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                              JESSAMINE COUNTY/CITY OF NICHOLASVILLE                                                                                                
                                      NET PROFIT LICENSE FEE RETURN                                                                                                         
                                                                     FORM JCOT 2 

      Check if on federal extension (Attach Copy)                                        Account No.               CALENDAR/FISCAL YEAR END 
                   Name and Address of Business                                                                    Month                               Day        Year 
      (Please correct any error in ownership, name or address) 
                                                                                                  For Office Use Only                    Make Checks Payable to: 
                                                                                                                                  City Tax:  City of Nicholasville 
                                                                                                  __________________              Co. Tax: Jessamine Co Fiscal Ct 
                                                                                           Check No.                   Check No.                                
                                                                                                                                         Mail with this return to: 
                                                                                         ___________                 ___________                     Occupational Tax Office 
                                                                                            Amount                       Amount                          105 Court Row 
                                                                                                                                  Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356 
                                                                                         ____________               ____________                 Ph: (859) 885-3206 
                                                                                               City                      County                        Fax: (859) 887-0900 
            Federal I.D. or Social Security Number 
                                                                                             Final Return (check only to close account)                     Amended Return  

                     Check federal filing status:        Individual owner           Partnership   Corporation       S-Corp        LLC                    Other 
All questions must be completed:           
A.  Principal Business Activity      ______________________                  F. If organization was discontinued: 
B.   Business Phone   ________________________________                                    Date ____________________ by                                Dissolution  Sale  
C.  Business Site Address ________________________________                                New owner name and address ___________________________  
D.  Did you have employees in Jessamine Co.               Yes    No                        _____________________________________________________ 
      City of Nicholasville?     Yes      No                                   G. Did you make payments in the sum of $600.00 or more to any  
E.  Have federal authorities changed the Net Income as originally                        individual for services rendered in Jessamine Co.?                        Yes  No                      
     Reported for any prior year?        Yes       No                                    City of Nicholasville      Yes           No (other than an employee) 
     *If yes, attach schedule of changes for each year.                                  If yes, you are required to file Form 1099. 
________   ________________________________________________________________________________ 
SECTION 1:  CALCULATION OF LICENSE FEE LIABILITY          C                           ity of Nicholasville                         Jessamine County  
                                                                                       No activity this year                       No activity this year           
 1.  Net Business Income per worksheet          (See reverse side)  1 _______________________                         1 _______________________ 
 2.  Business Allocation Percentage (See Section 2       )          2 _______________________                         2 _______________________ 
 3.  Taxable Net Profit (Line 1 multiplied by Line 2)               3 _______________________                         3 _______________________ 
 4.  License Fee Due at 1%     (Line 3 multiplied by 1%)            4 _______________________                         4 _______________________ 
 5.  Estimated Payments/Credits                                     5 _______________________                         5 _______________________ 
 6.  Subtotal (Line 4 minus Line 5)                                 6 _______________________                         6 _______________________ 
 7. Penalty: late pay and/or filing (5% per month or  
           portion thereof not to exceed 25%; $25.00 minimum)       7 _______________________         7 _______________________ 
 8. Interest (12% per annum for late payment and/or filing)         8 _______________________                         8 _______________________ 
 9. Total Due                                                       9 _______________________                         9 _______________________ 
10. If overpaid, please indicate    Account Credit or        Refund       10 _______________________       10 _______________________ 
SECTION 2: BUSINESS ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE: Licensees whose business operations were not conducted entirely in the City of Nicholasville or 
Jessamine County outside the City of Nicholasville must complete this part, regardless of profit or loss.  Percentages should be carried out four (4) places. 
                                                                                                                   Col D:  A ÷ C = D                 Col E:  B ÷C = E                           
                           C olA:  Nicholasville         Col B: Jessamine           Col C:  Total Everywhere   City ofNicholasville      %         Jessamine County % 
GROSS RECEIPTS                                                                                                                                           
from sales made and/or                                                                                                                                   
services rendered      $                              $                             $                                                             %                                        % 
WAGES, SALARIES                                                                                                                                          
and other                                                                                                                                                
compensation paid to   $                              $                             $                                                              %                                         % 
Total  Percentages (Add the percentages computed above for columns D and E)                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                    %                                       % 
Average Percentage   (Total Percentage divided by number of percents)  Enter on Line 2  of Section 1                                                       
                                                                                                                                                     %                                      % 
I certify that the statements made herein and in any supporting schedules are true, correct and complete to the 
best of my knowledge. 
Signed________________________________________                              Title        _________________________               Date     ____________________ 

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