PDF document
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Electronic Funds Transfer 

                     Bulk Payment Guide 

DE 154 Rev. 5 (2-23) (INTERNET) Cover + 23 pages CU 

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             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
I.  e-Services for Business Options  .............................................................................................. 2 

    A. e-Services for Business Enrollment  ..................................................................................... 2 

    B. Bulk Payment File Options  .................................................................................................. 2 

       1.      Instructions for Uploading a Payment File  ................................................................... 2 

       2.      CSV File Format  ......................................................................................................... 3 

       3.      XML File Format .......................................................................................................... 4 

          a. DE 88 ACH Debit XML Data Element Rules ........................................................ 5 

          b. Sample DE 88 ACH Debit Payment XML File ..................................................... 7 

          c. DE 88 XML Error Codes ...................................................................................... 8 

    C. Direct Entry Payment Option  ............................................................................................... 9 

       1. How to View the Status of a Payment Submission ....................................................... 9 

       2. How to View Payments for a Specific Account ............................................................. 9 

       3. How to Cancel a Pending Payment .............................................................................. 9 

II. State Data Collector GovOne/First Data Option  ..................................................................... 10 

    A. Enrollment for New Bulk Filers Using GovOne/First Data  .................................................. 10 

    B. Bulk Payment Options in GovOne/First Data  ..................................................................... 10 

       1.      Grid Function  ............................................................................................................ 10 

       2.      File Importing Function  ............................................................................................. 13 

          a. Delimited File Format Definition ........................................................................ 13 

          b. Fixed File Format Definition .............................................................................. 17 

    C. Payment Inquiry  ................................................................................................................ 20 

    D. File History  ........................................................................................................................ 21 

    E. Common Errors  ................................................................................................................. 22 

                                    ii + 23 pages 

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 This publication provides instructions and detailed information to submit bulk Automated Clearing 
 House (ACH) Debit Payroll Tax Deposits (DE 88) using EDD’s e-Services for Business or the 
                   GovOne/First Data website. 
 For information regarding the EDD tax program and online forms, visit the EDD website (edd.ca.gov). 
 For information about tax preparation, payment options, and customer service questions, call us from  
 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific time (PT), Monday through Friday. 
                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 
 The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon 
 request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for services, aids, and/or alternate formats need to be 
 made by calling 1-888-745-3886 (voice). TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at 711. 

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I.  e-Services for Business Options 
 The EDD has the following electronic options for submitting a bulk payment file: 
  •  Upload a Bulk Payment File via e-Services for Business 
  •  Federal/State Employment Taxes (FSET) – Bulk Transmissions 
  •  Direct Entry 
 A.  e-Services for Business Enrollment 
 To use e-Services for Business, you must register and create a username and password. Payroll 
 agents or Taxpayer Representatives can establish their own username and password to make 
 electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments on behalf of their clients. 
 We have online video tutorials available to assist you with registering for e-Services for Business. 
 Refer to “Create a Username and Password to Enroll in Employer Services Online (YouTube)” on 
 our website at edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business_Tutorials.htm. 
 Payroll agents or taxpayer representatives may add access to their clients’ accounts after they 
 have completed the e-Services for Business authorization process. This will allow you to view and 
 manage your clients’ accounts, file returns and reports, make payments, register a new business, 
 and more.  
 For additional information on enrollment for e-Services for Business, go to 
 B.  Bulk Payment Options 
 Attach a Bulk Payment File allows payroll agents or taxpayer representatives to initiate EFT 
 payments for multiple taxpayers. Bulk payers can transmit DE 88 payments online using either 
 the Comma Separated Value (CSV) or the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format. 
  1.  Instructions for Uploading a Payment File 
   After logging into e-Services for Business, attach a bulk payment file using the following 
   1.  Select More… 
   2.  Select Bulk Payment File. 
   3.  Select the file format.  
            •  CSV – see instructions for CSV on page 3. 
            •  XML, ZIP – see instructions for XML file on page 4. 
   4.  Select Add Attachment. 
   5.  Select Choose File to locate and attach the bulk payment file, then select OK. 
   6.  If an error message appears, make correction before re-attaching the file. 
   7.  Select Next. 
   8.  Enter contact information. 
   9.  Select Next. 
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   10.  Enter contact address information. 
   11.  Select Submit to upload the file. 
   12.  Select OK when asked, “Are you sure you want to submit this request?”. 
   13.  Print the confirmation. 
   14.  Select OK to close the confirmation window. 
  2.  CSV File Format 
   Open a Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Notepad document and enter the 
   data according to the format shown in the table below: 

