D. Perry 
(502) 564-7617 
Secondary Contact:  Debbie Travis  
(502) 564-7598 
Withholding Tax  - 42A805, K-5 (Scannable) 

Kentucky Department of Revenue 
501 High Street, Station 22 
Frankfort, KY 40601-2103 
Fax: (502) 564-0230 
Primary Contact:  Laura Congleton 
(502) 564-0078 
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