Enlarge image | WARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS OCCUPATIONAL Business Entity NET PROFIT RETURN _____Sole Proprietor _____Corporation Account # Year End _____LLC _____S-Corp Print Name and Address of Business/ Please note change of address. _____Partnership _____LLP ______PSC _____Other If other, list__________________________ Social Security #_______________________________ Federal ID #_____________________________________________ _____Final Return (Check Only to inactivate account and Complete Question D) _____No Business Activity within Tax Jurisdiction A) Business Phone_____________________________B) Principle Business Activity______________________________________________ C) Principle Owner/Administrative Officer________________________________________________________________________________ D) If Business Activity was discontinued within the Tax Jurisdiction during the year, state when____________________________________ ______ Dissolution ______ Sale, If Sale, Give Name and Address of Successor______________________________________________ E) Is the Business Entity an Affiliate of a Consolidated Corporate Federal Return? _____ YES _____NO *****IMPORTANT***** FILING STATUS (PER FEDERAL RETURN) Enclose Copy of Applicable 1) Sole Proprietorship or Individuals: Attach Federal Schedule(s) C, E, F, W2 or 1099 Misc. Federal Form 2) Partnership: Attach Federal Form 1065 and Form 8825, if applicable 3) Corporation: Attach Federal Form 1120 or 1120A or Form 1120S and Form 8825, (if applicable) th th Due the 15 Day of the 4 FEE COMPUTATION Month Following the Close of the Taxable Year 1) Total Gross Income per attached form(s)…………………………_____________________ 2) Total Deduction per attached form(s)……………………………._____________________ Remit To: 3) Net Income…………………………………………………….…._____________________ Warren County Schools Occupational Tax Office 4) Add items not deductible (See Section B)……………………….._____________________ Net Profit Return 5) ADJUSTED NET INCOME (Line 3 plus Line 4)……………….._____________________ P.O. Box 890944 Charlotte, NC 28289-0944 6) Enter average percentage from Section C……………………….. _____________________ Phone # (270) 842-7168 7) Net taxable income (Line 5 x Line )……………………………. _____________________ Fax # (270) 842-3411 8) Occupational Tax (Line 7 x .005)………………………….…….. _____________________ .. Email: 9) Credits: Estimated Payment/ W2 withholding (where applies) ..…_____________________ www.warren.k12.ky.us Choose 10) Balance (Line 8 less 9)……………………………………….…. _____________________ Occupational Tax Office 11) Add Penalty and/or interest - $10.00 penalty -failure to file by due date. Interest 1% per month on balance due from original due If a change of address date………………………………………………………..................______________________ occurred during the tax year, 12) Refund Due Taxpayer…………$____________________ please note new address and date of move. 13) PAY THIS AMOUNT………………………………………...______________________ SIGN__________________________________________________________________ DATE___________________ |
Enlarge image | SECTION B ITEMS NOT DEDUCTIBLE A) State or City taxes based on income……………__________________ B) Capital Loss (Fiduciary Only)………………….__________________ C) Net Operating Loss Carryover…………………__________________ D) Other Items (Misc. Income) (list)………………__________________ E) TOTAL ADDITIONS………………………………………………..$_________________ Enter on Line 4 SECTION C ALLOCATION FACTOR COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C TAXABLE TOTAL PERCENTAGES F. GROSS Income (if not applicable, write N/A in Column C) G. Total Wages, Salaries & Other Compensation (if not applicable, write N/A in Column C) H. Total Percentages (Line F plus Line G)…………………………………………………………………………_____________________% I. Average Percentage (Line H divided by number of applicable percentage) Enter on Line 6……………………_____________________% NET PROFIT INSTRUCTIONS Who is Subject: Every person association, corporation, or other entity residing or having a business situs within the Warren County Public School District. This may include areas also defined as being within the city limits of Bowling Green. When To File: The Net Profit due date is the 15 thday of the 4 thmonth following the close of the taxable year. Extensions may be granted if received by the original Net Profit due date. Basis of Net Profit: In computing the amount due, begin with gross income less total deductions as shown by the Federal Income Tax Return. SECTION A All items should be self explanatory unless specifically listed below. Line 1 Enter the total gross income per appropriate federal form(s) Line 2 Enter total deductions per appropriate federal form(s) Line 4 Add items not deductible totaled on Line E of Section B Line 6 Complete Section C and enter the total percentage of Bowling Green, Warren County taxable income. Line 9 Enter estimated payment from current tax year. W-2 credit only applies to individuals having the occupational tax withheld. Line 11 Add a $10 penalty, if return has not been filed by the original due date or an extension has not been received in this office by the original due date. SECTION B See Kentucky Return for Deductions SECTION C Line F GROSS INCOME Taxable……….Total income from operations within Bowling Green, Warren County. Total…….……Total income from all operations, all locations. Line G TOTAL WAGES/SALARIES/OTHER COMPENSATION Taxable……….Total wages paid to all employees of the Bowling Green, Warren County business operations. Total………….Gross Wages paid to all employees, all locations. |