   Field Name                      Length  Format                               (Column) 
   Employer Account Number         8      Numeric                               1 
   Pay Date (Payroll Date)         8      MMDDYYYY                              2 
   Bank Debit Date                 8      MMDDYYYY                              3 
   Deposit Schedule:               1      Alpha – Must select one (M, N, Q, S). 4 
                     M: Monthly           M: Monthly 
                     N: Next day          N: Next business day 
                     Q: Quarterly 
                                          Q: Quarterly 
                     S: Semiweekly 
                                          S: Semiweekly 
   Bank Routing Number             9      Numeric                               5 
   Bank Accounting Number          n/a    Numeric                               6 
   Bank Account Type               2      Alpha – Must be one of (C, s, PC, PS) 7 
                                          C: Business checking 
                                          S: Business savings 
                                          PC: Personal checking 
                                          PS: Personal savings 
   Unemployment Insurance          n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00 (Example)      8 
   Amount                                 Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 
   Employment Training Tax         n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00                9 
   Amount                                 Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 
   State Disability Insurance      n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00                10 
   Amount                                 Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 
   Personal Income Tax             n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00                11 
   Amount                                 Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 
   Penalty Amount                  n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00                12 
                                          Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 
   Interest Amount                 n/a    Dollar Amounts = 52.00                13 
                                          Zero Dollar Amounts = 0.00 or 0 

   All tax payment fields and columns must be filled. Dollar amounts (except for zero-dollar 
   amounts) must include a decimal point. For example:  
   •  Dollar amounts must be formatted as 52.00. 

DE 154 Rev. 2 (4-13)               Page 3 of 23 

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  •  Zero-dollar amounts can be formatted as 0.00 or 0. 
  Note: To keep leading zeros visible in Microsoft Excel, you will need to format the cell as Text 
  or Custom. 
  If the payment file is created in: 
  •  Microsoft Excel, save the file in a CSV type format (*.csv). 
  •  Microsoft Word or Microsoft Notepad, save the file in plain text format (*.txt), then 
                     rename to *.csv. 
  Sample CSV File Layouts 
  •  Sample 1, using decimal points for zero-dollar amounts: 
  •  Sample 2, using no decimals for zero-dollar amounts: 
  3.  XML File Format 
  We use the same XML payment schema as the Federal/State Employment Taxes (FSET) 
  program. The FSET program provides a standardized method for making tax payments 
  and reporting employment tax and wage information in XML through a web-service based 
  application-to-application transmission platform. For more information, visit Federal/State 
  Employment Taxes (FSET) Bulk Transmissions. 
  A separate XML file must be created for each payment. The tax type codes that are based 
  on your deposit schedule are shown below for reference. 
                     •  01100=Semiweekly SDI and PIT 
                     •  01101=Monthly SDI and PIT 
                     •  01102=Next day SDI and PIT 
                     •  01104=Quarterly SDI and PIT 
                     •  01300=Quarterly UI and ETT 
                     •  01301=DIVP and 0.00 
                     •  20000=Self-assessed penalty and interest 
  The DE 88 ACH Debit XML Data Element Rulestable below provides the elements to 
  develop an XML file for the DE 88. In addition, a sample file is provided following the table. 

DE 154 Rev. 2 (4-13)                        Page 4 of 23 

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  a.  DE 88 ACH Debit XML Data Element Rules 

  Schema                                     Field Field                       
  Tag Name                 Description       Type  Size  Required   Comments 
  ReturnDataState                            N/A    N/A  Mandatory Must be 
  Return Data             Used by            A/N    1-30 Mandatory  
  State.ContentLocation   transmitter to 
                          identify the file. 
  ReturnDataState.ReturnH Type of return     String  N/A Mandatory Must be 
  eaderState.ReturnType   being                                    StatePayment. 
  ReturnDataState.StatePa Type of            String 3    Mandatory Must be DBT. 
  yment.PaymentInstrumen payment being 
  t.PaymentMethodType     submitted. 
  ReturnDataState.StatePa Bank ABA           N      9    Mandatory  
  yment.PaymentInstrumen routing number. 
  ReturnDataState.StatePa Employer's         A/N    1-17 Mandatory  
  yment.PaymentInstrumen bank account 
  t.ACHDebit.BankAccount  number. 
  ReturnDataState.StatePa "1" for checking   N      1    Mandatory Must be 1 or 2. 
  yment.PaymentInstrumen or "2" for 
  t.ACHDebit.AccountType  savings. 
  ReturnDataState.StatePa Total amount to    N      4-11 Mandatory  
  yment.PaymentAmount.P be paid with 
  aymentAmountTotal       this 
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DE 88 ACH Debit XML Data Element Rules (continued) 

