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                                                         DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 
                                                 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 
                                              DEFERRAL BOND-TOBACCO PRODUCTS 
                                                                   (Puerto Rico) 
                                                  (Fill in duplicate. See instructions on page 2) 
PRINCIPAL (See instructions 2, 3, and 4)                                                          ADDRESS OF BUSINESS OFFICE (Number, Street, City, State, 
 ZIP Code) 
SURETY (or Sureties)                                                                              AMOUNT OF BOND                    EFFECTIVE DATE 

 KIND OF BOND (Check applicable box)  

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That we, the above                                                WHEREAS, under the provisions of applicable regulations per-
named principal and surety, are held and firmly bound unto the                                    taining to the deferred payment of taxes in Puerto Rico with re-
United States of America in the above-named amount, lawful                                        spect to tobacco products shipped to the United States ,the prin-
money of the United States, for the payment of which we bind                                      cipal must give bond to secure the deferred payment of taxes 
ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and                                  computed with respect to such tobacco products ;   and  
assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.                                          
                                                                                                  WHEREAS, pursuant to such regulations, the principal gives this 
This bond will not in any case be effective before the above                                      bond to secure the deferred payment of the taxes imposed by 26 
named date ,but if accepted by the United States it      will be effec-                           U.S.C. 7652(a)(1) which is equal to the rates of tax set forth in 26 
tive according to its terms on and after that date without notice to                              U.S.C. 5701, on tobacco products of domestic manufacture.
the obligors:  rovided,p  that if no date is inserted in the space                                  
provided there for, the date of execution    will be the effective                                 NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this bond is such that if the 
date.                                                                                             principal must pay, or cause to be paid, to the United States, at 
                                                                                                  the time and in the manner prescribed in the aforesaid regula-
WHEREAS, the principal intends to remove from the above                                           tions, the full amount of taxes with respect to the tobacco prod-
specified factory tobacco products of Puerto Rican manufacture                                    ucts (equal to the tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5701, on tobacco 
for shipment to the United States; and                                                            products of domestic manufacture) which have been computed 
                                                                                                  pursuant to said regulations, then this obligation must be null and 
WHEREAS, under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. 7652(a)(1), there                                      void; but otherwise it must remain in full force and effect.  
is imposed on all tobacco products of Puerto Rican manufacture                                     
coming into the United States and withdrawn for consumption or                                    We, the obligors, for ourselves, our heirs, executors, administra-
sale a tax equal to the Internal  Revenue tax imposed in the United                               tors, successors, and assigns, do further covenant and agree 
States upon like tobacco products of domestic manufacture; and                                    that the total amount of this bond must be available for satisfac-
                                                                                                  tion of any liability incurred under the  terms and conditions of 
WHEREAS, under the provisions of 26 U.S.C.7652(a)(2), the                                         this bond, and that upon the breach of any of the covenants of 
tax imposed by 26 U.S.C.7652(a)(1), may be paid before ship-                                      this bond, the United States may pursue its remedies against the 
ment from Puerto Rico; and                                                                        principal or surety, independently, or against both jointly, and the 
                                                                                                  said surety hereby waives any right or privilege it may have of 
WHEREAS, the principal desires the privilege of paying in Puerto                                  requiring, upon notice, or otherwise, that the United States must 
Rico, on the basis of semimonthly returns, the tax computed on                                    first commence action, intervene in any action of any nature 
tobacco products of Puerto Rican manufacture removed for ship-                                    whatsoever already commenced, or otherwise exhaust its reme-
ment to the United States; and                                                                    dies against the principal. 

Witness our hands and seals this_____________________________ day of  ____________________________ , 20 ___________  
Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of- 





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                                              ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU 
On behalf of the United States, I approve the foregoing bond, which has been executed in due form and in compliance with the applicable laws, regulations, 
and instructions. 
DISTRICT DIRECTOR (INVESTIGATIONS) PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS                                                           DATE 

1.  This bond must be filed in duplicate with the District Direc-
tor (Investigations) Puerto Rico Operations, Alcohol and                     seal. If the corporation has no seal, that fact should be 
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Ste 310, Torre Chardon,                        stated. Each signature must be made in the presence of 
350 Carlos Chardon Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico                               two witnesses (except where corporate seals are affixed), 
00918.                                                                       who must sign their names as such. 
2.  The name, including the full given name, of each party to                7.  A bond may be given with corporate surety authorized to 
the bond must be given in the heading, and each such party                   act as surety by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United 
must sign the bond with his signature, or the bond may be                    States, or by the deposit of collateral security consisting of 
executed in his name by a duly empowered attorney-in-fact.                   bonds or notes of the United States. The Act of July 30, 
                                                                             1947 (section 15, title 6, U.S.C.), provides that "the phrase 
3. In the case of a partnership, the trade name of the firm,                 bonds or notes of the United States shall be deemed ***to 
followed by the names of all the members thereof  must,       be             mean any public debt obligations of the United States and 
given in the heading. In executing the bond the firm name                    any bonds, notes, or other obligations which are uncondi-
must be typed or written followed by the word "by" and the                   tionally guaranteed as to both interest and principal by the 
signatures of all partners, or the signature of any partner duly             United States”.  
authorized to sign the bond in behalf of the firm, or by a duly               
empowered attorney-in-fact.                                                  8.  If any alteration or erasure is made in the bond before its 
                                                                             execution, there must be incorporated in the bond a state-
4. If the principal is a corporation, give the corporate name,               ment to that effect by the principal and surety or sureties; or 
the name of the political entity under the laws of which it is               if such alteration or erasure was made after the bond was 
organized (i.e. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Delaware,                       executed, the consent of all parties thereto must be written 
etc.), and the location of the principal office. The bond must               in the bond. 
be executed in the corporate name, immediately followed by                    
the signature and title of the person duly authorized to act for             9.  The penal sum required for each of the premises cov-
the corporation.                                                             ered by this bond must be computed in accordance with 
                                                                             the provisions of the regulations           in 27 CFR Part 41, and 
5. If the bond is signed by an attorney-in-fact for the princi-              must be set forth in the space provided there for. The penal 
pal, or by one of the members for a partnership or associa-                  sum of this bond must be equal to the total of such penal 
tion, or by an officer or other person for a corporation, there              sums. 
must be filed with the bond a duly authenticated copy of the                  
power of attorney, resolution of the board of directors, ex-                 10.  If the bond is approved, a copy will be returned to the  
cerpt of the bylaws, or other document, authorizing the per-                 principal. 
son signing the bond to execute it on behalf of the principal.                
                                                                             11.  All correspondence about the filing of this bond or any 
6.  The signature for the surety must be attested under cor-                 subsequent action affecting this bond should be addressed 
porate seal. The signature for the principal, if a corporation,              to the District Director (Investigations) Puerto Rico Opera-
must also be so attested if the corporation has a corporate                  tions,  Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, San 
                                                                             Juan, Puerto Rico. 

                                              PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE 
   This form is not subject to OMB review and approval because it requires only that information necessary to identify the parties 
   involved and the amount of the bond .

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