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Phone No. (270) 842-7168     WARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS NET PROFIT TAX RETURN                                                                                                                   Fax No. (270) 842-3411
                                                     303 Lovers Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42103 
SECTION A – See Warren County Schools Net Profit Instructions located at www.warrencountyschools.org/Content/tax-office-main 
1    ACCOUNT #:                                                                                                                TAX YEAR BEING REPORTED: 

2 A) Business Phone__________________________   B) Principal business activity_________________________________________ 
  C)Principal Owner/Administrative Officer ________________________________________________________________________
  D)If business activity was DISCONTINUED within the Tax Jurisdiction during the Year, State When_________________________
  E)Is the Business Entity an Affiliate of a Consolidated Corporate Federal Return? _____________________(if Yes, See Instructions)

ATTN: PAYROLL                                                                                                                    3                        Business Entity Type 
                                                                                                                                 ___ Corporation                       ___  Individual 
                                                                                                                                 ___  Partnership    ___  SCorp 
                                                                                                                                 ___  LLC                                    ___  Other: ______________ 

                                                                                                                                 4                       FINAL RETURN - Check only to inactivate 
                                                                                                                                                         **Complete Question D (Box 2 Above)** 
5    PleaseEnter    FEIN/ SOCIAL SEC. NO.:                                                                                                               NO BUSINESS ACTIVITY within Tax 
   **IMPORTANT**             6  FILING STATUS (per FEDERAL RETURN)1                                                                                                         
  THE APPROPRIATE            1)_____ Worksheet C (Federal Form 1120 or 1120 A or Form 1120S and Form 8825, if applicable)
SCHEDULES MUST BE            2)_____ Worksheet I  (Federal Form 1040 Schedule C, Schedule E, Schedule F, and/or 1099 MISC)
   RETURN WILL BE            3)_____ Worksheet P (Federal Form 1065 and Form 8825, if applicable)
  MAILED BACK AND            SECTION B - See Warren County Schools Net Profit Instructions located at www.warrencountyschools.org  
     WILL BE 
     CONSIDERED                                                                                                              FEE COMPUTATION 
                             1)“Adjusted Net Profit” from Applicable Worksheet - See Page 2 (If paying on
     REMIT TO:                                            less than 100% of Net Profit complete Worksheet Y)                                                                  _______________________ 
     Warren County           2)Business Apportionment, if paying on less than 100% of Net Profit
     Schools                                                                                                                  (from Worksheet Y, Line 4)                     _______________________ 0.00%
  Net Profit Return          3)Taxable Net Profit Line 1 x Line 2                                                                                                            _______________________ 
  P.O. Box 9001256           4)Occupational License Fee (Line 3 x .005)                                                                                                      _______________________ 
     Louisville, KY          5)TOTAL TAX DUE                                                                                                                                 _______________________ 
     40290-1256              6)Less Estimated Payments or Credits (attach explanation of credit)                                                                             _______________________ 
     THE FILING OF           7)Balance Due                                                                                                                                   _______________________ $0.00
 JOINT RETURNS IS            8)Penalty @ 5% per month (not to exceed 25%; Minimum $25.00)                                                                                    _______________________ 
                             9)Interest @ 1% per month from DUE DATE                                                                                                         _______________________ 
  DUE THE 15  DAY            10) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE  ………………………………………………………….    _______________________$0.00 
 Following the Close of      11)Overpayment (if Line 6 exceeds Line 5)                                                         $                         EXTENSIONS MUST BE FILED BY THE 
     the Taxable Year            Refund               Credit to next year estimated payment                                                              ORIGINAL NET PROFIT DUE DATE 

RETURN MUST BE SIGNED- I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the statements made herein and in supporting schedules are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. 
______________________________________________________________________________________                                       ____________________________________________________________________________________ 
TAXPAYERS SIGNATURE                                                                                                     DATE PREPARER’S SIGNATURE                                                                                                     DATE   

PRINT NAME    ________________________________________________________________________                                       PRINT NAME    ________________________________________________________________________ 