       Schema                          Field Field
Tag Name             Description       Type  Size   Required      Comments 
ReturnDataState.StateP Date this       Date   10    Mandatory  YYYY-MM-DD 
ayment.OriginationDate  payment was 
ReturnDataState.StateP Date funds will Date   10    Mandatory  Must be 2-90 days in the 
ayment.RequestedSettl be debited from                         future from current date. 
ementDate            bank account.                            YYYY-MM-DD 
ReturnDataState.StateP Date of payroll.  Date 10    Mandatory  YYYY-MM-DD 
ReturnDataState.StateP Defines the     String N/A   Mandatory Must be 
ayment.TaxPayment.Ta State Employer                           WithholdingAccountNo. 
xpayer.StateEIN.TypeSt Identification 
ateEIN               Number type. 
ReturnDataState.StateP Defines the     N      8     Mandatory 
ayment.TaxPayment.Ta State Employer 
xpayer.StateEIN.StateE Identification 
INValue              Number. 
ReturnDataState.StateP Taxpayer        String  1-22 Mandatory 
ayment.TaxPayment.Ta Name or 
xpayer.TaxPayerName  Company 
ReturnDataState.StateP Tax type        N      5     Mandatory  01100=Semiweekly 
ayment.TaxPayment.Ta codes.                                   SDI/PIT, 
xTypeCode.StateTaxTy                                          01101=Monthly SDI/PIT, 
peCode                                                        01102=Next-Day SDI/PIT, 
                                                              01104=Quarterly SDI/PIT, 
                                                              01300=Quarterly UI/ETT, 
                                                              20000=Self Assessed 
                                                              Penalty & Interest 
ReturnDataState.StateP Amount of       N      4-11  Mandatory  Need two occurrences for 
ayment.TaxPayment.Su deposit for                              each of the types above. 
bCategoryAmounts.Sub each fund.                               For DE 3D, the 2 nddeposit 
CategoryAmount                                                must be 0.00. 

                                 Page 6 of 23 

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 b.  Sample DE 88 ACH Debit Payment XML File 
 <ReturnDataState xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.irs.gov/efile ReturnDataState.xsd" 
 xmlns="http://www.irs.gov/efile" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
    <PaymentMethodType>DBT    </PaymentMethodType> 
      <TaxPayerName>ABC COMPANY</TaxPayerName> 
                       Page 7 of 23 

- 10 -
 c.  DE 88 XML Error Codes 
 Error Code  Error Messages 

 (Rule #) 

 1.1      Invalid Account Number: Cannot find account. 

 1.2      Invalid Field: PayrollDate cannot be more than 5 months in the future. 

 1.3      Invalid Field: RequestedSettlementDate must be within 90 days of today's date. 

 1.4      Invalid Account Type: DE 88 only filed by Employment Tax, IHSS, and SEF 

 1.5      Invalid Field: Account must be subject to all funds being paid (UI, DI, ETT, PIT). 

 1.6      Invalid Field: RequestedSettlementDate cannot be next business day when 
          submitted after 3:00pm PT. 

 1.7      Invalid Field: RequestedSettlementDate cannot be today or in the past. 

 1.8      Invalid Bank Account: Missing 

 2.1      Invalid Field: PayrollDate cannot be more than 12 months in the past. 

 2.15     Account Cannot be Reinstated, Registration Needed. 

 2.2      Invalid Field: RequestedSettlementDate cannot be a weekend or bank holiday. 

 2.3      Invalid Total: SubCategoryAmounts must total to PaymentAmountTotal. 

 2.4      Invalid Account Type: Wire payments are only filed for IHSS accounts. 

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 C.  Direct Entry Payment Option 
  1. How to View the Status of a Submission: 
  1. Log into e-Services for Business. 
  2. Go to More… 
  3. Select Search Submissions 
  4. Select the title of the submission. 
  2. How to View Payments for a Specific Account: 
  1. Log into e-Services for Business. 
  2. Select the employer account you want to view a payment. 
  3. Select View My Payments. 
  3. How to Cancel a Pending Payment: 
  Payment files that have not been processed can be withdrawn before 3 p.m. PT. 
  1. Log into e-Services for Business. 
  2. Go to More… 
  3. Select Search Submissions. 
  4. Select the title of the submission. 
  5. Select Withdraw. 
  6. Select Yes to confirm you want to delete the submission. 
  7. Select OK to close the confirmation window. 
  To cancel a single payment submitted in a Bulk Payment file that has not settled, submit a 
  written request with the following information: 
  •  EDD employer payroll tax account number 
  •  Business legal name 
  •  Payroll date 
  •  Payment amount 
  •  Submission date 
  •  Settlement date 
  •  Signature 
  •  Requestor contact information (name, title, phone, and fax number) 
  Important: Payments can be cancelled if your request is received and processed before  
  3 p.m. Pacific time on the day before the settlement date. 
  Please fax the request to 1-916-319-1079. 
DE 154 Rev. 2 (4-13)             Page 9 of 23 

