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                                                       ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION
Foreign Registration Statement                                                         Corporations Division
                                                                               1300 West Washington Street 
                                                                                       Phoenix, Arizona 85007 
                                                                                       (602) 542-3026 
Instructions L025i 

                                            name reservation application by using      Trade name – if the entity name you 
General Information                         our website at www.ecorp.azcc.gov          wish to use has as identical existing
Foreign LLCs must apply for                                                            trade name registered with the
registration to transact business.  A       Reserving the name is not required.        Secretary of State's office, the owner
foreign limited liability company (“LLC”)   Web access is available to the public at   of the trade name must be listed within
that wants to transact business in          our Phoenix and Tucson offices.            the document as one of the following:
Arizona must first apply to the Arizona                                                member, manager, officer, director,
Corporation Commission for a certificate    The LLC name must satisfy the              or statutory agent. 
of registration. See A.R.S. § 29-3902.      requirements of A.R.S. § 29-3112. The 
                                            professional LLC name must satisfy the     Can a foreign professional LLC 
What is a foreign LLC?  Any LLC that        requirements of A.R.S. § 29-4106.          obtain registration in Arizona?  Yes. 
was not created or formed under the         Statutes are available on the Arizona      The statutes pertaining to foreign 
laws of the State of Arizona is a foreign   Legislature’s website, www.azleg.gov,      professional LLCs are A.R.S. §§ 29-4101 
LLC.                                        by following the link for Arizona Revised  et seq. Statutes are available on the
What is transacting business?  The                                                     Arizona Legislature’s website, 
applicable statute defines some             The minimum requirements under             www.azleg.gov, by following the link for 
activities that DO NOT constitute the       Arizona law for the name of a limited      Arizona Revised Statutes.  
transaction of business within the state.   liability company are that it:             What is a Statutory Agent?   
See A.R.S. § 29-3905. Statutes are          shall contain the words “limited liability A Statutory Agent, often called a 
available on the Arizona Legislature’s      company” or “limited company” or the       “registered agent,” is an individual or a 
website, www.azleg.gov, by following the    abbreviations “L.L.C.”, “L.C.”, “LLC”, or  business entity that the LLC appoints in 
link for Arizona Revised Statutes. The      “LC”                                       Arizona for the purpose of accepting 
Arizona Corporation Commission does         AND                                        service of process (lawsuit papers or 
not make determinations under A.R.S. §      shall not contain the words                legal documents) for the LLC. The agent 
29-3905 as to what activities do or do      “association”, “corporation”,              is called a “statutory” agent because a 
not constitute the transaction of           “incorporated”, or an abbreviation of      statute requires that the LLC appoint 
business, because such a determination      those words.                               someone for this purpose. See A.R.S. § 
requires interpreting the applicable                                                   29-3115. If, for example, a lawsuit is 
statute in the context of the LLC’s         If the name contains any of the            filed against the LLC, the Statutory 
particular situation, which involves legal  following words, prior written approval    Agent will be the one who is served 
advice.  Commission staff cannot give       must be obtained from the Arizona          (receives the papers on behalf of the 
legal advice to the public. It is up to the Department of Financial Institutions       LLC), and then the Statutory Agent 
LLC to determine whether or not its         before registration is allowed:            should give the papers to the LLC. Note 
activities require it to seek registration  Bank; Banker; Banking; Banc; Banco;        that the law requires that the LLC 
with the Arizona Corporation                Banque; Credit Union; Deposit; Savings     maintain a statutory agent with a valid 
Commission. If the LLC is in doubt, it      Association; Building Association;         address on the records of the Arizona 
should seek advice from an attorney.        Savings and Loan Association; Building     Corporation Commission at all times, 
Commission staff cannot tell you            and Loan Association; Savings Bank;        and the failure to do so will subject the 
whether or not the LLC should file an       Thrift; Trust; or Trust Company. See       LLC to being administratively terminated. 
Application for Registration.               A.R.S. §§ 29-3112.                         See A.R.S. § 29-3910. Official notices 
What if the LLC operates in Arizona         A professional limited liability company   from the Arizona Corporation 
without registering?  The full              name shall not conflict with any of the    Commission will be sent to the Arizona 
consequences of transacting business in     above, and shall contain the words         statutory agent’s address.     
