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                                         WOODFORD COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRATOR
                                                NET PROFITS LCENSEI                                                                                    FEE RETURN
Name and Address of Business                                                                                                         It--_ ''A;::C;:CO=U:---- . . .:. .:NT!...!.!N :::;O:.......,._1. :- ,.--::,C .:.:........=A L=E: :ND::.....:AR/FISCALYEAR. .... .   ENDED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MONTH                        I          DAY         I    YEAR

                                                                                                                                                         OFFICE               HOURS:
                                                                                                                                                                           800:   5:- 00                                                          DUE DATE                            ---,1
                                                                                                                                                                  MON - FRI
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Il...---l                                                    I-----.JI
INDICATE      ANY    NAME      OR ADDRESS              CHANGE                   ABOVE                                                                   (859) 873-5701                                      Atacht                a copy of Federal Tax Return               used
                                                                                                                                                                                                            as basis of License                              Fee and 1099's issued
'=="-:-=:=:-:-:C":":"-,-;;"7":"::==,..-;f-------:-------'fo~;r -;-;--;-:-------work--in--Woodfod-{                                                                                                                                                       r     County.
1.Nature      of Business                                                                                             _                4.Did you have employees                                          in Woodford                       County?                 0Yes     0No
2. Date Business        Started  in Woodford             County                                                       _                5.Basis                  upon which               tax  return              is prepared                                DCash       0Accrual
3. If Business   was Discontinued,             State When                                                          _                   6.Business                    Type:          0c-ccre                 0S-Corp                      0Partnership              0SoleProp-   .
Dissolution   0or Sale       0If by sale, give Name and Address                                    of successor                                                                            Fiduciary               0Other (Specify)                                          _
                                                                                                                                         7. Has the IRS changed                               the Net Income                               as originally           reported for any
                                                                                                                                         prior year?                          0No          0Yes (Attach Schedule of Changes for each year)

                                                                                                              SCHEDULE A
        ANNUAL PAYROLL                                               17.ENTER                 ADJUSTED                           NET PROFIT                       (from       line       16)
                                                                     1B. Enert               percentage               from line                    30.
   PAYROLL                                                           19.    Net         Profit Allocation                      (line 17 x LINE                     18)
                                                                     20.    License           Fee -             1.5000%                    ofline               19
   RATE                        X 150%.                               21.    Credits           -      (        ) Estimated                  payments                  or (           ) credit             from prior year
                                                                     22.        Balance            of license               fee due (line                       20 minus           line    21)
                                                                     23.    Interest          -      12~00%                 per annum                    or       1% per month
AMOUNT        DUE                                                      Calcuatel        inerestt     onamountowed on Inej                            20fromoriginal duedate
                                                                     24.    Penalty           -      25.00 %                         MAX;  $25 Min;               5%        per month

      MakeWOODFORDcheckspayableCOUNTYand mailTAXto:                26.25. IfBALANCEoverpaid        IndicateDUE (lneSi     ( ) Refund22+23+24)or ( ) Credt                       i
                                                                     Refundswlli             begveni   formorethan                     $5000.        .  Otherwsei     you acrountc            willbecredtedi                     .
      103   SOUTH       MAIN ST ROOM         201
              VERSAILLES       KY 40383
        Phone Number           (859) 873-5701

                                                                                BUSINESS APPORTIONMENT

                 APPORTIONMENT                 FACTORS                                                                                                            Woodford                               Total       Everywhere                                    Percent
27.   Receipts   from the sale,      lease,     or rental            of goods,               services           or property                                                                    II                                                        11= = =. =====

28.   Payroll  Factor   (employee        compensation)                    .                                                                                                                   II                                                         11                           _

29.   TOTAL PERCENTS                            :..... ...... .. ....... .................................. .............. ..... ..... ........... . ... ........ ....... ................                                                                  I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            = =====         == ~
30. AVERAGE      PERCENTAGE          (Line   29 divided by number of percents)                                                                                                          Enert on line              18;Schedule A                           I

      Ihereby certify,u dern penalty ofperj ryuthatthestatements,               made herein a danysupportingn                              schedules aretrue, corect,r                        a dcon      pletem     tothe bestofmyknowledge.

                                                   Sgnedi                                                                                                                           Tilet                                                                          Date
      THIS RETURN         IS DUE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15, FOR THE CALENDAR                                                                   YEAR OR WITHIN 105 DAYS OF THE END OF YOUR FISCAL YEAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             F RMO WCNP  Rev7/14/2008.

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