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~ Employment 
EDDDepartment                                                                            Illlllllllll llllllllll lllllllllllllll111111111111111111       • 

Did you know you can register online anytime? The Employment Development Department (EDD) e-Services for Business online 
application is secure, saves paper, postage, and time. You can access the online application at  
www.edd.ca.gov/e-Services_for_Business and follow the easy step-by-step process to complete your registration. 
Review the Instructions for Completing the Commercial Employer Account Registration and Update Form (DE1-I) prior to completing this 
form. Do not submit this form until you have paid wages in excess of $100 to one or more employees in any calendar quarter. Additional 
information about registering with the EDD is available online at  
Important: This form may not be processed if the required information is missing. 
A.  I WANT TO            □  Register for a New Employer Account Number (Go to Item B.)ID Request Account for CalJOBS SM(Go to Item B.) 
    (Select only         Existing Employer              –                  –            (Enter Employer Account Number when reporting an Update,  
    one box then         Account Number:                                                Purchase, Sale, Reopen, Close, or Change in Status.) 
    complete the                           I I I       11   I I I         ID 
    items specified      Update Employer Account Information 
    for that selection.) □  Address (O, P)   □  DBA (J)   □  Personal Name Change (G)           □  Add/Change/Delete Officer/Partner/Member (H) 
                         (Provide the Employer Account Number at the top of Item A, then complete the Items identified above and Item T.) 
                         Effective Date of Update(s):  ____/____/ ______
                         □  Report a Purchase of Business       Date of Purchase          Purchase Price                   □  Entire Business Purchase 
                         (Provide the Seller’s Employer 
                         Account Number at the top of Item A.)  ____   /____/ ______      $ ______________                 □  Partial Business Purchase 
                         □  Report a Sale of Business           Date of Sale                                               □  Entire Business Sold 
                         (Provide the business’ Employer 
                         Account Number at the top of           ____/__________/                                           □  Partial Business Sold 
                         Item A. Complete Item P.) 
                         □  Reopen a Previously Closed Account (Provide the previous Employer Account Number at the top of Item A then go to Item B.) 
                         □  Close Employer Account              Reason for Closing Account                                 Date of Last Payroll 
                         (Provide the Employer Account          □  No longer have employees 
                         Number at the top of Item A.)          □  Out of Business                                         ____/____/ ______
                         □  Report a Change in Status: Business Ownership, Entity Type, or Name 
                         Reason for Change: 
                         Change: From                                                        To   
                         (Provide the Employer Account Number at the top of Item A, and complete the rest of the form.) 
                         Effective Date of Change: ____/____/ ______ 
B.   EMPLOYER TYPE       □  COMMERCIAL                      □  PACIFIC MARITIME                                  □  FISHING BOAT 
    (Select type then  
    proceed to Item C.) 
C.   TAXPAYER TYPE       □  Individual Owner                □  Limited Partnership                               □  Joint Venture 
    (Select only         (D, E1, F, G, J, K, L, O-T)            (D, F, H-T)                                           (D, F, H, I, K, L, O-T)
    one type then         Co-Ownership                          Association                                            Receivership 
    complete the         □ (D, E2, F, G, J, K, L, O-T)      □ (D, F, H-T)                                        □ (D, F, H, K, L, O-T)
    items specified
    for that             □  General Partnership             □  Limited Liability Company (LLC)                   □  Estate Administration 
    selection.)          (D, E3, F, H, J, K, L, O-T)            (D, F, H-T)                                           (D, F, H, I, K, L, O-T)
                         □  Corporation                     □  Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)               □  Trusteeship 
                         (D, F, H-T)                            (D, F, H-T)                                           (D, F, H, I, K, L, O-T)
                         □  Other (Specify) 
                         (Complete remaining items as applicable.) 
D.  FIRST PAYROLL        First payroll date wages paid exceeded $100: ____/__________ /   (Wages are all compensation for an employee’s  
 DATE                    services.) Refer to Information Sheet: Wages (DE 231A) and Information Sheet: Types of Payments (DE 231TP                 ) at  
 (MM/DD/YYYY)            www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/Forms_and_Publications.htm. 
E. EMPLOYEE              “Employment” does not include service performed by a child under the age of 18 years in the employ of his/her father or  
 INFORMATION             mother, or service performed by an individual in the employ of his/her son, daughter, or spouse, including the employee’s  
                         registered domestic partner. (Section 631 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code) Refer to Information Sheet:  
                         Family Employment (DE 231FAM) at www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/Forms_and_Publications.htm. 
E1. INDIVIDUAL           Do you-only employ your spouse, parent(s), or minor child(ren) (under 18)? If yes, you are not         subject to         Yes   No 
    OWNER (Only)         Unemployment Insurance (UI) and State Disability Insurance (SDI) but may be subject to Personal Income Tax (PIT).         □  □ 
E2.  CO-OWNERSHIP        Do you-only employ your minor child(ren) (under 18)? If yes, you are not subject to UI and SDI but may                    Yes   No 
 (Only)                  be subject to PIT.                                                                                                        □  □ 
E3.  PARTNERSHIP         Do you-only employ your parent(s)? If yes, you are not subject to UI and SDI but may be subject to PIT.                   Yes   No 
    (Consisting of 
    siblings only.)                                                                                                                                □  □ 

