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                                                                                                           FOR PERIODS ENDING AFTER 

                                      City of Owensboro/Daviess County Fiscal Court                        Social Security # or Federal ID #
         FORM NP-1                    Net Profit License Fee Return
         Account Number                                      Name and Address                              Business Type
                                                                                                           ____ Individual
                                                                                                           ____ Corporation
                                                                                                           ____ Partnership
                                                                                                           ____ LLC/Individual
                                                                                                           ____ LLC/Partnership
         Period Ending                                       Change of Address                             ____ Other _______________
         KY Sales Tax No.                                    KY Withholding Tax No.                        Commonwealth Business ID No.

____ Final return (Check only to inactivate the account-- Complete Question B)
____ No activity in jurisdictions during tax year.  Minimum $75.00 annual license fee due for City of Owensboro licensee
A) Business telephone:
B) If business activity was discontinued within both jurisdictions during the year, state when:            /         /
______  If sold, enter name and address of successor:
C) Did you have employees working in either jurisdiction during the tax year? ____ YES ____ NO
Make check payable                                   ATTACH APPLICABLE FEDERAL FORM OR SCHEDULE(S)      
           and mail to:               Form 1099                                   Schedule F               Form 1065
Occupational Tax Administrator        Schedule C or CZ                            Form 4797                Form 1120 or 1120S
                                      Schedule E                                  Form 6252                Form 8825
         PO BOX 10008                 Schedule K                                                           (Supporting Schedules/Statements)
        OWENSBORO, KY 42302-9008        (See pages 3 thru 5 of Instructions)                 TAX COMPUTATION 
                                                                                    City of                           Daviess
  PHONE: (270) 687-5600                                                           Owensboro                           County
                                                                                             COLUMN A                 COLUMN B
1) Total Net Profit from Part I……………………..………………..
2) Pre Apportionment adjustments (READ INSTRUCTIONS)……..
3) Adjusted Net Profit (line 1 plus line 2)………………………………
4) Business Apportionment (        Complete Part II if applicable)……………
5) Taxable Net Profit (line 3 multiplied by line 4)………………………
6)Occupational license fee Rate       (Please refer to Table A in instructions)                                       0.35%
7) Total license fee Due (line 5 x line 6)………………………………
8) Minimum Annual License Fee ………………………….                                           $75                                   $0
9) Enter the Larger amount from Line 7 or Line 8 ……......................
10) Payments/Credits and first year registration fee………...............
11) If Line 10 is larger than Line 9, Difference isRefund  Credit            ……
12) If Line 9 is larger than Line 10,Differenceis    License Fee Due............
13)Penalty (5% per  calendar month or portion thereof
              not to exceed 25%) Minimum $25………….....
14) Interest (1% per calendar month or fraction thereof)…..............
15) Total Amount Due (add lines 12, 13 and 14)…………................
16) Payment Amount (Add line 15 Column A to line 15 Column B)……………
RETURN MUST BE SIGNED - I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the statements made herein and any
supporting schedules are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Preparer's Signature                                                              Taxpayer's Signature                    Date

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                                                                         PART I
                                                        COMPLETE ONLY ONE COLUMN AS APPLICABLE
                                                                                                INDIVIDUAL       PARTNERSHIP    CORPORATION
1. Non-employee compensation as reported on Form 1099-Misc. reported as "other             1.)
   income" on Federal Form 1040.  Attach Form 1099.
2. Net profit or (loss) per Federal Schedule C of Form 1040.  Attach Schedule C            2.)
   or Schedule C-EZ.
3. Capital gain from Federal Form 4797 or Form 6252 reported on Schedule D of Form         3.)
   1040.  Attach Form 4797, Pages 1 and 2 or Form 6252.
4. Rental income or (loss) per Federal Schedule E of Form 1040.  Attach Schedule E.        4.)

