Enlarge image | 2020 IA 1120S Income Tax Return for S Corporations Who Must File shareholder with the IA Schedule K-1 that Every S corporation doing business in Iowa, identifies the jurisdiction and the shareholder’s deriving income from sources within Iowa, or pro-rata share of the income, tax liability, and tax which is domiciled in Iowa, must file an Iowa S paid in that jurisdiction. A shareholder will not be corporation return. S corporations, interest permitted to claim an out-of-state tax credit on the charge domestic international sales corporations, IA 130 for that income tax unless the shareholder and foreign sales corporations should file an IA receives that supplemental schedule from the S 1120S. If the S corporation is a financial corporation and submits a copy with the IA 1040. institution, it must also file an IA 1120F. Note: A If the S corporation is itself an owner of another non-Iowa S corporation should not file only pass-through entity that paid entity-level income because one or more of its shareholders are Iowa tax to another state, local jurisdiction, or foreign residents or because the S corporation is country on income also subject to tax in Iowa, and registered with the Iowa Secretary of State. the S corporation receives a schedule from that When and Where to File pass-through entity identifying the jurisdiction and The IA 1120S is due on or before the last day of the S corporation’s pro-rata share of the income, the fourth month after the close of the taxable income tax liability, and income tax paid in that year. If you owe tax on built-in gains or passive jurisdiction, the S corporation may in turn report investment income per line 11, Part III, an that income tax to its shareholders on a automatic extension of up to six months to file will supplemental schedule with the shareholder’s IA be granted only if at least 90% of the total tax Schedule K-1. The supplemental schedule must liability is paid by the due date of the return. The identify the jurisdiction and pass-through entity 6 month extension also applies to all filers with that paid the income tax, and the shareholder’s zero balance due. pro-rata share of that income, income tax liability, Mail returns to: Corporation Return Processing, and income tax paid. The S corporation may not Iowa Department of Revenue, PO Box 10468, report this tax to its shareholders as described Des Moines IA 50306-0468. above if the S corporation does not receive the appropriate schedule from the other pass- Composite Filing through entity. The S corporation should keep the An S corporation may file an Iowa composite schedule it received from the other pass-through individual income tax return and pay any tax due entity because the Department may request it of on behalf of nonresident shareholders. See IA the resident shareholder in order to prove the 1040C for further information. credit claimed on the IA 130. The resident Iowa Resident Out-of-State Tax Credit shareholder is responsible for providing 2020 Iowa Acts, House File 2641, Division XVII, documentation of the out-of-state tax paid by a modified the Iowa Out-of-State Tax Credit for tax pass-through entity at the Department’s request. years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, to Example: Partnership X earns $2,000 of income allow Iowa residents to claim the credit for certain in State A, which imposes an entity-level income entity-level income taxes paid by a pass-through tax directly on the partnership. Partnership X entity (partnership, S corporation, fiduciary) to pays $100 of income tax to State A. Partnership another state, local jurisdiction, or foreign country X is owned 50% by Y, an S corporation, and on income also subject to tax in Iowa, but only if provides a schedule to Y indicating that Y’s pro- the shareholder receives a supplemental rata share of the income taxed by State A is schedule from the S corporation reporting certain $1,000, and Y’s pro-rata share of the income tax information. If the S corporation paid entity-level imposed by and paid to State A is $50. Y is owned income tax (including composite return income 50% by individual Z, a resident of Iowa. Y tax) to another state, local jurisdiction, or foreign provides a schedule to individual Z indicating that country on the distributive share of the Z’s pro-rata share of Partnership X’s income shareholder’s income also subject to tax in Iowa, taxed by State A is $500, and Z’s pro-rata share provide a supplemental schedule to the of Partnership X’s income tax imposed by and 42-005a (10/13/2020) |
Enlarge image | paid to State A is $25. Individual Z may use the the partnership level for partnerships subject to income and tax amounts reported on that the federal centralized partnership audit regime. schedule in completing Z’s IA 130 Iowa Out-of- If the S corporation was a direct or indirect State Tax Credit Schedule, provided that the partner in a partnership that is audited by the IRS $500 of income identified on the schedule is also resulting in adjustments that affect Iowa tax reported on individual Z’s IA 1040 return and is liability, the S corporation must follow certain taxed by Iowa. procedures and timelines for reporting those adjustments to Iowa, even if the S corporation or Fuel Tax Credit shareholders were not responsible for filing a If the S corporation does not have a fuel tax federal amended return or paying additional refund permit or has canceled its refund permit federal tax. Similar procedures and