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STATEOFDELAWARE                                                                                       DIVISIONOFREVENUE
                                              FORM 402LTR 9901 
                             APPROVEDNEWBUSINESSFACILITYGROSSRECEIPTS                                            Print Form
1. FederalEmployerIdentificationNumber                                                          TAXPERIODENDINGDATE
    1 ---
                                                                                                ______ /_______ /_______
2. NameofTaxpayer

3. Address

4. Locationofqualifyingbusinessfacility(ifdifferentfromabove).

5. Date Operations Commenced                                                                    Targeted Area Number

PARTB-- BUSINESSACTIVITIES --- Checktheappropriatequalifyingactivity(s)
    [ ] AviationMaintenance&RepairServices                           [ ] Telecommunications
    [ ] ComputerSoftwareSales (WholesaleOnly)                        [ ] Wholesaling
    [ ] ConsumerCreditReporting/CollectionServices                   [ ] Management&SupportServicesforActivitieslisted
    [ ] DataProcessing orDataPreparation                             [ ] CombinationofActivitieslisted
    [ ] Engineering                                                  [ ] OccupationalLicenses -- Targeted Areas Only
    [ ] Manufacturing                                                [ ] Retailing -- Targeted Areas Only
                                                                     [ ] Other ________________  -- Brownfield Areas Only
                                                                     [ ] Other ________________  -- GreenIndustriesOnly

1.  TotalGrossReceiptsforthisFacility                                                      $
2.  LessApplicabl eExclusion                                                               $
3.  TaxableGrossReceiptsforthisFacility                                                    $
4.  TaxRate (SeeInstructionsonBack)                                                        x
5.  TaxbeforeNewBusinessFac  ilityTaxReduction(MultiplyLine3byLine4)                       $
6.  AmountofGrossReceiptsAttributabletoNewBusinessFacility                                 $
7.  PercentofNewBusinessFacilityReceiptstoTotalReceipts                                                      %
8.  Numberofmonthselapsed
9.  EnterPercentageofTaxReduction(FromChartBelow)                                                            %
10.     New Business Facility Tax Credit (Multiply Lines 5, 7 and 9)                       $ ________________
NumberofWhole Months                    Percentage                       Number              of       Whole     Months
  ElapsedSince                          ofTax                            ElapsedSince                        ofTax
Operations Commenced                    Reduction                        Operations Commenced                Reduction
1   through    12     months            90%                          1   through            60   months         100%
13  through    24     months            80%                          61  through            72   months         90%
25  through    36     months            70%                          73  through            84   months         80%
37  through    48     months            60%                          85  through            96   months         70%
49  through    60     months            50%                          97  through            108  months         60%
61  through    72     months            40%                          109 through            120  months         50%
73  through    84     months            30%                          121 through            132  months         40%
85  through    96     months            20%                          133 through            144  months         30%
97  through    108    months            10%                          145 through           156   months         20%
109 through    120    months            5%                           157 through            168  months         10%
    Over       120    months            0%                           169 through            180  months          5%
                                                                         Over               180  months          0%

(Revised01/14/13)                                                                     *DF41513019999*

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                             GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF 
                                          FORM 402LTR9901 

Every business which has  been approved to receive the tax incentives for establishing or expanding a new 
business  facility  in  Delaware  MUST  complete     FORM  402LTR9901,  COMPUTATION  SCHEDULE  FOR 
order to claim the reduction.  A separate form must be completed for each new or expanded business facility for 
which a reduction is claimed.  Separate forms are also required for each licensable activity conducted at each 
facility.  When completing multiple Forms 402LTR901 for the same licensable activity, you must apportion the 
monthly exclusion for each licensable activity among the separate facilities based on the ratio of gross receipts 
for each facility to total gross receipts.  Please use the following formula:

Apportioned Monthly or            =   Monthly or Quarterly     X     Gross Receipts from New or 
Quarterly Exclusion                        Exclusion                  Expanded Business Facility 
                                                                     Total Gross Receipts from 
                                                                     Each Licensable activity 

The following example illustrates the operation of this formula for a manufacturer.  Assume the following facts. 
Company A establishes a new manufacturing facility (New Facility) in Delaware which produces $500,000 gross 
receipts.  The existing facility produces $1,000,000 gross receipts. The exclusion apportioned to the new facility 
is calculated as follows: 

Apportioned Monthly               =   Monthly Exclusion        X     Gross receipts from New Facility 
Exclusion                               $1,000,000                              $500,000 
                                                                     Total Manufacturing Receipts

Apportioned  Monthly  exclusion  $1,000,000  X  33.33%  =  $333,300.  Enter  this  amount  on  Line  2  Form 

                                        SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS 

Line  1   Enter on Line 1 the total Delaware Gross Receipts for this facility. 
          (Separate forms are required if the business has more than one license.) 
Line  2   Enter Applicable Exclusion for: 
           Manufacturers                                $1,000,000/Mo.         or        $3,000,000/Qtr.
           Wholesalers                                      80,000/Mo.          or       240,000/Qtr.
           Retailers                                           80,000/Mo.      or        240,000/Qtr.
           Occupational Licensees                              80,000/Mo.      or        240,000/Qtr.
Line  3   Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. 
Line  4   Enter on Line 4 the Tax Rate: 
           Manufacturers                                                                        .00144
           Wholesalers                                                                          .00307
           Retailers                                                                            .00576
           Occupational Licenses                                                                .00307
Line  5   Multiply Line 3 Times Line 4. 
Line  6   Amount of Gross Receipts on Line 1 generated by new or expanded facility. 
Line  7   The Percentage of Receipts on Line 1 generated by new or expanded facility. 
           (Line 6 divided by Line 1) 
Line  8   Number of Months since new or expanded facility was placed in service. 
Line  9   Using the number of months elapsed on Line 8, enter Percentage of Tax Reduction. 
           (Refer to the applicable Schedule on the front of this form.) 
Line 10   Multiply Lines 5, 7 and 9, place this amount on Line 10 and on the "Approved Tax Credit" Line of the 
          Gross Receipts Tax coupon. 

Attach this form to the monthly or quarterly license tax gross receipts coupon.  If you need assistance 
completing this form, please call the Business Audit Bureau at (302) 577-8455.

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