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II.  State Data Collector GovOne/First Data Option 

 A.  Enrollment for New Bulk Filers using GovOne/First Data 
 In order to use the First Data’s bulk filers’ solution, a bulk filer username and password is 
 required. In addition, an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) New Enrollment Request (DE 26) is 
 required. This form must be completed by the taxpayer and grants a payroll agent or taxpayer 
 representative access to make EFT payments on their behalf using the GovOne/First Data 
 After the DE 26 is processed the employer will receive instructions for completing the 
 enrollment process directly on the GovOne/First Data website. Once you have this 
 information, visit govone.com/PAYCAL, select the EDD box, and then select Bulk Filers. You 
 will also find the User Guide on the top menu options. 
 For additional information and FAQ’s regarding Bulk Filers visit 

 B.  Bulk Payment Options in GovOne/First Data 

 1.  Grid Function 

 The Upload Payments in Grid function allows you to make payments for each of your 
 client’s accounts using a grid which can then be uploaded in bulk form. The grid provides a 
 standard format for entering payroll information. There is no limit to the number of 
 payments that can be submitted per file. 
 Each of your clients must be registered with the EDD, have an employer payroll tax account 
 number, and be enrolled in the ACH Debit method before a payment can be accepted. 
 Make payments using the Upload Payments in Grid function by completing the following 
 1.  Visit govone.com/PAYCAL – select Bulk Filers, and log in. 

 2.  Select Upload Payments in Grid at the top of any page. 

 3.  Choose the agency and tax type. 
  •  Select EDD as the agency for the upload from the drop-down menu.  
  •  Select one of the tax types from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu has six 
          o  Semi-weekly 
          o  Monthly 
          o  Next bank day 
          o  Quarterly 
          o  Quarterly Unemployment Insurance and Employment Training Tax 
          o  Self-Assessed Penalty and Interest 
  •  Select Next to view the Enter Payments page. 
 4.  Input the payments needed for each client. 

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                     •  Create a file name with a maximum of 20 characters (before the file extension). 
                      The file name must begin with an alpha character (for example, abc070209). 
                     •  Enter the EDD employer payroll tax account number (without dashes) and security 
                     •  Enter the pay date, bank debit date, and payment amounts. 
                     •  Review the payroll information. 
                     •  Another row may be added by selecting + Add Row. 
                     •  A row can be deleted by selecting the  Delete Row. 
                     •  After adding all the payments in the grid, select Confirm and Yes to upload the file. 
                      The system only validates the values entered in the respective fields and will 
                      display an error or warning message as applicable. Correct the payment 
                      information, if necessary. 
                     •  Select Continue.  

 5.  View Upload File Details and Edit Uploaded Payment 
                     •  Select View from the File History page and the File Details page will appear. 
                      o  The Bulk Filer File Upload - File Details page shows:  
                       i.  The file upload status 
                       ii.  Total records submitted, accepted, or errored out 
                       iii.  Agency 
                       iv.  File name 
                       v.  Upload time and date 
                       vi.  Submission date and time 
                       vii.  Total records accepted 
                       viii.  Total records errored out 
                       ix.  File status 
                       x.  View details. 
                       NOTE: Payments cannot be modified online once a file has been submitted. Bulk 
                       filers can contact First Data Customer Service at 1-800-554-7500 before 3 p.m., 
                       Pacific Time, to cancel a payment for a next-day debit. 
                     •  Review the payment status of your file on the File History screen. 
                     •  The file status should show as Uploaded. 
                     •  Select Select here next to To view error log.

DE 154 Rev. 2 (4-13)                             Page 11 of 23 

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• Enter the EDD account number and select Search.
• Select the arrow for the file you want to view.
• Review the file detail and modify or correct the amount(s), if necessary.
  NOTE: Only records or files with Uploaded status can be edited or deleted.
  Payments cannot be edited once submitted. If the uploaded file has an error (for
  example, incorrect payment amount), then you will need to correct the record and
  re-upload the entire file.
• After correcting errors in the file, select Submit File at the bottom of the Bulk Filer
  File Upload - File Details page and select Yes to confirm.

6. Submit File
• Select the Submit File button.
• Select Yes to confirm the submission of the file for processing.
• To cancel the file submission, select No.
• Select Continue.
• After selecting Submit File, you will be redirected to the File History page. The
  File History      page will update the status of your file with a submission date and
  time, and the file status will display Submitted.

