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WARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS OCCUPATIONAL                                                 Business Entity

                       NET PROFIT RETURN                                           _____Sole Proprietor            _____Corporation
Account #                                                          Year End
                                                                                   _____LLC                          _____S-Corp

Print Name and Address of Business/ Please note change of address.                 _____Partnership                  _____LLP

                                                                                   ______PSC                            _____Other

                                                                                   If other, list__________________________

Social Security #_______________________________ Federal ID #_____________________________________________

_____Final Return (Check Only to inactivate account and Complete Question D)  _____No Business Activity within Tax Jurisdiction

A) Business Phone_____________________________B) Principle Business Activity______________________________________________

C) Principle Owner/Administrative Officer________________________________________________________________________________

D) If Business Activity was discontinued within the Tax Jurisdiction during the year, state when____________________________________

      ______  Dissolution   ______ Sale,  If Sale, Give Name and Address of Successor______________________________________________

E) Is the Business Entity an Affiliate of a Consolidated Corporate Federal Return?  _____ YES   _____NO

*****IMPORTANT*****                                                FILING STATUS (PER FEDERAL RETURN)

Enclose Copy of Applicable   1) Sole Proprietorship or Individuals: Attach Federal Schedule(s) C,  E,  F, W2 or 1099 Misc.
     Federal Form            2) Partnership: Attach Federal Form 1065 and Form 8825, if applicable
                             3) Corporation: Attach Federal Form 1120 or 1120A or Form 1120S and Form 8825, (if
          th           th
Due the 15  Day of the 4                                                    FEE COMPUTATION
Month Following the Close
of the Taxable Year
                             1)   Total Gross Income per attached form(s)…………………………_____________________
                             2)   Total Deduction per attached form(s)……………………………._____________________
          Remit To:
                             3)   Net Income…………………………………………………….…._____________________
Warren County Schools
Occupational Tax Office      4)   Add items not deductible (See Section B)……………………….._____________________
     Net Profit Return
                             5)   ADJUSTED NET INCOME (Line 3 plus Line 4)……………….._____________________
     P.O. Box 890944
Charlotte, NC 28289-0944     6)   Enter average percentage from Section C……………………….. _____________________

Phone # (270) 842-7168       7)  Net taxable income (Line 5 x Line  )…………………………….  _____________________
Fax # (270) 842-3411
                             8)  Occupational Tax (Line 7 x .005)………………………….…….. _____________________
          Email:             9)  Credits: Estimated Payment/ W2 withholding (where applies) ..…_____________________
          Choose             10) Balance (Line 8 less 9)……………………………………….…. _____________________
Occupational Tax Office
                             11) Add Penalty and/or interest - $10.00 penalty -failure to file by
                              due date. Interest 1% per month on balance due from original due
If a change of address        date………………………………………………………..................______________________
occurred during the tax year,
                             12) Refund Due Taxpayer…………$____________________
please note new address and
date of move.
                             13) PAY THIS AMOUNT………………………………………...______________________

                             SIGN__________________________________________________________________  DATE___________________

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                                                                      SECTION B

                                                             ITEMS NOT DEDUCTIBLE

A) State or City taxes based on income……………__________________

B) Capital Loss (Fiduciary Only)………………….__________________

C) Net Operating Loss Carryover…………………__________________

D) Other Items (Misc. Income) (list)………………__________________

E) TOTAL ADDITIONS………………………………………………..$_________________         Enter on Line 4

                                                                      SECTION C
ALLOCATION FACTOR                                                     COLUMN A                       COLUMN B                COLUMN C
                                                                      TAXABLE                        TOTAL                   PERCENTAGES

F. GROSS Income (if not applicable, write N/A in Column
G. Total Wages, Salaries & Other Compensation
        (if not applicable, write N/A in Column  C)
H. Total Percentages (Line F plus Line G)…………………………………………………………………………_____________________%

I. Average Percentage (Line H divided by number of applicable percentage) Enter on Line 6……………………_____________________%

                                                             NET PROFIT INSTRUCTIONS
Who is Subject:                           Every person association, corporation, or other entity residing or having a business situs
                                  within the Warren County Public School District. This may include areas also defined as
                                  being within the city limits of Bowling Green.
When To File:                     The Net Profit due date is the 15 thday of the 4 thmonth following the close of the taxable
                                  year. Extensions may be granted if received by the original Net Profit due date.
Basis of Net Profit:                      In computing the amount due, begin with gross income less total deductions as shown by the
                                  Federal Income Tax Return.

                                                                                 SECTION A
                                                 All items should be self explanatory unless specifically listed below.
Line 1                            Enter the total gross income per appropriate federal form(s)
Line 2                            Enter total deductions per appropriate federal form(s)
Line 4                            Add items not deductible totaled on Line E of Section B
Line 6                            Complete Section C and enter the total percentage of Bowling Green, Warren County
         taxable income.
Line 9                            Enter estimated payment from current tax year. W-2 credit only applies to individuals having the occupational tax withheld.
Line 11                           Add a $10 penalty, if return has not been filed by the original due date or an extension has not been received in this office
         by the original due date.

                                                                                 SECTION B
                                                                 See Kentucky Return for Deductions
                                                                                 SECTION C
Line F                            GROSS INCOME
                   Taxable……….Total income from operations within Bowling Green, Warren County.
                   Total…….……Total income from all operations, all locations.

                    Taxable……….Total wages paid to all employees of the Bowling Green, Warren County business operations.
                    Total………….Gross Wages paid to all employees, all locations.

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