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                                                                                            REVENUE USE ONLY. 
      Arizona Form                                                                       Do not mark in this area.
                               Request for Copies of Tax Documents
                                                                                         No.   _______________________

       Read instructions on reverse side before completing this form.  Please print or type.

 1   Name(s) as shown on document:                       2 SSN and/or ID number as shown on document:

  A.                                                    A.

  B.                                                    B.

 3   Tax return for period(s):                           4 Tax type.  Check only one:
                                                             Individual Income Tax
                                                             Corporate Income Tax
                                                             Transaction Privilege & Use Tax
When filed:                                                  Withholding
                                                             Other.  Please specify:

 5   Current address:                                    6 Mail copies to: 

  7  Signature:                                         8  Instructions:
                                                           1)  FEES:
                                                                  Full payment must be included with your request.
                                                                  Check or money order only.  Your canceled check 
  PRINT OR TYPE NAME OF REQUESTOR                                 is your receipt.  Check one box below:
                                                                   Uncertified Copy, $5.00 per tax period
                                                                  Certified Copy, $7.00 per tax period
                                                           2)  Mail completed and signed form to: 
                                                                   Arizona Department of Revenue 
  TITLE (if applicable)                                           Copy Desk 
                                                                   PO Box 29216 
                                                                   Phoenix, AZ 85038-9216
  DATE                  DAYTIME PHONE (with area code)     3) Please allow ten (10) days for processing after 
                                                                  receipt by the ADOR Copy Desk.
                                                       Print Form

                                  DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY
                                                                      DOCUMENT NUMBER(S)
       Serial Number:                                    
     Amount Received:                                    
       Postmark Date:                                    
       Date Received:                                    
       Date Mailed:                                      
   ADOR 10582 (16)

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                                                                                                       Arizona Form 
Request for Copies of Documents                                                                                      450 

Phone Numbers                                                          The department’s current retention periods for returns of the 
                                                                       main tax types are as follows: 
For more information or help, call one of the numbers listed 
below.                                                                 Individual Income Tax Returns 
Phoenix                                      (602) 255-3381            Paper Original    5 years after calendar year received and 
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free       (800) 352-4090                              processed 
                                                                       Electronic        10 years after calendar month processed 
For tax rulings, tax procedures, tax forms and instructions, and 
other tax information, access our home page at www.azdor.gov.          Microfilm         10 years after calendar year received and 
Instructions                                                           Corporate Income Tax Returns 
                                                                       Paper Original    5 years after calendar year received and 
Use  this  form  to  request  a  copy  of  a  tax  return  (and  other                   processed 
documents  filed  with  the  return)  or  a  JT-1  License             Electronic        6 years after calendar month processed 
Application or Business Account Update.                                Microfilm         20 years after calendar year received and 
If requesting a document and you are not the taxpayer, you 
                                                                       Transaction Privilege Tax, Use and Severance Tax Returns
must provide a Power of Attorney signed by the
taxpayer. We will not process this type of request without             Paper Original    6 years after calendar month closed 
a Power of Attorney.  You can find the department’s Power              Electronic        6 years after date files processed 
of Attorney forms on our website at www.azdor.gov.                     Withholding Tax Returns 
1  -Name(s)                                                            Paper Original    5 years after calendar month closed 
When requesting an individual income tax document, fill in             5 and 6  - Current or Mailing Address 
the taxpayer's full name as shown on the original document.            Fill in your current address. (When requesting transaction 
If married, put the spouse's name on line B.                           privilege, withholding, or corporate income tax documents, 
                                                                       fill in the business address.) 
When requesting transaction privilege, withholding, or
corporate income tax documents, fill in the name of the                If different from your current address, enter the address to 
business as shown on the original document.                            which the department should mail the copies. (If same as 
                                                                       current address, leave blank.) 
2  -Identification Number 
                                                                       7  -Signature 
When requesting an individual income tax document, fill in             Sign and date your request. We will not process your request 
the taxpayer's social security number (SSN) as shown on the            if you  do  not sign this form. If you are requesting a 
original document. If married, put the spouse's SSN on line B.         transaction  privilege, withholding,  or corporate income tax 
When requesting transaction privilege, withholding, or                 document, please fill in your title. We will not process your 
corporate income tax documents, fill in your state license             request if you do not indicate your title. 
number or employer identification number as shown on the               8  -Fees 
original document. 
                                                                       There is a fee for copies.  The fee is $5.00 per tax period for 
                                                                       uncertified copies and $7.00  per tax  period  for certified 
3  -Tax Period(s) 
                                                                       copies. Check the appropriate box for the type of copies you 
When requesting individual income or corporate income tax              are requesting. Full payment  must be included  with your 
documents, fill in the year needed and the date the taxpayer           request before the request can be completed. You may pay 
filed the document.                                                    by check  or  money order. Your canceled check is your 
                                                                       receipt.  Please allow 30 days for processing.  
When requesting transaction privilege or withholding tax
documents, fill in the period covered and the date the                 Uncertified vs. Certified:  
taxpayer filed the document.                                           Certification is confirmation that the copied tax documents 
                                                                       are true and correct.  We will certify your copy by stamping 
4  -Tax Type                                                           the requested tax documents. Certification is usually 
                                                                       required only for judicial or administrative proceedings.   
Check the tax type being requested. Check only one box. 
If you are requesting copies for more than one tax type, you 
                                                                       How to File 
must use a separate form for each tax type. 
                                                                       Mail your completed form to:  
                                             Print Instructions            Arizona Department of Revenue 
                                                                           Copy Desk  
                                                                           P O Box 29216 
                                                                           Phoenix, AZ 85038-9216 

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