To successfully generate a payment, you must complete the transaction in this order: 
1. Upload the file.
2. Submit the file.

Payments completed before 3 p.m., Pacific Time, settle the next business day. 

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  The file/payment status possibilities on the “File History and Bulk Filer Upload – File 
  Detail” page are shown on the table below with their description and the actions allowed. 
   Status/Payment                                              Actions Allowed to 
    Status                         Description                          Perform 
   Uploaded           File is uploaded by the bulk filer using Edit the payment from 
                      the options:                             the file 
                      •  Upload New File                       Delete a payment from 
                      •  Upload Payments in Grid               the file 
                                                               View payment details 
   Submitted          Bulk filer submits the file.             View payment details 
   Processed          File has been uploaded and submitted.   View payment details 
   Duplicate          File was previously uploaded.            View payment details 
   Deleted            File is cancelled/deleted by user.       View payment details 
   Rejected           File could not be processed.             View payment details 
   Completed with     File was processed but one or more       View payment details 
   failure            payments failed. 
   Completed with     File is processed with no errors.        View payment details 
  2.  File Importing Function 

  The file importing function provides a method to upload payment files. This process 
  consists of creating or selecting a file importing definition, then uploading and submitting a 
  payment file. 
  File definitions are templates for letting the system know how the information will be 
  formatted. File definitions must be created before a bulk file can be processed. They are 
  reusable and may be used for future or additional payments. File definitions can be either 
  delimited or fixed. 
  a.  Delimited File Format Definition 

    A delimited file is a flat text file that uses a separator (like commas, dashes, or semi-
    colons) to differentiate the individual data values. Each record line represents a 
    specific payment. 

    1.  Create a Delimited File Upload Definition 
    If a file definition doesn’t exist, one must be created before beginning the upload 
    file process.  
    If your browser has a pop-up window block feature, you must disable it for this 
    •  Go to govone.com/PAYCAL, select Bulk Filers, and log in. 
    •  Select Upload File at the top of the page.  
    •  Select Manage File Definition and Create File Definition page will display. 
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                     • Enter a file upload definition name.
                     • Enter a file upload description.
                     • Select the file type, Delimited.
                     • Select the state agency: California Employment Development Department.
                     • Select the file delimiter you used when creating the file to be uploaded (for
                       example, comma, dash, semi-colon, or tab).
                     • Select a date format.
                     • Select Continue and the File Upload Definition – Field Properties page will
                     • Enter the numeric order (position number) of the fields as they appear in the file
                       you created. See the following position number examples that match the field
                       positions shown in step 1.

                       Field Name                                                Position Number 
                       Tax type                                                  1 
                       EDD account number                                        2 
                       Security code                                             3 
                       Payment date                                              4 
                       Bank debit date                                           5 
                       Amount 1                                                  6 
                       (State Disability Insurance [SDI], Unemployment 
                       Insurance [UI] or penalty amount.) 
                       Amount 2                                                  7 
                       (Personal Income Tax [PIT], Employment Training Tax 
                       [ETT] or interest amount.) 

                     • Select Save Definition and File Upload Definition – Confirmation page will
                     • You may edit the information by selecting the icon in the View Details column
                       on each section or select Upload File to return to the Bulk Filer File Upload
                       page. The new file definition will appear on the file definitions list.

                     2. Edit a Delimited File Upload Definition
                     The only thing that may be edited on a delimited file is the position number.
                     • Select Upload File at the top of the Bulk Filer File Upload screen.
                     • Select the name of the file definition you want to edit, and then select Manage
                       File Definition. The Create File Definition Detail page will display.
                     • Select the icon in the View Details column associated with the file definition
                       (name) you want to change.
                     • Select Edit Definition and edit the information as needed.
                     • Select Save Definition.

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3. Delete a Delimited File Upload Definition
• Select Upload File at the top of the Bulk Filer File Upload screen.
• Select the name of the file definition you want to delete and select Manage File
  Definition. The Create File Definition Detail page will display.
• Select the icon in the View Details column associated with the file definition
  (name) you want to delete.
• Select Delete Definition  . The file definition cannot be recovered if deleted.

4. Create a Delimited Payment File
• Open a new document on your computer using Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft
• Enter the data according to the field position (see table in step 1) of your
  delimited file type, separated by a field delimiter (for example, comma). See
  example below.

