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Schedule A 

The Department recommends that you submit your report in electronic format.  For assistance in downloading or using free 
reporting software, please contact our Holder Compliance Specialists at (602)716-6031 or (602)716-6032. 

 Item no:                                                                                                    
Enumerate each item you are reporting.   
 Account Number:                                                                                             
Provide an account number for the individual 
property being reported. 
 Check no:                                                                                                   
Indicate a check number for the property being 
  Property type: (Mandatory field) 
Indicate the NAUPA property code (see enclosed list) 
for the category that best describes what type of 
property you are remitting. 

 Cash amount remitted:                                                                                       
Indicate the dollar amount due owner(s). 
 Interest rate:                                                                                              
If the account is currently earning interest, list the rate. 
 Last activity date:                                                                                         
Indicate either the check issue date, the date of the 
last owner-directed account activity, the date the 
property became payable or distributable, or the 
date of last contact between the company and the 
owner, whichever applies. 

 Owner’s name and mailing address: DO NOT LIST JOINT OWNERS ON THE SAME LINE. 
Please furnish the entire name, if known, including any title, such as Jr., Sr., or III.  Corporate titles, names of trusts, estates, partnerships, associations, and trade 
names should be listed exactly as adopted.  If the name is unknown or no longer available, indicate that in this field.  Please furnish a complete address 
including zip code.  If the complete address is not available, indicate the portion of the address that is known.  The last known address should be reported even 
if it is determined that mail is no longer deliverable to the owner at the address. 

 Owner’s tax ID:                                              Owner’s date of birth:                         Relationship code: (Mandatory field) 
Indicate the owner’s social security number or the           Indicate the owner’s date of birth (if known). Please refer to the relationship codes/ payment 
entity’s tax identification number.                                                                         protocols on the following page. 

 Fees/Drilling Costs:                                         Number of shares remitted:                     Security/Mutual Fund name: 
If you are reporting the contents of a safe deposit          Indicate the actual number of shares being     Indicate the name of the security, bond, or 
box, please list all fees that are due before the box        remitted for each individual owner.            mutual fund if you are reporting them. 
may be released to the reported owner. 
 CUSIP no:                                                    Owner’s date of death:                         Joint Owner’s information 
If you are reporting a security, indicate the CUSIP          Indicate the owner’s date of death (if known). Enter additional owner’s information, please 
number.  If you are reporting a bond, indicate the                                                          follow procedures on step 8. 
CUSIP, bond number, and any coupon numbers. 
It is imperative that ALL pertinent property fields described above are thoroughly completed.  This will aid in the location 
and identification of the correct owner. 
                                                                                                            Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual 

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