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4) An agreement where the form of ownership, stated titles for each different corporation) will normally be
arrangements, or contract provide for or allow considered one employing unit if there is also a unity of
operation of the business enterprise. operation and use.
Unity of operation is evidenced by central financing, If an employing unit, which is determined to be a
accounting, and management of each business horizontal unity of enterprise, elects to consolidate
entity which includes, but is not limited to, common several related entities under a single employer payroll
management, personnel policies, operating procedures, tax account number or elects to register for additional
pricing, collections, and financing. account numbers, the election will be processed and will
normally be effective for prospective periods.
Unity of use exists when two or more business enterprises
share a general system of operation and the enterprises are If an experience rated employer is a horizontal UE, and
organized for common purposes, and each is coordinated obtains a new employer rate by electing to consolidate or
with, or is a part of, the entire operation. by registering for additional employer payroll tax account
numbers, the accounts will be subject to a reserve
Examples of unity of use between business enterprises account transfer effective as of the commence date of the
would be: new account(s). This is due to the fact that the experience
rate of the original account is the same for the additional
• One company that manufactures automobiles
account numbers acquired for the enterprise pursuant to
establishes two additional business entities that
Section 982(b) of the CUIC.
contribute to the production of the automobiles, one
entity manufacturing large automotive parts and the However, if an employing unit is determined not to be
other manufactures small automobile parts used to a horizontal UE, the employer may elect to consolidate
produce the automobile. several related entities under a single employer payroll
tax account number for UI purposes when the employers
• Two businesses are established to complement
are under common ownership, management, or control.
each other. This would be when one company
The election will be processed and will be effective for
manufactures automobile parts and a second
prospective periods pursuant to Sections 1060 and 1061
company produces automobiles, especially if the
of the CUIC.
parts produced by one operation are used by the other
operation in the manufacturing of the completed Refer to Information Sheet: California System of Experience
automobile. Rating, DE 231Z, and Information Sheet: SUTA Dumping
and Unemployment Insurance Rate Manipulation,
• A parent corporation is established to coordinate and
account for the manufacturing, sale, and service of
a line of products where each function is run by a Additional Information
wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent corporation.
Please note that UE is applicable to California employers
Two or more business enterprises are united when they per the CUIC and that federal law may differ.
share a general system of operation and control, the
enterprises are organized for a common purpose or For further assistance, please contact the Taxpayer
use, and each is coordinated with, or is a part of, the Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886 or visit the nearest
operation. Employment Tax Office listed in the California Employer’s
Guide, DE 44, and on the EDD website at
When a corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of www.edd.ca.gov/Office Locator/. Additional information
another corporation, it is necessary to look at the day- is also available through the EDD’s no-fee payroll tax
to-day operations of the businesses to determine if seminars and online courses. View the in-person and
there is unity of operation, control, and use between online course offerings on the EDD website at
the subsidiary and the parent corporation. If so, the two www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_Seminars/.
corporations would be only one employing unit for
California payroll tax purposes. If not, the corporations The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program.
will be considered separate business enterprises for Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request
payroll reporting purposes. to individuals with disabilities. Requests for services,
aids, and/or alternate formats need to be made by calling
Corporations that have virtually the same board of 1-888-745-3886 (voice) or TTY 1-800-547-9565.
directors and officers (even if the officers have different
This information sheet is provided as a public service, and is intended to provide non-technical assistance. Every attempt
has been made to provide information that is consistent with the appropriate statutes, rules and administrative and court
decisions. Any information that is inconsistent with the law, regulations, and administrative and court decisions is not
binding on either the Employment Development Department or the taxpayer. Any information provided is not intended to
be legal, accounting, tax, investment or other professional advice.
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