Arizona without registering are set out     “professional limited liability company”   Who can be the Statutory Agent?
in A.R.S. § 29-3902. Statutes are           or one of the following abbreviations:     A Statutory Agent can be an individual, 
available on the Arizona Legislature’s      “P.L.L.C.”, “P.L.C.”, “PLLC”, or “PLC”, in or an Arizona corporation or LLC, or a 
website, www.azleg.gov, by following the    upper or lower case letters.               foreign corporation or LLC that is 
link for Arizona Revised Statutes.          A foreign series LLC name must contain     authorized to transact business in 
What are the LLC name                       the word "series."                         Arizona. An LLC cannot be its own 
                                                                                       Statutory Agent – it must appoint 
requirements?  The examiner will            Fictitious name. If a foreign LLC’s name   someone apart from itself. For example, 
determine if the LLC name to be used        is not available or does not satisfy the   the LLC can appoint one of its 
complies with the statutory                 LLC name requirements, it may use a        managers or members in his or her 
requirements, but you can review the        fictitious name if it attaches to the      capacity as an individual as the 
name criteria, check for name               Foreign Registration Statement a           statutory agent, but cannot appoint the 
availability and, if desired, submit a      company resolution adopting a fictitious   LLC itself as the statutory agent. 
                                            name. See A.R.S. § 29-3906. 
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If an individual is appointed as the                payment of the expedite fee plus            foreign LLC must list the fictitious name 
statutory agent, that individual must be            payment of the filing fee must be           in 3.3 and must also provide a company 
a permanent, full-time resident of the              submitted. See A.R.S. § 29-3213. The        resolution adopting the fictitious name. 
State of Arizona and must have a                    expedite fee is $35.00. See Decision No.    The document will be rejected if the 
permanent, full-time physical or street             68008, July 22, 2005, Docket No. AC-        resolution is not submitted with the 
address in the State of Arizona. The                00000A-05-0488.                             Application for Registration. 
mailing address, if any, of that                    Same Day/Next Day Service fees, See         Number 4.  Complete number 4 only if 
individual statutory agent must also be             Decision No. 77503, December 17, 2019,      professional LLC is checked in number 
in Arizona.                                         as amended on January 15, 2020.             1. Briefly describe the professional 
The statutory agent must accept the                 Docket No. ACC-00000A-19-0213.              services the LLC renders. 
appointment in writing. The statutory                                                           Number 5.  List the state or country in 
agent can accept the appointment by                                                             which the foreign LLC was formed or 
completing and submitting the Statutory             Instructions                                organized. 
Agent Acceptance form M002 found on 
our website at: www.ecorp.azcc.gov                  Number 1.  Check one box to indicate 
                                                    the exact type of LLC that is submitting    Number 6.  List the date on which the 
If the statutory agent is an entity,                the Application. Check only one box.        foreign LLC was formed or organized in 
an authorized agent of that entity can                                                          its state or country of formation. 
sign the acceptance. An authorized                  Number 2.  Give the exact or true 
agent is anyone given authority to                  name of the foreign LLC in its state or     Number 7.  Do not leave number 7 
sign for that entity.                               country of formation, including exact       blank. Briefly describe the purpose of 
                                                    spelling, punctuation, and any LLC          the foreign LLC or the general character 
Is publication required?  No.                       identifier such as LLC or L.L.C., etc.      of business it proposes to transact in 
What other documents must be                        Please refer to “What are the name          Arizona.   
submitted?  You must attach to or                   requirements” under the General             Number 8.  Refer to the sections 
submit with the Application for                     Information section above.                  under General Information on “What is 
Registration the following documents:                                                           a Statutory Agent” and “Who can be the 
                                                    Number 3.  The foreign LLC must 
   (1) Certificate of existence or                  identify the name it will use in Arizona    Statutory Agent.” 
