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                                                                               Secretary of State 
                                                                    Business Programs Division 
                                                                               Business Entities 
                                                          1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 
                                                     P.O. Box 944260, Sacramento, CA 94244-2600 

              Business Entities Submission Cover Sheet

        For faste stservice, file online at               bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov. 


• Complete and include this form with your paper submission. This form will not be made part of
  the filed document.

• Make all checks or money orders payable to the Secretary of State.

• In-person submissions (excluding Statements of Information): $15  special handling fee  . Do not
  include a $15 special handling fee when submitting documents by mail.

• All submissions are reviewed in the date order of receipt , with online submissions given priority.
  For updated processing time information, visit www.sos.ca.gov/business/be/processing-dates.

• To obtain a certified copy,  includ ecertification fees with your submission.

        Note: All correspondence related to your submission will be 
        sent to the name and address on your check or money order.

Contact Person  (Please type or print legibly): 

First Name:                                 Last Name: 

Phone Number:                              Email:

Entity Information (Please type or print legibly): 

Entity Name:  

Entity Number (if applicable): 


                                                                    Clear Form Print Form
Submission Cover Sheet (REV 03/2024) 

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                     Secretary of State                            LP-4/7

                     Certificate of Cancellation 
                     Limited Partnership (LP) 

Status must be active on California Secretary of State records. 

No Fee for filing a Certificate of Cancellation. 

Certification Fee (Optional)  $5.00 
                                                                                                  Above Space For Office Use Only 

1. Limited Partnership Name (Enter the exact name on file with the California Secretary of State.)

2. Entity Number      (Enter the exact Entity  umberNissued by the California Secretary of State.)

3. Date of Formation  (ONLY LPs initially formed in California: Enter the date the initial Certificate of Limited Partnership was filed with 
       the California Secretary of State.)

The initial Certificate of Limited Partnership was filed in California on ______ / _______/ _________. 
                                                                                         Month       Day          Year 

4. Cancellation Statement (Do not alter the Cancellation Statement.)

Upon filing this Certificate of Cancellation, the Limited Partnership’s registration shall be cancelled and its 
powers, rights and privileges will cease in California as provided by law.  

I declare that I am the person who signed this instrument, which is my act and deed. I further declare the 
information is true and correct, and I am authorized to sign. 

   _______________________________________________________________             _________________________________________________  
   General Partner’s Signature                                                Type or Print Name 

   _______________________________________________________________             _________________________________________________  
   General Partner’s Signature                                                Type or Print Name 

   _______________________________________________________________             ________________________________________________ 
   General Partner’s Signature                                                Type or Print Name 

LP-4/7 (REV 01/2023)                                                                              20 23California Secretary of State 
                                                 Clear Form        Print Form                          bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov 

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