Enlarge image | 2020 IA 100A Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Cattle, Horses, or Breeding Livestock tax.iowa.gov Name(s) ___________________________________________ SSN ____________________________ Part I: Sale of Cattle, Horses, or Breeding Livestock 1. Was the gain from the sale of livestock reported under IRC section 1231? No ☐ ... Sale is not eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. Stop. Yes ☐... Continue to line 2. 2. Report information on each livestock sale that meets the minimum holding period (see instructions) Type of Livestock Use Livestock (for (enter Meet Purchaser example Breeding, Minimum Relation if Cattle, Horse, Dairy, Draft, or Documented Holding Purchaser Name if Lineal Swine) Sporting) Sale Date Period? Lineal Descendant Descendant 3. Were all sales reported on line 2 to a lineal descendant? No ☐ ...... Continue to Part I, line 4. Yes ☐ .... Continue to Part II, line 1. 4. Enter taxpayer’s gross income from farming and ranching operations (see instructions) ......................................................................................... 4. $ _______________ 5. Enter taxpayer’s gross income (see instructions) ........................................ 5. $ _______________ 6. Share of gross income from farming or ranching. Divide line 4 by line 5. Enter percentage to three decimal places (for example 75.8%) .................. 6. ________________ % 41-155a (08/31/2020) |
Enlarge image | 2020 IA 100A, page 2 7. Is line 6 greater than 50.0%? No ☐ ...... Stop. Sales to anyone other than a lineal descendant are not eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. Remove sales to anyone other than a lineal descendant from Part I, line 2 and return to Part I, line 3. Yes ☐ .... Continue to Part II, line 1. Part II: Details of Property Sold 1. Is the capital gain from a C Corporation? No ☐ ...... Continue to Part II, line 3. Yes ☐ .... Continue to Part II, line 2. 2. Was the capital gain recognized under IRC 331 or IRC 338? No ☐ ...... Sale is not eligible for Iowa capital gain deduction. Stop. Yes ☐ .... Continue to Part II, line 3. 3. Are you the sole owner of this property? Married filers, see instructions. No ☐ ...... Continue to Part II, line 4. Yes ☐ .... Enter 100% on Part II, line 4. 4. Enter taxpayer’s ownership percentage of the total property sold to three decimal places (for example 65.2%) ............................................................ 4. _____________ % 5. Provide all other owner name(s) or the pass-through entity name (if applicable) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is the capital gain from an installment sale? No ☐ ...... Continue to Part II, line 7. Yes ☐ .... Enter the property installment sale information: a. Start date ........................................................ 6a. _____________ b. End date ......................................................... 6b. _____________ c. Total capital gain to be received by taxpayer over the life of the installment sale ................. 6c. $ ____________ d. Capital gain received by the taxpayer in tax year 2020 .................. 6d $ _____________ 7. Iowa capital gain deduction. Enter the amount of the taxpayer’s capital gain deduction claimed for this property and include on IA 1040 line 23 ..... 7. $ ______________ 41-155b (08/31/2020) |
Enlarge image | 2020 IA 100A, page 3 Instructions for 2020 IA 100A – Iowa Capital Gain Deduction for Sales of Cattle, Horses, or Breeding Livestock The Iowa capital gain deduction is subject to chickens, turkeys, pigeons, geese, other birds, review by the Iowa Department of Revenue. fish, frogs, or reptiles, and sales of these The Department will use this form to verify that animals do not qualify for the Iowa capital gain the taxpayer(s) qualifies for the deduction. The deduction. Department may request additional information Livestock use: Enter whether the taxpayer if needed. used the livestock sold for “Breeding,” “Dairy,” This completed form must be included with the “Draft,” or “Sporting” purposes. Livestock other IA 1040 to support the Iowa capital gain than cattle and horses must be used for deduction claimed for livestock sales. Multiple breeding purposes to qualify for the Iowa livestock sales can be reported on one IA 100A capital gain deduction. as long as the property details are the same Documented sale date: Enter the sale date across all sales. If property details reported in for the livestock sold, as indicated in supporting Part II differ across sales, complete a separate documentation and as reported on the IA 100A. Complete the form each year of a taxpayer’s federal return. qualifying installment sale, including all parts. Meet minimum holding period?: Enter “Yes” For taxpayers filing separately on the same or “No” to indicate whether the livestock sold return, each spouse must complete an IA 100A meet the minimum holding period. Cattle and for the Iowa capital gain deduction claimed horses must be held for at least 24 months. based on the spouse’s ownership percentage Other breeding livestock must be held for at in the property. least 12 months. Cattle, horses, and other Flowcharts to assist in determining if a gain breeding livestock that