timelines within the first 30 days of the year, a Fuel Tax also apply to an affected partnership and its Credit may be claimed by each shareholder on direct and indirect partners for amendments to his or her individual income tax return. If a Fuel returns requested on a centralized Tax Credit is claimed, complete the IA 4136 and administrative adjustment request (AAR). For include it with the IA 1120S. Each shareholder’s more information, see the IA 102 Amended portion is recorded in Part III of the shareholder’s Return Schedule, the IA 103 Pass-through IA Schedule K-1. Election to Pay Return and Voucher, and the Other Tax Credits instructions below for the IA 1120S, line 11. See Shareholders may qualify for various tax credits also Iowa Code § 422.25A. passed through to them by the S corporation. The Iowa Pass-through Entity Audits S corporation must complete the appropriate For tax year 2020 and forward, any audit of a form(s), where applicable, to compute these pass-through entity (partnership, S corporation, credits (for example: IA 128, IA 137) and include fiduciary) by the Department will be conducted them with the IA 1120S. The S corporation is not solely at the pass-through entity level through required to complete an IA 148 Tax Credits the entity’s state representative. If a pass- Schedule. Each shareholder’s portion of Iowa through entity is audited by the Department tax credits must be recorded in Part III of the resulting in adjustments to Iowa tax liability, the shareholder’s IA Schedule K-1, including pass-through entity and its owners must follow certificate numbers. Shareholders must complete certain procedures and timelines for reporting an IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule to claim credits, the adjustments to Iowa and paying any resulting reporting the S corporation in Part IV as the pass- Iowa tax. For more information, see the IA 102 through entity. Amended Return Schedule, the IA 103 Pass- Amended Returns through Election to Pay Return and Voucher, If an amended federal return was filed, the and the instructions below for the IA 1120S, line taxpayer must file an amended Iowa return and 11. See also Iowa Code § 422.25B and 422.25C. include the IA 102 Amended Return Schedule. These provisions may be applied to a tax year Use the IA 1120S to file and check the “Amended prior to 2020 if the Department, the pass-through Return” box. The IA 1120S cannot be used for entity, and the pass-through entity owners sales tax or withholding credits/refunds. agree. Federal Centralized Partnership Audit For Additional Information Regime Contact Taxpayer Services at 515-281-3114 or For tax years 2018 and forward, the IRS makes 800-367-3388 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT or email audit adjustments and generally collects taxes at idr@iowa.gov. Completing the Return Fiscal year or short period filers: Enter the Part I: Corporation Name and Address beginning and ending dates here. Calendar year Enter the business code number provided by the filers may leave this section blank. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the specific industry group corresponding to the S 42-005b (10/13/2020) |
Enlarge image | corporation’s primary business activity available dividends from foreign securities, from securities on the IRS website (irs.gov). of state and other political subdivisions, and from regulated investment companies exempt from Enter the Iowa county number of the commercial federal income tax. (Iowa Code § 422.35(2); Iowa domicile or principal place of business. Enter 00 Admin Code Rs. 701-53.6) if the S corporation does not have a physical location in Iowa. A list of county numbers can be Line 3: Other Additions – Enter the total amount found on the Department’s website of other additions to S corporation income (tax.iowa.gov). required under Iowa law. Include a schedule describing the type and amount of each Enter the state S corporation representative and addition. If the S corporation is also a member phone number. This is the person the S of another pass-through entity, enter the S corporation is appointing as the state corporation’s distributive share of Iowa additions representative for purposes of Iowa Code § furnished by the other pass-through entity. 422.25B. Consult the following forms and worksheets: Enter the total number of shareholders. If this is a • IA 4562A—Section 179 expensing and bonus first or final return, check all boxes that apply to depreciation adjustments the S corporation. If you checked “other,” enter a • IA 8824 Like-Kind Exchange Worksheet. For short one or two word description. tax years 2020 or later, this worksheet should only be used to compute related party Part III: Modification of Corporation Income This schedule is to document those modifications transactions and federal installment sale gains or adjustments to federal 1120S Schedule K related to like-kind exchanges of personal income that are required by Iowa Code section property completed prior to tax year 2020. • 422.35 and chapter 53 of the Iowa IA 101 Nonconformity Adjustments Administrative Code, in order to show the total • IA 163 Interest Expense Adjustment modified net income from the S corporation. Line 5: 50% of Federal Tax – Enter 50% of federal income tax paid or accrued, including Conformity with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)— For tax years beginning on or after federal tax paid on built-in gains or passive January 1, 2020, Iowa has adopted rolling