     Tax type         Security    Bank debit date  Amount 2 
   (see below)          code        (MMDDYY)         ($150.25) 

       Agency account    Payment date               Amount 1 
            number      (MMDDYY)             ($50.25) 

• Use on eof the following tax type codes in your data:

  Code:                                      Description: 
  State Disability Insurance (SDI) and 
  Personal income Tax (PIT): 
               01100                         Semi-weekly deposits 
               01101                         Monthly deposits 
               01102                         Next-Day deposits 
               01104                         Quarterly SDI/PIT deposits 

  Unemployment Insurance (UI) and 
  Employment Training Tax (ETT):             Quarterly UI/ETT payment 

  Penalty and Interest (P and I) Code:       Self-assessed penalty and interest 
               20000                         payments 

  Important: All tax payments must include a decimal point. For example, a tax 
  payment of $50.25 should be entered as 50.25. 

  Only the tax type codes listed above will be accepted. Any invalid tax type 
  codes will not be accepted or edited. Users must upload a new file with the 
  acceptable tax type code or use the Upload a Payment in Grid option.

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• For each additional payment or account number, go to the next line and enter
  the data. See below for an example:
• Save the file in a plain text format (*.txt).
  NOTE: The file name should include alphanumeric characters (for example,

5. Upload and Submit a Delimited Payment File
• Select Upload File on top of the Bulk Filer File Upload screen.
• Select a delimited file definition.
• Select Browse to choose the file to upload.
  NOTE: The file must be in a plain text format (*.txt) using alphanumeric
  characters (for example, abc123.txt).
• Select Upload.
• The uploaded file should appear in the File History page. This can take an
  average of 15 to 30 minutes depending on the file size. Payments completed
  before 3 p.m., PT, settle the next business day.
• Select View from the File History page
• The Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page shows file upload status;
  number of records uploaded, accepted, or errored out; total dollar amount;
  agency; file uploaded by; and time and date of upload.
• At the bottom of the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page, select Submit
  File to complete the transaction.
• Select File History at the top of the page to check the status of the file.
• To view the confirmation number, select View on the File History page, enter
  the EDD employer payroll tax account number, and select Search.
• The confirmation number and payment information will appear at the bottom of
  the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page. When the file is submitted, the
  payment file may not be edited or modified.

6. Review and Correct Files with Errors
A file that contains errors cannot be submitted. You must edit and correct the file
before it can be submitted.
• To view any uploaded files with errors, select View in the File History page.
• To view the errors, select the Select here hyperlink next to To view error log
  on the top right side of the screen. See Section VII. Common Errors of this
  guide for more information.
• Select the payment line that contains an error to display that record. A
  View/Modify Payment Details page will display.
• Make any changes and select Save Changes. Repeat this step to correct all
  records that contain errors.
• To delete the payment, select Delete Payment.
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  •  At the bottom of the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page, select Submit 
   File to complete the transaction. 
  •  Select File History at the top of the page to check the status of the file. 
  •  To view the confirmation number, select View on the File History page, enter 
   your EDD payroll tax account number and select Search.  
  •  The confirmation number and payment information will appear at the bottom of 
   the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page. When the file is submitted, the 
   payment file may not be edited or modified. 
  b.  Fixed File Format Definition 
  1.  Create a Fixed Payment File 
  A fixed file is a text file that contains a specific format for individual data values. For 
  each field name there is a fixed position and length. 
  •  Open a new document on your computer using Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft 
  •  Enter your data according to the field position (see table in step 2) of your fixed 
   file type. Do not use anything (for example, comma) to separate the data. See 
   the example below:  
   Using the example data above, this is the field position order: 
       Tax Type (Position number: 1; length: 5) – 01101 
       Agency Account Number (Position number: 6; length: 8) – xxxxxxxx 
       Security Code (Position number: 14; length: 4) – 1234 
       Payment Date (Position number: 18; length: 6) – 052916 
       Bank Debit Date (Position number: 24; length: 6) – 060216 
       Amount 1 (Position number: 30; length: 11) ($25.25) – 00000025.25 
       Amount 2 (Position number: 41; length: 11) (150.00) – 00000150.00 
   NOTE: Amounts must include zeros as placeholders. 
   NOTE: View in Print Layout. The date format is MMDDYY. 
  •  For each additional payment or account number, go to the next line and enter 
   the data. See the example below: 
  •  Save the file in a plain text format (*.txt).  
   NOTE: The file name should include alphanumeric characters (for example, 
  2.  Edit a Fixed File Upload Definition 
  •  Select Upload File at the top of the Payment Inquiry screen. 
  •  Select the name of the file definition you want to edit, and then select Manage 
   File Definition. The Create File Definition Detail    page will display. 
  •  Select the icon in the View Details column associated with the file you want to 
   change. The associated Edit File Upload Definition page will display. 

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  •  Select Edit Definition and edit the information as needed. 
  •  Select Save Definition. 

