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FORM1049L-9605 Page 2
You may use this form to amend more than one taxable period in a single calendar year.
explanation is not provided, and a refund is expected, your refund may be delayed until that information is provided.
The Claimant believes that this claim should be allowed for the following reasons: (Attach an additional sheet if needed.)
Line 1. Enter the account number (from the coupon booklet) for which the correction is being made.
Line 2. EntertheBusinessCodeGroupDescriptionfromyourcoupons.
Line 3. Enter the business name or individual name if a sole-proprietorship.
Line 4. Enterthetradenameofyourbusinessiftradingunderanameotherthanyourbusinessname.
Line 5. Enterthelocationaddressofyourbusiness;besuretoincludestreet,city,stateand nine-digitzipcode.
Line 6. Enter the mailing address of your business if different from the address on Line 5.
InColumnA, TaxPeriodEnding,pleaseenterthetaxyearending.Ifamendingmorethanonetaxyear,aseparateClaim
for Revision must be completed for each year.
InColumnB, GrossReceiptsOriginallyReported ,pleaseentertheamountofgrossreceiptsoriginallyreportedandpaid
for each tax period. Provide a breakdown for each month even if you filed your returns quarterly.
In Column C, GrossReceipts CorrectedAmount , please enter the amended amount of gross receipts for each month.
In Column D, Amount of Tax Paid, please enter the amount of tax originally paid.
InColumnE, CorrectedTaxAmount,pleaserecalculateyourtaxforeachperiodandenterthecorrecttaxamountowed.
InColumnF, RefundOwed/TaxOwed,pleaseenterthedifferencebetweentheamountoftaxoriginallypaidandthetax
owedwith thisreturn.
Total Columns B, C, D and E and enter the total from Column F on line 7.
(Revised 09/18/15) *DF42214029999*