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Statement of Correction Corporations Division
1300 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 542-3026
Instructions L030i
Is publication of the Articles of Number 5. For incorrect statements,
General Information Correction required? No. briefly state what the error is, for
Any LLC may correct a document that example: misspelled John Smith’s
Filing fee. The filing fee is $25.00. For
has been filed by the Arizona name. For defective signature, briefly
expedited processing (read the next
Corporation Commission if any of the describe how or why the signing was
paragraph), add $35.00 to the filing fee.
following apply (1) the record was defective, for example: Jane Doe as an
All fees are nonrefundable. See A.R.S. individual is not the manager - Jane
inaccurate at the time of filing or §§ 29-3213. Doe should have signed on behalf of
(2) The record was defectively signed;
or (3) The electronic transmission of Processing time. Processing times Easy, LLC, the entity manager.
the record was defective. are posted on the A.C.C. website each
Number 6. For incorrect statements,
See A.R.S. § 29-3209. Monday at www.ecorp.azcc.gov
print the exact correct statement, for
Statutes are available on the Arizona For expedited (faster) processing,
example: Article 6, Managers, John
Legislature’s website, www.azleg.gov, by payment of the expedite fee plus
Smith, 123 Easy Street, Phoenix, AZ
following the link for Arizona Revised payment of the filing fee must be
85007. For defective signature, etc.,
Statutes. The form provided by the submitted. See A.R.S. § 29-3213. The
provide the correct signature.
Arizona Corporation Commission meets expedite fee is $35.00. See Decision No.
the minimum statutory requirements. 68008, July 22, 2005, Docket No. AC-
Use of the A.C.C.’s form is not required. 00000A-05-0488. The Arizona Signature and Verification
Corporation Commission does not The Statement of Correction must be
Can I correct or change the LLC currently offer same day or next day signed by the person correcting the
name? The LLC name cannot be service. filed record, which could be an entity.
changed through articles of correction,
but if it contains a typographical error, The document is submitted under
articles of correction might be Instructions penalty of law, and the “I accept”
box must be checked.
appropriate. This determination will be Number 1. List the exact name of the
made on a case-by-case basis. Arizona LLC as shown in the records of the Sign on the line underneath the “I
LLCs can always use Articles of Arizona Corporation Commission, accept” box. Print the name of the
Amendment to change the LLC name. including exact spelling, punctuation, individual signing next to the signature.
and the LLC identifier such as Limited Fill in the date.
What if I named the wrong Liability Company or LLC, etc. Check the appropriate box underneath
member, manager, or statutory
agent? If the proposed “correction” is Number 2. Either complete numbers the signature line to indicate the
to name an entirely different person, 2.1 and 2.2, or check the box in number capacity of the signer.
it will not be approved. 2 and attach a copy of the document
To change the identity of a that is being corrected. Submit the document
statutory agent, submit a Statement of Cover Sheet. All documents must be
Number 3. List the date on which the
Change appointing a new agent. To submitted with a Cover Sheet. Forms
Arizona Corporation Commission filed
change the identity of a member or are available on our website at this link:
the document being corrected. Number
manager, submit Articles of www.ecorp.azcc.gov
3 must be completed even if the
Amendment. If there is merely a
defective document is attached to the
typographical error in one of the named Articles of Correction. What to submit:
managers or members or the statutory 1. Cover Sheet
agent, that can be corrected by Number 4. For incorrect statements, 2. Articles of Correction
submitting articles of correction. print the exact incorrect statement. You 3. Copy of defective document, if
should reference the Article number or applicable
Is publication of the Articles of paragraph number, then print the 4. Payment.
Correction required? No. incorrect statement, for example:
Filing fee. The filing fee is $25.00. For Article 6, Managers, John Smitt, 123
expedited processing (read the next Easy Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007. For
paragraph), add $35.00 to the filing fee. defective signature, etc., describe how
All fees are nonrefundable. See A.R.S. the filing was defectively signed,
§§ 29-3213. for example: Jane Doe signed the
document as a manager.
L030i.004-STPS Arizona Corporation Commission – Corporations Division
Rev. 9/2019 Page 1 of 2