  3.  Delete a Fixed File Upload Definition 
  •  Select Upload File at the top of the Payment Inquiry screen. 
  •  Select the name of the file definition you want to delete and select Manage File 
  •  On the Create File Definition Detail page, select the icon in the View Details 
     column associated with the file you want to delete 
  •  Select Delete Definition. The file definition cannot be recovered if deleted. 
  4.  Create a Fixed File Upload Definition 
  If a file definition has previously been saved, select it from the drop-down menu. 
  Otherwise, follow these steps to create a new file definition. 
  If your browser has a pop-up window block feature, you must disable it for this 
  •  Go to govone.com/PAYCAL, select Bulk Filers, and log in.  
  •  Select Upload File at the top of the File History page.  
  •  Select Manage File Definition and the Create File Definition page will 
  •  Enter a file upload definition name. 
  •  Enter a file upload description. 
  •  Select the file type: Fixed (a Fixed file is a file where a field length is the same 
     in each record). 
  •  Select the state agency: California Employment Development Department. 
  •  Select Continue and the File Upload Definition – Field Properties page will 
  •  Enter the position number that corresponds to the file created in Step 1. See 
     the example below: 

     Field Name                                         Position Number   Length 
     Tax type                                           1                 5 
     EDD account number                                 6                 8 
     Security code                                      14                4 
     Payment date                                       18                6 
     Bank debit date                                    24                6 
     Amount 1                                           30                11 
     (State Disability Insurance [SDI], Unemployment 
     Insurance [UI] or penalty amount.) 
     Amount 2                                           41                11 
     (Personal Income Tax [PIT], Employment 
     Training Tax [ETT] or interest amount.) 

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                     •  Select Save Definition. 
                     •  Select Close on the pop-up window that confirms your file definition was 
                     •  You will be taken to the Create File Definition screen. You may edit detail 
                      information by selecting the icon below the View Details link on each section 
                      or select Upload File to return to the Bulk Filer File Upload – Filed Details 
                      page. The new file definition will appear in the file definitions list. 

                     5.  Upload and Submit a Fixed Payment File 
                     •  Select Upload File from the top of the Create File Definition screen. 
                     •  Select a fixed file definition from the drop-down menu. 
                     •  Select Choose File and select the file to be imported.  
                      NOTE: The file must be in a plain text format (*.txt), as created in step 1. 
                     •  Select Upload.  
                     •  The uploaded file should appear in the File History page. This can take an 
                      average of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the file size. Payments completed 
                      before 3 p.m., PT, settle the next business day. 
                     •  Select View from the File History page and the Bulk Filer File Upload – File 
                      Details page will appear. 
                     •  The Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page shows file upload status; 
                      number of records uploaded, accepted, or errored out; total dollar amount; 
                      agency; file uploaded by; and time and date of upload. 
                     •  At the bottom of the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page, select Submit 
                      File to complete the transaction. 
                     •  Select File History at the top of the page to check the status of the file.  
                     •  To view the confirmation number, select View on the File History page, enter 
                      the EDD employer payroll tax account number of the payment, and select 
                     •  The confirmation number and payment information will appear on the bottom of 
                      the Bulk Filer File Upload – File Details page. Once the payment file is 
                      submitted, the payment file may not be edited or modified. 
                     6.  Reviewing and Correcting Files with Errors  
                     •  To view any files uploaded with errors, select View on the File History page.  
                     •  To view the errors, select the Select here hyperlink next to To view error log 
                      on the top right side of the screen. See Section VII. Common Errors of this 
                      guide for more information. 
                     •  To display the detailed record, select the payment line that contains an error. A 
                      View/Modify Payment Details page will display.  
                     •  Make any changes and select Save Changes. Repeat this step to correct all 
                      records that contain errors.  
                     •  To delete the payment, select Delete Payment. 
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 C.  Payment Inquiry 

  The Payment Inquiry page allows you to locate payments by search criteria and provides 
  search filters to locate a specific transaction. Multiple search filters can be applied at the same 
  •  Go to govone.com/PAYCAL, select the Bulk Filers link, and log in.  
  •  Select Payment Inquiry at the top of the File History page.  
  •  Select California Employment Development Department from the Agency drop-down 
  •  Enter payment information in the search fields and select Search. 
  •  Search results and status will appear in the table. 
  •  Select the View/Cancel button on the result to view payment details. 
  •  You may select Export to File to export the search payment inquiries in order to keep a 
   record of a specific payment. 
   NOTE: Only payments submitted through the bulk filer solution can be viewed. Other 
   payment methods will not appear in the inquiry. 
  The payment status and corresponding description and actions allowed on the Payment 
  Inquiry page are shown on the table below: 
                                                                       Actions Allowed to 
   Payment Status                 Description                             Perform 

  Submitted          The payment is scheduled for a debit during       View payment details. 
                     the next day. The payment may still be 
                     canceled if performed prior to 3 p.m., PT, of 
                     the banking day before the debit date. 

