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      2022                                        FORM 300, SCHEDULE K-1                                                                            Page 1
      DELAWARE                                     PARTNER’S SHARE OF INCOME

                                    or Fiscal Year beginning                                   MM DD YY                         and ending MM DD YY

Partner’s Identifying Number                                                 EIN               SSN      Partnership’s Identifying Number

Partner’s Business Name                                                                                        Partner’s Address

                                                                                                               City                           State     Zip-Code
                             -OR -                                                                                                                              -
 Partner’s First Name                                                                                          Country

 Partner’s Last Name                                                                                           Attention

                                                                                                                        Partner’s Share of  Loss and Capital:
      Partner’s Type of Entity (see instructions)                                                                         Beginning                       Ending   
       Code           Description                  Resident                                                                         %                              %
                                                                                                               Loss:                %      Loss:                   %
                                                     Non-Resident                                 Capital:                          %      Capital:                %

               Allocable Share of Income                                                                       Column A                       Column B
                                                                                                 Federal 1065, Schedule K-1 Amount             Portion of Items Derived from Sources in DE

1.    Ordinary income (Loss) from Trade of Business Activities..

2.    Net Income (Loss) from Rental Real Estate Activities.........

3.    Net Income (Loss) from Other Rental Activities..................

4.    Guaranteed Payment to Partner.........................................

5.    Interest ...............................................................................

6.    Dividends............................................................................

7.    Royalties.............................................................................

8.    Net Short-term Capital Gain (Loss)....................................

9.    Net Long-term Capital Gain (Loss).....................................
10. Net Gain (loss) under 1231
       (other than Due to Casuality and Theft)..............................

11.   Other Income (Loss)...........................................................

12.  Total Income (Combine Line 1 to Line 11)..........................
               Allocable Share of Deductions                                                                   Column A                       Column B
                                                                                                 Federal 1065, Schedule K-1 Amount             Portion of Items Derived from Sources in DE

13.   Charitable Contribution......................................................

14. Section 179 Expense Deductions........................................

15.   Expenses from Investment Income ..................................

16. Other Deductions/Credits (Attach Schedule).......................

      (Revised 04/2022)                                                                                                             DF30122019999

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