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  1                            SOFTWARE DEVELOPER NOTES
  Commonwealth of Kentucky                 Individual Forms                        2019
  VERSION Department of Revenue

The following notes may be helpful for your 2019 development efforts.

        Form 740 has been increased to a 3 page form and Form 740-NP has been increased a 4 
          page form.

        Slug/reference marks added on all forms, 1D barcode format changing, constraint boxes 
          added for fixed field counts, and on large boxes gray shading was added. 

        Schedule ITC, Kentucky Individual Tax Credit Schedule: Layout of personal tax credits 
          changed and adjusted to accommodate for the income gap credit.  

        Form 740-NP page 4 is pending the release of the federal Schedules; however, deductions 
          that are not applicable to Kentucky have been removed.  

        Schedule M: Line added for Active Duty Military Pay. Subtotal line was added that doesn’t 
          include the Kentucky net operating loss(knol) in order to compute the Kentucky NOL.

        Schedule A Form 740 & Form 740-NP: Gambling losses and Investment interest was added 
          back to be claimed as a deduction

        Schedule KNOL:  Added two additional parts to the schedule on page 2 to account for the 
          80% limitation of taxable income, and to track NOL carryforwards.

        Form 2210-K:  Estimated tax penalty will now follow federal rules.  Form was expanded to 
          3 pages, the exceptions were changed and an annualization calculation was added.

        Form 741: Added the penalties to the forms, can now chose to refund and credit forward, 
          increased to 3 pages

        740 ES:  Checkbox added for Fiduciary payments

        We intend to have all drafts forms posted no later than July 31, 2019.  Instruction packages 
          will follow later this summer.  

(7-25-19)                                                                          Page 1 of 1 

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