             certificate of good standing or        by checking one of the boxes under          Number 8.1.  List the name of the 
             similar document from the              number 3. One box must be checked. If       person appointed as the Arizona 
             state or country of                    no boxes are checked, the document          statutory agent – either an individual or 
             organization or formation that         will be rejected. If the foreign LLC’s true entity, not both. If the statutory agent 
             is dated not more than 60 days         name is available in Arizona and if that    is an entity, you can put the name of a 
             before its delivery to the             name complies with statutory                person to whom correspondence will be 
             Arizona Corporation                    requirements, then the LLC must use         directed on the “Attention” line directly 
             Commission;                            that name. NOTE: The name for a foreign     underneath the statutory agent name 
   (2) Certified copy of its                        series LLC must contain the word "series."  line. Putting a name in the “Attention” 
             organizational documents on            A fictitious name can be used only          line will NOT change the identity of the 
             file in its jurisdiction of formation. if the foreign LLC’s true name either       statutory agent. The name in the 
   (3) Statutory Agent Acceptance                   does not comply with Arizona LLC            “Attention” line simply becomes part of 
             (see Number 8.3 below under            naming requirements or is not available     the address. Provide a street address 
             Instructions);                         in Arizona. Refer to “What are the LLC      for the statutory agent directly 
   (4) If applicable, approval letter               name requirements” under the General        underneath the “Attention” line, 
             from either the Arizona                Information section above for more          completing all blanks that are not 
             Department of Insurance or             information.                                marked optional. The address will be 
             the Arizona Department of 
             Financial Institutions (see the        Number 3.1.  If the foreign LLC’s true      viewable by the public on the internet. 
             section on name requirements           name from its state or country of           LLCs are required to maintain a 
             under General Information).            formation is available for use in Arizona   statutory agent at a valid address in the 
                                                    and meets the statutory requirements,       records of the Arizona Corporation 
Filing fee.  The filing fee is $150.00.             then the LLC must use that name and         Commission at all times, and failure to 
For Expedited processing, add $35.00.               must check the box in number 3.1.           do so will subject the LLC to being 
For Two-Hour Service, add $400.00.                                                              administratively revoked. See A.R.S. § 
For Same Day Service, add $200.00.                  Number 3.2.  If the foreign LLC’s true      29-3115. Note that official notices from 
For Next Day Service, add $100.00.                  name from its state or country of           the Arizona Corporation Commission will 
For questions, contact our Call Center at           formation either does not comply with       be mailed to the Arizona statutory agent 
602-542-3026. All fees are nonrefundable.  Arizona naming requirements or is not                at its street address, unless a statutory 
See A.R.S. § 29-3213.                               available for use in Arizona, the LLC       agent mailing address is provided, in 
                                                    should check the box in number 3.2,         which case notices will be mailed to the 
Processing time.  Processing times                  then provide the fictitious name in 3.3.    statutory agent mailing address. 
are posted on our website each Monday 
at www.ecorp.azcc.gov                               Number 3.3.  If the foreign LLC             Number 8.2.  The statutory agent 
For expedited (faster) processing,                  checked the box in number 3.2, the          named in number 8.1 can have a 
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separate mailing address, which can be     Number 10.2 If you answered “yes”         the person signing is an authorized
a P.O. Box or a personal mail box. The     to number 10.1, give the physical office  individual or signing on behalf of an
mailing address must be in Arizona.        address of the LLC in its jurisdiction of entity authorized to sign the document.
Complete all address blanks that are not   formation.                                If the signer is an entity, fill in the entity 
marked optional. LLCs are required to                                                name underneath the appropriate  
maintain a statutory agent at a valid      Number 10.3 If you answered “no”          check box.
address in the records of the Arizona      to number 10.1, give the name of the
Corporation Commission at all times,       statutory agent (agent for service of
and failure to do so will subject the LLC  process) in the LLC's jurisdiction of     Submit the document 
to being administratively terminated.      formation. You must also provide the
                                                                                     Cover Sheet.  All documents must be 
See A.R.S. § 29-3910. Note that official   statutory agent's street and mailing
                                                                                     submitted with a Cover Sheet. Forms 
notices from the Arizona Corporation       addresses.