  Scheduled          The payment is scheduled for debit in the         View payment details. 
                     future and may still be canceled. 

  In-process         The payment is processing on bulk filers’         View payment details. 
                     solution and may no longer be canceled. 

  Paid               The payment was processed successfully.           View payment details. 

  Canceled           The payment is canceled by the user.              View payment details. 

  Rejected           The payment was processed on the ACH              View payment details. 
                     network but was rejected. 
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 D.  File History 

  The File History page is the landing page; this is the first page displayed after you 
  successfully log in. Your file history can be viewed by selecting File History at the top of the 
  page or by selecting Upload File. The file history will appear at the bottom of the page. 
  The File History page lists the last five files submitted. Previously submitted files can be 
  viewed by using the page number selector at the bottom of the page. 
  See details and the status of files submitted by selecting the View link. 
  Only payments made through the Bulk Filer Option appear on this page. Payments made by 
  other methods (for example, Web, phone, One-Time Pay [OTP] payment option) will not 
  appear in the file history. 
  This page allows the correction of records within a file (Upload status only). 
  This page allows the deletion of a file (Upload status only). 
  The following table shows the file status and description possibilities on the File History page: 
        File Status                                   Description 

  Uploaded               File has been successfully uploaded and is available for editing or 
                         submission. This status is displayed when the file is uploaded by the bulk 
                         filer using the options: 

                         Upload a New File. 

                         Upload Payments in Grid. 

  Submitted              File has been submitted and can no longer be edited. 

  Processing             This status is displayed once the payments are generated (A confirmation 
                         number is assigned to each payment in the file). 

  Completed with success File has been uploaded, submitted, and all payments processed 

  Completed with failure File has been uploaded and submitted, but one or more payments failed. 

  Duplicate              This status is displayed if the file was previously uploaded. 

  Rejected               File was rejected due to a failure of the processing rules.  

  Error                  An internal error occurred on the file.  

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 E.  Common Errors 

  A.  Error Messages  
   If you receive an error message, you may not proceed to next step if the error is not 
   corrected (this applies to both the Upload a New File and Upload Payments in Grid 
   functions). The following are the possible error messages: 
   • Tax type entered is invalid. This payment cannot be fixed or corrected. 
     You must enter the correct tax type code. 
   • Employer account number is not in the EFT database. 
     An invalid employer account number cannot be accepted. Contact the EDD Taxpayer 
     Assistance Center at 888-745-3886 for assistance. 
   • Invalid pay date. 
     The pay date cannot be older than 12 months or greater than five months from the 
     current business day. 
   • Invalid bank account debit date. 
     Choose a date within 90 days from today or use the calendar icon to select a valid 
     debit date.  
   • Invalid quarter end date entered. 
     For quarterly UI, ETT, DI, and PIT, the allowed pay dates are 03/31/YYYY, 
     06/30/YYYY, 09/30/YYYY, or 12/31/YYYY. 
   • Since daily cut off time (3 pm PT) passed, Debit Date should be > Tomorrow 
     date. Enter a debit date of the next business day or later. 
   • The bank account debit date is a weekend or holiday.  
     Choose a bank debit date that is not a weekend or holiday. 
  B.  Warning Messages 
   This warning message applies to the Upload a New File function. These messages notify 
   the user when unexpected information has been entered.  
   • PIT amount should be greater than DI amount. 
     If this is correct, proceed to next step. If not, enter the correct amounts. 
   • UI amount should be greater than ETT amount. 
     If this is correct, proceed to next step. If not, enter the correct amounts. 
   • Penalty amount should be greater than Interest amount. 
     If this is correct, proceed to next step. If not, enter the correct amounts. 
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 C.  Duplicate Payments 
  Duplicate payments are found after a payment file is submitted. The following message 
  will appear in the error log payment details: 
  •  A new payment file must be created to resubmit the file. The payment information on 
   the new payment file cannot be identical to a previously submitted tax payment file. A 
   new payment file must be created to resubmit the file or you may use other EFT 
   payment methods (for example, One-Time Pay payment option, Web Payer, phone) to 
   submit duplicate/identical payment information. 
 D.  Special Characters in the Upload Tax Payments Function 
  Special characters (for example, +, -, *, #, %, $, etc.) should not be included in the tax 
  payment amount fields (SDI, PIT, UI, ETT, penalty, interest). The use of the special 
  characters in the tax payment amount fields will automatically convert the payment 
  amounts to $0.00 and can cause significantly inaccurate payment amounts in your tax 
  payment file. 
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