investment income. (Iowa Code § 422.35(4); Iowa conformity, meaning the state will automatically Admin Code Rs. 701-53.12) conform to any changes made to the IRC, except Line 6: Federal Securities Interest – Enter the as specified by Iowa law. amount of interest and dividends from federal securities as shown on the federal return. (Iowa Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)—PPP Code § 422.35(1); Iowa Admin Code Rs. 701- loans that are forgiven and properly excluded 53.5) from gross income for federal purposes will also qualify for exclusion from income for Iowa tax Line 7: Other Reductions – Enter total amount of purposes. For tax years beginning on or after other reductions to S corporation income required January 1, 2020, Iowa fully conforms to the or allowed under Iowa law. Include a schedule relevant tax provisions of the federal describing the type and amount of each Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116- reduction. If the S corporation is also a member 260) including the provisions allowing certain of another pass-through entity, enter on this line deductions for business expenses paid using the S corporation’s distributive share of the Iowa these loans. reductions furnished by the other pass-through entity. Examples of Iowa reductions include the Line 1: Federal Net Income – Net together items following: of income or loss on the federal 1120S Schedule • Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Employer K and those deductions on the federal 1120S Social Security Credit for Tips, or Alcohol and Schedule K that do not qualify as itemized Cellulosic Biofuel Credit, to the extent such deductions. Enter that net figure on this line. credits increased federal S corporation income. Line 2: Interest and Dividends Exempt from (Iowa Code § 422.35(5), (7), (17); Iowa Admin Federal Tax – Enter the amount of interest and Code Rs. 701-53.10, 53.20) 42-005c (1/29/2021) |
Enlarge image | • Additional deduction for wages paid to new income tax on this income to the extent received employees who qualify as persons with from business carried on in this state or from disabilities or as ex-offenders. (Iowa Code § sources in this state. 422.35(6), (6A); Iowa Admin Code Rs. 701- The starting point for computing the Iowa tax on 53.11) built-in gains or passive investment income is the • To the extent included in the S corporation’s amount of built-in gains or passive investment taxable income on line 1 of the IA 1120S, the income subject to federal tax after considering amount of any financial assistance grant the federal income limitation. provided to an eligible small business by the For tax years beginning on or after January 1, Iowa Economic Development Authority under 2019, Iowa will use a 5-year recognition period for the Iowa small business relief grant program the built-in gain tax (except for certain installment created during calendar year 2020 to provide sales), which is the same as federal law as financial assistance to eligible small modified by Public Law 114-113 (PATH Act). businesses economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, • To the extent included in the S corporation’s 2016, but prior to January 1, 2019, Iowa was taxable income on line 1 of the IA 1120S, the generally not conformed to the federal PATH Act amount of a federal, state, or local grant and therefore used a 10-year recognition period, provided to a communications service so S corporations that realized a built-in gain after provider during the tax year, if the grant was the 5-year federal recognition period but within the used to install broadband service in targeted 10-year Iowa recognition period were subject to service areas at or above the download and the built-in gains tax for Iowa purposes. upload speeds. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, Also consult the following forms and worksheets: 2014, no adjustment is made to the preceding • IA 4562A—Section 179 expensing and bonus amounts for 50% of federal income tax and/or depreciation adjustments Iowa corporation income tax deducted in • IA 8824 Like-Kind Exchange Worksheet. For computing the federal built-in gains tax. The tax years 2020 or later, this worksheet should allocation and apportionment rules of Iowa only be used to compute related party Administrative Code Chapter 701-54 apply if the transactions and federal installment sale gains S corporation is carrying on business within and related to like-kind exchanges of personal without the State of Iowa. property completed prior to tax year 2020. Any net operating loss carryforward arising in a • IA 101 Nonconformity Adjustments taxable year for which the corporation was a C • IA 163 Interest Expense Adjustment corporation is allowed as a deduction against the • IA 163A Interest Expense Carryover net recognized built-in gains or passive Adjustment investment income of the S corporation for the Line 9: Net Modifications – Subtract line 8 from taxable year. For purposes of determining the line 4. This can result in either a positive or a amount of any such loss which may be carried to negative amount. any of the 15 subsequent taxable years (20 years Line 11: Include on this line the S corporation’s for tax years beginning after August 5, 1997) tax on built-in gains or passive investment after the year of the net operating loss, the income, and the tax resulting from an election to amount of the net recognized built-in gain or pay following an audit. See below for a description passive investment income is treated as taxable of both. income. The amount of Iowa taxable built-in gains or passive investment income is subject to Tax on Built-in Gains or Passive Investment tax at the same rates as C corporation income Income – S corporations that are subject to tax (6%, 8%, 10%, 12%). on built-in gains under section 1374 of the Internal Revenue Code or passive investment Under $25,000, multiply by 6%. income under section 1375 of the Internal $25,000 to $100,000, multiply by 8% and subtract Revenue Code are subject to Iowa corporation $500. 42-005d (10/02/2020) |