     All business operations that were not conducted entirely in the Tax Jurisdiction must complete this part, regardless of profit or loss 
      APPORTIONMENT FACTORS                           COLUMN A (Tax Jurisdiction)      COLUMN B (Total Everywhere)                                                           COLUMN C (A/B = C) 
1) PAYROLL FACTOR-Compensation Paid or 
                            Payable to Employees                                                                                                                                           0.00%
2) SALES FACTOR-Total Revenue from Sale,
     Lease, or Rental of Goods, Services or Property                                                                                                                                       0.00%
3) TOTAL PERCENTAGES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0
4) BUSINESS APPORTIONMENT   (If your business had both a sales factor and a payroll factor, then divide line 3
by two (2). However, if the business had either a sales factor or a payroll factor, but not both, then enter the single
factor percentage here and Line 2 of Net Profit Return.)                                                                                                                                   0.00%

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                                                                 NET PROFIT INSTRUCTIONS 
NOTE:  Detailed instructions to assist with the completion of this return can be found on our website at www.warrencountyschools.org/Content/tax-office-main 
Who is Subject?   A Corporation filing Form 1120, 1120A, 1120S, or 1120REIT, Partnership filing Federal Form 1065 & 8825, if applicable a Sole Proprietor filing Federal Form 
Schedule C, E, F, and/or 1099 MISC and the business activity is located in the Warren County School District 
When to File?   Years ending December 31: return must be filed and all taxes paid on or before April 15. For years ending other than December 31: return must be filed and all 
 taxes paid on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the close of the fiscal year. 
        NET PROFIT WORKSHEET C: For Business Entities required to file a CORPORATE US Income Tax Return NET PROFIT WORKSHEET C: For Business Entities required to file a CORPORATE US Income Tax Return 
 1)      Taxable income or (loss) per Federal Form 1120 or 1120 A or Ordinary Income or (loss) per Federal Form  ............................................................................. 01)____________________ 
         1120 S (Attach the Applicable Form 1120, 1120A Pages 1 and 2 or 1120 S Pages 1,2, and 3) 
 2)      State income Taxes and Occupational License Fees deducted on the Federal Form 1120, 1120A or 1120S ................................................................................ 02)____________________                                      
 3)      Net Operating Loss deducted on Form 1120 (does not apply to 1120 S entities) ......................................................................................................................... 03)____________________                   
 4)      Additions from Schedule K of Form 1120S (See Instructions) (Attach Schedule K of Form 1120S and Rental .......................................................................... 04)____________________                                        
         Schedules, Form 8825, if applicable) (applies to entities filing 1120 S only) 
 5)      Total Income (Add Lines 1 through Line 4) ............................................................................................................................................................................  5)____________________0 $0.00 
 6)      Subtractions from Schedule K of Form 1120S (See Instructions) (Attach Schedule K of 1120S and Rental ............................................................................... 06)____________________                                     
         Schedules, Form 8825, if applicable) ( applies to entities filing 1120 S only) 
 7)      Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction (From Worksheet X, below, Line 5) ................................................................................................................................. 07)____________________                   
 8)      Local/Other Adjustments (See Instructions) (Attach Full Explanation and Schedule) ................................................................................................................. 08)____________________                      
 9)      Total Adjustments (Add Lines 6 through 8) ............................................................................................................................................................................  9)____________________ 0 $0.00
 10)  “Adjusted Net Profit” (Subtract Line 9 from Line 5)Enter on Line 1, Section B of Fee Computation on the Net Profit Return ...................................... 10)____________________ $0.00
         NET PROFIT WORKSHEET I For Business Entities required to file an INDIVIDUAL US Income Tax Return NET PROFIT WORKSHEET I For Business Entities required to file an INDIVIDUAL US Income Tax Return : : 
 1)      Non-employee compensation as reported on Form 1099-Misc reported as “Other Income” on Federal Form 1040 (Attach Page 1 of Form 1040 & Form 1099)01)____________________ 
 2)      Net profit or (loss) per line 31 of the Federal Schedule C of Form 1040 (Attach Schedule C,  Pages 1 and 2) ............................................................................ 02)____________________ 
 3)      Gain or loss on sales of business property used in a trade or business from Federal Form 4797 (pgs 1 & 2) or Form 6252 reported on Sch D of Form 1040 ..... 03)____________________                                                              
 4)       Rental income or (loss) per Federal Schedule E of Form 1040 (See Instructions ) (Attach Schedule E) ...................................................................................... 04)____________________                              
