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        FORM 400,FORM 400,
        SCHEDULE K-1SCHEDULE K-1                                                        2022                         Reset        Print Form

                                 BENEFICIARY’SBENEFICIAR                                INY’S INFORMFORMAATTIIOONN

                       Fiscal year beginning                                                            and ending

Name of Estate or Trust                                                                                                Percentage of Distributive Share %

Benefi ciary’s ID Number                                 Employer ID Number 

Benefi ciary’s Name
Benefi ciary’s Address                                                                                                              Amended K-1
City                                             State                                      ZIP Code                -
                                                                                                                                   Final K-1
Fiduciary’s Name 
Fiduciary’s Address                                                                                                                Non-resident
City                                             State                                      Zip Code               -

                  (a) Allocable share item                                                              (b) Amount   (c) Enter the amounts in column (b) on

1.    Benefi ciary’s Federal Distributable Net Income........................

2.    Benefi ciary’s share of additions................................................                                  Form PIT-RES, Line 3 or PIT-NON Line 19 

3.    Benefi ciary’s share of subtractions...........................................                                 Form PIT-RES, Line 7 or PIT-NON Line 25

                                 NON-RESIDENT BENEFICIARY INFORMATION

4.    Net business income allocable to Delaware.............................                                                Form 3,7 121  Line 6 

5.    Capital gain (loss) allocable to Delaware.................................                                            Form 3,7 121  Line 7a

6.    Other gain (loss) allocable to Delaware...................................                                            Form 3,7 121, Line 7b 

7.    Net partnership income allocable to Delaware........................                                                  Form 3,7 121, Line 10 

8.    Net estate and trust income allocable to Delaware.................                                                    Form 3,7 121, Line 10 

9.    Net rent and royalty income allocable to Delaware.................                                                    Form 3,7 121  Line 10 

10.  Net S-Corporation income allocable to Delaware....................                                                     Form 3,7 121, Line 10 

11.  Net farm income allocable to Delaware...................................                                               Form 3,7 121, Line 11

(Rev 0 /4 2022)

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