Enlarge image | $100,000 to $250,000, multiply by 10% and Part IV: Business Activity Ratio (BAR) subtract $2,500. If an S corporation is doing business wholly within Iowa, skip lines 1-12 and enter 100.00 on Over $250,000, multiply by 12% and subtract line 13. $7,500. If the S corporation is doing business both within Except for estimated and other advance tax and without Iowa, complete all applicable lines. payments, and any credit carryforward under Iowa Code section 422.33 arising in a taxable Dividends are net of special deductions. year for which the corporation was a C Business income means income which arises corporation, no credits are allowed against the from the S corporation’s unitary trade or built-in gains or passive investment income tax. business, a part of which is conducted within For more information on the Iowa built-in gains Iowa. Business income must be apportioned to tax, visit tax.iowa.gov. Pay online on the Iowa by means of the BAR. Investment income Department’s website (tax.iowa.gov), or make may at the taxpayer’s election be included in the checks payable to Iowa Department of Revenue. computation of the BAR. The taxpayer will have elected whether to include investment income in Tax Resulting from Election to Pay Following the computation of the BAR for that and all Audit—Under certain circumstances, an S subsequent years. Consequently, that year and corporation may elect to pay on its shareholders’ for subsequent years total investment income behalf the Iowa tax, penalty, and interest resulting which is determined to be business income will from a federal centralized partnership audit or an be included in the numerator as follows (see Iowa pass-through entity audit. The election and Iowa Admin Code Rs. 701-54.2(3) for the payment calculation are made on the IA 103 clarification): Pass-through Election to Pay Return and Voucher. • Accounts receivable interest is to be If you are making an election to pay on the IA 103 included in the numerator to the extent related to the audit adjustments reported on this allocable to Iowa. return, report on this line the total amount of tax, • All investment income that is business penalty, and interest you calculated and paid with income, including capital gains or losses, your IA 103. When an election to pay on your must be included in the computation of the shareholders’ behalf is made, do not issue BAR if the investment income is derived amended IA 1120S Schedule K-1s to your from intangible property that has become shareholders, but instead notify the shareholder of an integral part of some business activity all of the following in a separate letter or schedule: occurring regularly in or outside of Iowa. (1) identify the shareholder’s distributive share of • Capital and ordinary gains or losses or the audit adjustments, (2) notify the shareholder rent and royalties from real property must that you have elected to pay the resulting tax, be included in the numerator if the penalty, and interest on their behalf, and (3) notify property is located in Iowa. the shareholder that the shareholder shall not claim • any deduction, credit, or refund for the amount paid Other investment income including by the S corporation, and the shareholder may not interest, net dividends, capital and include the amount paid on the shareholder’s Iowa ordinary gains, and royalties from intangibles must be included in the return in any manner. numerator if the commercial domicile is in Refund Requests Iowa. If a refund is due because estimated payments For a taxpayer first apportioning income, the exceed the tax due, you must request a refund by inclusion of investment income determined to be separate letter. Send to Iowa Department of business income in the BAR of that year’s initial Revenue, PO Box 10456, Des Moines IA 50306- return will be binding on all subsequent years’ 0456. returns. The election to include business investment income in the BAR can later be changed only with permission of the Director of the Iowa Department of Revenue. 42-005e (10/13/2020) |
Enlarge image | Part V: Information from Prior Period Iowa the federal Schedule K-1) must be included with Return this form. Enter the requested information from the Iowa Signature 1120S return for previous tax period. The corporation return must be signed by the Federal S Corporation Return president or other duly authorized officer. The A copy of the federal corporation return, 1120S, return will not be considered valid unless this and all other supporting schedules, (not including requirement is met. Instructions for IA 1120S Schedule K-1 Shareholder’s Share of Income & change or an Iowa pass-through entity Deductions, & Modifications audit change and is electing to pay with an The Iowa 1120S Schedule K-1 shows each IA 103, do not reissue the K-1. Instead, shareholder’s share of modifications, all-source the S corporation will need to send a letter income, Iowa apportioned income, and Iowa tax to the shareholder as described on the credits. You must provide complete information instructions above for the IA 1120S, line for each shareholder in an acceptable format. IA 11. 