5. Net farm profit or (loss) per Federal Schedule F of Form 1040 or Form 4835.             5.)
   Attach Schedule F or Form 4835.
6. Ordinary gain or (loss) on the sale of property used in a trade or business per Federal 6.)
   Form 4797.  Attach Form 4797.
7. Ordinary income/loss on Federal Form 1065.  Attach Form 1065, Pages 1, 2, 3 and                           7.)
   4, Schedule of Other Deductions, and Form 8825 Rental Income/Expense.
8. Taxable income/loss of Federal Form 1120 or Ordinary income/loss on                                                       8.)
   Federal Form 1120S.  Attach Form 1120 Pages 1 and 2, and Schedule
   of other Deductions OR Form 1120S, Pages 1, 2 and 3, Schedule of other
   Deductions, and Form 8825 Rental Income/Expense.
9. State Income Taxes and Occupational License Fees deducted on the Federal                9.)               9.)             9.)
   Schedule C, C-EZ, E, F or Form 4835, Form 1065, 1120, 1120A or 1120S.
10.Additions from Schedule K of Form 1065 or Form 1120S.  Attach Schedule K of                               10.)            10.)
   Form 1065 or 1120S and Form 8825 Rental Income/Expense.
11.Net Operating Loss deducted on Form 1120.                                                                                 11.)
12.Total Income - Add Lines 1 through Line 11.                                             12.)              12.)            12.)
13.Subtractions from Schedule K of Form 1065 or Form 1120S.  Attach Schedule K of                            13.)            13.)
   Form 1065 or 1120S and Form 8825 Rental Income/Expense.
14.Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction from Part III Line 3 below.                          14.)              14.)            14.)
15.Other Adjustments.  Attach Schedule.                                                    15.)              15.)            15.)
16.Total Deductions - Add Lines 13 through Line 15.                                        16.)              16.)            16.)
17.Adjusted Net Profit - Subtract Line 16 from Line 12.                                    17.)              17.)            17.)
                                                               PART II:    Apportionment Factors
                                                                                           COLUMN A               COLUMN B
                                                                                    CITY OF OWENSBORO             DAVIESS COUNTY
1a Sales/Gross Receipts within the Jurisdiction                          $                                   $
1b Total Sales/Gross Receipts everywhere                                 $                                   $
1c Divide Line 1a by Line 1b                                                                               %                               %
2a Payroll within the Jurisdiction                                       $                                   $
2b Total Payroll everywhere                                              $                                   $
2c Divide Line 2a by Line 2b                                                                               %                               %
3 Total Percentages (add line 1c + 2c)                                                                     %                               %
4 Apportionment Percentage - If your business had both factors,
   enter total percentages divided by two (2) (line 3/2).  However,
   if the business had only one factor, enter the single factor
   percentage.                                                                                             %                               %
                                                PART III:    ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES DEDUCTION
1. DIVIDE:          Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Sales
                                        Total Sales                                                                                        %
2. Enter "Total Income" from line 12 of Part I
3. Alcoholic Beverage Sales Deduction (multiply line 1 by line 2)
   Enter here and on line 14 above

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                                                       PART IV
                                    RECONCILIATION OF PAYROLL FACTOR
                                               City of Owensboro                                 Daviess County 
                                    City of Owensboro          Total Everywhere Daviess County           Total Everywhere
                                               Payroll         Payroll                           Payroll         Payroll

1) Compensation paid or payable to
   employees per Part II

2) Prior year accrual adjustment

3) Other additions (attach schedule)

4) Subtotal (Add lines 1 through 3)

5) Current year accrual adjustment

6) Other subtractions 
   (attach schedule)

7) Compensation paid or payable to
   employees per Reconciliation of 
   License Fee Withheld (line 4 
   minus lines 5 and 6)


              Be sure to complete the column that corresponds to the jurisdiction(s) for which the Form NP-1 was filed.

Line 1:      Enter the compensation paid or payable to employees per Form NP-1, Part II.

Line 2:      Enter the amount expensed as a prior year accrual for compensation paid or payable to employees.

Line 3:     Enter any other additions that were made in determining the payroll allocation factor.  Attach an explanation,
              including amounts, for each item.

Line 4:      Add Lines 1 through 3.  Enter the total on Line 4.

Line 5:      Enter the amount expensed as a current year accrual for compensation paid or payable to employees.

Line 6:      Enter any other subtractions that were made in determining the payroll allocation factor.  Attach an
                explanation, including amounts, for each item.

Line 7:      Subtract Lines 5 and 6 from Line 4 to determine the compensation paid or payable to employees as
                reported on the periodic Employer's Return of License Fee Withheld (Form E-1) during the same period
                as the licensee's calendar or fiscal year end Net Profit return reporting period.

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Business Name               Account Number

Period Beginning            Due Date

Period Ending

                            PART V - TIF DATA FOR NET PROFIT

                                                                                                                   FOR OFFICE USE ONLY

1.) TIF Location - Downtown                                                                              % OF RECEIPT NET PROFIT FEE

    A.) Gross receipts/sales attributable to this location………………………………………..

    B.) Total wages, salaries & other compensation attributable to this location…..
                                                                                                         % OF WAGES   % OF FEE

2.) TIF Location - Gateway                                                                               % OF RECEIPT NET PROFIT FEE

    A.) Gross receipts/sales attributable to this location………………………………………..

    B.) Total wages, salaries & other compensation attributable to this location…..
                                                                                                         % OF WAGES   % OF FEE


Line 1:     
    A.) Enter the gross receipts/sales generated from TIF location downtown

    B.) Enter the total wages, salaries & other compensation earned by employees at TIF location downtown

Line 2:
    A.) Enter the gross receipts/sales generated from TIF location in Gateway Commons

    B.) Enter the total wages, salaries & other compensation earned by employees at TIF location in Gateway Commons

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