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Auditor’s Name _______________________________
Phone Number ________________________________
Assessment # _________________________________
Case # _______________________________________
Account Number Social Security Number (SSN)
(1) Business/Principal Identification (2) Worker Identification
Name (Print) Name (Print)
DBA Address
Address City, State, ZIP Code
City, State, ZIP Code
This Portion to Be Completed by the Worker
(3) Total Earnings Subject to Personal Income Tax Withholding (5) Name and SSN as shown on the State of California income
tax return(s) (Form 540 or Form 540NR) for the year(s) listed
in Item (3).
Calendar Year
Reported on Form W-2 Your Name _________________________________________
Your SSN __________ – ________ – ________________
Additional Earnings Spouse’s Name _____________________________________
1st Quarter
Spouse’s SSN __________ – ________ – _____________
2nd Quarter
Current address, if different from Item (2) above.
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Total Additional Earnings
(6) I reported the following earnings from this entity on my
Total Earnings California income tax return(s): (NOTE: If your total income
received for any of the indicated years was insufficient to
require a California income tax return, write N/R in the box for
(4) Computation of Tax Due (Refer to Instructions) that year.)
Calendar Year Year
1st Quarter Earnings
2nd Quarter If you paid taxes prior to the April 15 deadline, please complete
the following section.
3rd Quarter
I paid the following estimate(s) (Form 540ES):
4th Quarter
Totals 04/15
(8) Business/Principal Certification 06/15
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the signature in
Item (7) is valid and legal. 01/15
I paid the following amount(s) with my Form 540 or Form 540NR:
The tax in Item (4) was based upon a valid Employee’s Withholding
Allowance Certificate (copy attached) that was in my possession at the Year
time of the payment of the earnings shown in Item (3).
A completed worksheet is attached. Amount
Date Paid
The tax in Item (4) was calculated based upon the worker being single
with no deductions. A completed worksheet is attached. (7) Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information shown
in Items (5) and (6) above is true and correct.
Signature of Business/Principal Representative Date Signature of Worker Date
Return To: Date Stamp
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