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                                                           CITY OF RICHMOND 
Form 2 
Rev. 11/26/08                          NET PROFIT LICENSE FEE RETURN 
                                                                                                                   QUESTIONS (ANSWER FULLY) 
   CALENDAR  FISCAL YEAR ENDED                                                                                     1. Nature of Business  _____________________________________ 
 ACCOUNT NO.                YEAR                     MO.    DAY    YEAR                                            2. Date Business started in Richmond  ________________________ 
                                            OR                                                                     3. If Organization was discontinued, State when   ________________ 
                                                                                                                      Dissolution ____         or Sale ____          If by sale, Give name and 
                                                                                                                      address of Successor ____________________________________ 
Name and Address of Business                                                                                       4. Number of Employees in Richmond during the year. _____________ 
                                                                                                                   5. Has Richmond License Fee been withheld from all subject employees 
                                                                                                                      And Remitted Quarterly in accordance with the regulations? 
                                                                                                                      Yes ____  No ____   If answer is “No” explain _________________ 
                                                                                                                   6. Check Which:             ____Corporation                ____Sub-Chapter S 
                                                                                                                      ____ Partnership        ____Individual Owner       ____Fiduciary 
                                                                                                                      ____ Other (state) __________________________________________ 
                                                                                                                   7. Basis on which  the Return is prepared  Cash____    Accrual ____ 
                                                                                                                   8. Have Federal Authorities changed the Net Income as originally 
                                                                                                                      reported for any prior year?  Yes____    No____                                     
PLEASE NOTIFY THIS OFFICE OF ANY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR                                                               If answer is “Yes” attach Schedule of Changes for each year. 
NAME AND ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE                                                                                       9. Telephone Number     _____________________________________ 
                                                                                                                   10. Contact Name  ________________________________________ 
                                                                         SCHEDULE A 
1. Total Gross Income per Federal Return, Form _______……………………………                                                        $  
2. Total Business Deductions per Federal Return………………………………………                                                           $ *ENCLOSE ONE COPY 
3. Net Business Income per Federal Return……………………………………………                                                               $ OF APPLICABLE  
4. ADD items not deductible (Line G, Schedule B)………………………………………                                                          $ FEDERAL RETURN 
5. Total (Line 3 plus Line 4)………………………………………………………………                                                                    $ INCLUDING SUPPORTING  
6. DEDUCT items not subject (Line N Schedule B) ……………………………………                                                           $ STATEMENTS 
7. AJUSTED NET BUSINESS INCOME (Line 5 Less Line 6)………………………                                                             $  
                                                                                                                                                              MAKE CHECK PAYABLE 
8. Enter average percentage allocable to Richmond (Schedule C, Line 4)……………                                              _____________%                                         TO: 
9. NET PROFITS subject to Richmond License Fee (Line 7 x Line 8)…………………                                                  $ CITY OF RICHMOND 
10.Richmond   License Fee @ 2.00% of amount on Line 9 (Min $25.00)……………,,,,,,,                                           $ MAIL TO: 
11.Less Credits ____________    Estimated Payments __________……………………                                                    $ CITY OF RICHMOND 
12.Refund or Credit. If Line 11 is greater than Line 10 Enter difference                                                                                           P.O. BOX 1268 
     (Refund ______ Credit _____)…………………………………………………………                                                                  $                                    RICHMOND, KY 40476-1268 
13.Balance  Due. If Line 10 is greater than Line 11, Enter difference as License Fee Due                                 $ PHONE: (859) 623-1000 
14.Penalty 5% of tax due per calendar month or fraction of month not to exceed 25%                                     $       FAX: (859) 624-2753 
    of total tax due however, not less than $25.00………………………………………… 
15.Interest 12% per anum after due date.........................................................................       $  
16.Total Amount Due (Add Lines 13,14,15)………………………………………………                                                               $  
                                                               SCHEDULE B NOTE:    
         ADD AND/OR DEDUCT ONLY THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE INCLUDED INCALCULATING                                                          NET INCOME PER FEDERAL RETURN 
                  ITEMS NOT DEDUCTIBLE – ADD                                                                                    ITEMS NOT SUBJECT - DEDUCT 
A.  State or Local taxes based on income                $                        H.  Interest on Corporate Bonds                                                              $ 
B.   License Fee under this Ordinance                                             I.   Interest on U.S. Government Securities                                                  
C.   Capital Gain                                                                J.   Royalties on Patents, Copyrights                                                         
D.   Net Operating Loss Carryover                                                K.   Dividends                                                                                
E.   Partner’s Salaries (attach schedule)                                        L.   Capital Loss                                                                             
F.   Other (attach schedule)                                                     M.   Other (attach schedule)                                                                  
G.   Total Additions (enter on Line 4)                  $                        N.   Total Deductions (enter Line 6)                                                         $ 
                                                                         SCHEDULE C 
                  Business Allocation Percentage – Divide (Col. A) by (Col. B) to obtain decimal. Carry out to at least six places. 
                                                                                                                                    Column A               Column B                 Column C 
                                ALLOCATION FACTORS                                                                              Richmond Factor            Total Factor             Percentage 
1.  TOTAL GROSS BUSINESS RECEIPTS………………………………………………………                                                                       $ $                                                                % 
2.  Total Wages, Salaries and Other Personal Service Compensation Paid to employees                                          $ $                                                                % 
3. TOTAL PERCENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                                                             % 
4.  AVERAGE PERCENTAGE (Line 3 divided by number of percents)                                                                    Enter on Line 8……………                                           % 
 I hereby certify that the statements made herein and in any supporting schedules are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge 
                                                                         Return Must 
                                                                         Be Signed 
_________________________________     ____________                           ______________________________    ____________ 
    Signature of Individual Preparing Return             Date                                                       Signature of Taxpayer                              Date 
This return must be filed and paid in full on or before APRIL 15, or within 105 days after close of the fiscal year, sale, liquidation, or transfer. 

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