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REGISTRATION AND UPDATE FORM                                                         Illlllllllll llllllllll lllllllllllllll111111111111111111       • 
F.   LOCATION OF               Do you have employees working in California?                                                                      Yes No 
 EMPLOYEE                                                                                                                                        □   □ 
 SERVICES                      Do you have employees residing in California that are working outside of California?                              Yes No 
                                                                                                                                                 □   □ 
G.  INDIVIDUAL                                                                                                         CA Driver 
 OWNER/                                NAME                     TITLE                       SSN                        License       Add  Chg.  Del. 
 CO-OWNER                                                                                                              Number 
 INFORMATION                                                                                                                                   □ □   □ 
      (If applicable) 
                                                                                                                                               □ □   □ 
H.   CORPORATE                                                                                                         CA Driver 
      OFFICER(S),                      NAME                     TITLE                       SSN                        License       Add  Chg.  Del. 
      PARTNERS, OR                                                                                                     Number 
      LLC MEMBER(S),                                                                                                                           □ □   □ 
      AND/OR                                                                                                                                   □ □   □ 
      INFORMATION                                                                                                                              □ □   □ 
                                                                                                                                               □ □   □ 
   I. LEGAL NAME OF ORGANIZATION (Corporation/LLC/LLP/LP: Enter exactly as it appears on your official registration documents.) 

J.   DOING BUSINESS AS (DBA) (If applicable) 

                                                                        ____/____/ ______ 

O.    PHYSICAL BUSINESS           Street Number                 Street Name                                                 Unit Number (If applicable) 
      (PO Box or Private          City                          State/Province         ZIP Code                             Country 
      Mail Box will not be 
      accepted.)                                                Business Phone Number I 
P.   MAILING ADDRESS              Street Number                 Street Name                                                 Unit Number (If applicable) 
      (PO Box or Private Mail 
      Box  isacceptable.)         City                          State/Province         ZIP Code                             Country 
      □  Same as above                                                                 I 
                                                                Phone Number 
Q.  E-MAIL                        Valid E-mail Address 
      □  Check to allow 
       e-mail contact. 
R.   INDUSTRY ACTIVITY            Describe in detail your specific product/services: 

                                  Select your business industry 
                                  □  Services □ Retail □ Wholesale          □ Manufacturing □  Temporary Services
                                  □  Leasing Employer  □  Professional Employer Organization     □ Other (Specify) _____________________ 
S.   CONTACT PERSON               Name                                               Contact Phone Number              E-mail Address 
      (Complete a Power of                                                           I                                 I 
      Attorney [POA] Declaration  Relation                      Address 
      [DE 48], if applicable.) 
T.    DECLARATION                 I certify under penalty of perjury that the above information is true, correct, and complete, and that 
                                  these actions are not being taken to receive a more favorable Unemployment Insurance rate. I further 
                                  certify that I have the authority to sign on behalf of the above business. 
                                  Signature                                                                                 Date 

                                  Name                                      Title                                           Phone Number 
             MAIL  TO: EDD, Account Services Group, MIC 28, PO Box 826880, Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 

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