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No No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Will you pay to this person? If so, how often? (Weekly, monthly, etc.) How often? How often? How often? How often? ZIP Code
Month(s) Month(s) Month(s) Month(s)
How long has the person been working in your business?
No No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Has this person filed a claim for benefits within the last three months?
No No No No Residence Address Number and Street City and State
Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 2 of 2
wages reportable under your election.
Is this person currently performing normal and customary services in connection with the operation of your business? (If no, explain below.)
Reform Act of 1976. The number will be used for identification purposes and will be available only to authorized
Insurance only. The elective agreement is to be in effect for at least two complete calendar years or until termination of employment Date Residence Phone and other government agencies as permitted in Sections 322 and 1095 of the CUIC.
Relationship Relationship Relationship
Social Security Number Social Security Number Social Security Number Social Security Number
Age Relationship
employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for services, aids, and/or alternate formats need to be
Number Disclosure:
If your application is approved, the elective coverage agreement will be subject to all of the requirements and conditions of Sections 631, 702.5, 704, and 707 of the CUIC. Eligibility for State Disability Insurance* benefits under the CUIC does not begin with the commencement date of coverage. Generally, a minimum of seven (7) months must elapse from the commencement date of coverage before a valid claim may be filed based solely on The employees who are covered by election under Section 702.5 of the CUIC are also subject to the California Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding law. Agricultural employees are not subject to the California PIT withholding law unless both the employer and employee agree to have the state PIT withheld.
List the name(s), age(s), relationship, and Social Security number(s) of those electing the coverage. The signature of each employee electing the coverage is required for this election. (If more space is needed, please attach a continuation sheet with the needed information and signatures.) Name Age Signature Name Signature Name Age Signature Name Age Signature Explanation NOTE: CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned, certify that the statements made in this application are true and correct to my best knowledge and belief. I hereby elect and make application to have the excluded family services considered as employment subject to the CUIC for State Disability in my business. The elective agreement may be terminated by filing a request for termination by January 31 of any year following two complete years of elective coverage. Employer Signature Business Phone NOTE: Wages and Contributions, Section 702.5: Contributions to be paid for “Family Employment” elective coverage are to be based upon actual wages paid to covered family members for services performed up to a maximum wage limitation for the year for each family member. There is no provision in this section to permit the contributions to be based on other than actual wages paid. The amount of any disability benefits paid will also be determined on the basis of wages paid. Social Security The disclosure of your Social Security number is mandatory under the Federal Tax personnel within the Employment Development Department (EDD) The EDD is an equal opportunity made by calling 888-745-3886 (voice) or TTY *Includes PFL DE 1378J Rev. 10 (8-16)