do not meet the qualifies are also available in the expanded minimum holding period do not qualify for the instructions online. For more information on the Iowa capital gain deduction and should not be Iowa capital gain deduction, see the included. instructions below and Iowa Administrative Name of purchaser, if lineal descendant: If Code rule 701—40.38. the purchaser of the livestock is a lineal Part I: Sale of Cattle, Horses, or Breeding descendant of the taxpayer, enter the name of Livestock the purchaser. If the purchaser of the livestock is not a lineal descendant of the taxpayer, Line 1. Check the box to indicate whether the leave the field blank. Lineal descendant is taxpayer reported the capital gain under defined as a child of the taxpayer including a Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 1231. biological child, a legally adopted child, a Line 2. Complete the table as instructed below. stepchild, grandchild, and great-grandchild. Enter each animal sold on a separate line; Relation of purchaser, if lineal descendant: however, if multiple animals have identical If the purchaser of the livestock is a lineal information in each column of the table, the descendant of the taxpayer, enter the animals may be combined on one line by purchaser’s relation to the taxpayer (for entering the number and type of livestock sold example, “Child,” “Grandchild”). If the in the first column (for example, “3 Bulls,” “10 purchaser of the livestock is not a lineal Swine”). Include a separate statement if more descendant of the taxpayer, leave the field lines are needed: blank. Type of livestock: Enter the type of livestock Line 4. Enter the taxpayer’s gross income from sold as “Cattle,” “Horses,” or specify the type of farming or ranching operations in tax year breeding livestock sold. Breeding livestock may 2020. If married filing jointly, income from both include swine, donkeys, sheep, goats, fur- spouses must be included. Farming and bearing mammals, and other mammals. ranching gross income is typically reported on Breeding livestock does not include poultry, 41-155c (08/31/2020) |
Enlarge image | 2020 IA 100A Instructions, page 4 federal Schedule F line 9 or 50, federal Form Line 3. If married filing jointly and both spouses 4835 line 7, or as partnership income from are the only owners, check yes. If married filing farming. If farm income was reported on separately and both spouses are owners, check another location on the federal return, enter no; each spouse must complete an IA 100A and that income before any expenses are indicate on line 3 the separate ownership deducted. percentage of that spouse. Line 5. Enter the taxpayer’s gross income from Line 4. Enter the taxpayer’s ownership IA 1040 line 15, with modifications to reflect percentage of the property sold at the time of income before the deduction of expenses. the sale to three decimal places (for example: Common examples include: gross farm income 50.0%; 33.3%). If not the sole owner, the on IA 100A Part I, line 4 rather than net farm taxpayer’s ownership percentage must be less income reported on IA 1040 line 11; and gross than 100% and greater than 0%. income on federal Schedule C line 7 rather Line 5. Enter the names of all persons and than business income reported on IA 1040 line entities that owned the livestock at the time of 5. If married filing jointly, income from both sale. Alternatively, if the capital gain flowed spouses must be included. through to the taxpayer from a partnership, S Line 6. Calculate the proportion of the corporation, limited liability company (LLC), taxpayer’s gross income from farming or estate, or trust, only that entity may be reported ranching operations by dividing Part I, line 4 by here instead of all other co-owners. Part I, line 5. Round the number to three Line 6. Check the box to indicate whether decimal places, and enter the number as a capital gain comes from an installment sale. If percent (for example: 100.0%; 65.2%) “Yes,” enter the date of the first installment, the Line 7. If married filing separately, each expected date of the final installment, the total spouse claiming the capital gain deduction capital gain generated by the sale, and the must separately meet and demonstrate the capital gain the taxpayer received during tax individual’s gross income from farming or year 2020. Do not include any interest ranching operations exceeds 50.0% by received. completing a separate IA 100A. Line 7. Enter the amount of the taxpayer’s Part II: Details of Property Sold capital gain deduction claimed. Note that the deduction applies to the net capital gain from a Line 1. Check the box to indicate whether the sale. Any nonrecaptured losses are treated as capital gain is from a C corporation. ordinary income and are not eligible for the Line 2. Indicate whether the C corporation Iowa capital gain deduction. The eligibility of capital gain was from the liquidation of assets the Iowa capital gain deduction reported here which are recognized as a sale of assets may be subject to further examination by the under IRC section 331 or from certain stock Department. sales which are treated as an acquisition of assets under IRC section 338. 41-155d (09/09/2020) |