1120S and IA 1120S Schedule K-1 are provided • Check the appropriate box for the on our website. shareholder’s entity type. • Individual shareholders: When completing your Enter shareholder’s percentage of individual IA 1040, report the amounts shown on ownership in the S corporation. Carry this the federal Schedule K-1. These amounts should percentage to 6 decimal places if needed. match the IA Schedule K-1, column (a) items. In • Enter the S corporation’s Iowa receipts, as addition, individual nonresident shareholders reported on page 1, Part IV, line 12, must use the apportioned amounts from column column A of the IA 1120S*. (c) when completing the IA 126, “Iowa • Enter the S corporation’s total receipts, as Nonresident and Part-year Resident Credit.” If reported on page 1, Part IV, line 12, the S corporation does business within and column B of the IA 1120S*. without Iowa, the BAR in column (b) must be * If BAR is 100%, enter the Gross provided to each Iowa resident shareholder for Receipts from line 1a, page 1 of the purposes of computing the S Corporation federal 1120S. Apportionment Credit, IA 134, if they elect that • Enter the S corporation’s BAR from page option. 1, Part IV, line 13 of the IA 1120S. • Answer yes or no to the question of Part I: Corporation Information whether the S corporation is including Enter name and Federal Employer Identification additional attachments with the K-1. Number (FEIN) of S corporation on each IA Schedule K-1 form. Part II: Shareholder’s Pro Rata Share Items Column (a), lines 1 through 14(f): Shareholder Information Enter the same amounts as shown on the federal • Enter name, Social Security Number Schedule K-1. (SSN), or FEIN, and address of each Resident shareholders complete column (a) shareholder. In the case of a disregarded only. entity, enter the applicable information of the beneficial owner. Column (b), lines 1 through 14(f): • Check either the resident shareholder or For nonresident shareholders only, enter the S nonresident shareholder box, based on corporation’s single factor Iowa Business Activity the shareholder’s current address. Ratio (BAR). The BAR in column (b) must be • Check the amended box if the Schedule applied equally to each line item in column (a); K-1 is part of an amended 1120S return. If no method of separate accounting is allowed. the S corporation is amending for a Please contact the Department for more federal centralized partnership audit information on the BAR for investment S corporations. 42-005f (10/13/2020) |
Enlarge image | Column (c), lines 1 through 14(f): Franchise Tax Credit For nonresident shareholders only, multiply the If the shareholder is eligible to claim the amounts in column (a) by the percentage in Franchise Tax Credit, you must include the column (b) and enter the product in column (c) following information with the IA Schedule K-1 to for each line item. This is the amount allow shareholders to complete an IA 147. apportionable to Iowa. Nonresidents: These • The modified federal income from Part III, figures may be reportable on your IA 126 Line 10 of the 1120S nonresident schedule. • The financial institution’s total tax liability, Line 11(a): Enter the same amount as shown on line 15 of the 1120F the federal Schedule K-1. • The financial institution’s tax credit claims, line 16 of the 1120F Line 14(f): Include a schedule showing the name • and amount for each item reported on line 14(f). The shareholder’s ownership percentage Line 15(a): Enter the shareholder’s all-source For all other credits, enter the tax credit name in modifications. This figure is equal to the S the first column. For awarded credits, enter your corporation’s all-source modifications multiplied certificate number in the second column. Enter by the shareholder’s ownership percentage. the shareholder’s share of the current year amount in the third column. Individual shareholders: If this figure is a positive amount, report it on line 14 of your IA 1040. If this figure is a negative amount, report it on line 24 of your IA 1040. Line 15(b): For nonresident shareholders only, enter the Iowa BAR. Line 15(c): For nonresident shareholders only, multiply line 15(a) by the percentage on line 15(b) and enter here. Nonresident shareholders: If this entry is a positive amount, also enter it on line 14 of your IA 126. If this entry is a negative amount, enter it on line 24 of your IA 126. Part III: Shareholder’s Portion of IA Credits/Withholding If the S corporation submitted Iowa withholding for the shareholder, enter it in the current year amount column on the first line of the schedule. If none, enter zero. If paying a nonresident an Iowa nonwage payment, Iowa income tax must be withheld at a rate of 5% of the payment amount. The S corporation must register with the Iowa Department of Revenue for withholding tax using the Iowa Business Tax Registration form. Nonresidents who prefer to make an Iowa estimated payment instead must file an Iowa Nonresident Request for Release from Withholding form and submit the form with their first estimated payment prior to April 30, 2021. If an S corporation is filing an IA 1040C return on behalf of its nonresident shareholders no withholding or estimated payments are required. 42-005g (10/13/2020) |