Enlarge image | 2020 IA 1120S Iowa Income Tax Return for S Corporation tax.iowa.gov For Calendar Year 2020 or other fiscal year (MMDDYY): ___________________ to ____________________ Check all that apply: Name/Address Change ☐ Short Period ☐ Amended Return (Include IA 102) ☐ Part I: Corporation Name and Address Name: ______________________________________________ Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): __________________ Street address: _______________________________________ Business code: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Total number of shareholders: City: ___________________ State: _______ ZIP: ___________ Number of Iowa shareholders: ________________________________ County number: ______________________________________ Is this a first or final return? If yes, check the appropriate box. State S Corporation Representative: ______________________ First Return New Business ☐ Successor ☐ Entering Iowa ☐ Phone number: _______________________________________ Final Return Reorganized ......... ☐ Merged .......... ☐ Dissolved .............. ☐ Withdrawn ...... ☐ Bankruptcy ........... ☐ Other .............. ☐___________ Part II: Corporation Information Type of Return: S Corporation ☐ Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation ☐ Foreign Sales Corporation ☐ Is this an inactive corporation? ............................................................................... Yes ☐ No ☐ Was federal income or tax changed for any prior period(s)? .................................. Yes ☐ No ☐ Tax Period(s): _________________________ Is the corporation’s business carried on entirely within Iowa? ................................ Yes ☐ No ☐ Date of S corporation election (MM/DD/YYYY): ________________________________ Part III: Modification of Corporation Income Enter Whole Dollars 1. Net income per federal form 1120S Schedule K. (See instructions). ...................................................................... 1. __________________ 2. Interest and dividends exempt from federal income tax. (See instructions) ..................2. __________________ 3. Other additions. Include schedule ................................................................................3. __________________ 4. Total additions. Add lines 2 and 3 ........................................................................................................................... 4. __________________ 5. 50% of federal income tax ............................................................................................5. __________________ 6. Interest and dividends from federal securities. (See instructions) .................................6. __________________ 7. Other reductions. Include schedule ..............................................................................7. __________________ 8. Total reductions. Add lines 5, 6, and 7 ................................................................................................................... 8. __________________ 9. Net modifications. Subtract line 8 from line 4 .......................................................................................................... 9. __________________ 10. Modified federal net income. Add line 1 and line 9 ................................................................................................ 10. __________________ 11. Tax on built-in gains, passive investment income, or tax resulting from an audit. (See instructions). .................... 11. __________________ Amount owed: Make check payable to Iowa Department of Revenue. Submit with either form IA 1120V or IA103 as appropriate. Part IV: Business Activity Ratio (BAR) See instructions. Enter Whole Dollars Types of Income Column A-Iowa Receipts Column B-Receipts Everywhere 1. Gross receipts ............................................................ 2. Net dividends. (See instructions) ................................. 3. Exempt interest ........................................................... 4. Accounts receivable interest ....................................... 5. Other interest .............................................................. 6. Rent ........................................................................... 7. Royalties .................................................................... 8. Capital gain/(loss) ....................................................... 9. Ordinary gains/(loss) ................................................... 10. Partnership gross receipts. Include schedule .............. 11. Other. Include schedule .............................................. 12. TOTALS. Add lines 1 through 11 ..............................12. _______________________________ _______________________________ 13. BAR to six decimal places. Divide line 12, column A, by line 12, column B ................................ 13. _____________________________ % Part V: Information from Prior Period Iowa Return Corporation name: ___________________________________ Net Income/(Loss): $ ____________________ FEIN: ____________________ File electronically. A complete copy of your federal return must be filed with this return, not including federal K-1s. I, the undersigned, declare under penalties of perjury or false certificate, that I have examined this return, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Officer’s signature: ________________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Date: _____________ Preparer’s signature: ______________________________________ Preparer PTIN: __________________________ Date: _____________ Preparer’s address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mail to: Corporation Return Processing, Iowa Department of Revenue, PO Box 10468, Des Moines IA 50306-0468 42-004 (09/29/2020) |