Commission will be mailed to the                                                     are available on our website at this link:  
statutory agent at its street address,     Number 11.  Only fill out this section
unless a statutory agent mailing address   if you are registering a Foreign Series
is provided, in which case notices will    LLC. Please provide the name, domicile    What to submit:
be mailed to the Arizona statutory agent   and date of formation for the             1. Cover Sheet  
mailing address.                           designating foreign company of the        2. Foreign Registration Statement
                                           foreign series. See A.R.S. § 29-3902.     3. Certificate of Existence or 
Number 8.3.  The individual or entity                                                   Good Standing or similar 
named as the Arizona statutory agent       Numbers 12 and 13.   You must                document dated within 60
must accept the appointment as             select a management structure for the        days of delivery to the A.C.C.
statutory agent by signing a statement     LLC. Choose either 12 or 13, but not      4. Certified copy of organizational
of acceptance. The statutory agent can     both. This information must be               documents on file with jurisdiction
independently complete and submit          completed even if the foreign LLC’s          of formation dated within 60
form M002, the Statutory Agent             state of formation does not require          days of delivery to the A.C.C.
Acceptance form, available on our          disclosure of management structure.       5. Member Structure Attachment 
website, www.ecorp.azcc.gov
however, it is recommended that the        Number 12.  If the LLC is manager-           OR 
acceptance form be delivered               managed, check this box and then             Manager Structure Attachment 
simultaneously with the Application        complete and attach the Manager           6. Statutory Agent Acceptance 
for Registration. If no statutory agent    Structure Attachment. The Articles will   7. Payment. 
acceptance is in the Arizona Corporation   be rejected if they are submitted 
Commission system at the time the          without the Manager Structure             By Mail.  Mail the completed paper 
Application for Registration is examined,  Attachment.                               document, cover sheet, and payment 
                                                                                     (see below for payment information) to: 
the Application for Authority will be      Number 13.  If the LLC is member-         Arizona Corporation Commission 
rejected.                                  managed, check this box and then          Corporations Division - Examination Section 
                                           complete and attach the Member            1300 W. Washington St. 
                                                                                     Phoenix, Arizona  85007 
Number 9.  The principal address           Structure Attachment. The Articles will 
must be a mailing address.                 be rejected if they are submitted         In Person.  Deliver the completed 
If the LLC is not required to maintain     without the Member Structure              document, cover sheet, and payment 
an address in its state or country         Attachment.                               (see below for payment information) to: 
of formation, then it must provide                                                   Arizona Corporation Commission 
the street address of its registered       Number 14.  See Signature and             Corporations Division - Examination Section 
agent (agent for service of process)       Verification section below.               1300 W. Washington St. 
in its state or country of formation.                                                Phoenix, Arizona  85007
The address will be viewable 
by the public on the internet.             Signature and Verification 
                                                                                     Payment Methods 
Number 10.   Some, but not all foreign     Any authorized person may sign the
jurisdictions require LLCs formed in their document under penalty of law. The        Credit card.  If submitting the 
jurisdiction to maintain a physical office “I accept” box must be checked.           document in person, payment by credit 
address.                                                                             card is acceptable. Credit cards cannot 
                                           Sign on the line underneath the “I        be used if submitting by mail. The 
Number 10.1 If the jurisdiction of         accept” box. Print the name of the        Arizona Corporation Commission 
formation requires a physical office       individual next to the signature.         accepts only Visa or MasterCard.
address in the foreign jurisdiction, check Fill in the date. 
the “yes” box then complete 10.2.          Check the appropriate box underneath 
If the jurisdiction of formation does not  the signature line to indicate whether 
require a physical office address in that
foreign jurisdiction, check the  “no” box
then complete section 10.3.

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Check.   If submitting the document by 
mail or in person, payment by check is 
acceptable. Checks must be made 
payable to "Arizona Corporation 
Commission," with all words spelled out 
and no abbreviations. Checks must be 
completely and properly filled out, 
including the amount sections. 
We will not accept checks drawn on
non-U.S. banks. 
Money order.   If submitting the 
document by mail or in person, 
payment by money order is acceptable. 
Cash.  If submitting the document in 
person, cash payments are acceptable. 
at the Phoenix office ONLY (Tucson
does not accept cash). Do not mail cash.
NOTE: No bills larger than $20.00 will 
be accepted.

For questions, contact Customer Service 
at 602-542-3026, or, within Arizona
only, 800-345-5819. 

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