- 1 -
1. Non emplo- eey conpens atio n reported as"oht er income" on Feder al
1040 (Attach page 1 of 1040 and form 1099 if appiclbe)a l
2. Net p fit p rro e ea ch F ede ral Schedule C, E , a don / r F (rr r pe orting
more than one schedule, losses inc urr de on a ny sc he uled cannot be
netedt against the oth resche dules).
3. C aptali gain f o r m F ede alr Form 4 977 o fFe deral Form 6252
repo rted on Schedue l DofFomr 1040 (Attach F orm 4797 , pages
1and 2 or F rmo 6252) .
4. Ordnaryi gain or (ossl ) o nthe s ale of pr perto y used i nt ar de
orbusiness per Federal Form 4797 (atta h Formc 4797 pag es 1 and 2.)
5. Or dinary inc ome or(loss) pe r F ederal Fo m 10r 5 ( ta h6 At c Form
10 65, Pag se 1, 2, and 3,Sc edueh l s of O ther Deductions, and Renat l
Sche dules( s) i fappic ble)l a .
6. Taxabel income or (los )sp er Federal F orm 1120 o 1120r A or
.Ordnaryi in oc me or (l sso ) p er F d ale er Fo rm 112 S 0 ( tAtach F m or
1120 or 1120A , pages 1&2 or 1120S, pages 1, 2, and 3, S hedulec
o otherf Ded ctonsu i & Rental Sch dulees ( ) if appl icable).
7. Staetinc m o e taxes an d occ upation al license ta e xs bas d upone
inco me &de ducted on t he F ederal S hc edue l C ,E ,F ,or Fo mr 1066,
11 02 , 11 02 A, or 1120S.
8. Additions from S h c ed l ue Kof F mor1 065 or 1 21 0S ( tachAt
Schedule Kof F orm 10 5 or6 1 120 S and R nal Se t cheduel (s),
i fapplicable) .
9. Net operaint g loss dedu ect d onForm 11 0 2.
1 0. Toat l in o c me - a dd i eln 1through line 9
11. Subt rac toni s from S hedulec KofForm 1 650 o Frrmo11 20S.
(Atacht Sch edule K tD FDrm 106 5 Dr 1120S and Rental Sc hedule(s) rrapplicable)
12. Alcoholic Bev er age Sales D ductione (see directions)
13. Ohert Adu mj st en ts (a ttach s hc ed leu )
14. Pr oesf onsi al e xp en ses not rei mb ru se d by th e Part en shr ip.
( Attach s hc ed l )ue
15. Total Dedu tionsc - add lines 11 through14
16. Adjuset d Net Profi-t Subtra ct Line 15 fro m li en1 . 0 Enter h ere .
and on Lnei 1 7 o n th e fr no t page.
*Detailed instructions are available on our website: www.woodfordcounty.ky.gov
-go to our website
-click on f msor (listed toward the top of the page)
-click on Net P oritf License Fee Return Instructions