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Commonwealth of Kentucky Individual Forms 2019
VERSION Department of Revenue
The following notes may be helpful for your 2019 development efforts.
• Form 740 has been increased to a 3 page form and Form 740-NP has been increased a 4
page form.
• Slug/reference marks added on all forms, 1D barcode format changing, constraint boxes
added for fixed field counts, and on large boxes gray shading was added.
• Schedule ITC, Kentucky Individual Tax Credit Schedule: Layout of personal tax credits
changed and adjusted to accommodate for the income gap credit.
• Form 740-NP page 4 is pending the release of the federal Schedules; however, deductions
that are not applicable to Kentucky have been removed.
• Schedule M: Line added for Active Duty Military Pay. Subtotal line was added that doesn’t
include the Kentucky net operating loss(knol) in order to compute the Kentucky NOL.
• Schedule A Form 740 & Form 740-NP: Gambling losses and Investment interest was added
back to be claimed as a deduction
• Schedule KNOL: Added two additional parts to the schedule on page 2 to account for the
80% limitation of taxable income, and to track NOL carryforwards.
• Form 2210-K: Estimated tax penalty will now follow federal rules. Form was expanded to
3 pages, the exceptions were changed and an annualization calculation was added.
• Form 741: Added the penalties to the forms, can now chose to refund and credit forward,
increased to 3 pages
• 740 ES: Checkbox added for Fiduciary payments
• We intend to have all drafts forms posted no later than July 31, 2019. Instruction packages
will follow later this summer.
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