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MAIL TO:                            INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING 
Registry of Charitable Trusts
Sacramento, CA 94203-4470           TO ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA 
(916) 210-6400                      Sections 12586 and 12587, California Government  Code 
                                    11 Cal. Code Regs. sections 301-307, 311 and 312 
                                                         (FORM RRF-1) 

The purpose of the Form RRF-1 is to assist the Attorney General’s Office with early detection of charity fiscal 
mismanagement and unlawful diversion of charitable assets. The Form RRF-1 is a short form calling for the most current 
information available to the charity and is designed to close the reporting delays on significant issues of charity fiscal 

WHO MUST FILE A FORM RRF-1?                                must file the Annual Registration Renewal Fee Report 
                                                           (RRF-1) with the Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable 
Every charitable nonprofit corporation, unincorporated     Trusts four months and fifteen days after the close of the 
association or trustee holding assets for charitable       organization’s calendar or fiscal year. 
purposes that is required to register with the Attorney
General’s Office is also required to annually file Form    Charities with total gross revenue or assets of $25,000 or 
RRF-1 regardless of whether the corporation files Form     more must file a copy of the IRS Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-
990s annually or is on extended reporting.  Nonprofit      PF and attachments with the Attorney General’s Registry of 
corporations and organizations not required by law to      Charitable Trusts. 
register with the Attorney General are not required to 
file the RRF-1. These include:                             EXTENSIONS FOR FILING 
(1)   a government agency,                                 Extensions of time for filing the RRF-1 will be allowed if an 
                                                           organization has received an extension from the Internal 
(2)   a religious corporation sole,                        Revenue Service for filing the IRS Form 990, 990-PF, or 990-
                                                           EZ. An organization shall file both forms (RRF-1 and IRS
(3)   a cemetery corporation regulated under Chapter
                                                           Form 990, 990-PF, or 990-EZ) with the Registry of Charitable 
      19 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions
                                                           Trusts at the same time, along with copies of all requests to 
                                                           IRS for an extension and, where approval of the extension is 
(4)   a political committee defined in Section 82013 of    not automatic, a copy of each approved extension request.
      the California Government Code which is required     IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SEND A COPY OF THE 
      to and which does file with the Secretary of State   EXTENSION REQUEST PRIOR TO FILING THE REPORT. 
      any statement pursuant to the provisions of Article
      2 (commencing with Section 84200) of Chapter 4 of    ANNUAL REGISTRATION RENEWAL FEE 
      Title 9,                                             Charities and trustees registered with the Attorney 
(5)   a charitable corporation organized and operated      General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts must file the 
      primarily as a religious organization, educational   appropriate registration renewal fee with the Annual 
      institution or hospital,                             Registration Renewal Fee Report (RRF-1) based on the 
                                                           registrant’s gross annual revenue for the preceding fiscal 
(6)   a health care service plan that is licensed pursuant year, as follows: 
      to Section 1349 of the Health and Safety Code and
      reports annually to the Department of Managed        Gross Annual Revenue                    Fee 
      Health Care,
                                                           Less than $25,000                        0 
(7)   corporate trustees which are subject to the          Between $25,000 and $100,000             $25 
      jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Financial        Between $100,001 and $250,000            $50 
      Institutions of the State of California or to the    Between $250,001 and $1 million          $75 
      Comptroller of Currency of the United States.        Between $1,000,001 and $10 million      $150 
      However, for testamentary trusts, such trustees      Between $10,000,001and $50 million      $225 
      should file a copy of a complete annual financial    Greater than $50 million                $300 
      summary which is prepared in the ordinary course
      of business. See Probate Code sections 16060-        NOTE: A REGISTRATION FEE IS NOT DUE WITH AN 
      16063.                                               AMENDED REPORT FOR ANY REPORT PERIOD IN WHICH 
                                                           A FEE HAS ALREADY BEEN PAID. 
ALL REGISTERED charities, regardless of receipts or 
assets, except for those listed above as being exempt, 