 5)      Net farm profit or (loss) per Federal Schedule F of Form 1040 (Attach Schedule F, Pages 1 and 2) ........................................................................................... 05)____________________                             
 6)      State Income Taxes and Occupational License Fees deducted on the Federal Schedule C,E or F ................................................................................................ 06)____________________                              
 7)      Total Income (Add Lines 1 through Line 6) ............................................................................................................................................................................  7)____________________0 $0.00 
 8)      Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction (Form Worksheet X, below, Line 5) ................................................................................................................................. 08)____________________ 
 9)      Local/Other Adjustments (See Instructions) (Attach Full Explanation and Schedule) ................................................................................................................. 09)____________________                      
 10)  Total Adjustments ( Add Lines 8 & 9) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10)____________________$0.00 
  11)  “Adjusted Net Profit” (Subtract Line 10 from Line 7) Enter on Line 1, Section B of Fee Computation on the Net Profit Return ................................... 11)____________________ $0.00
 NOTE:  Each separate and distinct business entity/activity occurring within the Warren County School District is required to be reported separately from all other business entities/activities.  Each separate 
 business entity/activity is taxed separately from all other business entities/activities and any reported loss from these entities/activities cannot be used to offset the income from another business entity/activity 
  (i.e., a net loss from a Schedule C, E or F cannot be used to offset net income from another Schedule C, E or F.)  See further discussion on page 3 of the Warren County Schools Net Profit Instructions. 
     NET PROFIT WORKSHEET P: For Business Entities required to file a PARTNERSHIP US Income Tax Return NET PROFIT WORKSHEET P: For Business Entities required to file a PARTNERSHIP US Income Tax Return 
 1)      Ordinary income or (loss) per Federal Form 1065 (Attach Form 1065, Pages 1,2 and 3, Sch K and Rental Schedules, if applicable) ......................................... 01)____________________ 
 2)      State Income Taxes and Occupational License Fees deducted on the Federal Form 1065............................................................................................................ 02)____________________ 
 3)      Additions from Schedule K of Form 1065 (See Instructions) (Attach Schedule K of Form 1065 and Rental Schedules, Form 8825, if applicable) .................... 03)____________________ 
 4)      Total Income (Add Lines 1 through Line 3) ............................................................................................................................................................................  4)____________________0  
 5)      Subtractions from Schedule K of Form 1065 (See Instructions) (Attach Schedule K of Form 1065 and Rental Schedules, Form 8825, if applicable) ................ 05)____________________ 
 6)      Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction (Form Worksheet X, below, Line 5) .................................................................................................................................. 06)____________________ 
 7)      Local/Other Adjustments (See Instructions) (Attach Full Explanation and Schedule) ................................................................................................................. 07)____________________ 
 8)      Professional Expenses not reimbursed by the partnership (Attach Schedule of Expenses) ........................................................................................................... 08)____________________ 
 9)      Total Adjustments (Add Lines 5 through 8) ............................................................................................................................................................................  9)____________________ 0 $0.00
 10)  “Adjusted Net Profit” (Subtract Line 9 from Line 4) Enter on Line 1, Section B of Fee Computation on the Net Profit Return ..................................... 10)____________________ $0.00
                  NET PROFIT WORKSHEET X: Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction NET PROFIT WORKSHEET X: Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction 
 1) DIVIDE   Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Sales    =   ____________________________________                    
                                            Total Sales        
               NOTE: “Total Sales” is Total Gross Receipts of Business including Non-Alcoholic Beverage Sales .... 01)  ______________________________ $
  2) Enter Net of Line 7 of Worksheet I on Page 1 OR ........................................................................................... 02)  ______________________________ $
  3) Enter Net of Lines 4,5,7 and 8 of Worksheet P (whichever applies) ............................................................... 03)  ______________________________ $
  4) Enter Net of Lines 5 and 6 of Worksheet C, (whichever applies) .................................................................... 04)  ______________________________ $
 5) Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction (Multiply Line 1 by Line 2,3, or 4) .................................................. 05) $______________________________ 
   The Warren County Schools do not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in the employment or the provision of services.          
                Any and/or all questions or issues related to discrimination policies, procedures or practices are to be directed to the Office of Superintendent, 
                  Warren County Public Schools, 303 Lovers Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42103.  Telephone: 1-270-781-5150, Fax: 1-270-781-2392 

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