                                                                                              RRF-1 INSTRUCTIONS (3/05) 

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The State Charity Registration Number is the Charitable     If “yes,” provide a signed statement listing the non-program 
Trust (CT) number assigned to an organization by the        expenditures and the reasons why they exceeded 50% of 
Registry of Charitable Trusts at the time of registration.  gross revenues.  If you believe that non-program 
The State Charity Registration Number consists of no        expenditures were reasonable, furnish a signed statement 
more than six digits. If you do not know the                explaining the reasons why. If not, describe the steps the 
organization’s State Charity Registration Number, check     organization will take to lower non-program expenditures. 
the “CT Number Search” on the Charitable Trusts’ web        Non-program expenditures are any expenditures that do not 
site at http://oag.ca.gov/charities/ . If you are unable to meet the definition of “program services” set forth in the 
locate the State Charity Registration Number, leave that    Internal Revenue Service Instructions for Form 990 and 
line blank and Registry staff will insert the number when   Form 990-EZ. The IRS Instructions are set forth on the 
it is received in the Registry of Charitable Trusts.        Attorney General’s web site (http://oag.ca.gov/charities/). 
OTHER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS                                See the IRS Instructions for a discussion of the expenses 
                                                            that are attributable to program services. 
The corporate number is assigned by the Office of the 
Secretary of State and is stamped on the organization’s     PART B, QUESTION #4 
articles of incorporation. 
                                                            If “yes,” provide the following information on the 
The organization number is assigned by the Franchise        attachment: 
Tax Board for non-corporate entities.  Both are seven-
digit numbers.                                              1) Description of the fine, penalty, or judgment and the
                                                               circumstances that resulted in the payment.  Also
The Federal Employer Identification Number is assigned 
                                                               indicate the name and title of the person(s) responsible
by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine- digit 
                                                               and why the payment was made with the organization’s
The following will assist you in responding to the          2) Name of the organization or government agency that
questions on the RRF-1 report:                                 issued the fine, penalty or judgment; date of payment;
PART B, QUESTION #1                                            and the amount of the fine, penalty, or judgment.
If “yes,” provide the following information on the          3) Copies of all communications with any governmental
attachment:                                                    agency regarding the fine, penalty, or judgment.
1)    Full name of the director, trustee, or officer        4) Description of procedures the organization
      involved and position with the organization.             implemented to prevent a reoccurrence of the fine,
                                                               penalty, or judgment.
2)    Nature of the transaction, e.g., loan to director,
      contract with officer’s business, etc.
                                                            PART B, QUESTION #5 
3)    Attach a copy of  the board of directors’ meeting     If “yes,” provide an attachment listing the name, address, 
      minutes authorizing the transaction.                  telephone number, and e-mail address of the commercial
4)    Include, if applicable, the date of transaction;      fundraiser, fundraising counsel, or commercial coventurer. 
      purpose of transaction; amount of the loan or
      contract; interest rates; repayment terms; balance    PART B. QUESTION #6 
      due; type of collateral provided; copy of  contract,
                                                            If “yes,” provide an attachment listing the name of the 
      loan or other agreement; amount paid to director,
                                                            agency, mailing address, contact person, and telephone
      trustee, or officer for the period; evidence of other
      bids received related to the transaction.
PART B, QUESTION #2                                         PART B, QUESTION #7 
If “yes,” provide the following information on the          If “yes,” provide an attachment indicating the number of
attachment:                                                 raffles and the date(s) they occurred. 
1)    Nature, date, amount of the loss.
                                                            PART B, QUESTION #8 
2)    Description of the steps the organization took to
      recover the loss. Attach a copy of any police and/or  If “yes,” provide an attachment indicating whether the   
      insurance report.                                     vehicle donation program is operated by the charity or 
                                                            whether the charity contracts with a commercial fundraiser. 
3)    Description of the procedures the organization
      implemented to prevent a recurrence of the

                                                                                                 RRF-1 INSTRUCTIONS (3/05) 

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